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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday PM 10-28-21

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday PM 10-28-21

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Dave   Babylon Commission: The results of the manual counting and sorting are identical to the electronic ones

Dave   Baghdad / Obelisk: The director of the Babel Electoral Office, Kifah Khudari Al-Amiri, announced, on Thursday, October 28, 2021, that the results of the manual and electronic counting of the contested stations in the governorate matched by 100%.

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In a statement received by Al-Masala, Al-Amiri revealed that the results of manual counting and sorting matched the results of electronic counting and sorting for the contested electoral stations for the four electoral districts in the governorate.

He added that the Electoral Commission had started, since the early morning hours, the counting and sorting process for the 170 electoral stations, which were considered according to technical procedures, evidence availability, and the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners. And the supervision of the United Nations mission and a number of international and local observers, with coverage from various media.

He pointed out that the percentage of congruence reached 100% for all stations, without any difference in the announced preliminary results.

He concluded by saying that an official report will be written with what these results showed and submitted to the Board of Commissioners to take the appropriate decision in this regard.

According to the preliminary results of the legislative elections, which took place last week, the Sadrist movement, led by Muqtada al-Sadr, won the largest number of seats in the House of Representatives, with 73 out of 329 seats.

The Taqadoud Alliance, led by the outgoing Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, came in second place after winning 37 seats.

The State of Law bloc, headed by the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, came third with 34 seats, then the Kurdistan Democratic Party with 32 seats. LINK

Dave   ......doubt that will satisfy the sore losers......Cant win fer losing?????

butterfly   Al-Rafidain Bank announces the opening of thousands of accounts in Baghdad and the provinces

2021.10.28 – 08:52   Al-Rafidain Bank announces the opening of thousands of accounts in Baghdad and the provinces people – Baghdad

On Thursday, Al-Rafidain Bank announced the opening of thousands of accounts for citizens through its branches in Baghdad and the provinces.

And the bank stated in a statement that “Nass” received a copy of it (October 28, 2021), that “the number of open accounts for citizens and other categories in its branches in Baghdad and the provinces during last September amounted to 4502 for savings and current in dinar and dollars.”

The statement stated, “The number of current accounts opened for citizens and other categories reached 1,060 in dinars and dollars, while the number of savings accounts for citizens reached 3,442 in dinars and dollars.”

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The statement added, “The bank continues to provide its services by opening accounts for citizens in dinars and dollars who wish to deposit their money in the bank and obtain interest according to the conditions and controls established. The bank’s customers can visit its branches in Baghdad and the provinces to review them.”


butterfly   Al-Abadi’s coalition announces a new position on the results of the October elections

2021.10.28 – 11:40   Al-Abadis coalition announces a new position on the results of the October electionsBaghdad – people

On Thursday, the victory coalition announced a new position on the results of the parliamentary elections.

Member of the coalition, Ahmed Al-Wondi, said in a statement that Nass received a copy of it (October 28, 2021), that “electoral winning and losing is normal, provided that the elections are fair, fair and credible.”

He added that “the October elections caused all this confusion due to the emergence of unresolved problems, and the failure to give acceptable explanations threatens the credibility of the elections and the powers that will result from them,” wondering, “How does the commission explain that large numbers of stations, exceeding 10%, have not been closed?”

And how can it be explained that the invalid papers amounted to more than 900,000 papers, and some of them were valid papers when the boxes were opened? The medium and the commission’s having to move the boxes to Baghdad?

He pointed out that “the coalition of national state forces submitted an official memorandum to the High Electoral Commission and the relevant authorities, which included many questions that need technical and professional clarifications away from politicization, to ensure a conviction of the outcomes of the electoral process, stressing that the politicization of this file will enhance suspicion.”   nasnews.com

butterfly   Al-Kazemi’s government reveals an “oil and financial surplus” in the 2022 budget

2021-10-28 08:28   Al-Kazemis government reveals an oil and financial surplus in the 2022 budgetShafaq News/ Mazhar Muhammad Salih, the financial and economic advisor to Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, revealed today, Thursday, the presence of an “oil surplus” in the draft budget law for the year 2022.

Saleh told Shafaq News Agency; “The 2022 budget will achieve a financial surplus due to the rise in oil prices, and calculating a lower price in law than the price at which oil will be sold in global markets, and this will provide an account of the stability of the budget.”

And he indicated that “the stability of the budget will provide the Iraqi government with a reserve, which aims and helps in facing the fluctuations of the revenues of the general budget in the coming years, and that the financial surplus will be spent on investment projects, especially stumbling, income-generating and maximizing value-added, which absorbs the momentum of unemployment and helps raise growth in GDP.” Total”.

On March 31, 2021, the Iraqi parliament approved the country’s financial budget for the current year 2021, with a total expenditure of 129 trillion dinars (about $88 billion).

The estimated revenues from the export of crude oil were also calculated on the basis of an average price of $45 per barrel, and an export rate of 3.250 million barrels per day.

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According to the budget law for the year 2021, the total expenditures amount to 129 trillion Iraqi dinars, and the planned deficit rate is 28.7 trillion Iraqi dinars (19.79 billion dollars).   shafaq.com

Butterfly   A slight rise in the dollar with the closure of Baghdad markets

2021-10-28 08:25   A slight rise in the dollar with the closure of Baghdad marketsShafaq News/ The exchange rates of the dollar rose slightly against the Iraqi dinar, on Thursday, with the closure of the main stock exchange in Baghdad.

Shafak News Agency correspondent said that the central Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad closed at the price of 147,800 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars, while the dollar recorded this morning 147,750 dinars against 100 dollars.

Our correspondent indicated that buying and selling prices have stabilized in banking shops in the local markets in Baghdad, where the selling price amounted to 148,250 Iraqi dinars, while the purchase prices amounted to 147,250 dinars per 100 US dollars.   shafaq.com

butterfly   Kataa Al-Rikabi: Election fraud occurred in all governorates

2021-10-28   Kataa Al-Rikabi - Election fraud occurred in all governoratesA member of the State of Law coalition, Kati’ al-Rikabi, confirmed on Thursday that the forgery was not in any other station, indicating that the available information indicates that it occurred in all governorates.

Al-Rikabi said, in a press statement, that “the chaos that occurred during the elections was caused first and foremost by the commission’s laxity and negligence in many procedures,” noting that “the solution to this confusion is in the hands of the commission exclusively, and we will not allow further procrastination.”

He added, “The procedures and results and what followed were disappointing and far from the expectations that we were drawing, and this undoubtedly indicates the existence of a comprehensive fraud and not limited to one or two centers.”

He pointed out that “the rule of law will not stop demanding a re-counting and total manual counting, and we reject any proposal other than what the Shiite coordination framework presents, which objects to the results in whole and in detail.”

Three days ago, counting and sorting operations began for more than 70 electoral stations out of 400 stations for which appeals were received in Nineveh Governorate, and everyone is awaiting the results that will be announced after this process.  burathanews.com

butterfly   2021-10-28 05:22   Shafaq News/ A delegation from the Coordination Framework will convene with the Sadrist movement's negotiation committee to discuss prospects for the upcoming federal cabinet.

A source inside Ammar al-Hakim, the leader of al-Hekma movement, revealed that the meeting will be held next week in the absence of the State of Law Coalition.

"The head of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, or whoever represents him will not be a part of the delegation because the Sadrists refuse to discuss the current situation or the government formation with al-Maliki, or who represents him," the source elaborated.

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The Coordination Framework, an umbrella body set up in the aftermath of the anti-establishment protests that emerged in Oct. 2019, brings together key Shiite political blocs. Key members include former premiers Nouri Al-Maliki (2006-14) and Haidar Al-Abadi (2014-18),

in addition to al-Fatah Alliance leader Hadi al-Ameri, al-Hekma Movement chief Ammar al-Hakim, and al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) chairman Falih Al-Fayyadh. Of note, Muqtada al-Sadr left the Coordination Framework in July this year.

The Sadrist movement has assigned four members to a negotiating committee that will form the Iraqi government following its anticipated victory in the early parliamentary elections.

Al-Sadr has granted the committee chaired by Hussein al-Athari "full power" in matters related to political and parliamentary alliances.

The Sadrists are the main force in the cabinet's lineup that is expected to be assembled after the Supreme Federal Court ratifies the final results of the polls. Al-Sadr has already laid the foundations for the policies the government will pursue. shafaq.com

NORV   (Kaperoni) I want  to go cash out! I am ready now!  :HaHaHa:     :Float: :Float: :Float:

Dave   NORV thought you cashed put long ago

NORV   There is no reason to own dinar. If and when it floats it will go up gradually and anyone can play it through the foreign exchange.

NORV   Banks are conservative my nature and an emerging market like Iraq is volatile. Extremely unlikely any US banks will deal in dinar..at least for a quite a while.

NORV   There is also a very good chance Iraq will redenominate before they begin to raise the value. They have to do something to reduce the money supply which has been stated recently now over 100 trillion!

Zig   He's probably right...unfortunately....   :Sob:

NORV   I know one thing Zig, Iraq is not going to begin to raise the value until they succeed in building a diverse economy. So anything you hear before then is all bullsh*t from gurus.

NORV  Zig I found something you should read....

NORV   Great article on the plan for the middle east including Iraq.


Zig   NORV : Okay    :Thankyou: will read it...

Dave   Zig Delete 3 Zero Project from CBI........BS.......Why even go to the bother?..

butterfly   An economist expects the dollar exchange rate to remain stable in the range of 150 thousand dinars, compared to / 100 / dollars

Thursday 28 October 2021 19:36 The economic expert, Raad Twij, suggested that the dollar exchange rate would remain stable within the range of 150 thousand dinars in the medium term.

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Twig said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / "It is expected that the exchange rate will remain stable in the medium term in the range of 150 thousand dinars, due to the extensive sterilization process carried out by the Central Bank of Iraq through the currency window and to satisfy the increasing market demand for the dollar."

Twig stressed that "Iraqi monetary policy is the use of innovative methods and new tools that reduce pressure on assets and assets from international monetary reserves to absorb part of the surplus cash demand and reduce the central bank's reserves as a major source of foreign currency by activating the investment movement in cash reserves in a way that compensates for lost cash as a result of using The method of managed criticism, and that the problem is that there is a monetary phenomenon in Iraq."

He pointed out, "The demand for foreign exchange has increased despite the increase in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, and extensive conversions of the Iraqi dinar to the dollar by the public, and its transformation into a kind of wealth instead of being traded as cash." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=935817

butterfly   Kurdistan allows private companies to import gasoline to tackle the fuel crisis

Thursday 28 October 2021 23:55 The Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government decided, on Thursday, to allow private companies to import motor fuel from abroad to address the crisis in the region.

The ministry stated in a statement, "On the recommendation of the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, and in order to solve the problem of fuel shortage, it was decided to grant licenses to companies that have the possibility to import gasoline to the region, as an exception to the conditions and instructions of the Ministry of Natural Resources."

The ministry called on companies wishing to import gasoline to submit their requests in this regard. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=935863

butterfly   Somebody is really mad:..............

Iran accuses the International Atomic Energy Agency of leaking confidential data and threatens it with "necessary measures"

Thursday 28 October 2021 19:42 The Iranian government accused the International Atomic Energy Agency of publishing confidential data on Iran, pledging to take the "necessary measures" to put an end to this problem.

The spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Behrouz Kamalvandi, said today, Thursday, that the dissemination of Iranian secret information and messages has become a method adopted by the IAEA, explaining that the agency from time to time publishes "detailed and partial information on Iranian nuclear data."

Kamalvandi, in particular, criticized the leaking of secret messages between Iran and the director general of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi, to the media, stressing that this approach does not apply to the rest of the agency's member states and is only practiced against the Islamic Republic.

The Iranian spokesman stressed the need to put an end to this matter, stressing that Tehran will take what is necessary and will reconsider its dealings with the IAEA if it does not stop leaking information. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=935819


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