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Zig’s Place Chat and News Wednesday PM 3-10-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Wednesday PM 3-10-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

butterfly  Iraqi warplanes strike ISIS sites in Diyala 2021-03-10 12:38  Shafaq News / The Iraqi Security Media Cell announced, on Wednesday, that the Iraqi warplanes struck ISIS sites in Diyala Governorate.

The cell said in a statement the F16 aircrafts, in coordination with the Joint Operations Command targeted ISIS hideouts in Hemrin Mountains in Diyala.  Yesterday, the Iraqi warplanes struck intensively ISIS strongholds in the eastern of Saladin Governorate. A source told Shafaq News Agency, that the strikes were concentrated in the Al-Sabihat area, adjacent to Al-Azim River which separates Diyala and Saladin. It’s noteworthy that areas of east Saladin adjacent to Diyala are strongholds and hot spots for terrorist organizations, so far, security operations have not succeeded in clearing these areas.

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In 2017, Iraq declared final victory over ISIS after Iraqi forces drove its last remnants from the country, three years after the militant group captured about a third of Iraq’s territory.

The war has had a devastating impact on the areas previously controlled by the militants. About 3.2 million people remain displaced.  https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Iraqi-warplanes-strike-ISIS-sites-in-Diyala      

butterfly  https://shafaq.com/en/Report/Egypt-seeks-land-route-with-Jordan-Iraq-to-boost-trade    Egypt seeks land route with Jordan, Iraq to boost trade 2021-03-10 14:26

Shafaq News/ Egypt’s Minister of Transport Kamel al-Wazir and Jordan’s Ambassador to Cairo Amjad Adaileh met in Cairo on March 1 to discuss bilateral relations. The two officials also stressed the importance of a protocol signed previously between the two countries and Iraq to operate a land route to transport passengers between the three countries.

The route would start in Cairo and continue to Amman and Baghdad at a fare of $130 per passenger, including the ferry service fare between Egypt’s Nuweiba and Jordan’s Aqaba.

The Egyptian Ministry of Transport said in a March 1 statement the deal was signed between Egypt’s Domestic and International Land Transport Regulatory Authority, the Arab Union Superjet Company (a Cairo-based company affiliated with the Egyptian Ministry of Transport), Jordan’s Jett Company, and Iraq's General Company for the Transport of Passengers and Delegations.

This is the first time the protocol is publicly announced. There are no details on when and where it was signed between the three parties, and no information has thus far been revealed about its potential cost or about the start of its implementation. Al-Monitor tried to contact the Ministry of Transport, but it refused to comment.

The ministry added in its statement that the land route aims to facilitate movement between the three countries and the travels of Egyptian workers and students to Jordan and Iraq.

According to the ministry’ statement, the Egyptian and Jordanian sides discussed during the meeting the possibility of supporting trade between the two countries by overcoming all obstacles in both of their ports, in a bid to facilitate the transport of Egyptian products to Amman and from there to neighboring countries, including Syria and Iraq and vice versa. The parties stressed the need

butterfly  he project provides for the establishment of a common economic base for the three countries that secures long-term investment partnerships and a broad trade exchange contributing to enhancing the Arab market, based on oil abundance in Iraq, and the human capital in Egypt, with Jordan as a link between the two.

Samir considered the New Sham project a political plan between the leaders of the three countries to achieve integration between them at the economic level, which would entail several projects, including the reconstruction of Iraq in exchange for oil.

Both Egypt and Jordan are already engaged in development projects in Iraq, with Egypt receiving oil imports in return. The two countries are also involved at the security level with Baghdad, based on cooperation in combatting terrorism afflicting the region.

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Samir said Egypt could benefit from the landline project, which would pave the way for the return of Egyptian workers to Iraq as was the case prior to 2003 when “nearly 4 million Egyptians worked in Iraq.”

“This would represent a major shift in Egyptian income, which heavily depends on Egyptians’ remittances,” he added.

He said, “If this venture proves to be successful, other countries could come on board in the future, especially since the three countries have the necessary capabilities to form a strong bloc in the political and economic sphere.”

Yaman al-Hamaki, a professor of economics at Ain Sham University in Cairo, told Al-Monitor via phone, “Generally speaking, there are economic and political challenges facing Arab countries, which could only be overcome through solidarity and [securing] common interests.

This could be done by exchanging investments and benefiting from the free trade areas, which would strengthen relations between governments and businessmen in the three countries.”

Commenting on the land route, Hamaki said, “Transport routes are at the basis of trade in addition to supporting the movement of tourists from the three countries,

butterfly  She said the land route will contribute to Egypt’s greater exploitation of the Agadir Agreement it had signed with Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia back in May 2001, providing for the establishment of a free trade area between the four countries, which would consolidate integrated cooperation between the signatories and then lead to exports to Europe.

Hamaki said Iraq has enormous investment opportunities for Egypt through the reconstruction projects that can be provided by Egyptian companies, which could bring in hard currency to the country. Iraq, on the other hand, would benefit from the highest efficiency at the lowest cost through cooperation with Egypt in this regard, she added.

Egypt and Jordan, on the other hand, enjoy strong relations. On the political level, the two countries share the same vision on most regional issues. And a large Egyptian community lives in Jordan, estimated at about 800,000 people who make up one of the largest Egyptian communities in the world.

Moreover, the value of Jordanian investments in Egypt stands at about $2 billion in various sectors, while Egypt maintains significant investments in Jordan amounting to about $1 billion, according to the figures on the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

Egypt also maintains good relations with Iraq. On the political level, the two countries have exchanged many official visits since June 2013.

On the economic level, the volume of trade between the two countries amounted to about $486 million in 2019 — $479 million in Egyptian exports and $7 million in imports from Iraq, according to the government-owned State Information Service website.

Tariq Fahmy, a professor of politics at Cairo University, told Al-Monitor via phone, “The announcement [on the land route] conveys an important message that the alliance between the three countries has entered into implementation through economic projects and is no longer limited to political work only."

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Dave   IJB/TEBOW    Okay back to basics....30 M cases divided by 530k deaths .times 100.....does not equal 99.98% survival rate.......?????

Sheila  Dave Not sure how reliable case numbers are since WHO/CDC/NIH changed testing protocol. Changed from 40 levels to 3 levels? So positive readings have significantly gone down. Amazing how they did that protocol change. Nothing like hiding facts in plain sight. Imagine how many real cases might have been reported when testing would have been at 3 levels (with actual symptoms) instead of 40 levels?

Dave I provide links......appox 2% of those that contract it die.....no matter where you live

Dave  not sure of levels,,,,,,healthy folks normally do not get tested......

Sheila  Dave Where was all this concern when complications from seasonal flu kills an average of 55K plus people in the USA every year?

Dave  sheila 37K deaths in USA previous yr

Dave  55K with H1 N! in 2009

Sheila  Dave I am just impressed that cancer, heart disease, diabetes has almost been cured. Covid-19 did that for all of us. Now we need to buy Covid Life Insurance instead of any other types.

Sheila  Dave So no vax-ine for H1*N1?

Dave 2 out of 100 people die from this....

Sheila then... 98% survival rate

Dave  yep

Dave CV now kills more folks than heart disease

IJB/TEBOW   Dave ****** where did you make up those basics? 30m cases divided by 530k times 100........... jeeeezzzzz make some sense. What no standards for medical school in Canada? Makes one wonder. The U.S. Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated its estimated Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) parameters to include age-specific data showing the vast majority of people who contract the Chinese coronavirus survives.

CDC’s new IFR estimates broken down by age are part of the agency’s September 10 update to its “COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios.”

Based on the “Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate” for the IFR, Breitbart News confirmed the updated age-specific survival rates: 0-19 years old, 99.997 percent; 20-49 years old, 99.98 percent; 50-69 years, 99.5 percent; and 70 years old or older, 94.6 percent.

Dave  Studied in the USA

Dave 99.98 aint 98    almost 10 times worse by your numbers tebow

butterfly  Bad news and Good news. Just got off the phone with my friend that keeps me updated on the dinar. His words, "not a * thing", he said, "nothing nada zilch". Now with the good news, we will be receiving $1,400 checks this coming week.

Spectra  whatever

Spectra  and 1,400 is substantial?

Spectra  lol

Spectra  i just got off the phone with my friend too ,Bad news is our President has Dementia...

Dave  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

Dave  almost 30m cases 526k deaths....

Dave checked that now......

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butterfly  https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/03/11/600m-needed-for-2021-iraq-humanitarian-response-plan/ 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan 11th March 2021 On Wednesday, the Iraqi Minister of Planning H.E. Dr. Khalid Batal Najim Abdullah, and the Humanitarian Coordinator Ms. Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, released the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) to assist 1.5 million vulnerable people in Iraq.

H.E. Dr. Abdullah said:  "The HRP will complement the Government of Iraq's own initiatives to help the people of Iraq recover from the setbacks they have experienced in recent years.

"The Government of Iraq and the United Nations will continue to work in partnership to help all Iraqis achieve and maintain a dignified standard of living."

Ms. Vojáčková-Sollorano commented:

"The people of Iraq should be commended for their resilience in the face of relentless hardships. COVID-19 added extra challenges for all of us in 2020.

"We are happy through the 2021 HRP to renew our commitment to assisting the most vulnerable Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and returnees in Iraq."

Iraq continues to face a complex humanitarian situation, despite the ongoing joint efforts of humanitarian partners, the Government of Iraq, and local authorities and communities to improve circumstances.

The post-conflict humanitarian situation in Iraq remains fragile, with approximately 1.3 million IDPs, and deepening socio-economic vulnerabilities brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overview found that 4.1 million Iraqis are in need of humanitarian assistance.

The 2021 HRP focuses on 1.5 million of the most vulnerable IDPs living in camps and in out-of-camp locations, as well as returnees, who continue to face significant humanitarian and protection needs.

butterfly  This unified appeal represents the activities of 166 operational partners - national NGOs, international NGOs and UN agencies - involved in the humanitarian response in Iraq, in coordination with the efforts of the Government of Iraq. It seeks $607.2 million to carry out humanitarian programming across nine sectors.

In 2020, the humanitarian community was able to assist approximately 1.4 million people thanks to the efforts of partners and the generosity of donors.

(Source: UN)

butterfly $600m needed for 2021 Iraq Humanitarian Response Plan

butterfly  https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/03/11/usaid-top-mountain-launch-business-accelerator-project-in-iraq/     USAID, Top Mountain launch Business Accelerator Project in Iraq 11th March 2021 The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Top Mountain have launched a Business Accelerator Project to assist micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) in Iraq recover, develop, and grow their businesses.

Today, Top Mountain announced the names of 15 Iraqi MSMEs selected to be funded through in-kind grants by USAID.  In his remarks at the launching, USAID/Iraq Deputy Mission Director Bob Birkenes said:

"USAID is proud to be a part of this worthy initiative that promotes the development of the Iraqi private sector while providing opportunities for young Iraqis to become more competitive in the job market."

These in-kind grants will help support MSMEs in a wide array of areas, including business development, revenue generation, job creation, productivity, and recovery from COVID-19. Businesses applied for the USAID-supported Business Accelerator grant program through an online application.

All selected businesses had to be 100% Iraqi-owned, have been registered in Iraq (including the Kurdistan Region) for at least one year, and have between 2 to 50 employees


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