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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 4-6-22

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 4-6-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   The dollar exchange rates dropped in the Iraqi market today, Wednesday (April 06, 2022).

The Kifah and the Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,400 dinars for $100.

The sale price in the banking stores in the local markets of Baghdad recorded 148,000 dinars for $ 100 while the Purchase price stands at 147,000 dinars for $100.

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In Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan, the selling and purchase prices are 147,600 and 147,200 respectively. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Dollar-exchange-in-Iraq-3-5-5

Sheila   This lady called Holly has a good message this morning. We are truly blessed to be here today. Courtesy of Dinar Recaps:   Wednesday Thoughts From Holly

Good morning roomies!   “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Rob Siltanen

This describes us to a T! We have been called crazy by our friends and family because we have a dream. We believe in something that not everyone does, or understands. Yet deep inside, we know this is why we are here.

This is why we exist, to make these dreams come true and to change the world. Yes, we are crazy enough to do it because we never, ever gave up! Keep going warriors! Stay the course!

They were to complete the German bonds and start with the dragon bonds yesterday. Apparently they did not get done with the German bonds as no-one who has the dragon bonds went yesterday. So we will see what today brings.

Keep the faith. Stay strong. The journey is not about the destination but what we have learned along the way. -Holly -- https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/holly-judy-and-morewednesday-am-4-6-2022

Dave   sheila Wow have Young German gold bonds from 1930.....those the ones you are referring to?

Sheila   Dave You will have to ask "Holly" about those bonds.

Sheila   @Dave I liked what she had to say today and thought I would repost from Recaps. lol

Dave   sheila those German gold bonds may be collectable, but US Federal Courts ruled that Germany is not on the hook

Dave   to honour those bonds......

butterfly   Hey I have some news to post and I'm sure it will go all over the dinar chats.

Sheila   butterfly share sweetie

Dave   bring it

butterfly   209 countries have complied with requirements to back their currencies with assets to meet Basel III and IV requirements in banking. The conversion of banking to a Quantum system is transitioning well. Many historic bonds are being paid out. OK that is all I will post bc I don't want to step over lines. Dinar first and then the Zim. You can try to get more out of me but that ain't gonna happen, so be happy I gave you this much for now.

Dave   ZIM...dropping 12 zeros.....???lol

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butterfly   My friend has asked me over and over......how can you be so patient.

Dave   patience not a virtue?

butterfly  Are you asking Dave

butterfly   You always end your posts with a ?

butterfly   Tell me why you do that so I can understand your thinking.

Dave   patience could be confused with laziness...Momma told me that........

Dave   Clean your room......I say be patient will get around to it soon

Dave   patience a virtue when suffering with OCD?

Zig   Well I have NO PATIENCE so I will be changing the room again soon  :Experiment: .....locking it does not work well either....lol....anyway butterfly and sheila will be Mods again, etc....stay tuned....you will keep your stars....but not solid ones....

TWW   Yahoooo, ZIM$: 1.00 US Dollar = 361.9 Zimbabwean Dollars I post this bc of howI was mocked a fews bk I have been vindicated: Wheelbarrow: Money

Dave   Dang....Zim.....missed that boat too

butterfly   Dave I know, my friend, who is dead now, told me to get just one of them. I never did.

TWW   Dave I am glad I bought in 2014

Dave   100 trillion notes.....

Dave  300 bucks on ebay

Dave   'https://www.xe.com/currency/zwd-zimbabwean-dollar/

Dave  https://www.xe.com/currency/zwd-zimbabwean-dollar/

Dave   Notice: The Zimbabwe dollar has been suspended indefinitely.

TWW   Dave A few yrs ago I was mocked, laughed at, called names when I posted the Zim$ being in the 1st basked. (Toilet paper TW) now who is LOLOLOL

Dave   TWW just checked Zim not yet on Forex?

TWW   Hang on

Dave   hanging......

Dave  i too mocked fer IQD

TWW   I hav seen their new currency

Dave   honouring the old notes of 100 trillion

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TWW   trying to get all off the streets, no use for them now

TWW   i hav several to exchange

Dave   WHERE?

TWW   Redem centers when itz time, I hope soon

Dave   SOON........

Dave   Zim in the same basket as IQD?

Zig   Dave : I may ban that word from the room....LOL

Zig   SOON

Dave   Zig LOL

Dave   :Fingerscrossed:

TWW   I think now they announced the deleted 12 zeros their rate will i increase.

Dave   happy to see just 3 zeros removed from our IQD

TWW   me too

TWW   Zig what word

Dave   TWW SOON!!

TWW    soon, oh lolololol

Dave   butterfly has some intel she aint sharing

TWW   Zig Zig, yes my skin has become 'thicker' as u once remarked to me

Zig   Dave : Guru Butterfly

Dave   LOL

Dave   Iraqi Govt in the coming days...Gurus...soon.....the race is ON!

Dave    Imagine how rich Maliki will be.....

Zig   LOL

Dave   First Trillionaire?

Dave   average home price here 1.4 million......

butterfly   It gives/gave me great pleasure to tell what I knew several months/weeks ago. People said their same nasty things about me, but who is laughing last now? LOL As I've said, there is NO room for negativity in my life.

Dave   butterfly Not scoffing at you........YET!

Zig   butterfly : :hug:

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butterfly   Dave have at it, like I said it is not what you know............it is who you know.

butterfly   I have been very fortunate all my life with that saying.

Zig   butterfly : Tell me!!!!!.... :Shhhh:

Dave   butterfly KNOW CBI governor?

butterfly   It is not what you know, it is who you know Dave

Dave   that would be insider trading.....CHEATTING

Zig   :Shocked:

Zig    :Jail:

Dave   yeap!

butterfly   It is not what you know, it is who you know @Dave

TWW   Zim$ must be AA 2008 series

Dave    butterfly first name Mustafa?

Dave   TWW links?

TWW   Dave to what

Dave   Zim being tradeable......300 bucks fer 100 trillion notes on ebay

butterfly   Dave you are being a very bad boy right now. As I told you when I posted what I heard, don't ask questions bc I'm not gonna give you any.

butterfly    Answers will come when it is necessary, until then just do a very big smile and keep it on your face.

TWW    Dave im still looking for that older link from 2014

Butterfly   Dave just read something that I need to post for you bc it pertains to Canada.

butterfly   Over the last 3 weeks, most of the EU has joined the unprecedented PNGpalooza against Moscow in a big way. US & UK already expelled a bunch of Russian "diplomats."

Ball to you, Canada (and by Canada I mean Justin). Time for Ottawa to get in the game. https://twitter.com/20committee/status/1511807049771978760 https://topsecretumbra.substack.com/p/update-europes-pngpalooza-keeps-rolling?s=w

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Dave   butterfly All I know is that Trudeau is not supporting Russia in any way....

Dave   Taking in 90K refugees though.....

Dave   with open arms........alot of public/private support here...

butterfly   Dave yes I heard that but they are wanting all the sanctions they can apply towards Russia.

Dave   Sad that the EU reliant on oil from Russia though

Dave   ...and OPEC doing little........

Dave   .......But building that pipline from Saudi Arabia to Germany aint getting built tomorrow

Dave   Sending weapons/tanks to Ukraine better than foreign troops on the ground........

Dave   Actually surprised that they still have some jets.....

butterfly   People have to think that this could happen here. Towns/Cities/States are bombed for no reason. Women are being raped, children being shot, no they are being murdered. For what? Because a DICTATOR wants your land so he can have a bigger property to rule.

Dave    butterfly HERE?????

butterfly    Dave LOL Ukraine.

Dave   ops...lol

butterfly    Dave You do give me some laughs. LOL

Dave   Russia going to be sanctioned like Iraq........

Dave   War.Reparations.....

Dave   Invest in that Ruble....cheap now

butterfly   Dave less than a penny. I will be dead and gone b4 it is worth more than a penny.

Dave   butterfly Russia will have to repair the damage done

Dave   30 yrs ruble may be worth it...

Dave   took awhile fer iraq to pay kuwait

butterfly   Dave what are you talking about? They already paid them back.

Dave    after 30yrs

butterfly    LOL yup LOL

Dave   to late fer me on the ruble......

Sheila  @TWW em

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Sheila    IMHO,,, good article: Poking Russia Was a Bad Idea and Now We Have To Live With the Results

Nick Barisheff: How do we get $14,000 Gold?

Palisades Gold Radio: 4-6-2022

Tom welcomes back Nick Barisheff, President and CEO of BMG, to the show. He points out that poking Russia was a bad idea and now we have to live with the results of the sanctions.

Russia now wants Rubles or gold in exchange for all their commodity exports. This was an obvious retaliation. Gold does best in stagflationary periods and we're starting to see it now.

Stocks, bonds, and real estate are all in historic bubbles and grossly overvalued. We're well past due for a major correction and such a correction will only aggravate the problems.

The Fed is cornered and has no viable way out. Gold and silver are highly manipulated so that throws off-price discovery.

Central banks lease their gold and may have leased much of it to China and Russia while still counting it on their books.

Russia and China have some official gold but many estimate they have much more in their sovereign wealth funds. Those funds don't report their holdings. continued... https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/poking-russia-was-a-bad-idea-and-now-we-have-to-live-with-the-results

butterfly   2022-04-06 11:19   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange transactions against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) closed at a higher rate in the markets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, today, Wednesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the USD closed at a rate of 147500 IQD for every 100 in al-Kifah and al-Harithiya Central Exchanges, 100 IQD above the opening rate this morning.

The buying and selling rates of the USD in Baghdad's local markets stood at 148000 and 147000 IQD for every 100, respectively. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-closes-higher-in-Baghdad-on-Wednesday

TWW   sheila ck em

Sheila   TWW got it, reply

TWW   sheila His vids are very long. I will listen L8TR tonight. I dont have that hour++ long vid in the evenings. Just got bk from Seattle & tomorrow PDX . Our of group of 20 meetings most of this week. In fact, I will listen to while in Seattle. Thanx

Sheila   TWW group of 20 meetings? maybe near future you can share what those are about.

TWW    sheila we chatted abt that a few months ago.

TWW    i may talk abt it again in LV/RENO

Sheila    TWW I have slept since then... LOL it my come to me when I think about it for a little while.

Sheila   may


Sheila    TWW I use the Account Settings and speed up videos to play at 1.5 Speed.

Sheila   TWW drawing a blank. regardless, happy to chat with you

TWW   sheila Hint G20...Recounting

Sheila   TWW cool


Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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