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Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Weekend Chat With MarkZ 9-21-2024

Weekend Chat With MarkZ

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Good Morning and welcome to the weekend

MZ: Since its quiet on the RV front I want to answer questions and talk about the Zim today

Weekend Chat With MarkZ

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Good Morning and welcome to the weekend

MZ: Since its quiet on the RV front I want to answer questions and talk about the Zim today

MZ: I do know a few redemption center folks on standby today…. There is a lot of chatter that come Monday morning we will wake up and see it(RV) ….I don’t know- but the chatter is deafening.

MZ: I have not yet seen a couple key people move to the western location in the US yet though. They have not been called there yet. Is it going to be a last minute thing???

MZ: The chatter is good and the news out of Iraq is steller. Lots of meeting going on between now and the 25th.

MZ: I very much believe that the month of September is still very much in play.

Member: The PTB need to hurry up then…..9 days left

Member: I have heard that they want RV to start by September 30 as that is the end of the fiscal year

Member: I’m on the layover in Reno. I think I’m going to go on a “ whale hunt “ i’ve got questions I need answered BTW can you give me a description of what they look like lol

MZ: Lets talk about the Zim first. Lots of people still wondering will it pay? Will it not pay? What are expectations and my understanding of it?

MZ: Know that the ZIG- the gold back Zimbabwe currency is very different from the Agro Checks and Zim notes most of us hold.

MZ: It is my understanding that the funds to redeem out Zim bonds come out of humanitarian funds. Since it has taken so long – these funds have been earning interest…and are kinda like a modern day prosperity package.

MZ: This does not mean that all exchange funds have to go towards humanitarian projects.

Member: Zim is a bearer bond to be paid to the bearer the face value of the note imo

Member: Do you think they will have projects we can choose from?

Member: We have been told there are pre-selected projects you can select from on the ZIM

MZ: I was told we will be presented with a short list we can choose from

MZ: I have been told that the Agro checks funds do not come from humanitarian funds. These are totally for you and your personal use.

MZ: The ones we are most familiar with – the 100T notes- it is my understanding that per each note- $30-$50 million go into your pockets for your personal use…. and you will have the ability and the choice to get extra and commit that to humanitarian projects.

Member: Will they only be accepting the 100T notes or will the lower ones be honored?

Member: Mark said in the past that they will all be honored.

Member: Can we exchange more than one Zim bond? I heard rumors that is all they will accept.

MZ: I heard we can exchange as many as we want/own… limit

Member: Will you be able to make 2 different appointments to exchange if you are out of town?

MZ: Yes…I was told repeatedly that is the case….but they would prefer we do it in one appointment. But they understand logistically this may not be possible with travel, locations ect……try to be organized and make it easier for them and yourselves if you can.  

Member: Thanks Mark for all your thoughts…..have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Member: Have a great day everyone! See you all on Monday.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.


Youtube:     Unable to find youtube link again….will add if it appears

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday AM 9-21-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 21 Sept. 2024

Compiled Sat. 21 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The Greatest Sting Operation in History was triggering the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History. In connection with that Wealth Transfer, lots of things were happening ten days from now on Tues. 1 Oct. 2024.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 21 Sept. 2024

Compiled Sat. 21 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The Greatest Sting Operation in History was triggering the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History. In connection with that Wealth Transfer, lots of things were happening ten days from now on Tues. 1 Oct. 2024.

Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 was the end of the privately owned Corporation’s fiscal year, which was deeply in debt, had taken out Bankruptcy in 2008, had been functioning for years without an approved budget and on a fiat US Dollar.

Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 With the House unable to pass extension of the US Government Budget Deadline, a privately owned and broke U****c. Corporation, including their Federal Reserve and IRS, was set to shut down by Tues. 1 Oct. 2024. (The fiat US Dollar wasn’t working for them, or for any other trading nation, anymore. They had no monies to function on).

On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 all US Banks will close which were not Basel III Compliant. That is, if they didn’t have enough gold to back their monies for loans. And, they don’t. They have been functioning on fiat US Dollars since before U****c.’s Bankruptcy in 2008.

Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 was also the beginning of the new American Republic’s fiscal year, which will be functioning on gold/asset-backed US Notes as part of the Global Currency Reset.


Global Currency Reset:

Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Bruce: “We will be finishing up everything by the end of Sept. NESARA to come out, R&R payments, SS increases in your bank account, and exchanges started by the last day of Sept. Bond Holders should have access to funds Friday. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified at the same time as Tier 3.”

Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Wolverine: “Invitations to the P Group have gone out. They are starting this weekend. It is happening. …September is called the Golden Month by Bond Holders because they have been told everything is happening in September. Bond Holders are presently in Reno and other parts of the World awaiting release of liquidity for the Global Currency Reset. We are defiantly close. Redemption Center staff  have been trained. The QFS is fully integrated.”

134 countries are exploring digital currencies, putting the US Dollar in jeopardy:


Global Financial Crisis:

Sun. 15 Sept 2024: Massive Data Breeches of Iran Central Bank & US Social Security

Fri. 20 Sept. 2024: Breaking Financial News! U.S. Banks Shut Down 55 Branches in Just Two Weeks: Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, and Fulton – – American Media Group

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  What we're seeing and witnessing is something we've never seen before and not at this level...Something's a foot and I think it's a powerful time frame for us to see something different with Iraq.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:
Sadr...has been talking to us and telling us we were all going to go out and protest because we haven't received all the things that have been promised to us but this morning Sadr came on television and said the million man march has been cancelled, no longer useful he says.  FRANK:  Why are we not going to do it?  Because they're going to give us what they promised us?  ...IMO he's calling off the march because Sudani asked him not to do the march. 



Greg  Mannarino:  9-20-2024

The West In PANIC As IRAN Will Attend BRICS Summit In Russia To Finalize This Deal!

The Global Narrative:  9-20-2024


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Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Evening Update with MilitiaMan  and MarkZ. 09/20/2024

Evening Update with MilitiaMan  and MarkZ. 09/20/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ:  MM joins us tonight for the latest out of Iraq.

Member: Good Evening Militia Man, Are Bringing The News We Are Waiting For ???

Member: GE Mark, Mods, Militia Man, and all. This feels like an exciting weekend and week coming

Evening Update with MilitiaMan  and MarkZ. 09/20/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ:  MM joins us tonight for the latest out of Iraq.

Member: Good Evening Militia Man, Are Bringing The News We Are Waiting For ???

Member: GE Mark, Mods, Militia Man, and all. This feels like an exciting weekend and week coming

MZ: Good Evening MM…..glad to see you…..let’s dive in…..

MM: Good idea – what do you got?

MZ: I have “ Rafadain Bank announces the activation of the comprehensive banking system in 42 branches” This is from today out of Iraq.

MM: I saw that this morning…..42 banks…and they use the word “comprehensive “ and those banks are ready to go digital .  Iraq is going digital. The blockchain era is here.

MZ: They have to if they are going to be the cutting edge economic powerhouse in the region. They are eying being bigger than Saudi Arabia and the Emerites.

MM And growth will come with this.

MZ: It’s been a great week in Iraq and I am so upbeat about this weekend. And Now Sudani is heading back to New York…… What do you have for us?

MM: It’s interesting that a couple days ago they said they are coming early next  week…which starts on Sunday…...this is Friday so he is probably already in the air. According to articles he is going to visit the UN assembly- I believe tomorrow.

Member: UN meetings are between the 23rd to the 24th

MM: I believe the folks involved in the house of representatives (HOR) and the council of ministers (COM) literally said they were going to stop short on some things…but they passed some laws like the new taxation law….but articles said (paraphrasing) that they couldn’t grant money or do specific things because the 2024 budget is not active…..and they havnt seen the money spent for the projects. To me it’s because they don’t have the exchange rate.

MM: The operational side of the budget is secure…we know that . The salaries will be paid and its guaranteed for 3 years. 23, 24 and 25. But they are telling us now that they have a change coming. And its focused on the investment side.

MM: 2024 has been stated to be the year of achievements for Al Sudani. And I think his greatest achievement will happen shortly

MZ: And I think we all know what his greatest achievement is. And Sudani has said they plan on adjusting the rate before the end of his term. I think he may mean this legislative term…They are moving so quickly…..but none of us know the exact timing but, it looks like things are coming together quickly.

MM: Teachers and scholars were calling for demonstrations on the 25th over salaries and pay…and El Sadr canceled it.

Member: Demonstrations were cancelled for a reason

MM: In 2024 the IMF and BIS and World Bank put together a 23 page document that specifically talks about currencies….and they are not talking about paper.  They are talking about digital. Think about blockchain, Ayuscuda, ledgers

Member: Could Sudoni announce a rate change in front of the General Assembly or do you think he would wait until he got back to Iraq?

Member: Will Iraq go alone if no one else is ready?

Member: Even a partial RV would be great

Member: Do US troops need to be out of Iraq before the RV?

MZ: I believe they are closer to getting that done then they are telling us. When they say they are going to do something –many times it is already done. They don’t all have to be out of Iraq….just the role they play will be different. I doubt Iraq wants us totally gone….just not meddling in their politics. They need their sovereignty.

MM: I do not think they totally need to be out…We have the largest embassy in the world in Iraq and many businesses. Also one of the largest consulates in the Kurdish region….The US takes care of its interests.  

Member: Hello everyone. I read an article that said that a hospital in North Carolina forgave the debts of 11,500 people. Kind of sounds a little like NESARA to me. What do you think?

Member: I don't see them dragging this out til next year.. the sling shot is pulled too tight now

Member: When waiting for something you want badly, a short time seems as if it is an eternity. However, I believe it is coming soon enough that I am not worried, but excited!!

Member: Thanks Mark and MM……have a great night everyone.

Please listen to the replay for the entire MilitiaMan interview, and his thoughts and opinions



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




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calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-19-24

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-19-24  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, September 19th  and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in again. Thank you international people out there in big call universe as we congratulate the Sat team for getting us up and running on the satellite system tonight, we didn't have as many listeners last Tuesday, as we normally would, we had about 5 million – we are hoping to get to our 19 million listeners, possibly again tonight. I hope – So. Welcome everybody tonight. Thank you for tuning in. We're here. We're back, and I'm glad you are too --

 Okay. No, that's it, Bruce. It is 10:19 on the day of 9 - 19

Good, okay, all right, that's 9:19 central time where I am. So that works. 9:19 on 9 -19 exactly Central Time. That's right, all right. So look, here's where we are in the way of intel tonight, we are definitely shooting at a moving target because we thought we would be there by yesterday and yet intended to be, but we weren't, and we didn't really hear why we didn't go yesterday.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-19-24  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, September 19th  and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in again. Thank you international people out there in big call universe as we congratulate the Sat team for getting us up and running on the satellite system tonight, we didn't have as many listeners last Tuesday, as we normally would, we had about 5 million – we are hoping to get to our 19 million listeners, possibly again tonight. I hope – So. Welcome everybody tonight. Thank you for tuning in. We're here. We're back, and I'm glad you are too --

 Okay. No, that's it, Bruce. It is 10:19 on the day of 9 - 19

Good, okay, all right, that's 9:19 central time where I am. So that works. 9:19 on 9 -19 exactly Central Time. That's right, all right. So look, here's where we are in the way of intel tonight, we are definitely shooting at a moving target because we thought we would be there by yesterday and yet intended to be, but we weren't, and we didn't really hear why we didn't go yesterday.

But let's get into where we are and when it is going to happen first, the next seven days. And I think that started over the weekend. So it might not be tomorrow, it could start Saturday, but the next seven days it was phrased – it would  take us to the end of month are for NESARA  to be out.

That's we're looking for, like, two major parts of NESARA that could be debt forgiveness -  it could be the wiping out of mortgage debt, or it could be credit card debt, or both. I think that's a lot of it, -

Restitution /Reclamation allowance - that is something that will be there when we exchange if you're a Zim holder or currency holder, it should be in your quantum account. So as you set up your quantum account and get your quantum card together, you should see it in that account already when you go in for your exchange.

If you're not exchanging, then you should probably have it. You should have it direct deposited to your bank account. That's how it's been designed.

But they know everybody's bank accounts and they know about you. That's why the KYC, they know your customer stuff when you go in for your appointment, is going to be a lot simpler, because they know who we are, especially Zim holders

They know who zim holders are, unless you were donated them, and then they don't really know, but they'll find out right away when you go for your appointment. And by the way, you need to have, if you can, two forms of picture ID. Passport is great. Driver's license is good. Government ID works. Student ID works. All those will work to show who you are.

You go in with that and present that when asked for it, you need a one gas, determine where you live, they see your address, and they confirm what they know about you. And let's see, once we go beyond that, it's just a matter of having somebody there to count and verify your currency on the delarue machine. They'll be operating that one or two people will help. And you'll also have, pretty soon, you'll you'll go in and have the account set up - you will have an opportunity to have your bank account, set up, your quantum account, your bank account Wells -  well that'll be set up, or a master account that will be set up.

You'll get a credit debit card from Wells, and you'll go ahead and be able to move funds from your  quantum account into your Wells account. And then you will have it on the credit debit card to be there so you have access to it, basically the same day you go in for your exchange.

Now, obviously, Zim holders have a lot because of the value of the zim. You're just going to move a certain amount that you need to use for the first 30 to 60 days, and you can come back and use your quantum account to put more money into your Wells primary account - and you can do all that that's  something you'll be able to do actually, on your own, but, yeah, you'll be able to do that on your own computer or on the Q-phone that you're supposed to get at the end of your appointment.

Remember, this is what you need to set up your quantum account with a quantum card, which is three times thicker than a normal credit card, has three chips in it, and it's only designed not to buy anything on but just to move money from the quantum account into your Wells Fargo bank account.

Now you can tie two other accounts, I understand two other banks to that so that you could move money into two banks or three banks. Okay, so that's really cool, the way that's set up.

The five things at least you need. You need a biometric  fingerprint or thumb prints, and that will be stored in your quantum account. and your quantum card rather – you’ll need a username and password for the account. You need a five digit PIN number, which is your personal identification or your pin. And you need also an email account, a brand new email, and then, of course, you're gonna have to come up with a password to  get into that username, password, get into that Gmail account, or whatever count it is. and I think that's it.

You'll get all that done. And then you'll be offset to go from that point, of course, you have three to five minutes probably to do a quick presentation on your  project. Make  that clear, so they know what you're intending to do as a Zim holder, and also, if you are in medical need, if you want to get into the med bed right away, and you are in dire need, they should know right away, whether you're being honest with them about that,  and you can get in there pretty quickly.

Most everybody as a zim holder will get in in five or six days from the time you exchange, and that's really awesome.

Let’s see what else we've got --  timing on this --  looking what we've heard is that we're looking to get started, since we did not go today -  what we heard this morning at 4am in the morning was that we would have we would get our toll free number – our  notification emails  from  Wells Fargo in 24 to 36  hours

Now, 24 hours from 4am this morning, on Thursday, is 4 am on Friday, all the way up to 4pm on Friday.

So 4am to 4pm Friday is what we're looking at for getting our notifications. Now, other sources told us that we would be notified tomorrow and we would start our exchanges on the weekend -  now, to me, is Saturday and or Sunday we should start exchanges -  I think that's great. And yes - If that's the redemption center, if they're open on Saturday, they will be open on Sunday.

Okay, and then that takes you all the way through the from that point on through the rest of the month. No problem.

Now, here's another idea that I had. Is that I believe, if we are trying to get all of this done at the end of September, which I believe they are – then we are looking at finishing up  the fiscal - the fiscal year which this is last of the fiscal year for the exchanges to be done, for NESARA to be announced and started for R and R to come out -  for Social Security increases to hit in this month of September.

 Have you got you already had? Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday three as of yesterday, there was  no increase in social for those Wednesdays. My understanding is that increase will come before the last day or by the last day of the month as a separate payment to you in the normal bank account where you get your social security – Keep your eye on this – we’ve been promised this for months. – to see if it actually happens during this month and they get it in this fiscal year. I think the new Restored Republic  fiscal year  will start September 1 one -  our understanding is all of the stuff we've talked about still happen in this month of September

Alright – let’s see if there's anything else that I wanted to bring out.  - Well, I think that's about everything I want to share tonight, so I'm going to pray us out,

We are looking to exchange, which could be Saturday or Sunday or both. Let's pray the call out and take it from there and thanks everybody for listening. I don't know if this is the last call that it should be.

 Thanks everybody for participating with a big call. Thank you for and I just am so pleased that we've been able to get this call out every Tuesday and Thursday night for 13 years


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-19--24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-17-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:02:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-12-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:13:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-10--24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:07:27

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 9-20-2024

Gold Telegraph: Gold is the Global Currency and Always will be

Thursday, 19 September 2024, 21:10 PM

Gold Telegraph @GoldTelegraph

Jerome Powell just said that the Federal Reserve is not declaring victory on inflation.

He just cut rates 50 basis points.

BRICS countries are beginning to prepare restrictions on the export of key commodities.

Hold on tight…

Gold Telegraph: Gold is the Global Currency and Always will be

Thursday, 19 September 2024, 21:10 PM

Gold Telegraph @GoldTelegraph

Jerome Powell just said that the Federal Reserve is not declaring victory on inflation.

He just cut rates 50 basis points.

BRICS countries are beginning to prepare restrictions on the export of key commodities.

Hold on tight…

Hard assets are having a big day.

Silver is back above $31.

Janet Yellen says the 50 basis point rate cut yesterday is a very positive sign for the American economy.

Move over @billburr, here comes Janet for the comedy circuit.

Go gold.

Gold is the global currency.

It always will be.

Keep this in mind as the world continues to divide and debt spirals further out of control.

Copper hits a 2-month high.

The glue of the entire economy.

You are not watching gold surge.

You are watching the dollar get debased.

The dollar has lost over 30% of its purchasing power against gold in the past year.

This point is captured here:

Gold Telegraph

Things the media doesn't show you. You can't fight time.

Japan CPI inflation hits a 10-month high.

The pressure is on…



Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:They're going to the streets with Sadr on the 25th.  We will hit the streets in millions.  We do this weekly until we are paid, starting on the 25th.  Sadr has organized this and we will back him for our constitutional rights.  FRANK:  Sadr is a good leader.  He will not do anything violent.  Make sure you don't protest because you will retard the whole monetary process for you.  FIREFLY:  We know there's got to be a new rate coming and we going to help speed this up... [NOTE:  Stay tuned for FIREFLY protest update later today.]

Mnt Goat  ...Most already tell us Iraq is filthy rich and they are...Right now the Kuwaiti dinar is one of the highest valued currencies in the world...If  you proportionately look at Iraq and compare its ability to generate wealth it can far out produce Kuwait. Why then is the KWD at $3+ and the IQD at about $.006?


They Have Created A BUBBLE THEY CANNOT FIX (CREDITORS Are NOW Going After Each Other)

Lynette Zang:  9-19-2024

Today we are talking about creditor on creditor violence, what it means, and how these creditors will protect themselves at your expense and you don't even know it...

Prof Steve Hanke: This Is WHY The Economy Suddenly Got WORSE..

Financial Wisdom:  9-20-2024

In his latest interview, Prof. Steve Hanke criticizes the Federal Reserve for focusing too much on day-to-day economic data and interest rates while ignoring the contracting money supply, which he believes is leading to a recession.

He argues that the Fed's approach of "data dependency" is flawed and that they should instead use monetarist models, like the quantity theory of money, to forecast inflation and economic trends. "

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Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 09/20/2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 09/20/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​Member: Howdy and good morning to everyone

Member: I cannot believe another week just flew by….whoosh….its gone

Member: How close are we? One day closer than we were yesterday!! ;)

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 09/20/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​Member: Howdy and good morning to everyone

Member: I cannot believe another week just flew by….whoosh….its gone

Member: How close are we? One day closer than we were yesterday!! ;)

Member: Mark how would you rate your warm and fuzzy feeling on a scale of 1-10?

MZ:  I would rate my warm and fuzzy feeling at about a 9.9 right now. It’s very warm and very fuzzy.

Member: this on NINA news Thursday: Al-Sudani leaves for New York early next week to participate in the UN General Assembly meetings

Member: I am still hearing  RV in September

MZ: I am still hearing that as well. I hope it’s accurate.

MZ: It’s been very quiet overnight o the RV front but, it was a fantastic news week from Iraq. They are being told budget tables are approved and HCL is coming. We will have more news on that front tonight when MilitiaMan joins us. I am saving some interesting tidbits for tonight

MZ: Redemption center/banking folks on a shortened “on call” for this weekend in case they are needed. These are people that work in wealth management for large banks….

MZ: We have somebody that was recently invited to come in and SKR (Get a safe keep receipt) on currency. They have a very good relationship with their banker and were told to expect funds within a week or two tops. If I get permission I will share a little more on this one- if I can. IMO this tells us how close we are…or at least how close bankers feel we are. This was at one of the top 5 US banks .

MZ: No fresh updates on bonds since yesterday but, I do have some folks who finished final paperwork this week and are expecting their funds tomorrow. One is in Europe so by the time we do our podcast tomorrow –we may have an answer already…..So fingers crossed.  

Member: Markz do the people RVing have 10 or more than 10 days to set appointments?

Member: We were told 10 days to make appointments and 30 days to exchange

Member: Mark how will you tell us it RV’d?

MZ: I’ll be wearing this…(holds up a white t-shirt with a golden egg on the front )

Member: Someone will need to pick me up off the floor when you wear that shirt

Member: MARK,When I see that golden egg shirt I am going to lay an egg!!!

Member: I'm probably not going to believe it for a week after I've done the exchange.....

Member: they could Totally do this curency exchange long as its not on MSM, normies will Never know about it.

​​Member: Saturday is International Peace Day on my 2024 calendar. I've never seen that before. Hmmm.

Member: according to Goldilocks we will have a "Treasury Direct Account", when we exchange.

Member: Mark, I got a call from WF on Wednesday asking me to come in and speak with a wealth manager

Member: Our new US fiscal year is in 10 days…..Oct. 1st…..would sure be a great time to release new financial system, and new currency?

Member:   It’s interesting that congress calender shows no work in October?

Member: International Currency Code Regulation ISO. New codes Jan 24 and Sept 16 listed currency IQD / ISO, VND/ ISO, USD/ ISO, etc. Regulations register currency under SEC calling currency codes ISO 4217

Member: Fall starts on Sunday 9/22 at 8:43 am EST.

MZ: We will have Militiaman on tonight…..see you then

Member: Dear lord please let this be our weekend. So many are tired, broke, and broken.

Mr. Cottrell and CBD Gurus join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 9-20-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 20 Sept. 2024

Compiled Fri. 20 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The Cabal’s Great Reset had failed to gain momentum in popularity after word got out of the Global Alliance’s BRICS nation’s gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset that gave back to The People, banker’s control of our own monies – eliminating the Deepstatee Cabal Banker privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS in the process.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 20 Sept. 2024

Compiled Fri. 20 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The Cabal’s Great Reset had failed to gain momentum in popularity after word got out of the Global Alliance’s BRICS nation’s gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset that gave back to The People, banker’s control of our own monies – eliminating the Deepstatee Cabal Banker privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS in the process.

On Mon. 16 Sept. the BRICS nations began transformation of the Global Financial System into Decentralized Finance (DeFi) through launch of a system called World Liberty Finance. DeFi will give The People true freedom and financial empowerment where banks across the Globe will no longer have control over people of the World’s financial affairs.

By Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 all banks must be Basel III Compliant, meaning because of the fiat US Dollar, they could no longer use US Treasury Bonds as collateral to print money and must close unless they had enough gold behind them to make loans.

The new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System was locked, loaded and already in the process of taking over.

The Global Currency Reset Has Been Activated.


Global Currency Reset:

Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Bruce:

NESARA will be (allegedly) out in the next seven days.

R&R should be in your Quantum Account when you exchange, or will be direct deposited into your bank account.

You will (allegedly) be given a Q phone so you can access your Quantum Account.

To set up your Quantum Account you will need a Biometric finger or thumb print, user name and password, 5 digit pin number and the name of a new email account and password.

You have 3-5 min. to do a quick presentation on your Humanitarian Project

If you are in need for a Med Bed appointment tell them. Most Zim Holders will get a Med Bed appointment within 5-6 days of your exchange.

A source said that we get toll free numbers notification email from Wells Fargo in 24-46 hours or between 4 am to 4 pm on Friday 20 Sept. Other sources said we would get notified on Fri. 20 Sept. and start exchanges on Sat. 21 Sept. or Sun. 22 Sept.

We will be finishing up everything by the end of Sept. NESARA to come out, R&R payments, SS increases in your bank account, and exchanges started by the last day of Sept.

Restored Republic Fiscal Year started 1 Sept. 2024.


Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Wolverine: Invitations to the P Group have gone out. They are starting this weekend. It is happening. …September is called the Golden Month by Bond Holders because they have been told everything is happening in September. Bond Holders are presently in Reno and other parts of the World awaiting release of liquidity for the Global Currency Reset. We are defiantly close.

Redemption Center staff  have been trained. The QFS is fully integrated. … Rubem Baz said, “At 15:30 Brazilian time on Tues. 17 Sept. was the last procedure between Brazil and Reno (USA). Tomorrow Wed. 18 Sept, after 11:00am invitations to go to the bank will be sent. In 48 hours (Fri. 20 Sept.) we will go liquid. This portion is 1%. Finally there is nothing left to do. Payments will now begin.” …“Things are defiantly happening behind the scenes.

We are going to be celebrating this week. There are things that I can’t say, but I wanted you to know that things are defiantly moving.” … “I agree with Mr Salvage report on German Bastidas who is one of the leaders of the Pentecostal Group. They have now finished all the contracts with the Call Centers which are located in Brazil. On Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 notifications began to be delivered. On Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 they closed the platforms and were ready to begin start the blessing. They will begin sending the transactions from the 1st to the 2nd of October to each member.”


Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update: “Banks got memos yesterday Tues. 17 Sept. telling them to get ready and be there this morning because it was scheduled between now and Fri. 20 Sept. The RV announcement should be by tomorrow Thurs. 19 Sept. There is a scheduled time but no one wanted to put it out. We are now waiting for the big announcement on the Fed rate. The Market will change with the Fed announcement. They want things to settle down and then will let the RV go. The rates are out. The Banks are ready. This should be our final call.”

Judy Note: The Federal Reserve announcement was that they cut interest rates by 50bps for the first time in 4 years.

Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Bruce: Bond Holders are getting funds into their accounts right now and will have access to those funds Thurs. or Friday. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified at the same time as Tier 3.

Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: BRICS Makes Bold Move to Reshape Global Financial System: New Payment System Challenges US Dollar Dominance – – American Media Group

Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Fed action today marks the beginning of the end of the fiat monetary system experiment, JustDario

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:
Sudani comes out and he mentions that we are in the completion phase of the HCL.  We know the HCL needs a rate.  Sudani said the payments would be through the electronic cards, not cash.  We think that's because cash would give us 1310 but through the cards we think it's going to be with a new rate.  FRANK:  I do not know this for a fact but I agree with you totally that your cards they are based on a new exchange rate.  It makes no sense for them to be based on a restricted program rate...

Jeff  The operating budget is already approved and complete.  They're going to be adding additional funds to it, that's why the budget remains incomplete...they have to amend it to add the additional supplementary funds to it and increase and change the budget's expenditures.  That's all that we're waiting on.


Gold Marches Higher - It's REPLACING The Dollar | Andy Schectman

Liberty and Finance:  9-19-2024

Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, discusses the ongoing shift from dollar reliance to gold among nations.

 He highlights how gold has significantly outperformed treasuries and is now viewed as a stable asset without counterparty risk, especially by governments.

Schectman emphasizes the alarming trends in U.S. monetary policy, including recent emergency rate cuts, which he argues only exacerbate inflation and economic instability.

 He also shares noteworthy statistics about India’s substantial silver imports and Saudi Arabia's secretive gold purchases, illustrating a global trend towards hard assets.

The conversation underscores a critical moment in financial history as countries increasingly prioritize gold in their economic strategies.


 0:00 Intro

2:21 Fed rate cut

18:00 BRICS update

 26:55 Gold's rally

33:53 Retail availability

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday PM 9-19-2024


Clare: The government forms a higher committee to adapt Iraqi banks to international financial requirements


Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani announced on Thursday the formation of a higher committee to address the work of Iraqi banks in accordance with international financial requirements, while directing private banks to build balanced relations with financial institutions, Arab banks and investors.

Al-Sudani's media office stated in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency that the latter received today the head of the Private Banks Association and a number of directors of private banks, and was informed of the problems facing the banking sector in Iraq.


Clare: The government forms a higher committee to adapt Iraqi banks to international financial requirements


Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani announced on Thursday the formation of a higher committee to address the work of Iraqi banks in accordance with international financial requirements, while directing private banks to build balanced relations with financial institutions, Arab banks and investors.

Al-Sudani's media office stated in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency that the latter received today the head of the Private Banks Association and a number of directors of private banks, and was informed of the problems facing the banking sector in Iraq.

Al-Sudani pointed to the measures taken by the government to support the private sector in general, and the banking sector in particular, as part of the priority of economic reform, in which the government has made advanced progress.

He explained that "there is no alternative but to have capable Iraqi banks that adopt all financial standards to participate in development and building the country," stressing the importance of the Banking Association dealing with government trends and investing in opportunities.

He pointed out the readiness of Arab and foreign banks whose representatives visited Iraq to cooperate with the government in implementing its vision and development plans.

Al-Sudani announced the formation of a higher committee to develop treatments for the work of banks, to be in line with the requirements of work in the international financial arena, confirming the Central Bank’s contract with Oliver Wyman Company with the aim of developing the banking and financial sector.

He directed the Banking Association to build balanced relations with financial institutions, Arab banks and investors to support banking work. He also directed the preparation of a draft resolution to be presented to the Council of Ministers, which includes obligating ministries to provide facilities that support the banking sector in Iraq.  LINK


Clare: A Kurdish delegation will visit Baghdad early next week

9/19/2024 Baghdad

The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government's Presidency Council, Omed Sabah, announced on Thursday that a Kurdish delegation will visit Baghdad early next week, while pointing out the regional government's intention to pay two salaries simultaneously to its employees.

Sabah said in a press statement, followed by (Mawazine News), that "a delegation from the regional government will visit Baghdad next Sunday to follow up on the implementation of the decisions issued by the Iraqi Economic Council, which recently visited Erbil."

He added, "At the forefront of those decisions that the delegation will follow up on are the monthly salaries, and resolving those issues related to this aspect." He pointed out that "the Kurdistan Regional Government will distribute the salaries of the months of August and September together if they are funded by the federal government."  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat  ...they are now telling us they can see light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. No, they do not directly tell us this but you can read into the articles and understand the tone...

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:
On November the 20th to the 21st we have a curfew for the very first census in the last 27 years.  FRANK: ...It looks like Sudani ordered for this new census to occur for your HCL benefits as Iraqi citizens.  It seems to me the only reason he's doing it now is because you have a new exchange rate that they can work with.  If not...there wouldn't be a new they determine the fair amount everyone is supposed to get.  This new census IMO screens that there is a new exchange rate...


History of the Iraqi Dinar Then and Now

Edu Matrix:  9-19-2024

History of the Iraqi Dinar, Then and Now - Exchange Rates Over the Years, What Happened and When with the Iraqi Dinar.

The Fed JUST ADMITTED The US Dollar Doesn’t Stand A Chance

Atlantis Report:  9-18-2024

Get ready, because the economy is in trouble, and even the important people at the Federal Reserve are starting to worry-they just realized that the strong U.S. dollar may not be as powerful as they thought.

The signs are clear, and it's not good. The U.S. economy has been quite volatile recently, experiencing more ups and downs than a roller coaster.

Now, some of the most influential figures in the financial world are raising concerns. The Federal Reserve took the widely expected step today of announcing its first interest rate cut in years, a move that will have a major impact on the finances of Americans across the board, making borrowing cheaper, though the golden days of high-yield savings instruments may be over.


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Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

“Coffee With MarkZ” Thursday Morning Chat 9-19-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​Member: Good morning Patriot visionaries and currency faithful. This is our time!!!! This is our week!!!! Let the blessings commence!!!! Amen!!!!!

Member:  It’s Thursday guys. Always thought it would happen on a Thursday.

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​Member: Good morning Patriot visionaries and currency faithful. This is our time!!!! This is our week!!!! Let the blessings commence!!!! Amen!!!!!

Member:  It’s Thursday guys. Always thought it would happen on a Thursday.

Member: GM mark …..tell us something good

Member: Does anybody think the RV could happen before the election?

MZ: I still think it could. The world needs this badly. What do you all think?

Member: I do not think it will……This election season is too volatile….I am digging in to wait.

Member: I think RV before, Nesara after!

Member: The 27th is a targeted day for something BIG. I believe it will all be before the end of this month

Member: I think we will see it in the next 10 days

MZ: 90% of my sources agree with you.

Member: I’m watching Oct 1st, for the new fiscal year

Member: I personally think it's done. All in the timing. Before the end of the year for sure.

Member: I have a feeling it could be anyday

MZ: I have that same feeling.

Member: Doesn’t the new currency and a new gold backed system have to happen first????

Member: The system is broken. Once a vase is cracked it never holds water. We need a restart; an overhaul and an ethical cleaning

Member: Sadly it will go when whoever is in charge is ready. What happens to the ones on the front lines ( us people) are over looked. Sadly so many are struggling and suffering.

Member: Any money moving yet Mark?

MZ: Yes. But I can’t make heads or tails out of what it means for us timing wise. But some money has absolutely been moving. We have been able to track it. It’s just not playing out the way that we thought it would…But we are definitely seeing real money in real people’s hands.

Member: Wait bonds have been paid??? Cash in hand???

MZ: We do have a facilitator get some money. But the big bond news we were expecting since last evening has not happened yet. Many bond holders have finished final paperwork and expect their funds on Saturday now.

MZ: I know there are a lot of others who say its happening today or tonight….But, I cannot find anyone on my banking crew who agrees with that. But they do believe its close.

Member: Mark, do you know of any truth to the rumor of Iraqis being in the streets protesting that they are tired of waiting for a rate change?

Member: Frank26 had a report people talking to streets on 25th for the reset. They want their money.

Member: Let’s hope Frank is right

Member: I know that we have to stay quiet but it sure would feel good to say I Told You So to some of the doubters

Member: let's pray this rv comes in today

Member: I hope everyone has a marvelous day



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.






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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 9-19-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024

Compiled Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update: “Banks got memos yesterday Tues. 17 Sept. telling them to get ready and be there this morning because it was scheduled between now and Fri. 20 Sept. The RV announcement should be by tomorrow Thurs. 19 Sept. There is a scheduled time but no one wanted to put it out.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024

Compiled Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update: “Banks got memos yesterday Tues. 17 Sept. telling them to get ready and be there this morning because it was scheduled between now and Fri. 20 Sept. The RV announcement should be by tomorrow Thurs. 19 Sept. There is a scheduled time but no one wanted to put it out. We are now waiting for the big announcement on the Fed rate. The Market will change with the Fed announcement. They want things to settle down and then will let the RV go. The rates are out. The Banks are ready. This should be our final call.”

Judy Note: The Federal Reserve announcement was that they cut interest rates by 50bps for the first time in 4 years.

Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Bruce: Bond Holders are getting funds into their accounts right now and will have access to those funds Thurs. or Friday. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified at the same time as Tier 3.


Wed. 18 Sept. 2022 NESARA GESARA: The Project for the Golden Age …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram

Get ready for a revelation that could change everything! The NESARA GESARA Act is a key piece of legislation tied to the Great Currency Reset and Revaluation. This bold initiative aims to overhaul the global financial system, redistributing wealth and establishing a fairer world for all.

Imagine a future where debt forgiveness becomes a reality, not just for individuals but nations too. The oppressive income tax system will be eliminated, replaced by a fair, fixed tax on non-essential goods. Picture the confiscation of assets from c*****t institutions and individuals, redistributing that wealth to those who truly deserve it.

A new gold-backed monetary system is on the horizon! This isn’t just a dream; it’s a necessary shift toward financial freedom. Most importantly, NESARA GESARA mandates that a significant portion of the world’s wealth be directed toward humanitarian projects.

This is a call to action for the visionaries among us. The funds will be used to uplift the vulnerable and support community development. The time to rise up and embrace this chance to build a better world is NOW. The storm is gathering, and with it comes the promise of justice and equality! Get ready, because the Golden Age is within reach!


Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 A NEW ERA IN FINANCE …Secret Files Exposed on Telegram

Bold Steps for Those Who Are Awake The financial landscape is evolving rapidly, and for those who are “AWAKE” to the changes, the future is both exhilarating and daunting. We are on the brink of a new era, where traditional financial systems are being replaced by a revolutionary new paradigm. This article explores the key components of this emerging financial system—GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and the Iraqi Dinar. This journey is not for the faint-hearted; it’s for those ready to take charge of their financial destiny.

Current State of Affairs: We are living in uncertain times marked by erratic weather, pandemics, and political turmoil. Amidst this chaos, a financial transformation is quietly unfolding—a transformation that promises stability and security for those who are prepared to embrace it.

Key Components of the New Financial System:

● GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act): A worldwide initiative aimed at overhauling the global financial system and ushering in an era of prosperity. GESARA seeks to eliminate debt-based currencies and replace them with asset-backed systems.

● QFS (Quantum Financial System): A digital platform leveraging blockchain technology and quantum computing to bring transparency, security, and efficiency to financial transactions, rendering traditional banking systems obsolete.

● GCR/RV (Global Currency Reset/Revaluation): This initiative involves recalibrating global currencies, aligning them with tangible assets like gold and silver to level the playing field and reduce the dominance of a few reserve currencies.

● ISO 20022: A global standard for financial messaging that streamlines communication between financial institutions, enabling faster, more accurate cross-border transactions.

● BASEL III: A set of international banking regulations requiring financial institutions to maintain higher capital reserves, enhancing stability within the global banking system and reducing financial crises.

● Protocol QFS 20: A protocol within the Quantum Financial System designed to further secure and streamline financial operations, ensuring that transactions are conducted with the utmost integrity.

● Iraqi Dinar: A currency of significant interest among investors due to its potential for revaluation, which could be part of the broader Global Currency Reset.

Seize Your Financial Future: Now is the time to take control of your financial destiny. The era of saving others is over; those who are aware of the new financial system’s opportunities have reached a higher level of financial consciousness.

If you’ve been hesitant, it’s time to act. Convert your assets into digital gold and silver-backed coins, and secure them in the QFS ledger. The digital realm provides a level of transparency and security that traditional banking cannot match.

Additionally, invest in ISO 20022 compliant assets like XLM and XRP, which are set to play crucial roles in the new financial system. Even if you feel like a latecomer, remember that revolutions always have late arrivals who can still make an impact.


Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Samson  "Our Country's Dream... Al-Sudani Sends an Important Message to Gulf States Regarding the Path to Development" Quote "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani stressed that the drop in oil prices to less than $72 confirms the need to diversify..."  

Guru Fnu Lnu  I have heard these Uncle FUD folks (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) attempting to generate negativity with the perfunctory hand-wringing stating that with the price of oil now in the $70's, the Dinar is likely to be  devalued. REALLY???  They have a new 11% revenue stream they never had before due to non-oil income. They have multi-national  corporations in the wings chomping at the bit to get started with projects ranging from the "Development Road" to oceans of new  housing, infrastructure projects, tariffs, import fees, new port facilities, not to mention all the mineral wealth waiting to be  exploited. They have record foreign reserves and 150 tons of gold plus they have sold bonds of late. They will also be repatriating  all the DFI funds from the New York Central Bank if they haven't already done so...The Chicken Little routine is wearing  thin...Trust me, there will be NO dinar devaluation now or in the future. 


ECONOMIC DESTRUCTION: Fed's MASSIVE 50 Point Rate Cut, Immigration Drives Unemployment & Inflation

Lena Petrova:  9-18-2024


Greg Mannarino:  9-18-2024


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Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Wednesday Evening Chat With MarkZ 9-18-2024

Wednesday Evening Chat With MarkZ

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: RV there yet…lol

Member: Good Evening everyone….there was tons of chatter on all of the boards today!

​​Member: lots of talk today about Nesara... wonder what's happening?

Member: We need less talk and more action….imo

Wednesday Evening Chat With MarkZ

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: RV there yet…lol

Member: Good Evening everyone….there was tons of chatter on all of the boards today!

​​Member: lots of talk today about Nesara... wonder what's happening?

Member: We need less talk and more action….imo

MZ:  We are watching it all come together…the question is when?  Is it now or 4 days from now…is it a week?

​​Member: TNT is saying that it starts tomorrow….$.30 cents on Bolivar.” $3.41 on Dinar…..47 cents on dong, and $1.08 on Rupiah

Member: Mark, please …please give us some hope??? This has dragged on and on…

MZ: I fully expected to have good bond reports this evening. Most are still silent.

MZ: “Fed and Powell unleash chaos across markets with a “Not a crisis at all” rate cut of 50 basis points”  The general consensus leading into today was a 25 point cut….The market did not like it…but gold loved it and shot up to $2600 …The government and the fed chose themselves over the people.

MZ: I like this article from Iraq…They are saying they have a lot of foreign currency and ways to defend their exchange rate.  Why is this important? They are telling us Iraq is ready

MZ: What have we gotten this week? We have movement in the HCL….salaries are suddenly being agreed on….which imo- they could not agree on without knowing the new rates…..we have them telling us the money laundering issue with Iran are taken care of….and the comment about 10 days ago from Sudani that they plan on lifting the value of the dinar during his term….which is in the next couple of months..

MZ: So buckle up and try not to lose faith

Member: It sounds like they are ready, we are ready, so let's go, baby!!

MZ: I have a number of group leaders and bankers who swear we are getting it in the next 4-5 days. I sure hope they are right.

Member: Any news on CMKX or farmers pay outs?

MZ: No- nothing new. We saw what appeared to be test payments on those initial Pigford farm claims …and some original farm claims who said they got sizable deposits

Member: Sure makes me think that we may have shotgun start after all…..

Member: Just wish somebody would do something somewhere.

Member: I believe we will see it before end of October. listening to Kim Clement

Member: Thanks to all for your encouragement…it will hit suddenly and ll this waiting will be worth it.

Member: See all of you tomorrow morning….hoping for big RV news by then

Mod: Join us for Whiskey and Wisdom tonight at 8 pm est…..



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-17-24 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-17-24  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, September 17TH and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in listening to us tonight, being part of what we're all experiencing, what we're all going to go through. And I'm excited about tonight and what my segment is going to be about, and also very excited about to bring to us, and what Bob will bring –

Well. Thank you very much, Bob, anything else that we should know about before we switch to the Intel portion? No, that's it, Bruce. It's seven minutes after 10. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thanks.

I’m going to go right into theme that was mentioned by Sue,  the Med Bed – I don’t usually bring much up pretty much about it but  there is a couple of things that happened, I think you guys should know about -  it is that one of  the leaders if you will -  in charge of the Med Bed -  for us have changed for us  - in the amount of time  we get – that we regress – go back to –

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-17-24  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, September 17TH and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in listening to us tonight, being part of what we're all experiencing, what we're all going to go through. And I'm excited about tonight and what my segment is going to be about, and also very excited about to bring to us, and what Bob will bring –

Well. Thank you very much, Bob, anything else that we should know about before we switch to the Intel portion? No, that's it, Bruce. It's seven minutes after 10. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thanks.

I’m going to go right into theme that was mentioned by Sue,  the Med Bed – I don’t usually bring much up pretty much about it but  there is a couple of things that happened, I think you guys should know about -  it is that one of  the leaders if you will -  in charge of the Med Bed -  for us have changed for us  - in the amount of time  we get – that we regress – go back to –

It was a set to go back 30 years. And the discussion was held and on Saturday, and they said, Well, why don't we do it this? Why do we have to do this way? WhyI can't go further back. And the idea was, if you're 80 years old, but you're 80, you could go back to the age of 30. So that's 50 yr age regression  or equivalent, you to go 80 more to go back 50 years.

That's pretty nice to go from 80 to age 30 and biological age is terrific. I think that is a major deal  right there -  and the other part of that - - Is the youngest age that you can go back to, say your my age, or Sue’s age or Bob's age, you can go back to the age of 28. And that's what I thought it was going to be originally but it changed a couple of times, and now that's, that's the age that I'll go back to. And I’m looking forward to that -  that was prime time -  terms of tennis and everything else -  just a head up, that's what the deal is .

I was told if you're a Zim holder, you get a little better, preferential treatment on this, you can go back in five days or so. After the exchange happens  - if you are a zim holder you ought to be able to get in the med bed  - I’m going to say 5-6 days -  from the people that are in charge – so I love that – that’s great -

Some people dire need, and fortunately, I qualify for that – and so  I will get in a little sooner, but it's all  good - something we should be able to take advantage of – and enjoy -  finish up.

I don’t know if many people know this but there's no Charge to go into the med bed - it's free, designed to be free. And I think that's wonderful  -

It is going to change the way Hospitals operate – to a large extent and some hospitals will remain, but they will become more like healing centers. Which has more to do with nutrition – and healing than it does hospital?

It is going to be interesting as we watch that happen and see what kind of resistance there is  and so on -  we have plenty of these things  around the country and around the world, but we have the greatest number of those  here in this country.

So I’m excited about that. I'm probably more excited about that than the money from the RV. That's in my personal situation -   

Let's go into what we heard just the last say or so about bond holders – Bond holders were supposed to be on a shot gun start with bond holders - They are getting funds put into their accounts - They can't already see them and some can, and some can't in their accounts when they try to go online  and put their codes in -  but they are supposed to have access to those funds  in the next few days,

I've been told, Thursday or Friday -  so that's  coming up pretty quickly – next Tuesday - . So in two to three days should have access to those accounts.

 Now, in keeping with the idea of a shotgun start fwhere everyone goes together tier 4 – that’s what we are in - . tier 4B tier four is what we refer to as the Admirals group - Which there are 21 or 22 already. So those guys should get their notifications the same time as we get ours, as I say. And here's  where we stand on that.

Intel does not need to be long – You guys just want to know “when” – I do too -

So here's what we got, the redemption center people that are in charge  getting out emails to the redemption center leaders throughout the country are told to put out those emails at six oclock tonight and would take approximately  45 mins or so  / hour max to get those emails out to redemption center leaders, or operatives  that is great - linked. And then short and sweet -  we have been told by numerous sources – that have redemption center in our  contacts  in several states – that we should be receiving our notifications – that ‘s our toll free number / 800 number – high noon tomorrow -  which is Wednesday, and so that's what we're expecting.

You guys remember – there was sort of a possible assassination attempt on Pres Trump last Saturday, and that delayed us one day, and they're dealing with and  that put us getting  notified  today

Okay, we can live with it, thank God they caught the guy trying to use weapon to assassinate Pres Trump  So keep himm in your prayers -  I think you will find  that  will be important in our future

So here’s where we are - on this, on this to – we always  talk about  where are we on Social Security increases? Still by the end of September -  Where are we on the  R & R – restitution and reclamation  6  - Also supposed to be this month  and I believe for us going for exchanges and redemption of zim  - we will have it already in our quantum account

When we go in for  our exchanges and redemption of zim – those totals we have from the currencies and zim -  when we  get our quantum account  opened up - we should have our R & R already in there, and then make sure you write down what it is  - they wont itemize it -  you’ll  just have it  - as Bob says – in a pile, so we have a total to write down, and you'll know that was your R & R, and then your currencies are so much from your dinar – and dong -  zim -  all of those on top of that, into your quantum account  - then you will  move with  quantum cards, from  to your primary Wells account  - or maybe you will want to call it your master account -

 okay, so that, and if we get notified when we expect tomorrow on the 18th, we will use that opening email from Wells Fargo servers to set appointment. And we are initiating that if we get the number per day where it comes in your appointment and how do they go change tomorrow?

So now I want to say we are with RNR debt forgiveness if you know, don't forget. Now you have mortgages, the credit card balances being zeroed out. That is all supposed to happen this month, by the end of September, and piece of everything.

So, by the way,  anything in the last few days that takes us off of this timeline, and so I'm going to believe to  be the absolute timeline for us.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-17-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:02:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-29-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:13:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-10--24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:07:27

Technical difficulties with  Bruce's Recorded Call Transcription -  Please clink on the link below and listen to all or partial recording - Bruce's intel segment begins at approximately the 1:02:02 time frame  - thank you

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-29-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:02:02

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-3--24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:04:04

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-29-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:10:50

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-27-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:19:19

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-22-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:32:32

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon 9-18-2024


Clare:  Launch of the Iraqi-Azerbaijani Businessmen Forum in Baku


The Azerbaijani capital, Baku, witnessed the launch of the Iraqi-Azerbaijani Businessmen Forum on Tuesday, in the presence of the Iraqi Minister of Trade, Athir Al-Ghariri, and the Azerbaijani Minister of Economy, Mikail Jabbarov.

In a speech he delivered at the forum, Al-Ghariri referred to the depth of historical relations between Iraq and Azerbaijan, and the importance of strengthening them by establishing real partnerships between businessmen from the two countries, which would contribute to enhancing economic growth, according to the Russia Today Arabic website.


Clare:  Launch of the Iraqi-Azerbaijani Businessmen Forum in Baku


The Azerbaijani capital, Baku, witnessed the launch of the Iraqi-Azerbaijani Businessmen Forum on Tuesday, in the presence of the Iraqi Minister of Trade, Athir Al-Ghariri, and the Azerbaijani Minister of Economy, Mikail Jabbarov.

In a speech he delivered at the forum, Al-Ghariri referred to the depth of historical relations between Iraq and Azerbaijan, and the importance of strengthening them by establishing real partnerships between businessmen from the two countries, which would contribute to enhancing economic growth, according to the Russia Today Arabic website.

Al-Ghariri called on Azerbaijani companies and investors to enter the Iraqi market and explore available investment opportunities, stressing the need to increase the export of Iraqi products to Azerbaijan.

He stressed the importance of cooperation in the field of localizing the gold industry in Iraq, where they discussed ways to benefit from Azerbaijani expertise to support and develop this vital sector in a way that serves the Iraqi economy.

For his part, Azerbaijani Minister of Economy Mikail Jabbarov stressed his country's keenness to develop trade and investment relations with Iraq.

The forum was attended by a large number of Iraqi and Azerbaijani traders and businessmen.  LINK


Clare:  Is the decline in oil prices related to the rise in exchange rates? An "important" clarification from Al-Alaq

9/18/2024  Baghdad

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, announced today, Wednesday, that all transfers are subject to auditing processes, while he indicated that the decline in oil prices has nothing to do with the rise in the exchange rate.

Al-Alaq told the official agency, which was followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the Central Bank provides the dollar at the official price to all commercial and personal channels, travelers, and all types of operations that represent legitimate activities, operations, and requests." 

He pointed out that "any price outside the country is a price that only indicates the existence of abnormal operations that attempt to deviate from the official and legal system and the correct fundamental channels," stressing the need to "focus on the amount of sales carried out by the Central Bank at the official price and those seeking the dollar, whether they are traders, importers, individuals or travelers."

He pointed out that "methods have been put in place for each channel to secure the provision of dollars on the one hand, and a very large degree of oversight to verify the integrity of the pre-operations before they are implemented," noting that "this is a major shift in foreign transfer operations, as they were previously audited at a later stage, and today all transfer operations are not carried out or implemented except after they are subject to the auditing process."

He explained that "the decline in the price of oil has nothing to do with the rise in the exchange rate because Iraq has foreign currency reserves that enable it to defend the exchange rate."  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:
Saleh on television saying we will have more digital banks in Iraq than the entire surrounding region of the Middle East.  They're saying the new banking reform will eliminate the black market.  FRANK:  BOOM!  There it is.  There it is.  There it is.

Militia Man
The digital transformation is here and it's only going to grow and grow and grow in totality...When they're going from a cash economy to a digitized cashless economy, is going to have whatArticle VIII compliant currency on an international global Forex market.  That's what we should expect at any time...



Greg Mannarino:  18-2024

Fed’s Biggest Rate Cut in Years; Here’s Why it Will Wreck the Economy

Daniela Cambone:  9-18-2024

"There's a possibility that we may need a currency alternative to the dollar, because the central banking system is trying to make it collapse," says Todd Bubba Horwitz, founder and CEO of Bubba Trading.

 In an interview with Daniela Cambone, he criticizes the Fed for its irresponsible actions of printing money to stimulate the economy.

 "If you recognize the definition of a Ponzi scheme, you create new money to satisfy old debt, which is what we've done." He also comments that people are spending more than they make, making the case for the precarious situation with consumer debt hitting record highs.

 Horwitz maintains his bullish outlook on gold and silver, predicting the precious metals to go higher this year.


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