Dinar Recaps

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Judy, MilitiaMan, Lynette Zang and more Thursday 2-25-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 25 Feb. 2021

Compiled Thurs. 25 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: As of Thurs. morning 25 Feb. Paymasters and Redemption Center Staff remained at their stations ready to start at any time. The Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) Shotgun Start liquidity release was imminent, although no one was privy as to an exact time.

To discern when, do the math – according to our Military Intel Contact and a US General:

On Tues. 23 Feb. the QFS switch was turned on, liquidity was released to platforms in Zurich, the fiat US Dollar collapsed and the new gold-backed US Note went active.

On Wed. 24 Feb. at 4:30 am EST QFS funds were released.

On Thurs. 25 Feb. Iraq was set to make their new Dinar rate public.

Redemption Centers have been given a schedule to do exchanges through Sat 6 March.

The beginning of the new global economic tax year was on that same Thurs. 1 April 2021.

Charlie Ward said that something massive was going to happen on Tues. 6 April 2021.

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Wed. 24 Feb. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

On Tues. 23 Feb. liquidity was released in Zurich to platforms like Admiral Markets Pty Ltd, an Australian Financial Services company in Sydney (and also to other platforms).

On Wed. 24 Feb. at 4:30 am EST funds were released.

On Thurs. 25 Feb. Iraq was set to make their new Dinar rate public through a budget vote.

Dr Charlie Ward was told that the C19 Scamdemic would be over after the reset and as such, C19 Scamdemic lockdown and mask mandates would begin to lift from Mon. 1 March onward.

Redemption Center bankers and staff have been given a schedule for exchanges from now through Sat 6 March.

Our Military Intel Contact said to “Do the math. It’s moving toward Tier 4B, so buckle up, keep your expectancy level high, prayers going and get ready for your appointment.”


Tues. 23 Feb. Scott Mckay: Intel on Gold Treaty, USN, QFS at 18 min. mark: 2.23.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #54: Moves and Countermoves Q & A - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PduGoAceQMQ

The QFS will rectify the Cartel crime that has taken the life blood out of all of us.

On Mon. 22 Feb. a general flew to the new US Treasury in Reno, where evidently he turned on the switch for the QFS on Tues. 23 Feb.

The new USN – backed by gold – went active on Tues. 23 Feb.

Recently the CCP tried to take over the SWIFT system to divert money to the Cabal. They were unsuccessful.


Wed. 24 Feb. MarkZ: https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/coffee-with-markz-wednesday-morning-chat-2-24-2021

I talked to Paymasters and Group Leaders. There is positioning of Paymasters for redemption, who goes in and in what order based on who is physically in position.

They are setting up redemption appointments globally. You will have 45 minutes to get there. If you do not make it when they call you, you go to the bottom of the Que/list. To me this is fantastic. We are seeing some movement.

There were rumors of Historic Bond Holders who supposedly got 1% as a down payment – the rest to be paid immediately upon the reset.

Out of Iraq we are still getting a lot of chatter about Thursday or Friday for the new budget to be finished now that they have completed the Kurdistan issues.


Scott Mckay Intel on Gold Treaty, USN, QFS (see 18 min. in)
2.23.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #54: Moves and Countermoves Q & A - YouTube

The Quantum Financial System: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1RZiPo7cQQ

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_25.html

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Courtesy f Dinar Guru   https://www.dinarguru.com/

MilitiaMan  I don't believe they'll go out and float it [the dinar] this early on [after rate change].  If they stick to having it fixed going into the future it will help contain the inflation...

Jeff   They [Iraq] are gonna have two sets of notes in circulation.  They're gonna have large notes and small notes...two sets of notes will coexist together utilizing the same exchange rate...this is just an example.  Let's say the rate is $3 - if the rate is three a 25 note is $75 after the rate change...a 25000 dinar note times $3 is worth $75000.  Both the 3 zero notes and the smaller notes below 100 will have the same exact rate.  They're not going to have different rates...you're in a great spot...

Bruce  [via WiserNow]  I can tell you there are a few things out there that are pointing toward our timing being very close - now – for me to say that...I know that things are happening and have happened in Iraq to make the reveal for the release of everything...Thursday [today].  So we’re looking for some action to take place probably on Thursday – and it could be that we get notified on Thursday and go for exchanges on Thursday...I would say Thursday is looking very good for us...Beyond that we know that redemption center staff...were given a schedule for the next 12 days...I am very encouraged by what we’re hearing...there has been a lid put on intel and we have been put on more than a GAG order...you are not seeing or hearing much right now - that is a very good sign...



Streamed live 20 hours ago

Question 1: 0:51​ Saw your "shift" video. I'm not sure quite what to make of it -- I've attached an image here to explain. No one else in the YouTube comments section seemed to notice, but no matter how many times I blinked, I couldn't get Spot to trade below SLV! What am I missing?

Question 2: 06:10​ If someone owes $100,000 on a mortgage and the currency is reset what happens? Do you think there will be a period of time where you can pay the mortgage off before it is revalued to the new currency?

Question 3: 07:19​ Roll over from IRA stocks to Gold IRA. Does this move work or is it a bad move?

Question 4: 09:43​ My family and friends and I are all very concerned about the Bail In's possibility. Are we relatively safe in keeping some of our money in credit unions?

Question 5: 11:40​ What comes first hyperinflation or the reset?

 Question 6: 13:07​ My question is about my existing 401k balance. My employer's plan doesn't give me the ability to invest in individual stocks and has a limited number of fund choices. What type of funds do you recommend to limit losses during the reset and what would you recommend shifting to when it looks like we're at the bottom?

 Question 7: 18:27​ Is it wise to pay off your house? What if the Government makes property taxes so high it makes owning your own home a liability?

 Question 8: 19:15​ What are the tax implications for private sale of physical metals? What is the reported minimum?


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