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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday Night 4-16-22

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday Night 4-16-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

TWW   Knowing that Iraq has no confidence in the parliament for a currency revalue & nor plan to change it until 2023, I have a plan/thought: With all of us currency holders we all ban together & petition the so-called agencies, IMF, WK ect to select an alternative solution currency. Mine is the Viet Nam's DONG. Extremely high GDP. Moving to a Market Economy ext. (just my thought, what's urs)

sheila   TWW Need a linchpin event. Dinar, Dong, Bolivar, Zim,,, etc...??? Just get on with it.

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Butterfly   IRAQI DINAR EXCHANGE RATES (APRIL 16) SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rate was up in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Sunday (April 16).

$100 was at 147,900 Iraqi dinars, 900 IQD higher than the previous day.

100 British pounds was at 192,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 160,000 IQD. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3147

butterfly  CRUDE OIL PRICES (APRIL 16) SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were stable on Saturday (April 16) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was stable at $111.7, and the price of WTI crude was at $107.0. https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3146

butterfly   WORLD BANK SAYS IRAQ’S ECONOMY SLOWLY REBOUNDING FROM 2020 https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3143

butterfly   Shiite politician warns of a "new Iraqi spring" https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Shiite-politician-warns-of-a-new-Iraqi-spring

butterfly   2022-04-16 04:09   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) registered a slight decline in the markets of Baghdad on Saturday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 147,750 IQD to 100, 25 IQD below Thursday.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital stood at 148,250 and 147,250 IQD, respectively.

Exchange transactions are halted in the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil, on Sundays. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/USD-IQD-exchange-rates-drop-in-Baghdad-0

butterfly   Dollar exchange in Iraq ......... 2022-04-16 11:40

Shafaq News / The dollar exchange rates inched up in today's Iraqi market (April 16, 2022).

The Kifah and the Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,750 dinars for $100.

The sale price in the banking stores in the local markets of Baghdad recorded 148,250 dinars for $ 100, while the Purchase price stands at 147,250 dinars for $100. https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Dollar-exchange-in-Iraq-0-9

butterfly   SECURITY MEDIA CELL DENIES REPORT OF DRONE ATTACK ON HASHD AL-SHAABI .......... https://nrttv.com/En/detail6/3149

Zig   :Garfield: Members & Readers....  When I was at the other forum I invited @Kaperoni to come there via PM at Dinar Alert forum....I knew of him from listening to his calls....

He is here now as @NORV as most know...Most people in this community don't like him because IMO he tells you (me) what we don't want to even "consider".....that's human nature...we love listening to those who tell us what we want to hear....I consider "everything" as I do not have a :Crystal ball:

Of course there are people in this community with an agenda, etc....you just have to take it with a grain of  :Salt: IMO....remember that we are "speculators"....no guarantees!!....as long as people who come in here stay away from "name-calling" and being "nasty" they are welcome here....we won't kick anyone out for telling us what we would rather not even hear....lol...stay safe and  have a :Nice day:

Zig:  I want to remind everyone who reads this chat that WE GIVE NO INVESTMENT ADVICE HERE.....This chat is used by people to DISCUSS and not to ADVOCATE doing anything based on what you read here....Please make your own investment decisions!!...much of what is posted here are OPINIONS and HEARSAY.....there are UNSCRUPULOUS people in this community so please BE CAREFUL!!....My advice is to take anything you hear or read in any chat//forum this way:  take it with a grain of salt


Zig: If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE

Zig:  You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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