Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody the big call tonight. It is Thursday, February 27th  and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for joining us, wherever you're located, around the globe. Thank you sat team for hooking everybody up around the globe to listen in. The rest of you on free conference call glad to have you, and many of you listen to the replay, which is another great way to hear us. So thanks for listening everybody.

Let's, let's get into where we where we want to be on the intel tonight. So what do I want to bring out first. The first thing that I'm thinking of is, yeah, do we do we have any new information about Social Security increases, or about R and R? Not right now, and I told you guys on Tuesday night I wasn't giving it much hope for coming by the end of this month with three days to go, that was on Tuesday night.

Now we're on Thursday night with one day left tomorrow, and I don't think we're going to see this month. That's a pretty safe bet,  BUT -- I am encouraged by the fact  that we did receive a little bit of information, a couple of small puzzle pieces that we’re using to fill in this puzzle to try to complete the picture that we're looking for, and such is the fact that right now, I know that we had two very strong sources that were telling us that, don't worry, this is going to be the week that we receive our notifications.

And even though we only have two days left, Friday and Saturday this week, I think it's quite possible that we still will get notified and set an appointment this week.

Now, how do I say that?  I know, for example, that one of our redemption center staff members is working tomorrow morning at Wells, Fargo Bank, and then goes after lunch into the redemption center tomorrow, Friday.

Why would that be? Why would a person work in the bank in the morning and go to the redemption center in the afternoon, unless they were expecting for the toll free numbers to come out in our emails, our notifications, and then we call, and this person is there on the redemption center end to help set our appointments.

That made perfect sense to me. I thought, you know, tomorrow is the 28th of February, so last day of the month? Could they notify us on Friday still this week. And could they notify us where we get our numbers and we set our appointment tomorrow? Could be tomorrow afternoon, but we set it for Saturday or Sunday or Monday or whatever next week. I think it's very possible

I’m not calling it. I'm not saying that it's definite, but it looks good for us to get notified and set our appointments for exchanges that would start on Saturday, the first of March, in a whole brand new month, 31 days of March. So that is, that is quite possible.

I really think if this is going to happen this week. And I know it's a big if, but if, what we're told was it would be this week, don't worry, then I see that as the way it's going to happen.

Now, as far as redemption centers go, we got some information about one email that was received in the morning yesterday, one was received in the afternoon, still waiting on one more, but did not come this morning, as was expected, but should be there tomorrow.

And we don't know what this email that hasn't been received will say, but what it could say is when the green light will be turned on for our notifications to be released. That's what I believe it should say. It could say. And of course, we won't know it until tomorrow, but I think I'm encouraged by the fact that that is coming.

The other thing that's interesting is or having trouble getting the word from bond holders and bond pay masters that they have money. We believe they have the funds in their accounts, and we believe some have been told how much that is, but we don't know if they have received the email to tell them when they can have access to those funds.

My feeling is, but I don't know this, but my but my feeling is that they should bond owners should get those notifications tomorrow   and again, we won't have it for the big call tonight, but if they do get them tomorrow, will it say that they have access to funds on Saturday - or will give them access to funds sometime tomorrow. Either one is possible, either one is possible.

 And I believe with that information which I wish I had tonight, I don't but if I knew that they would have access to funds either Friday or Saturday, tomorrow or Saturday, then I would feel really good about saying, Well, we're next. We're going to be notified post haste, and that part of the 48 hour rollout of everybody that's to receive funds, whether it's from bond holders monies, whether it's admirals groups or our Internet Group, all of us to receive funds within a modified shotgun start of 48 hours.

So I'm encouraged by that. I think that that the timing of this is really interesting. The other thing that's that's happening, I'm trying to think of a couple other things that I that I wanted to bring out to you guys tonight, and one of which is today, after the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom had meetings with President Trump, and had a press conference with President Trump, which was very good, by the way. I enjoyed both of those -  right after that, President Trump signed off on BOTH  NESARA and GESARA -  

NESARA, our National Economic Strategic And Recovery Act, and GESARA  the global economic strategic and Recovery Act. He signed off on both of those today, this afternoon, and we believe that those will probably be brought out because they weren't mentioned today. They probably will be brought out this coming Tuesday, which should be the fourth of March, or March that is something that's going to be actively in both houses of Congress the Senate as a representative.

Okay, that is a mandatory get together of both House and Senate, joint chambers, if you will, both chambers of Congress, rather a wish of commerce of Congress, and that brought out at that time, and who knows what else?

I think there's a possibility we get something about our new USN, our new our new USA Treasury notes, our new currency, our new money, totally money. And maybe something about our brand new digital currency brought out, then it is going to be, it should be a really good day –

Now could this go before Tuesday. I believe it can, at least that's what I'm hearing from all of our sources. I don't think we're waiting. In other words, I hope we are not waiting on Tuesday.

What else is happening today?

You know, we had Jeffery Epstein papers that were supposed to come out today, and they got a little smattering of some things that wasn't the big impact that our Attorney General Bondi was expecting, but she has taken charge.

She let our brand new Head of the FBI Kash Patel know about the fact that they did not get all the documents out of New York, and so they have to deliver those  to Washington and Bondi’s office by 8am tomorrow morning, Eastern Standard Time, but somebody ought to be bringing those down by Jet or train  tonight from Heath, from Washington, DC, and get that out and tell by surprise and body by surprise, but don't worry, they're on it. They are on it, and they will make sure FBI is held to account for these documents.

So be prepared for some news on those lines tomorrow, and let's see what else tonight. Unfortunately, there was,  let's see what else I want to bring out right now,

I really hoped I would get a little bit more this afternoon and tonight, even during the call, that would indicate that we are right there and we are right there, but a little something that would give us more confirmation about tomorrow.

So I'm going to hold that it's very possible to get notified tomorrow, set appointments starting Saturday, and that would be awesome, because we get it by the end of the month, last day of the month, and then we start exchanges on the first of March. And I'm hoping that's exactly what happens to you guys.

 I'm telling you, if that occurs, like I've heard, it would be a win. It'd be a definite win. And I think that we have a lot to be thankful for -  things are definitely moving in the right direction.

President Trump is doing an outstanding job, along with Elon Musk and his team and Doge, I love the fact that they're saving billions of dollars a day by going in finding out where is the waste, where is the fraud?

Social Security benefits will not drop, neither will Medicare or Medicaid. If anything, they're going to find the waste  in the system. They'll find people that are no longer alive  getting checks in Social Security. And you know it, they seem to be really good when they're able to nail down all of those things and tighten up the list and tighten up everything in all organizations in our federal government, and they're doing an outstanding job. And of course, Elon outstanding job, by the way, he's doing it for free. Does he need the money? No, of course not. He doesn't. That is his heart is in the right place, doing doing the right thing for the American people.

Was there anything I want to bring up right now, I can’t think of it  right now - if there were, I know that there are a couple of things I was thinking about. They're not coming to me right now, so I think what I'll do is thank Sue for doing an outstanding job

And I'd like to thank Bob for an outstanding job, as well for helping to co host the call and giving beautiful insight and stories that are very relevant for us, And thank you. GCK, everybody else that has contributed to big call.

I'm hoping guys that we get this this weekend and then send out a short celebration call, I think that's all I wanted to bring out tonight. Keep an eye on your emails. All right, all right, everybody, let's pray the call out


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