News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 10-25-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 25 Oct. 2024

Compiled Fri. 25 Oct. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Black Swan Events Pending: Massive Cyber Attack, Global Financial Collapse happening now. Banks were closing, markets were down and Bitcoin has stopped trading.

BRICS nations were meeting right now in Russia to end the fiat US Dollar, though it had already been rejected for international trade.


Global Currency Reset:

Thus. 24 Oct. 2024 Bruce:

Some bond holders set up their accounts and were told they would be liquid in 1-2 days.

The Dinar front screen rate was on the Forex today.

You want to set your appointment for the Redemption Center, not a bank, as they can give you the higher rates and the Contract Rate on the Dinar.

So first of all the information we are getting about T4B is based on us being notified not Thursday but Friday tomorrow and exchanges over the weekend. So we just have to go day by day we are super close and

Bruce does believe that we’ll get this THIS WEEKEND.

And exchanges generally 30 minutes or less. Do your mini presentation – just 3-5 minutes and we know just need to pray for this to happen over the weekend.


Thurs. 24 Oct. 2024 MarkZ: On the bond front, “I don’t know how far I can share what I know, but that certainly makes me feel very comfortable”…. “The Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) is very likely to be put into action this weekend. And a deadline is being handled for the start of payments. It is not to be taken as solid or definitive news, but November 6 is being talked about as a deadline, it would have to come out earlier. Don’t take it as something definitive. Big news coming out of the BRICS meeting in Kazan, Russia. The global financial system has already changed. Everything coming out of that meeting is extremely exciting for what we are looking forward to.”

Thurs. 24 Oct. 2024 Wolverine. “I want you to get ready. That’s all I have to say.”

Thurs. 24 Oct. 2024: BREAKING! Putin Unveils BRICS Currency to Unlock Trillions in GESARA Wealth! U.S. Dollar Collapse Imminent as the Fiat System Crumbles—Global Financial Liberation Has Begun! – Gazetteller

Thurs. 24 Oct. 2024: BOOOM!!! The BRICS Currency Note Presented to Putin: The BRICS Currency Note A Revolution in Motion – – American Media Group

Thurs 24 Oct. 2024: BOOOOM!!! The BRICS Currency Note: A Game-Changer in the Global Financial Arena! …G***o TV on Telegram 

The day has come. The BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—are no longer satisfied with living in the shadow of the U.S. Dollar. They’ve dropped the bombshell that could obliterate the American financial system as we know it—a BRICS Currency Note! Although it’s not in circulation yet, its mere existence sends a clear message: the BRICS countries are flipping the script on the global financial stage.

The BRICS Currency Note—A Revolution in Motion! The world woke up to a shockwave when the BRICS Currency Note was revealed. This bold move could be the beginning of a financial revolution. For decades, the U.S. Dollar has held the world in its grip, dictating the terms of global trade, finance, and politics. But now, with the emergence of a BRICS currency, the tides may be turning for good.

The BRICS note symbolizes a defiant stand against the U.S.-dominated financial system. Vladamir Putin has taken the reins of this movement, signaling that these nations are ready to break free from the suffocating control of the American financial empire.

What Does This Mean for the World? This is more than just currency. It’s a direct challenge to the U.S. dominance. By proposing this currency, the BRICS nations are creating a new financial ecosystem. No longer will they be at the mercy of a single country and its weaponized financial system.

The Rise of the BRICS Currency: A Defiant Response to U.S. Control. For too long, the U.S. Dollar has been used as a financial weapon, enforcing sanctions and manipulating countries that oppose American interests. The BRICS nations have had enough. They’re not just talking about change—they’re making it happen. This currency will weaken America’s ability to control the global economy.

The BRICS Currency Note—whether it’s in your hands now or not—signals that the world is ready to move on. The U.S. financial grip is crumbling, and this is just the beginning of a new era where nations will no longer be dictated to by U.S. interests.

A Move for Financial Independence: This BRICS currency is a symbol of economic sovereignty. The 100 BRICS Note that has emerged is a powerful statement—these nations are no longer bowing to the demands of the U.S.-controlled system. They are taking charge of their economic destiny and shattering the chains that have bound them to the American financial order.

Implications for the Global Financial Order: The End of U.S. Dominance? The introduction of this currency could send shockwaves through the global financial system. It’s not just about economics—it’s about seismic political shifts that could spell the end of U.S. Dollar dominance. The U.S. has used its financial power to project control over the world for decades. But with the BRICS currency in play, that era is over.

A Defiant Response to U.S. Sanctions: Sanctions have been a go-to weapon for the U.S., but the BRICS nations are done playing along. With their own currency in hand, they can circumvent American financial institutions and reclaim their power.

The unveiling of the BRICS Currency Note is more than just an economic maneuver—it’s a direct challenge to the global order. The U.S. stranglehold on the world economy is crumbling as these nations rise up and take control.

Conclusion: The Beginning of the End? The BRICS Currency Note could be the start of the end for the U.S. Dollar’s reign. As this revolution unfolds, we are witnessing a monumental shift in power—one where the U.S. no longer holds the ultimate financial weapon

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat   Article:  "I WANT TO SPREAD AWARENESS ABOUT ELECTRONIC PAYMENT? READY TO USE IT?”   ...we read from this article that ONLY now are the banks finally issuing these debit cards that can be used globally, such as in the U.S...Yes, they are finally being released...Yes, it is time for them now...the rate is determined at the bank, when the transaction goes through at the bank when the card is used...NO rate on the card...The rate is controlled by the currency exchange or the CBI (official rate) whichever one they are linked to.

SkyWalker   An objective of the [delete the zeros] project is simply collecting three zero notes and replacing them with lower denomination notes. It serves two purposes (1). removes the three zero printed on the notes which increases the nominal value on the note itself (2). through supply and demand the value of the currency can be manipulated by the CBI. Therefore, nominal value is first increased in country and (REER) will allow the dinar to have value outside the country.


South Africa's BRICS Closing Speech Shocks the World | Reveals Plans to Punish Israel!

We Love Africa:  10-24-2024

The BRICS Summit comes to an end in Kazan on October 24.

More than 20 world leaders and over 30 delegations gather for the 16th BRICS Summit, set to be one of the major economic, political and cultural events of the decade, hosted by Russia in the beautiful city of Kazan.

The past year has seen BRICS grow in both size and influence to nearly half the world’s population and a third of the global economy.

An BRICS Plus/outreach format is also taking place, with world leaders and heads of the Eurasian Economic Union, Commonwealth of Independent States and the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation, among many others.

The leaders of Russia, China, India and South Africa are among those who have confirmed their participation.




Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Friday Morning 10-25-24


“Tidbits From TNT” Friday Morning 10-25-2024