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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-20-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-20-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It's Thursday, June the 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call with call, I'm going to welcome everybody to the day, which is known as the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. We thank you for tuning in, wherever you're located around the globe. Thank you being here. Thank you for being part of the Big Call Universe. And it's the SAT team, satellite team, which has helped us to get this signal out to so many listeners all around the globe, So welcome and we thank you
All right, let's see, Bob, what's our time hack for right now? 10:07 Roger that, well, let's get into where we were and where we think we are right now. We… sigh …..
By the way, I've got to put out a fire right away. Someone has brought up the idea of a structured pay out – There are no structured pay outs - That was a concept years ago that came out by the deep state to make you think you were not going to have access to your money or something restricted like that, that's total BS. There's no such thing as a structured pay out - doesn't apply. We're going to have access to all of our funds within 30 to 90 days - there's no structure to that. Just so you know
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-20-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It's Thursday, June the 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call with call, I'm going to welcome everybody to the day, which is known as the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. We thank you for tuning in, wherever you're located around the globe. Thank you being here. Thank you for being part of the Big Call Universe. And it's the SAT team, satellite team, which has helped us to get this signal out to so many listeners all around the globe, So welcome and we thank you
All right, let's see, Bob, what's our time hack for right now? 10:07 Roger that, well, let's get into where we were and where we think we are right now. We… sigh …..
By the way, I've got to put out a fire right away. Someone has brought up the idea of a structured pay out – There are no structured pay outs - That was a concept years ago that came out by the deep state to make you think you were not going to have access to your money or something restricted like that, that's total BS. There's no such thing as a structured pay out - doesn't apply. We're going to have access to all of our funds within 30 to 90 days - there's no structure to that. Just so you know
Now there was somewhat of a structure with some of the tier two and tier threes that were super whales, with access to their funds - but it's not really an issue either for them. Tier three and tier three have not been notified either. The bondholders, the bond sellers, they have not received notifications that they have access to their accounts. Not yet. They're waiting like we are .
Now, for most part, what we've been hearing is that the rates, for example, on these currencies that are going up in value, the rates finally solidified over the last couple of days, at least, we've heard on screens, but not telling us what these rates are right now, we don't have that – we know they were trading. - They had some pretty good numbers, but we know now that they're trading upwards exponentially, if you know what exponential means, that's moving in a very fast direction, and I think exponential might be an exaggeration - but they are definitely moving up – up – up -- until they settle in to where they want those rates to be for us
And we've known what the rates are supposed to get to for months now, and I don't have any problem, I believe that that's what they're going to do and where they're going to be.
In the meantime, what has happened is today, redemption center staff went in for three hours for one and then three more hours for another one. In case the numbers came through today. They did not come in today.
So redemption center, Chief, if you will, was said for them to come back in tomorrow, instead of three hours at a clip, four hours at a clip, and they would overlap by one hour. That's good.
And so what that means is we're looking for the toll free numbers to come out possibly tomorrow. Now there's nothing absolute about that, but I want us to have our faith ready to believe and to receive those toll free numbers if, in fact, they do come out tomorrow. We know that there's a lot going on behind the scenes. Onfe of our bankers - Wells Fargo said, Just hang in there. This was said yesterday, just hang in there a couple more days.
Well, couple more days. It'd be Friday. That's tomorrow, so maybe that's when they manifest. Maybe that's when the rates come in, and that's when the toll free numbers for us come out in our emails.
I think that it's very possible that we get this tomorrow, and through the weekend, we're setting appointments and exchanging
We know that a lot is supposed to be happening this coming week. And I mean politically, I mean, with NESARA - a lot, a lot of things are set to happen. I don't really want to get into the political side of it that much, but believe me, the tide has turned in our favor.
Finally. It has moved to where now things can occur that we thought would happen months ago, months and months ago. They're waiting for the perfect time. The opportunity, opportune moment, to bring this Information out to us which will be most beneficial to the country and to us as a whole –
So I'm excited about what we have, where we're going, where we are now, and I feel like you know when this goes and when We have the numbers and when we're setting the appointments, we will be able to look back at years of waiting and say, it was worth it.
That's what I'm looking forward to - Sue is always telling me to look forward, don't look back. Let's look into the future, the present and future, which is now, and believe what we want, what we need, to believe about our future and put it out there --
So let's do this. Let’s pray the call out everybody have a great weekend
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:10
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-18-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 50:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 56:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-28-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-18-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-18-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, June 18TH and you're listening to the big call. I hope everybody's tuned in all over the globe - thank you satellite team for getting the signal out to so many countries, as many as 200 countries around the globe, and we've had confirmation of about 25 million individuals that the call has gone to - it’s a unique software thing where they can translate my voice into umpteen different languages in three seconds. So that's really an amazing feat – We count ourselves blessed to have a satellite team that can make all that work technologically and get it out there
So we're excited. Oh, don't forget, Federal holiday tomorrow. That's right, Juneteenth is June 19. It celebrates the end of slavery, the emancipation and proclamation - it is now a federal holiday, but keep that in mind tomorrow and beyond that, let's pray the call in as we welcome everybody around the globe - let's pray to call in
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-18-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, June 18TH and you're listening to the big call. I hope everybody's tuned in all over the globe - thank you satellite team for getting the signal out to so many countries, as many as 200 countries around the globe, and we've had confirmation of about 25 million individuals that the call has gone to - it’s a unique software thing where they can translate my voice into umpteen different languages in three seconds. So that's really an amazing feat – We count ourselves blessed to have a satellite team that can make all that work technologically and get it out there
So we're excited. Oh, don't forget, Federal holiday tomorrow. That's right, Juneteenth is June 19. It celebrates the end of slavery, the emancipation and proclamation - it is now a federal holiday, but keep that in mind tomorrow and beyond that, let's pray the call in as we welcome everybody around the globe - let's pray to call in
Okay, thank you Bob. And let's take a look now. Thank you very much for that segment, Bob. Ley’s take a look and see where that puts us tonight - and there's some interesting information that we found today and yesterday. – Primarily today
And where we stand right now is - redemption center people that we know - we know they have a job to put in the new quantum financial system “codes” into the computer – and we know that they have entered codes in the last couple of days - and the codes came back - they are going to re-enter - in other words it wasn’t taken - it wasn't receiving -
Then – well today. Okay, let's put the code again today by 1030 in the morning, and then what happens? What takes or whether you get an email back? Well, of the three codes that were entered, one was received and two were sent emails back, and the emails are sent back. Were on Iraq, one on the rupiah - and the reason was, I believe.. they did not state this, but I believe we had been told, You guys remember that we thou ght the Iraqi Budget for Iraq had been put in the Gazette last Saturday.
Well, came to find out it was NOT in the Gazette Saturday.
Sources in Iraq said he was told by the prime minister of Iraq that it would go into the Gazette tomorrow, which is Wednesday. Okay, that's good. So the fact that we get an email back at the redemption center saying, “nope not yet.” There is still something with Iraq –
So to me – its probably because the budget has not yet been put into the Gazette and therefore the rate would not be seen in the Gazette and so on
So even though Iraq is trading up the value of the dinar – they really were not quite st the position of locking in that rate for us
Now cut to Afghanistan - That situation requires a rate. It requires a rate that is solid for the rates to lock in - we anticipate tomorrow - we've been told that the redemption centers will enter those 3 codes no later than 10:15 in the morning – tomorrow - by 10:15 they get entered – and we will see if all 3 codes “take” – and the theory is – they should
We will have all 3 to be received and we should get that back solid screen rates - on the bank screens, on the redemption center screen, is what we're talking about. On redemption center screens, which will indicate a solid, tradable currency, exchangeable. That's exciting for us - that really is.
We also heard from another source that unless there's a false flag event tomorrow, which we don't anticipate, but that could go up the worst, but otherwise, if there's no false flag event, we're going to be in the midst of it tomorrow.
I think that means notifications, bondholders and us, and quite possibly the start of exchanges omorrow afternoon, evening. We could actually do both
Now we will have to see what happens, obviously, see what manifests but I think based on the information we've had in the last few days. And the fact that we're lined up and ready to go. I believe they're ready for this thing to go.
It's interesting that it would reveal on Juneteenth our Declaration of emancipation, proclamation, freedom for all – Freedon Day . and that's how we have to look at this tomorrow.
So we’ve had very decent rates showing up on the screens. We've had them trading up - lights flashing, you know, we've had certain people from Wells Fargo get the green light to go ahead, enter those codes. That was positive.
I really think now we're finally kind of coming down to the point where when those codes are entered in the morning, at 10:15am, could quite easily get solid rates and get emails from Wells Fargo. Where we can receive and set our appointments or tomorrow and beyond - That’s exciting – that’s exciting and that's what I believe we should be anticipating.
That's really what I most wanted to say -
That's what I wanted to bring to you tonight - One of our sources said if we don't have a false flag event tomorrow. We're going to be right smack dab in the midst of it. Everything is happening, bondholders - us, - intermediaries, everybody getting paid out. Okay, the latest thing I had was R, and R still coming this, this month,
I can't speak to the increase in social though - that has not been absolutely confirmed - so everybody have a great night and we'll talk to you Thursday, unless these numbers have manifested and we have them. Otherwise, everybody, have a great night and we'll see you on the other side.
Let's pray the call out,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-18-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 50:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 56:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-28-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-21-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, June 13th and you’re listening to the big call, I'm welcoming everybody all around the globe within the sound of my voice, as a result of the Starlink satellite system that my SAT team is piggybacking on for us to get out to quite a few countries, close to 200 countries, and quite possibly 25 million listeners. .
All right, let's talk a little bit about the Intel. Again. It's not going to be a long Intel segment, because we have is strong, but it's not a whole lot to base our lives on - what we're getting from, I'm going to call it some of our military sources saying that the notifications for us in 4B are to come out over the next 48 hours, which, to me, is Friday or Saturday. That's what we're looking for the next two days.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, June 13th and you’re listening to the big call, I'm welcoming everybody all around the globe within the sound of my voice, as a result of the Starlink satellite system that my SAT team is piggybacking on for us to get out to quite a few countries, close to 200 countries, and quite possibly 25 million listeners. .
All right, let's talk a little bit about the Intel. Again. It's not going to be a long Intel segment, because we have is strong, but it's not a whole lot to base our lives on - what we're getting from, I'm going to call it some of our military sources saying that the notifications for us in 4B are to come out over the next 48 hours, which, to me, is Friday or Saturday. That's what we're looking for the next two days.
And we know, for example, that the Iraqi dinar has been on the forex and trading upward, and also on the bank screens, they can see it trading upward, and it made some nice moves in the last two days, from just over $4 - $6, probably on its way to $8 now, and it's just each moving up and because being traded, and that's what we want to see. Want to see that happening
Now for bondholders, what they're getting is that they should have their notifications also in the next couple of days, which looks really to me, like Saturday for them, - they get that email that says they have access to funds on Saturday that is also lining up with what I believe should be our email to set our appointments and begin our exchanges.
So that's what we're looking at right now, I'm sure there's probably a couple of other little things also going on. Here's one of them. Remember, we were looking for the Iraqi budget to be put in the Gazette last we're gonna say last Wednesday, right? Which was yesterday. Didn't happen, but one of our sources is saying, come hell or high water, it will be in the Gazette on Saturday.
Today's Thursday, so Friday, Saturday, in two days, we would have the budget, which contains the rate of the dinar in the Gazette, the official publication of Iraq on Saturday. But that should be great. That happens. We're in good shape. We're ready to go. We've had them say this time and time again.
The caveat is, let's, let's let it manifest to us when it happens. But right now, that's the best and only information that we're getting – I’m excited about it. And I think that you should be too.
But as always, we have to watch this stay in faith for it, and I believe for everything to come through like we’re hearing - but everything is what's happening when it comes to people being picked up arrests, that type of thing is going great guns.
They're just absolutely going, fantastically behind the scenes . We don't really see it. The public won’t see it, but we know this is happening from our military sources,
So that's really the Intel for tonight. I'm glad everybody is hanging in there staying with us. I know it's difficult. I know it’s tough, but I will tell you, this is what we're seeing, is what we're hearing, and we're looking forward to this coming to fruition very, very soon.
All right, Let that be enough for you, tonight - And let's just pray this thing in you guys and see where it is and when we're gonna see it. I'm looking forward to getting it either tomorrow or Saturday, all right, so let's pray the call out
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 50:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 56:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-28-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-21-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-11-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-11-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, June 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody. I’d like to welcome everybody to the big call from wherever you're located. And of course, like to thank the SAT team for keeping up with and monitoring using the Starlink satellite system monitoring our listeners, which at last count we thought were about 25 million. That was in close to 200 or so countries -
So let’s see what the numbers are coming out today - the main thing is we're welcoming everybody to the big call - Glad you guys could make it - and I'm excited about fact that we're getting out, reaching a lot of people and trying to do the best we can by putting our information to them
So Bob what's our time hack, Bob? It's 10:05, . Okay, good 10:05. Let’s do this - intel segment is relatively short tonight, things are very quiet and have been for days, and realize we haven't had a call since Thursday night, so that's five days ago, but I can tell you, we have two sources saying that we expect notifications either - Well, it was either today or tomorrow, they haven't come in today.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-11-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, June 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody. I’d like to welcome everybody to the big call from wherever you're located. And of course, like to thank the SAT team for keeping up with and monitoring using the Starlink satellite system monitoring our listeners, which at last count we thought were about 25 million. That was in close to 200 or so countries -
So let’s see what the numbers are coming out today - the main thing is we're welcoming everybody to the big call - Glad you guys could make it - and I'm excited about fact that we're getting out, reaching a lot of people and trying to do the best we can by putting our information to them
So Bob what's our time hack, Bob? It's 10:05, . Okay, good 10:05. Let’s do this - intel segment is relatively short tonight, things are very quiet and have been for days, and realize we haven't had a call since Thursday night, so that's five days ago, but I can tell you, we have two sources saying that we expect notifications either - Well, it was either today or tomorrow, they haven't come in today.
That puts tomorrow in position right now. And the other piece that we got was from a bond - well banker who's got connections to the bondholders and the bond pay masters - He said bondholders should be receiving their emails tomorrow.
Well, typically, if the bondholders get their emails tomorrow, we should get our emails tomorrow as well. That is theory of the shotgun start. They could be a little bit ahead of us, but overall, I don't believe that's going to be the case. I think they're right there. I think this thing is very close to coming out.
They really don’t want us to know when it's going to come out. But if bondholders get notified tomorrow, we should also get notified tomorrow, and then all we do is set appointments and start our exchanges tomorrow or Thursday.
So not a whole lot of Intel. I know that everybody's curious as to when our start is, obviously, I'm curious about it as well, but when things tend to be this quiet, this quiet out there, usually we could say it's it's ready to go, being quiet for a reason, and we can take advantage of that. It's not much, but we don't need a whole lot we just need a start, and I think this is what we are looking at
Obviously we're very close. Hopefully this thing we get notified tomorrow, we'll see what that looks like, and everything's just moving behind the scenes - . So I can tell you that the so called pickup is going gangbusters right now - There's a lot happening behind the scenes – to remove people basically been in the way of this for a long time – they are getting picked up right and left now.
So without detail on that, I feel like you're getting what you need to get right now. Obviously we're looking forward to this going so thank you guys for listening tonight. I appreciate it. And before we turn off the recording, let's go ahead and start and pray ourselves out. Okay? Good.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 50:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 56:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-28-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-21-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:51
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-6-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-6-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, June 6TH and you’re listening to the big call. Congratulations everyone out in big call universe that’s getting this call through the Starlink satellite system, because we are piggybacked on that. And the estimated number of participants that would hear this call tonight was estimated at 25,000,000 - 25 million. So that’s a good number Let's hope we get that many that actually hear it, either in English or their own language. And usually it happens that we're simultaneously translated into their language three seconds after I speak it. So that's pretty quick – that’s working along nicely.
So let's do this, you guys. Let me first of all, welcome everybody to the call tonight. I hope everybody is doing well and looking forward to a change with our plan B, and I'm looking forward to it, so I'll have something to say about that in my segment. In the meantime, let's go ahead and pray the call in –
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-6-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, June 6TH and you’re listening to the big call. Congratulations everyone out in big call universe that’s getting this call through the Starlink satellite system, because we are piggybacked on that. And the estimated number of participants that would hear this call tonight was estimated at 25,000,000 - 25 million. So that’s a good number Let's hope we get that many that actually hear it, either in English or their own language. And usually it happens that we're simultaneously translated into their language three seconds after I speak it. So that's pretty quick – that’s working along nicely.
So let's do this, you guys. Let me first of all, welcome everybody to the call tonight. I hope everybody is doing well and looking forward to a change with our plan B, and I'm looking forward to it, so I'll have something to say about that in my segment. In the meantime, let's go ahead and pray the call in –
All right, let's talk a little bit about where we are from an Intel point of view. Now as you guys remember from Tuesday nights call – there’s always something and something will change - and that’s kind of what we had Tuesday night. We're talking about Iraq putting their budget, 20 24 budget in the gazette yesterday, Wednesday. And of course, I thought that would be the case. Then I get a call right after the big call Tuesday night. Telling me – well - Sorry, what about we play until Saturday?
So that's what two days from now, and we put in the Gazette, and that way everybody in the Middle East will see the budget, see the rate of the Dinar in the budget, especially, it's going to be out and open. We're also hearing that June 8. As you guys know, eighth is a big number for Iraq, but also China -- they love that. They love to see that rate. It's a number that means financial prosperity and new beginnings, and it's going to be that for us too.
So the RV itself is going to start on Saturday the 8th , and the funds that we are having moving around for our accounts and the bond holders are moving on Sunday in the right locations for that.
Now what’s Interesting is bondholders. Some of them are seeing emails already and have told they should have access to their account. But it looks like – unless there is an change. It looks like we're going on a modified shotgun start with bondholders getting their funds, access to their funds on Monday morning, and we should get access to our funds as early as Monday morning based on how soon we set our appointments, and what I'm being told is first appointments would start as early as 10:30 in the morning, 10:30am on Monday.
But in order for that to happen, we need to get notified by email from Wells Fargo, and this could be Sunday night. We could get them overnight Sunday we could wake up to them Monday morning, that's very possible, and then we're able to read the email and go ahead and call and set our appointments accordingly -
So even though it's not going to be exactly the shotgun start - It's going to be close as bond holders should have access to their funds Monday morning, at 10:30 in the morning, we should have access to our funds when we set our appointments to go in for our exchanges of our currency and our redemption of zim -- All of that is lined up to start as early as 10:30 in the morning on Monday - which is the earliest start we've ever had for anticipation of exchanges – So that will be really good for us.
Otherwise, we'll get our numbers and we'll set the appointment for sometime Monday. Could be Monday, Monday evening, whatever. But it looks like the funds that are going to be needed for our accounts are going to be moved around on Sunday.
Same thing for the bondholders, all the funds they put in place on Sunday, and then they have access to it their email to say, 1030 in the morning on Monday, you can have access to your account .
So that's what we anticipate for tier three bond holders, and for us, we're expected to be notified, maybe overnight Sunday, maybe wake up to it Monday morning. Go ahead and set your appointment and then go into Exchange based on your availability and schedule on Monday or Monday afternoon
So that's what I'm looking forward to doing. We know that rates are still climbing and moving in the right direction. We know that the banks are ready for us. There is a quote, unquote cap, which is not there is a limit on the Iraqi Dinar contract rate, and I think they'll offer us that rate –
If not, you should ask for that rate. And it's substantial, it's a lot, so I'm going to ask for it. My Dinar - I don't really don’t have too much on the table - even if you're a zoom holder, even if you have blah blah blah – you’re going to be able to ask for a nice contract rate Vn Dong, but I believe you'll be able to negotiate that rate upwards a little bit, for what they first offer you so be aware of that.
I wish I could go over the rates with you and take that I'm really not supposed to. So all I can say is it would be good to navigate that with the person at the redemption center and see what you can come up with as a viable rate to exchange to.
Be ready for very early this week, whether it be Saturday, Sunday, I don't think so, but I believe Monday is the day that we're supposed to really look at those emails and get notified, set our appointment and go what I wanted to brief you guys tonight. It was different than Tuesday nights, until I think it's going to be good for us to pay attention and take advantage of that.
But let's do this. Let's continue to believe for this. Let's pray for it, and let's pray for each other's healing
Let's pray now, Lord God, thank you for the the information we received tonight from Sue and Bob, everything that we learned on the call. Thank you for coming in everything that we're continuing to get. Thank you for everything that's been happening our lives. Thank you for the additional information that's coming in. Thank you for making this manifest to us. On Monday, we would get numbers and be able to set our appointments on Monday, because of Jesus name we pray.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 50:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 56:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-28-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-21-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:51
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Let me just say welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, June 4th and you're listening to the big call thanks for listening, or tuning in everybody. We look forward to everybody around the globe connected through our StarLink Satellite System – our SAT Team is on that -
I'm slipping in and out over here, but I do have some intel -- all right, guys, I got a little information that most of it came in yesterday, a little bit more today. So what I'm looking at is we had rates that were flashing on the bank screens over the weekend, but very slowly. In fact, you get flash of a rate every 15 seconds. So it wasn't really doing much. – very slow - that was like Saturday.
Things didn’t pick up yesterday because as you guys know the Forex opens around 5 o’clock Eastern time Sunday afternoon – so we have every reason to expect that the Dinar - and the Zim and other currencies would go live – and be showing up on our screens. And that's pretty much what was happening Yesterday and then by 9:15 this morning everything was solid.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Let me just say welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, June 4th and you're listening to the big call thanks for listening, or tuning in everybody. We look forward to everybody around the globe connected through our StarLink Satellite System – our SAT Team is on that -
I'm slipping in and out over here, but I do have some intel -- all right, guys, I got a little information that most of it came in yesterday, a little bit more today. So what I'm looking at is we had rates that were flashing on the bank screens over the weekend, but very slowly. In fact, you get flash of a rate every 15 seconds. So it wasn't really doing much. – very slow - that was like Saturday.
Things didn’t pick up yesterday because as you guys know the Forex opens around 5 o’clock Eastern time Sunday afternoon – so we have every reason to expect that the Dinar - and the Zim and other currencies would go live – and be showing up on our screens. And that's pretty much what was happening Yesterday and then by 9:15 this morning everything was solid.
Now, what has to happened is these rates that have been flashing need to come in and solidify and go hard green because if they're flashing, you're not going to be exchanging. But once they solidify and get to a hard green state. That's when you know you've got a fixed rate to work with.
That's been happening we expect from what we've been hearing from our sources that tomorrow - That should be the case - that we should be getting a go and stopping point to be able to move from a moving right to fix green light, right.
Another thing that's really interesting for us, so we got some information from one of our sources in Iraq - Very powerful -- spoke with Dr. Sudani , the prime minister of Iraq. today. He was saying that --
He said that the rate on the dinar and the budget, the rate on the budget, Iraqi budget, which I believe is the 2024 budget had been handed over to, to the ????? to to their official documentation to their official record and that that would show up tomorrow, Wednesday, as a fixed document.
The budget will be seen inside the budget will be contained in the rate on the Iraqi dinar but we still don't really have out internationally yet. He's not everywhere. So that's a really good thing that has been populating. and moving in that. -- That has been moving in the right direction. For a while but we haven’t - We haven't had publishing in the gazette yet.
Tomorrow. What we're hearing is that the Iraqi budget has been handed over to the Gazette to publish it because as the publisher in the morning today that when that happened we look forward to the new rates and rate on the dinar being seen tomorrow.
Now the theory is that once we have the Iraqi dinar out with a budget tomorrow in the printed version of the Gazette on Wednesday, that we have a “Game Over” -- that we have what to release the emails to us -- and to move forward with our exchanges and I don’t know when it will show up -- it could be early morning. That's my theory In the early morning tomorrow, Wednesday that the Iraqi dinar shows up with a budget published in the Gazette tomorrow. And then people would see what the rate is in the budget.
So that should happen tomorrow and if that does happen tomorrow we should have solid Dinar rates on the screens - And we should also be looking for everything to start on with notifications sometime tomorrow. We get notified from Wells - that means we get our emails from Wells Fargo and then we set our appointments accordingly. And then we go from that point on. So that's a lot to have happen - overnight tonight and tomorrow.
But I think that's really the last step if we're there if we're actually there. We should be looking forward to setting appointments for our exchanges And we believe we'll start with exchanges on Thursday .
We will see how that works out -- And I'm excited about it. I think we've waited long enough and we're excited to get started on everything including our projects. So what we're looking for is all the rates to populate on the bank screens -. to be solid, not flashing. and then, we're looking for the Dinar to be in the Gazette - a look at published tomorrow, and that should allow for everything to move forwards.
Other than that, the only other info I can give you this recording some of the jurors - that were involved with President Trumps trials - that 3 were involved. And I know so far these three have been arrested reimbursed. I'm not going to go into depth on it, but I know why.
So let's just see if everything that we mentioned comes through tomorrow, especially the gazette - , especially the Iraqi Dinar being dark solid and published in the gazette.
And then we'll go from there and should be able to set appointments and start exchanges probably on Thursday.
I mean if it comes out it could be possible we start exchanges Wednesday but - But what we're being told is, Wednesday we can we get notified - set appointments - with start exchanges on Thursday. So let's see what happened on that - other than that - that's really everything I had to give and I'm sorry if I say it again but it’s all good .
Let's go ahead and pray the call out -- and then we'll see what tomorrow brings with it.
Everybody have a great night. We'll see what tomorrow brings cant tell what time our notifications are going to come out but we will keep an eye on it and let you know - alright. Otherwise have a happy night tonight - and a beautiful day tomorrow - thanks everybody for listening. and we'll talk to you on Thursday unless we get noticed and then we just move forward. Hope everybody has a great night and sleep well.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 56:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-28-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-21-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:51
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everyone, to tonight's call on Thursday, May 30th and you are listening to the big call.
And tonight, we are going to be Sue and Bob. And of course we're going to be missing Bruce. And if you were listening just a minute ago you were listening to Bob and I share that Bruce is still on his healing recovery journey. And you know, we're missing him. Yes. But what's most important is that everybody that's listening to this call are holding him in the most remarkable healing and recovery and sending him love and understanding.
As I was talking to you Bob, I was thinking this is going to be all about community in the future, and to have a community that can step in and, you know, pinch hit, as I said, and provide what you need.
It's going to be very important - and I’ve really learned that in the past couple of days . getting a chance to talk to Bob you know and just sharing that you've got people around you that care about you, and that can take over to go somewhere. Just remember that. And with that, we'll get started And say, Bruce we're thinking of you and open with a prayer,
Um – so guess what time it is? We have a woman – Bob in our -- wait – we have two women – excuse me Miss J – we have two women in our leadership group that I hope people will take advantage of and it will be talkling about it at the end of this call. We had like a little bell - we’re hearing it in our head - phone numbers going into your head - and isn’t that what you want to hear and is it not giving you a little dopamine rush. Well, it's dope. It's dopamine rush and intel time. I think it's gonna be hearing from one of them. I think it's gonna be pretty strategic.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everyone, to tonight's call on Thursday, May 30th and you are listening to the big call.
And tonight, we are going to be Sue and Bob. And of course we're going to be missing Bruce. And if you were listening just a minute ago you were listening to Bob and I share that Bruce is still on his healing recovery journey. And you know, we're missing him. Yes. But what's most important is that everybody that's listening to this call are holding him in the most remarkable healing and recovery and sending him love and understanding.
As I was talking to you Bob, I was thinking this is going to be all about community in the future, and to have a community that can step in and, you know, pinch hit, as I said, and provide what you need.
It's going to be very important - and I’ve really learned that in the past couple of days . getting a chance to talk to Bob you know and just sharing that you've got people around you that care about you, and that can take over to go somewhere. Just remember that. And with that, we'll get started And say, Bruce we're thinking of you and open with a prayer,
Um – so quess what time it is? We have a woman – Bob in our -- wait – we have two women – excuse me Miss J – we have two women in our leadership group that I hope people will take advantage of and it will be talkling about it at the end of this call. We had like a little bell - we’re hearing it in our head - phone numbers going into your head - and isn’t that what you want to hear and is it not giving you a little dopamine rush. Well, it's dope. It's dopamine rush and intel time. I think it's gonna be hearing from one of them. I think it's gonna be pretty strategic.
So tonight, we're going to talk about what a number of people pointed out to me with the possibility that Bruce wasn’t going to show up and that is that most likely people are reeling from the political news about President Trump. And I'm just going to be apolitical, but just put perspective on this.
Just like I said on Tuesday, we are in a covert war, a covert war, which is about healing the toxic invasive pervasive negativity and unfortunately, weaponizing zation of harm to humanity, That's the best way to say it - And the most truthfully I can say it without, you know, going into it anymore
So we've heard from different people that the perspective on the verdict with President Trump is being used so that we can see that system in full play, we can see what a really negative, really unfair, really, remarkably weaponized system can do And so it's out in plain sight. So do not be discouraged - the point I'm speaking to a person with a big capital T
What whenever he's listening or when or if I'm gonna get a text. You can't be discouraged by the optics, and it's hard not to be discouraged by the optics – how can this be happening.
On my top guy, this is all part strategy to round up. It's like it's right there in front of your face and it’s going to use to secure a much more powerful outcome. So please, don't take my word for it. But just put your ---- let that be a possibility. for you. In other words, I want to I want people to use critical thinking.
Can't overthink this too much - Because there's so much going on in the background in the background, to clear the field and give us a fresh, clean, detoxified start -
We're going through detoxification, and if anybody's ever done a fast - , anything where you're cleansing something negative from your system, we're all doing what cleaning out in the outside world.
Ask yourself, am I going through anything where I'm having to look at, does it need to be with me any longer and you might be surprised at how powerfully the inside and the outside are matching. So that's that's the first start on our intel for tonight. We're hearing not to be discouraged - hold the vision of the 800 numbers to hold the vision that this is all already handled -. And I know how hard that is – when people do these broad strokes and you're not getting the granular like - what does that mean -
after 9 ½ years decoding intel - You don't think I know what you guys are going through of course - But in this case, to support your well being - trust that what is happening that you can't see God has one operationalize that and walk in that confidence.
If you do that, you help her get on the planet. So that's one strategy – Two – now let’s get into more intel -
The Intel is that we have our number one guy has a gentleman -- I have to be careful how I say this. – who sent to him that – he was moving from one position of authority into another position of authority and had access to Intel that said the numbers should be coming out to us today or tomorrow.
Nathan's very high position, not a bondholder, nothing. He's not going to say what his position is because I don't want to jeopardize his mission. But he was in a very high level of authority and said that the numbers will be coming out either today or tomorrow. Bruce, how often say, because this is a more things more But to know that that was said, is very important.
And I got another piece of intel that pointed it out and really significant that as of the 31st , which is tomorrow at midnight Mara largo will drop it's no fly zone. – that’s really remarkable. You'll be able to fly over Mar a Lago.
Think about what that means. strategically. Why would that be happening? why would why wouldn't something with Trump be happening? Why Mar a Lago be dropping the no fly zone?
Do we have three or four confirmations of that? No. Is it coming from a trusted source? Yes. Do we just use these things as possibilities that are lining up. - While you focus on what you have to do in your daily life. You can't I think we've all learned I certainly have learned can't lean your ladder up against this wall. And you're moving war zone Don't lean you're ladder up against Sue.
This period is about to teach you would sharpen you and finally the most significant piece we have that we have about what could potentially be happening Is that what's going on Trump? What's going on with Mar a largo and if this intel holds up about the numbers coming out, and that's why we're running a class on Monday and Wednesday.
June 1 is right around the corner would they be positioning so we can be kicking off June 1 And I know there are other Intel strands that are out there - But another source was saying - and this thanks to Jane and K that he is very excited about where this is - he couldn’t say what was going on, but he was very excited about it - It's incredibly quiet - incredibly quiet.
Let's - let your let your heart kind of understand when they things are done and compete what’s it like? What’s it like when a shopping center when built and the lights are there but it's like built and it's quiet and everything has to move into it. It’s Quiet still.
Not a lot of information is I think we're in a place where everything is poised. And I particularly in keying off the MAR a Lago thing as extraordinary information - so what I would do if I were you – keep your eye on your email - just be witnessing, you know looking at it.
Make sure that as you do that - well and intel psychology. Let's get a text on that. Intel in intel psychology - as a lot of this is really like being I feel like a sports psychologist.
It's like learning how to play the game. This is an unbelievable marathon and everybody's a victor in it. No matter how you feel like you've done because you played this game for God.
I mean, you should. You should be with yourself in the morning and going you are one bad you know what? For God but keep your focus on your day to day while also seeing that You can be focusing on what you're going to be creating, how you want to be living, how you want to be inspired, your projects. That's the part that's going to be giving you meaning creativity and hope – and Creativity.
That's what's gonna do it for you.
So that's our intel for tonight. And I just want to thank Bob, for your incredible remarks and teaching for offering the 30% off sale, please take advantage of the sale. Because to have access to what is going to support you in staying healthy and not declining. is probably the most one of the most significant things you could do to care for yourself.
So join us and think all we have to do to be successful. Thank you for quitters And for his incredible right and let's really thank Bruce for having started as called tunity to express our our passions to help you express yourself and passion question, and you're passionate about being prayer, to honor the Lord Jesus. We're here because of the incredible being by the name of Bruce. To see him surrounded by all of our love all of our appreciation or gratitude for Yeah. Of his service for his wacky funny heart for the joy he's given if he was going for a personal challenge.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-28-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-21-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:51
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 59:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:11