News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 9-9-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts fro the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 9 Sept. 2024

Compiled Mon. 9 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (Opinions/Rumors)

Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Wolverine:   Looks like things are ready to kick off. I am getting news that Iraq is ready to put the Dinar on Forex. If that happens, the RV will start. I have been told they will kick off after midnight today Sun. 8 Sept. And, when this happens, it will be real, and it will be emotional for all of us.

The first things to go are the German Bonds and the Yellow Dragon Bonds this week! It will take a few days for them to come, and then the rest of the bonds will come in the next few days.

Orders have now come for ALL THE BANKS IN THE WORLD to activate the QFS in all bank accounts. Get ready for that!

There will be some funds in that QFS from Nesara Gesara so check your bank for those funds!  I think it is all coming at one time.

The Precatorias has a geopolitical problem in Brazil with the ruler  – IMO I think it I all BS –  just a delay tactic. IMO they are just waiting to get started with the rest of us as a shotgun release. The Precatorias is a F&P and are not an actual part of the redemption process. It is considered a blessing so they technically in the RV.   

Not much more to say. Orders have been given. We will see tomorrow, your Monday 9 Sept. So, you may receive your Notifications maybe after midnight.

It has been a huge hard challenge for me, a very difficult rollercoaster ride. No sleep – as I have been trying to get a lot of info for you. I wish Peace to all of you and blessings.  Let’s hope that tomorrow will happen with a rainbow next to my window!

In Summary: They have given orders for the QFS to be activated IN EVERY BANK IN THE WORLD!!  We are waiting for IQD to go live on Forex. Notifications should come after midnight so keep an eye on your emails. The Precatorias – IMO is waiting to be released with all the others as a shotgun release. Have a beautiful day. Take care, Wolverine. (Transcribed by Carpathia)


Sat. 7 Sept. 2024: BOOOM!!! Golden Redemption: The Birth of USN US Note Backed by QFS Gold-Backed Digital Currency (VIDEO) – – American Media Group

Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 huge fire in Reno Nevada. People are being evacuated and it’s in the city where the airport is. Started just below Mt. Rose down the foothills into the city. Sparks is 10 minutes out of Reno East, on sovereign territory Pyramid Lake. Out where the Treasury is located.  Chaos for people trying to fly in and out of Reno! No coincidence.


Global Financial Crisis:

Sat. 7 Sept. 2024: US Debt Clock: WHY WON’T THEY TELL YOU THE TRUTH? VIDEO – – American Media Group

Fractional Reserve Banking is like lending your buddy $100, and he says, ‘Chill, I’ve only got $10, but I’ll loan out the rest to five other people who definitely don’t have it either—don’t worry, it’ll all work out!’ Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is in the background printing money faster than a kid with a broken copy machine, saying, ‘If this blows up, no big deal—we’ll just give everyone more monopoly money!’ And what does this mean for you? Well, while they’re playing hot potato with fake cash, you’re stuck wondering why your $5 coffee now costs $10 and your paycheck stretches like a rubber band—only to snap at the end of the month!


Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial Systems, Project Odin, and the Emergency Broadcast Revolution

The World is standing on the edge of a monumental shift. The rise of the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the covert Project Odin are not just technical upgrades; they are the keys to dismantling the Deepstate’s control and freeing humanity.

QFS is not just a new financial system—it is a weapon of transparency. Through the power of quantum mechanics, it offers an incorruptible platform where every transaction is tracked and protected. The days of backdoor deals and hidden transactions are over. The elites can no longer hide behind their money. The old banking system, built on manipulation and secrecy, is being obliterated as we speak.

Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Petro Dollar Down as World Reserve Currency: NESARA/GESARA

Without the release of Tesla tech and other means, zero oil=zero economy. The leveraged deal was this: Kissinger essentially said “Hey, we have this worthless paper not backed by anything so we’ll offer you guys our military protection (most advanced at the time) in exchange for you making every nation pay for your oil in US dollars.”

Thus, the petro-dollar was born and becomes the “World Reserve Currency.” But now, Saudi is gearing towards backing their oil instead with a gold-backed currency, the Chinese Yuan.

China and Russia made a deal a while back, Russia’s oil for the Chinese Yuan.

The two biggest suppliers of oil (Saudi and Russia) are both looking gold backed, meaning if any nation wants an economy they’ll need to use a gold-backed currency to get it oil to run their economy, at least until zero-point/clean energy tech is fully disclosed. Therefore, a global gold-standard is imminent and no matter where you go, gold is gold is gold implying a full currency reset back to a 1:1 exchange rate globally. Meaning those Zimbabwe notes that have been hyperinflated (say the trillion dollar Zim note that barely covers their monthly food bill) will be worth, a lot….. An unfathomable amount, along with the Iraqi dinar, Russian ruble and other currencies. The meek shall inherent the earth at that point.

There are humanitarian trusts that have been hoarded for longer than we’d ever guess with Birth Bonds backing them (Strawman Bonds): Lucis Trust, Saint Germain Trust and Cestui Que Vie Trust all compiled, pending to be redistributed back to the World’s population after the global currency reset takes place.

Right out of the gate I saw the Zimbabwe movement after CERN flipped back on. That’s what inspired me to post this and synthesis all of these points. Took it as a sign. Even if you haven’t invested in one of the “hot currencies” all will be covered and cleared. The trusts belong to the people; citizens have just been siphoned off of and have largely forgotten their true worth, which is far beyond a price tag.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick   I strongly believe we need Alaq to finish what he's doing [In New York and Washington], come Baghdad and bring the REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate to Iraq.  We believe this is the next step because of what Sudani told the Iraqi citizens.  IMO the commercials are the next thing that they're going to show them.  IMO the commercials are already produced...They will be released to the public. When Sudani said the monetary reform is coming to an end...that's a big hint...That's what we in intel call a big clue. 

9-8-2024   Newshound Guru Militia Man  It takes time to get things done.  Now we're watching all of these things come together at the end.  I think Iraq has made significant adjustments to what they've been doing.  I think their non-oil revenue streams is going to bring value to their country...Iraq...glory days was based off of just oil...Iraq has a lot more than just oil...Liquid natural gas, that's a massive amount of income.  They used to burn it and flare it and just waste it.  Now they're going to produce it and ship it, likely to Europe...They're going to bottle that gas and sell it...They're not only going to increase their oil but they're going to increase their non-oil revenue streams.  That's where all the ability to be able to support the value of their currency...


The Next Financial Crisis You’ve Never Heard of is Starting (here’s why)

Taylor Kenny:  9=8=2024

"The spending we've seen from our government in just the last few years has eroded our purchasing power and chipped away at our savings." You may be diversified in your savings within the system, but if the system goes down then what?


“Coffee With MarkZ” Monday Morning Chat 9-9-2024


Iraq Dinar-Central Bank-Iraqi dinar exchange rate, Baghdad-Kurdistan-History