Today's Smile Post - Amazing!! Animal Saves Another Animal | Animal Heroes (Lesson for humanity)

(Note from Dinar Recaps - With everything bad happening around us these days, we are starting a daily post, with a glimmer of hope, or distraction for a few minutes. Leave comments below if you have some good ideas for additional posts. If you like these videos consider bookmarking this page.)

Can animals show mercy?

These compilation was created for educational purposes.

It show Top 7 Best videos on the Web to some animals we believe they save other animals from imminent death. is intended to illustrate the instinct compassion at animal's by watching some of its behaviors in this video.

Life in the wild for animals is often depicted as a unending struggle for survival, where danger lurks at every turn. But playing out alongside those daily life-and-death dramas are lesser-seen moments of apparent compassion - ones that defy easy explanation.

While curiosity or playfulness fit fairly well into models of animal behavior, the idea of helping another species out through a desire to prevent suffering is one that meets plenty of resistance. Is the animal sharing the instinct of mercy with human or all of what we saw in this video is purely coincidental;

Animal Save Lifes Or Just Playing With Food ? Please Lets us know your opinion and Comments.


Check out what this bear did, in a video that was recorded at the Budapest Zoo and posted to YouTube by Aleksander Medveš. Even the crow doesn’t seem to believe it! a bear pauses his meal to rescue a crow that's drowning in his enclosure.

Some online commentators have speculated the brown bear, Vali, was planning to eat the crow, but changed her mind. However, it certainly doesn't look like that to us, and indeed the crow makes no effort to get away. Whether Vali's motivation was simple compassion, curiosity or a desire to have something to play with isn't clear. the zoo's website for us. They back the curiosity theory. They add that hooded crows such as this one have been taking over the zoo, stealing meat from the lions and tigers Finally the site notes, "the crow was lucky to meet Vali instead of the other tenant of the paddock named Defoe, as the latter probably would have had a taste of the black bird."


As a New York Times report revealed, the 30-second clip, which went viral after it was posted on YouTube, was artfully staged by the people behind Comedy Central series “Nathan for You.” Broadcast on Fox News, NBC’s “Nightly News“ and ABC’s “Good Morning America,” as well as posted on sites like Gawker and The Huffington Post, the video — which has since been seen more than 7 million times — was, in reality, the result of work by animal trainers and several crew members.


Cathy Smith, from the Orangutan Foundation, said: "They are very intelligent animals and can be very inquisitive. "This shows how chilled out and good at problem solving these amazing creatures are. "It's hard to say whether he knew he would be saving the chick but you never know. I have never heard of anything like this before." The curious ape was in its enclosure, when it noticed the bird's struggle in the pond. It yanked a leaf from a nearby bush and extended its arm out to the bird, beckoning to the chick in the hope that it will latch onto the leaf.

Onlookers cheered as orangutan managed to get the bird to grip the leaf for a split second only to have the bird drop again. In a last-ditch attempt to rescue the chick, the orangutan gently waved the leaf in front of the bird which managed to latch on to it. The ape plucked the bird from the water to the delight of the crowd. During the clip, one woman can be heard exclaiming: "Oh my God look, that is unbelievable, he's got him." The massive ape carried the chick back to the main part of its enclosure, where it tenderly placed it down on the grass and proceeded to gently stroke the bird.


Hippos saving impala from crocodiles and helping it to safety. "It's hard to say whether hippo knew he would be saving the impala but you never know. I have never heard of anything like this before."


This is the moment a hungry Cheetah went in for the kill by hanging on to an impala's neck - only for the lucky prey to escape its clutches and spring away to safety. The big cat was seen gripping its paws and front legs around the impala ram in Kruger National Park, South Africa. The Cheetah looked to have secured its meal, holding the animal down on the ground with the help of its powerful jaws. But when a nearby group of baboons caused a commotion, the Impala took its chance and jumped up before bounding away.

2/ *HIPPO SAVES ZEBRA FROM CROCODILE* Hippos save a zebra after crocodile attack As the video shows, the hippos slowly approached the scene and then, incredibly, sprang onto the crocodile, forcing it to release its death grip on the wildebeest. The prey animal took advantage of the situation and escaped—though it appears to have a very badly broken hoof. Sadly, this animal will likely not survive. Hope you like our compilation,


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