Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, February 18th  and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, all over the globe, wherever we're getting the call out to, which is really kind of cool, I know, let's say on last Thursday's call, we had over 11 million people listening live, and we have a number of people that listen to the replay, and that tends to put us up in that 18 to 24 million in that range. But thank you for listening, if you're out there. We appreciate you, wherever you're located all over the globe. Thanks for tuning in. And let's have a great call tonight

All right, let's talk about the Intel where we are. Now here’s my disclaimer, I should do this on every call, but I don't really think to do it. But you realize by now I have information that nobody else has -  I do bring it when it's applicable, when I can share it with you guys. We have contacts  - and I've told you guys in the past some of who these contacts are, and some of them are remarkable. They know  things, and sometimes they tell a thing that I just can't bring out on the big call.

But what I can tell you is, when I get information and it's verified, let's say, four or five different sources  that don’t know  each other - It's something that I take very seriously. And I think, oh, man, this is it - This is happening -  from this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one, and it's looking good, looking very good.

And so when I get enthusiastic and bringing out Intel. And just like last Thursday, I was just about calling it - I didn't even call it. I know it. I know and but it didn’t  happened yet, and even the information that we got from, I'm going to say, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, was indicating that we had, and this is what one of the sources said, we got a 99.9% chance of being notified today, Tuesday, today. Well, guess what? The 1/10 of a percent wonwe did not get notified today.

I think we were also told by another source that Tuesday, Wednesday would be blockbuster days for us, and Tuesday was not a blockbuster day yet. I don't think it's going to be – Now. Could Wednesday, Thursday be our blockbuster days, I think so. I think so –

We didn't get the final little push I wanted with Intel right before the big call. So I might get it before I stop talking tonight, or I might get it after the call tonight, or we might even get it tomorrow. I could tell you this much, the redemption center leader we talk to occasionally – when we’re able, was expecting an email at 715 this morning, and he got the email, and it said, “pending “ – “Be prepared to go in at a moment's notice”, that was into redemption Center as a leader.

Now,  as far as I know, there was one more email that he would receive that would be an assignment email that would tell him when to go in today, or whenever. My knowledge so far, we did not hear confirmation that that second email has come out. The first one was “pending” – “be prepared to go in at a moment's notice”, but that second email giving the assignment of when to go in did NOT occur, as far as we know today

 Now – could it occur overnight could it occur in the morning. Could it occur at 715 in the morning and then he goes in at eight o'clock or whatever. I think that's quite possible.

What I did hear was last Saturday. We've got sources in Iraq that we talk to - we did hear, that last Saturday, we were told that Wednesday, which is tomorrow, we should have the new revalued dinar rate in published into the official record of Iraq which they call the Gazette.

Now that would be tomorrow, early morning, if  that is still on. I think that looks good for us to get our notifications tomorrow. But Some sources say that Iraq publishing the rate in the gazette has nothing  to do with us getting this when we get it. I I know that Iraq has been called the lynch pin for years in terms of the RV, in terms of the GCR and everything moving forward.

So I think they're still very important, very much a part of having this go shortly after their newly revalued dinar rate makes its way into the Gazette, but I still think it's important for us. So that's what we heard last Saturday. Remember, we haven't done  a call since Thursday of last week.

So beyond that, we're also hearing that the hold up today, the fact we didn't get it today, might have something to do with Treasury getting out more USTN paper, new dollar, currency, United States Treasury notes into the banks, possibly the redemption centers, although I know banks and redemption centers got USTN currency in a year and a half ago and we know who delivered it

We know when they delivered it. We know roughly how much they delivered and it's was put in the vaults. And as far as I know, it's probably still in the vaults, but that new currency should be at the levels that they want us to have when we go in. And when will the USTN  be brought out?

I think it will be brought out on whatever first day it is that we go in for exchanges, which could be as early as tomorrow. It could be Thursday, if we got notified tomorrow, which is Wednesday. What did Charlie Ward’s guy  Roger, say to us? Roger said, it may not be Charlie Ward's Thursday, but it might be your Thursday, reflecting from Charlie and saying it would be our Thursday this Thursday.

Now, you know, I'm hoping that's correct. I'm hoping that's right. Maybe get notified in the morning, maybe tomorrow, when we set appointments for Thursday. I don't know at this point, it's not absolute - all I'm trying to do is give you what I'm hearing and weeding out things that don’t matter or are irrelevant to us.

Now I did hear, I did not see these two reports, but I understood that on NewsMax and on Fox, there were short reports about the R&R about restitution and reconciliation allowance.  Restitution and reconciliation allowance coming soon, coming very soon, and I've heard that R and R is going to be there for us that are going in for our exchanges - When we go in, we would have,  when we set up our quantum account, and we're doing our exchanges that they would have the R and R money to put into our account, into our quantum accounts.

Now, for people that aren't exchanging currency, that are of retirement age, which they're considering 60 years and older, you would receive your R and R funds restitution and reconciliation allowance. You would get the R and R money by direct deposit - If you're receiving Social Security -You would get in that bank account where you get your social - Now it's not the increase in social security - that's completely separate, but we're hearing that will still be for R, and R will still be this month.

It may come down to the last week of this month, at least right now, that's what we're hearing. And the same thing is true of the increase in Social Security.

We're hearing that increase is to occur the end of February. There's only 28 days, and today is the 10 more days to go. So I think it's interesting that a report on R&R made its way into Fox News and Newsmax today, I thought that was very interesting

I have heard that the maximum amount of R and R money, this would be for older individuals that paid a lot of money in taxes, already gotten married once or twice or three times. You know, there's a lot of variables right? Besides your birth certificate trading on that they trade on marriage licenses, traded on your divorce decree - spouse death, and she died or he died, that type of thing. There's money that comes from that in our own accounts. They've got it.

So I've heard the maximum, it's going to be in around $88 million but that money might come to somebody who's not even involved in the currencies at all. I don't think that’s where most of us will be. I think most of us might be, you know, half of that, or less than half of that, but it is something that helps to hydrate our population here, especially  over population

Now - Remember, we had the idea of two age groups, 30 to 45 – 45- 60 and 60 and older would get as a lump sum, right? Lump sum payment if you're 60 and over. Now they've redone that. And I think everybody that's under retirement age, which I think they're called 61 retirement age, anybody less than that from age 30 to 61 will get the R&R, whatever that total amount is for them at that age that they started at, which is 30 or 40 or 50, or whatever age you know you are, when you start getting it, you'll get it monthly until the age of 61 - you'll  get it monthly. The whole amount would be broken down into monthly payments

And if you’re younger than 60? I believe 61 you have to sign something that says that you will NOT quit your job - Or if you don't have a job, you get a job. Basically, they want us to be working and not to just get this and not work for a living. You know, it's going to be a nice little stipend, really every month - It sounds to me like  

I don't know how to calculate it for younger people that are 30 to 40 to 50 years old, but it's going to be a major deal, and it sounds like it still could go this month, but  why would they bring on the news R and R and the news on Newsmax and Fox today? I don't know, but I think it's interesting.

I think we're very close to getting all of this  - our blessing. Hopefully it's still tomorrow or Thursday that we get it the next couple of days, and then RNR would be there for us when we open our quantum account at the redemption center - we would be able to get the additional amount of the R and R.

So I think that's what I wanted to cover tonight. So guys, I wish I could do absolute on this. You know, I'd love to absolutely have it, have an 800 number to put out and call it a celebration call. That's what I was hoping today would be. But you know what might be Thursday that we have that celebration call?

It could be Thursday. I'm going to say what we need to do is stay enthusiastic for it. Have passion, be compassionate about the fact that we are that close and the fact that everything that President Trump doing and that Elon Musk is doing with Doge is for our benefit, he's finding waste, fraud and abuse in all government entities, all organizations,

I'm thinking, if there's anything else that was relevant to us and to our start. Like I said, guys, I wish I had that last minute Intel push that would tell us give us more secure feelings about the next two days, but because we had a 99.9% chance of being notified today Tuesday, and we didn't get it today.

 It sort of makes it look real strong for the next two days, Wednesday and Thursday. I'm hoping that, hey, I know you all are, remember, I'm just a messenger, and I'm doing the best I can to bring most relevant information that I receive. And sometimes we get a lot, sometimes don't get much of anything, and we just do the best we can to piece it together for you.

And so I'm excited. And you know what? Maybe we get notified and we start exchange Thursdays. We'll have a celebration called Thursday night. So let's just stay tuned and see what comes in, and hopefully we get notified. We can set appointments right away. All right, so let's do this. Let's pray the call out come off the recording regarding

So let's keep an eye out. Let's see what happens tomorrow, and we'll talk to you Thursday, hopefully with celebration call. All right, everybody, let's turn off the recording.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:00:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:19:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:37

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:19:4O

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   44:24


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