More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Afternoon 10-14-2024


Clare:  Al-Sudani: All I aspire to is to serve the Iraqis

10/13/2024  Baghdad

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said today, Sunday, October 13, 2024, that all he aspires to is to serve the Iraqis and put Iraq first in our government policy.

Al-Sudani said in an interview with CNN that: "The Iraqi government committed before the House of Representatives to rearrange the relationship with the international coalition to fight the terrorist ISIS."

He explained that "the international coalition was formed based on the invitation of the Iraqi government in 2014 and achieved, with the help of Iraq and friends, a historic achievement for the region and the world by defeating ISIS," stressing that "ISIS gangs do not represent a threat to the state."

The Prime Minister explained that "Iran is a neighboring country that is linked to Iraq in many areas and supports the political process," noting that "Iraq is the only country in the region that has balanced relations between countries that may have problems or disagreements, and it is a country that is completely different from the past stage."

Al-Sudani continued, "Iraq is witnessing unprecedented economic development and a stable political system. It is building balanced relations, confronting all corruption problems, and working on commercial and administrative reforms."

"We are turning into a promising country that represents a cornerstone in the stability of the Middle East," he said, adding, "Iraq and the United States are bound by the Strategic Framework Agreement in 2008, and we are working to activate it."

He stressed that "the Iraqi people are currently living in a state of hope and optimism."   LINK


Gold Telegraph: Commodities Drive our World


Russia has proposed a BRICS multicurrency system which includes the creation of centers for mutual trade in commodities such as:

• Oil
• Natural Gas
• Grain
• Gold

Everything is starting to come together.

This is years in the making.

Real leaders don’t care at all about credit.

They only care about results.

When BRICS settles more commodities in local currencies, people will not only see a shift in the system’s fabric but also witness its very foundations being rewired.

Commodities drive our world.

Finance is built on top of it.

Don’t forget that.

Let it fill you with fire, not anger, when people doubt you.

People have doubted me my entire life.

It makes me feel alive.

Strive to make the future haunt them.

Award-winning economist Jeffrey Sachs warns the U.S. government has weaponized the dollar, instead of using it as a medium of exchange or store of value.

The world is waking up.

New articles are coming this week.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  I truly believe one of their agendas in sustainable development is revaluing the Iraqi currency... Sudani stated many time, be careful Iraq, Iraq is stronger than the dollar...they're going to be (as hammered at home) somewhat of the savior of the global financial system.  How are you going to do that at 1310 when you never did it before...Obviously they're going to do something completely different.

Question: "What's the process of the new rate going live on Forex?The CBI, when they officially announce it to the world at the same moment those words are coming out of their mouth, then they push a button that sends the official rate all over the world, not just to currency exchanges but to banks, to reserves, to those that need the information...


EU FREAKS OUT As Austria Moves Towards BRICS! What Is Going On?

Economics Nations:  10-14-2024


Greg Mannarino:  10-14-2024



6 Frugal Habits of the Super Rich and Famous


Some “BRICS New’s” Monday 10-14-2024