Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Saturday 8-29-20
Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Saturday 8-29-20
Zig :Thanks Dinar Recaps https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
Sheila We wait. MOU's were signed on August 20, 2020. Waiting 30 days or less for the final contracts to be signed. To do that, there needs to be international rate. We wait.
Sheila Zig Thank you Zig. I came into this chat to contribute good stuff, like facts, hope and respect. It would seem I am in the minority. Guess it's easier to spew negatives than positives. Will continue to be my true self. Do appreciate you keeping this chat open for a little more time. Well, just enough to see the revaluation/s executed. lolol
Zig sheila : Well I suppose I should tell you that I do not think you will see any RV any time soon....I tend to agree with Kaperoni about a lot of things....believe it or not....though I do not like the way Kap treats people.....LOL....but I have kept my opinions to myself in here for the most part....I never criticize what someone else may think, etc...we all have our views.....
Sheila Zig Define "soon" - days, weeks, months, years?
Zig Have no idea...we all have different opinions...Have heard we are CLOSE for years.....
Sheila My post on the MOU's was taken straight from internationally reported news . Then contracts are executed within certain time frames. That post was fact based. Not BS, guru stuff.
Zig Many people I know have said that I was GULLIBLE for even buying Dinar....as they know that I have been scammed before in other stuff....a long list....lol
Sheila Many people I know said I was bat crazy. lolol And many other people bought currency and still holding it. Those that thought I was crazy - well, maybe so, but I will be laughing all the way to the bank. Cracks in a dam - time and pressure - one day that dam breaks.
Sheila Iraq would not have been meeting with Administration to sign MOU's unless there was forward movement in their economic and financial standings.
Zig sheila : I admire your positivity and perseverance....
butterfly Check out the Iraq Parliament. Hope, nope, they post the information and you wait with anticipation........but it never appears. Meetings good lord they have meetings all the time with NO conclusions.
Sheila We watch and listen because we are looking for signs like an olive branch. Believe it's out there, we just cannot see it - yet.
123789 @butterfly....so with all the blatant misleading info...what makes you think it will happen. Lots of intel saying it won't happen and not possible. What makes you "old timers" still believe? Honestly?
Sheila butterfly I like to watch anything that points to banking and financials. Always follow the money.
123789 After people tell me a lies more than a couple times, I tend to not believe anything they say from then on...they have zero credibility in my book. Ok, sorry for the negativity...I got it all out. Thanks for leading the way guys...Hope you are all right about this. Have a thoughtful day.
Sheila Had a friend many years ago that worked for doctors on the psych ward at major hospital. She was taught on how to deal with aberrant violent behaviours. So she taught me a few things on how to handle encounters with public displays of illogical behaviours in the work place. Temper tantrums of co-workers who didn't get their way. Workplace bullies, etc. What she taught me does work - even in chat rooms. lolol
Sheila @123789 We all have days where we question why are we here. We are here because we want financial comfort. True financial freedom from worry of how we will survive and provide. I have my days. This is not one of them.
butterfly 123789 Got caught up in the drama. Bought the dinar. Have put it away and I was wondering the other day, where did I actually put all that dinar I bought? I think I know, but it has not been a concern for me in years. I use to post thousands of articles in this other website for a friend. Now I am seeing "similar" articles being posted.
Sheila butterfly effect
Sheila The Butterfly Effect by Andy Andrews -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo6fBAT8f-s
Sheila eye on the prize
John Frank has stated Let’s study our investment, research on the internet and try to find how much Dinar is remains inside the country of Iraq. That’s actually VERY IMPORTANT.
Dave seems some people take Deenar stuff very seriously, some like myself invested what they could afford to loose......over 10 yrs with Kap shooting down any hope does get old.....esp when reminded constantly what idiots we are....
Dave this not a speculative investment? i just keep asking myself what Iraq has done to attract foreign investment...same old arguments between Kurds and Baghdad,still no money to pay salaries etc.No federal court laws as promised to root out corruption.......Read now that CBI is not autonomous,same 47 trillion in mattresses when it used to be 35 trillion yrs ago.CBI auctions been taking in 3-4 Trillion a month from auctions? GCR
Dave hear about a GCR going to fix this.....How for Iraq?...still cant pay salaries...how could they sustain our dime.....My small city has more banks and Atms than the entire nation of Iraq?
Sheila Dave Iraq just signed multiple MOU's last week while in Washington. Signed on August 20, 2020. Then 30 days to sign final contracts for economic, financial and infrastructure projects. White Papers signed off when they did MOU's.
Dave sheila MOU's........fer yrs and yrs still no hydro?
Sheila Would not hydro come under infrastructure?
Dave yep GE many MOUs fer yrs still no reliable npower buy watts from Iran.......
Dave Mou\s through the wazooo
Sheila Believe part of the agreements was getting Iraq to separate from Iran for electric. White Papers
Dave YRS and YRS. of MOu's...ask Doug
Dave White papers.......TP_?
Sheila Differences today, IMF told Iraq no more loans to bridge them on their budgets.
Dave yeah grow up- guys enough is enough....sdupposed to be a wealthy nation
Dave IMF not know Iraq is one of the most corrupt nations in the World Today?
Sheila Pot meet kettle.
Dave Strangely EU Canada Australia GOVT websites Still indicate UN CP7 sanctions
Sheila All because currency still program rate.
Dave SANCTIONS on banking
Sheila All part of sanctions.
Dave Private banking laws for foreign investment not yet ratified
Dave thats some of the stuff id like to see happen in my opinion
Sheila MOU's -- promissory notes, 30 days to execute or expire.
Dave sheila Seen 100s if not 1000s of MOus from Iraq yadda yadda
Sheila Could be these are it for actual progression to revaluation.
Dave Protesters/demonstations new leaders,,,,,,now Corona....reprieve fer those corrupt politicians
Tebow "Seen 100s if not 1000s of MOus', you've seen? OK Dave! :Funny:
Dave sheila Would you invest in Iraq now?
Dave Tebow Yes Tebow......100s
Sheila If I could, would very much consider. With USA military in the mix for security and protection. Yes.
Dave 10 yrs of this easy
John Frank has stated Iraq has announced to us factually what the 2 delays were stopping Iraq from going international.
John Frank has stated 1: Kademi needed to form the Government. 2: Kurdistan & Baghdad must reach / Sign a comprehensive agreement. Then they can Change the rate.
Sheila here, here - loving it!!!
John Frank has stated Sheila knows, she’s seen it print.
John Frank has stated Those were the 2 conditions that allowed American companies to invest 8 billion in Iraq 2 weeks. US companies only invested in Iraq on 8/20/20 be a they’ll be international on 9/20/20.
John Frank has stated 30 day Inrernational contracts / MOU’s. US companies signed contracts on 8/20/20 because they’ll mature on 9/20/20 = international status.
John Frank has stated Spectra your not smart enough to realize US companies signed agreements on 8/20/20 with Iraq because they’ll have a 30 mature period allowing them to go international on 9/20/20. That’s when Iraq will go international changing the rate.
Sheila Or they can execute before the MOU's 30 days.
Dave wowsers....we be rich in 20 sleeps!
Zig Dave : :Yes:
Dave Zig Iraqi Time...19 sleeps?
Sheila Spent enough time in my younger days being negative. Positive works better in most situations. You know that old adage - catch more flies with honey, not vinegar.
Spectra Not negative
Spectra Like i said to the lady shiela ..Please show me that's all .When you open your self to throwing out sommething such as the rate change people should exspect that!
Spectra When new people read this they dont need to be lured into spending money.People out there do your own research....I hope you seriously do!
Sheila Generally, the videos I post have sources to support what they are saying.
Spectra sheila Wonderful news.I have not seen your video's so i can not say.
Spectra i try not speak in generalities my self.
Sheila today was full of hope. on another chat there were couple experiences being shared. good day.
TWW sheila here is the bad bad list:
Sheila Lynette Zang: The Currency Reset is Here -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I6Lg8nR0c0
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