More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday PM 10-11-2024

MikeCristo8: BRICS will Launch an Alternative to the IMF


MikeCristo8 :  The BRICS unit has definitely launched.

BRICS will also launch an alternative to the IMF as the summit.

So Lavrov has been traveling the world, telling foreign heads of state that there is going to an IMF alternative for when the BRICS currency is launched.

So BRICS is launching World Bank – IMF alternatives and a whole new financial system based on gold, that will challenge the legitimacy of the US dollar




Clare:  Iraq raises gold reserves to 152.6 tons, according to the World Gold Council


Iraq’s gold reserves increased by 4 tons in the past two months, reaching 152.6 tons, according to a report issued by the World Gold Council. This increase places Iraq in 29th place globally among 100 countries in gold reserves, according to last month’s data.

At the Arab level, Iraq came in third place after Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, as data recorded an increase in Iraqi gold reserves from 148.3 tons to 152.6 tons.

Last August, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, economic advisor to the Iraqi prime minister, confirmed that gold represents about 10% of Iraq’s foreign currency reserves. He pointed out that the reserve had reached 148 tons at the time.

It is worth noting that Iraq recorded a gold reserve of 145 tons and 661 kilograms last February, indicating that the continuous increase reflects financial stability and stability in cash liquidity.

Globally, the United States holds the lead in gold reserves with 8,133 tons and 300 kilograms, followed by Germany with 3,351 tons and 500 kilograms, and then Italy in third place with 2,814 tons.  LINK

Alicia2015:  great to see Iraq increase gold reserves ahead of BRICS summit this month


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Wolverine  ...What I heard is that huge Whales have received their notifications and are flying to their destination to receive their blessing...I can’t say more until I’m allowed to speak. Nothing is guaranteed in this journey but I have absolute faith that any day we are going to receive the news we’ve been waiting for... 

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:
Minister of Finance on TV saying they have activated the automation and digitalization process.  FRANK:  That's important. the backbone of the monetary reform.  That's what's going to move the currency in and out of the country but more so out there when it starts to float for us...That will add the Real Effective Exchange Rate to your currency.


We Are In The ENDGAME Now...

Lynette Zang:   10-11-2024

Today we are talking about the implementation of Basel III in the central banks and how THIS is the ENDGAME...

The Fed Is Failing the U.S. Economy by Ignoring This Metric, Here’s What Next

Kitco News:  10-11-2024

he Federal Reserve is flying blind with its policies because it completely ignores the M2 money supply metric, says Steve Hanke, Professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University.

 "The Fed doesn't understand what it's doing, and it's not watching the money supply," Hanke tells Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News.

 "How can you be running a central bank and have a macroeconomic model that doesn't even include money? That's the one thing that central banks produce. It's kind of bizarre. Quite frankly, it's stupid, but I'll use the word bizarre and be polite."


Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Friday Afternoon 10-11-24


Economist’s “News and Views” 10-11-2024