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Iraq News Highlights and Points To Ponder Monday Evening 10-21-24

"Serious Repercussions" .. Iraq's Internal Debts Rise At A Rate Of One Trillion Dinars Per Month

Published on: October 21, 2024: Exclusive/Al-Mada  Iraq has recently witnessed a significant increase in its internal debts, recording an increase of one trillion dinars per month, which raises widespread concern among citizens and economic analysts.

This increase comes at a time when the country is suffering from multiple economic challenges, including weak economic growth and increasing unemployment rates.

As the financial crisis worsens, economists expect the growing public debt to have negative effects on citizens’ standard of living, including a decline in public services and higher prices.

Under these circumstances, there is an urgent need to develop effective strategies to manage debt and ensure financial stability in the country.

The economic expert, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, announced in a post on his personal accounts, followed by (Al-Mada), that "according to the data published on the website of the Central Bank of Iraq, the total domestic public debt in Iraq increased from 70 trillion dinars in January 2024 to 80 trillion dinars in October 2024. The rate of increase in the debt reached 1 trillion dinars per month, representing a growth rate of up to 14%."

He added, "This growth in the domestic debt reflects the existence of an actual deficit in the 2024 budget, as part of this deficit was covered through domestic borrowing, deducting remittances, and issuing bonds," noting that "the government's three-year budget law in 2024 has provided the possibility of obtaining 5 trillion dinars through remittances deducted from the legal reserve of government banks, in addition to borrowing 3 trillion dinars from these banks."

The government's measures also included issuing national bonds worth 5 trillion dinars and deducting treasury transfers at the Central Bank of Iraq worth 20 trillion dinars.

The economic expert continues, "This increase in domestic debt in light of the economic challenges facing Iraq requires effective strategies to manage public debt and achieve sustainable financial stability."

For his part, economic affairs expert Taha Al-Janabi said in an interview with Al-Mada that “the increase in Iraq’s internal debts by a rate of one trillion dinars per month could have major negative effects on citizens and the economy in general.”

He added, "With the rise in public debt, the government may have to impose new taxes or increase existing taxes to compensate for the deficit, which will reduce the disposable income of citizens."

He explained that "focusing on debt repayment could lead to reduced spending on basic services such as health, education and infrastructure, which negatively affects the quality of life."

Al-Janabi explained that, "to finance the debt, the government may have to print more money, which may lead to higher inflation rates and higher prices, and thus a loss of purchasing power for citizens."

He stressed that "if public debt continues to rise without a clear plan to manage it, this could lead to a loss of confidence in the government and economic systems, which could lead to social unrest."

He explained that "the increasing debt may lead to future generations being burdened with paying off these debts, which will affect their economic future."

The economic expert continued, "Addressing these issues requires effective economic strategies from the government, including improving the management of public funds, increasing spending efficiency, and developing various economic sectors."


Economist Reveals Actual Deficit In 2024 Budget

Money and business   Economy News – Baghdad Economic expert Nabil Al-Marsoumi confirmed that there is an actual deficit in the 2024 budget, part of which was covered through domestic borrowing, deducting remittances, and issuing bonds.

According to the Central Bank data, the total domestic public debt in Iraq increased from 70 trillion dinars in January 2024 to 80 trillion dinars in October 2024, at a rate of one trillion dinars per month and a growth rate of 14%, which means that there is an actual deficit in the 2024 budget.

The government’s three-year budget in 2024 allowed for obtaining 5 trillion dinars through transfers deducted from the legal reserve of government banks and borrowing 3 trillion dinars from government banks, in addition to issuing national bonds worth 5 trillion dinars and deducting treasury transfers at the Central Bank of Iraq worth 20 trillion dinars. https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=48964

Parliament Reveals The Secrets Of 6 Qualitative Strikes Against Currency Counterfeiting Networks In Iraq - Urgent

Economy / Security |Today,  Baghdad Today - Baghdad    The Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee revealed, today, Monday (October 21, 2024), the secrets of 6 qualitative strikes against currency counterfeiting networks in Iraq.

Committee member MP Yasser Iskandar said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "Counterfeiting currencies, whether foreign or local, has serious repercussions on the economy. It drains people's savings and creates a state of mistrust, especially since counterfeiting operations have taken on a dimension of precision and professionalism because the networks involved in them cross borders, meaning that there are international mafias with multiple addresses."

He added, "The Ministry of Interior succeeded, through exceptional efforts, in directing 6 qualitative strikes against currency counterfeiting networks in Iraq during 2024, and contributed to the arrest of many of its leaders and the seizure of large sums of money that were on their way to marketing."

Iskandar pointed out that "counterfeiting crimes are low compared to previous years, in addition to awareness messages, which have begun to bear fruit through checking currencies and reporting counterfeit ones directly by stakeholders, whether banking or companies, reaching the ordinary citizen, and this reflects important awareness."

On Saturday (October 19, 2024), financial and economic expert Alaa Al-Fahd revealed the authorities responsible for protecting the Iraqi currency from counterfeiting and its spread in the markets.

Al-Fahd told Baghdad Today, "The mission of the Central Bank of Iraq is to issue currency and maintain monetary policy and coordination in this field. As for the issue of counterfeit currency, this is the responsibility of the specialized executive government agencies. The bank's goal when it issues its currency is to work on finding ways to protect this currency from counterfeiting, and this matter exists in all countries of the world."

He added that "the issue of gangs and currency counterfeiting mafias is not within the tasks and duties of the Central Bank to confront, even the issue of currency smuggling is not within the Bank's tasks," indicating that "these issues are the responsibility of the specialized executive government agencies, including the security agencies, and for this reason the Central Bank of Iraq always works to coordinate with those government agencies in order to preserve the Iraqi economy and currency."

The expert confirmed that "even the dollar is a counterfeit currency, not only in Iraq but in most countries of the world, and this is not the responsibility of the Central Bank of Iraq, but rather the responsibility of the specialized executive government agencies."   LINK

The Dollar Rises Again In The Iraqi Stock Exchanges

Economy  2024-10-21 | 2,224 views   SumerianNews – Economy  

Baghdad:  Selling price: 154,000   Buying price: 152,000

Erbil:  Selling price: 152,950   Buying price: 152,850

The Council of Ministers announced on February 7, 2022, the approval of amending the exchange rate DollarTo 1320 dinars per dollar.  LINK