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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 11-5-21

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 11-5-21

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

butterfly   Chihod Clarifies The Scenarios For Forming The Government And The Closest To Implementation

11/04/2021 | 11:58 PM   Chihod Clarifies The Scenarios For Forming The Government And The Closest To Implementation Information / Baghdad…

A member of the State of Law coalition, Muhammad Al-Sayoud, explained the scenarios for forming the next government, pointing out that the coordination framework may go with the Sadrist bloc to choose the prime minister and then ally with the Kurds and Sunnis to form the government.

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Chihod told Al-Maalouma, “The parties objecting to the election results are still waiting for the final appeals to be finalized and resolved by the Commission, and then the reactions will be based on them.”

He added that “the scenarios for the next stage may be towards the Sadrist bloc going with the Sunni and Kurdish forces towards forming a government, and this matter is very unlikely.”

He continued: “The other scenario is that the coordination framework with the Sunni and Kurdish forces goes towards forming a government, and this is possible, but it will not witness any political stability, in addition to the fact that the government will not be able to carry out its duties completely freely.”

Chihod suggested that “the coordination framework goes with the Sadrist bloc to form the largest bloc in number, from which the prime minister emanates, and then they ally themselves with the Kurdish and Sunni forces to form the government.” finished 25   almaalomah.me

butterfly   Al-Kazemi’s Advisor Recommends Transferring Kuwait’s Compensation To Savings And Investment

LAST UPDATE 11/05/2021 | 3:15 PM   Adviser to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, recommended, today, Friday, that the deducted financial flows of Kuwait’s compensation be transferred to savings and investment.

Saleh said in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The money that has been going outside the national economic cycle in the form of war compensation since 1996, and amounted to $52.4 billion, will turn its deducted annual flows to serve the interest of the national economy, especially in achieving a financial space in resources." Sovereignty of Iraq, with an average of no less than two billion dollars annually, according to the current oil prices, to contribute to enhancing Iraq’s financial sustainability.

He added: “I find it necessary to maintain the path of the transformation of the amounts corresponding to compensation to be savings that flow into the national economy cycle, especially the trend towards financing income-generating investment projects,

which is a positive cumulative development process that leads to the promotion of growth in the gross domestic product at accelerated rates, after the war compensations were It constituted a negative deduction and a drain on the national income cycle and over the past three decades,

as Iraq paid a high direct price in it between war compensation and the costs of inspection teams, and indirect costs represented in the destruction of Iraq’s infrastructure due to the operations of the previous Gulf War, reckless war conflicts and disruption of economic growth opportunities that all formed The costs and burdens may be ten times more than the compensation amounts mentioned.”

butterfly   Saleh concluded that "the shift from the political economy of the war that Iraq fought between 1990-2003, to the political economy of peace means a shift towards development, progress, stability and building prosperity in a new Iraqi era." https://almaalomah.me/2021/11/05/562521/

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butterfly   Al-Bawi: Matching Election Results Remind Iraqis Of The Dictatorship Experience

LAST UPDATE 11/05/2021 | 12:48 PM   The political analyst Hazem Al-Bawi said that the Iraqi memory has been charged since the era of the former dictatorship with the issue of matching the election results.

Al-Bawi said in a statement to "Al-Maalouma", that "Iraqis today are joking about the identical results during the Saddam era, the extermination of 99.9 percent, and they remember it with strong disapproval, and that the Electoral Commission did not take a lesson from this major lie to go further than that in emphasizing that the results of a practical re-run The manual counting and sorting were 100% identical in all the stations under challenge.”

Al-Bawi was surprised that this claim was attributed to the majority of supporters of the commission's work, which has become the subject of great political and popular controversy.

He considered that "the elections, due to the performance of this commission, have become part of the crisis after it was hoped that they would be part of the solution, indicating that the political blockage and the upcoming chaos as a result of this suspicious performance." https://almaalomah.me/2021/11/05/562476/

Dave    butterfly happy with a plug Nickle here

butterfly   Surprise Surprise all will love a surprise.

butterfly   Dave did you read what that economist (article) said about the CBI?

butterfly   I posted it just for you.

Dave   economists...a dime a dozen.....   aint cbi......

butterfly   ok........each his own my dear.

Dave   Read Iraqi's are with out food........Time to unstuff those mattresses.....

Dave   Imagine going hungry fer well over a decade and having a mattress stuffed with cash

Dave   butterfly read this.......? https://dinaroutcast.forumotion.com/t8931-cbi-iraq-plans-to-issue-a-new-currency-in-50-dinars-after-deletion-of-zeros#19896

Dave   my translation,,,,,,25k notes to 25 dinar notes.....not to exceed 22$.......and mention of fils.......

Dave   a Lop....with Fils..........???????  100 trillion dinar in circulation?

Dave   I suppose they maybe a few of us Dinarians that hold a few notes......Are those considered to be in circulation......or just in limbo......

Dave   Oddly enough I can get the equivalent of 10K cdn of most any tradeable currency in the World at any Forex kiosk immediately.........wonder where all that comes from......

butterfly   Dave I already have the 50 dinar notes. Have had them for many years.

Dave  butterfly thanx fer the articles on CBI's near daily currency auctions...read much on that on how eliminating that would curb all the money laundering.........going digital would help.......just not quite there yet

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Dave   butterfly got some brown ones too

butterfly   Dave The chat you posted is 10 years old

Dave  butterfly RE:....DELETE the 3 fRIGGIN ZERO PROJECT

butterfly   You posted at 3:07

Dave  yes...your take?  fils in that lop?????   mentioning fils would be contrary … enhancing purchasing power...

butterfly   Ten years ago it is hard for even me to remember what I said. As it states in that chat........there is NO url, only opinion........and you know we all have opinions.

Dave  butterfly have argued this with KAp fer yrs

butterfly   One must realize that it is worthless.

Dave   I have brought links direct from CBI......

butterfly   You are arguing with a "username".

Dave   algorithm???

Dave   butterfly CBI has been my ONLY GURU …  sadly never gave a date or rate.....did mention RESTORE on many occasions

butterfly   I know I know......just move on and let it happen is the best I can give you and others

Dave  butterfly At let Kap convince poor Zig to Sell the farm before its to late based only on his personal opinion

butterfly  Opinions are just that.......O P I N I O N S

Dave  OPINIONS from CBI give me reassurance....kap not so much …..  speak of the Devil.......

butterfly   I will say and then I am through. My now dead VN Vet told me when I got into this, what the CBI, they determine the value of all currencies. There I am done. I have things to take care of. Nice chatting with ya Dave

butterfly   "watch" the CBI....not...what the CBI

Dave   butterfly BINGO....   CBI has said little on this in the last year Dave   ......and why should they....Still Ch 7 sanctions......till done with Kuwait at least

Dave   still no Private Banking laws in force to protect foreign investment.....still waiting on the final vote on that.........

Dave   even sadder is that they have yet to pass any law germane to our investment.......other than the Supreme Federal Courts.........We shall soon see how this will play out

NORV  Dave Yes! Dave for once we agree. Not only banking but investment laws.

NORV   Gotta go...have fun weekend!


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