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Zig’s Place Chat and News Wednesday 3-17-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Wednesday 3-17-21

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Butterfly   Iraq aims for "Prosperous Economic Zone" with Jordan, Egypt 17th March 2021

butterfly  Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi has spoken of creating a "New Mashreq", to harness the broad common interests between Iraq, Jordan and Egypt in order to create a prosperous economic zone that will benefit all countries in the region and in which Iraq would play a major role.

Addressing staff at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry in Baghdad, the Prime Minister said that, "Iraq also has multifaceted relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and with all other Gulf countries, and that the Iraqi government is proceeding with several investment projects with these countries in various sectors including agriculture, industry and energy."

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He also pointed out that Iraq concluded a rail link agreement with Iran, which will connect Iraq with northern China and create new economic opportunities.

The Prime Minister added that Iraq must continue with this approach, face internal and external crises, and work to resolve them through multi-track diplomacy that responds to the developments of the new world.

"We have a comprehensive vision for resolving conflicts and building peace, and we call on internal and external parties to play it, and to move together towards achieving a comprehensive and lasting peace" concluded Prime Minister Al-Kadhimi.   https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/03/17/iraq-aims-for-prosperous-economic-zone-with-jordan-egypt/   

butterfly  https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/03/17/ibbc-welcomes-iraqs-new-simplified-visa-scheme/


17th March 2021  The Iraq Britain Business Council (IBBC) has welcomed Iraq's decision to lift the requirement to obtain entry visas prior to arrival in Iraq.

In a statement on Tuesday, Christophe Michels, Managing Director of the IBBC, said:

"The IBBC has long lobbied for a simpler access to Iraq for business-people, and this program very much meets our requirements and saves time, cost and disruption for business travelers.

"It will lead to normalisation of business travel and should remove some of the barriers to investment and business activity in the country."

This program will be applicable to citizens of the UK, EU and USA among others, and represents a considerable reduction in the bureaucracy involved in entering Iraq and a simplification in obtaining access to the country.

Citizens of these countries will be able to pay for and obtain visas on arrival at Iraqi airports, land, and sea border crossings. However, they must comply with all preventive health measures as implemented by the Higher Committee for Health and National Safety.

More countries may be added to the above list based on the economic and other needs of Iraq According to the Iraqi government, this aims to support investment and work in Iraq.

butterfly  https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/03/17/new-report-on-iraqi-electricity-sector/   

New Report on Iraqi Electricity Sector 17th March 2021  This report provides a general overview of the Iraqi electricity sector.  It gives a glimpse of the electricity infrastructure starting with electricity generation, transmission, and distribution in Iraq.

This publication is part of Business LANDSCAPE series which a series of research publication aims to highlight the current situation of Iraq's economy and private sector through publishing researches and data and make it freely available for the benefit of investors, and the local and international community.

This study is published in partnership with German Government via the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

butterfly https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/iraq Iraq gives visa on arrival to citizens of 30 countries

The list includes the United States, China and other large economies in a bid to attract investment to Iraq; most foreigners need to apply for a visa before traveling to Iraq.

butterfly  The Iraqi government implemented March 15 visa on arrival status to citizens of several countries. The move constitutes a profound change to Iraq’s visa policy.

Citizens of the United States, United Kingdom, European Union states, Russia, China and other countries can now get a visa upon entering Iraq via an airport or a land or sea border. Those entering will need to pay a fee and their entry is subject to coronavirus-related regulations, the Iraqi government said in a press release.

The measure aims to boost the Iraqi economy. To this end, Iraq included all permanent members of the United Nations Security Council on the list. Citizens of the economic powerhouses Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland can also receive a visa on arrival. Iraq wants to “encourage investment & support job creation,” the government said in a tweet.

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Almost all foreigners needed to apply for an Iraqi visa before entering previously and this rule still applies for the states not on the exemption list, including Middle Eastern countries. The new policy will also make it easier for many international journalists to cover Iraqi news.

The Iraqi federal government does not control visa requirements in the entire country. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq implements its own visa regimen. Citizens of the United States, the EU, Turkey, Iran and several other countries can enter the Kurdistan Region without obtaining a visa beforehand, according to the KRG. This policy has been in place for several years.

Sheila  All Debts Incurred Before 22 Feb 2019 To Be Paid Using 1:1 Rate – Supreme Court https://www.newzimbabwe.com/all-debts-incurred-before-22-february-to-be-paid-using-11-rate-supreme-court/?fbclid=IwAR0-7OSOAV35WooZuFEXUlOZnv5qCW6StKonAvhxLTSecUbD28ZuXAbXXew

Butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Baghdad-Denies-Trader-s-Claim-That-U-S--Seized-Oil-Is-From-Iraq  

Baghdad Denies Trader’s Claim That U.S.-Seized Oil Is From Iraq   2021-03-17 11:01   Shafaq News / An oil trader’s claim that a cargo of crude seized by the U.S. came from Iraq rather than Iran, as Washington asserts, is wrong, according to Baghdad, Bloomberg reported.

SOMO, Baghdad’s state oil-marketing company, “categorically denies” that the 2 million barrels of crude -- worth roughly $130 million at today’s prices -- are “of Iraqi origin,” it said in a statement on its website.

Fujairah International Oil & Gas Corp. laid claim to the cargo that Washington seized as part of its efforts to sanction Iranian oil exports. FIOGC, controlled by the ruler of Fujairah, one of the UAE’s seven emirates, told a U.S. court last week that the crude came from Iraq and that it had documents from SOMO to prove that.

“In case of circulation of those shipping documents bearing the logo of SOMO for these shipments, they are to be considered as forged and incorrect documents,” SOMO wrote.

FIOGC didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/IEA-Oil-demand-will-not-recover-to-2019-levels-before-2023  

IEA: Oil demand will not recover to 2019 levels before 2023  

2021-03-17 06:27  Shafaq News/ Global oil demand is forecast to increase 6% this year, or by 5.5 million barrels per day (bpd), to an average of 96.5 million bpd, having contracted by 8.7 million bpd in 2020, according to the International Energy Agency's (IEA) monthly oil report on Tuesday.

"stronger economy and vaccine deployment will support growth in the second half of 2021, reducing the oil demand gap from 4.8 million bpd in the first quarter of 2021 to 1.4 million bpd in the fourth quarter."

For 2021, global oil demand is forecast to grow by 5.5 million bpd to 96.5 million bpd, recovering around 60% of the volume lost in 2020, the agency said. Oil demand will return to 2019 levels by 2023, it added.

"The prospect of stronger demand and continued OPEC+ production restraint point to a sharp decline in inventories during the second half of the year. For now, however, there is more than enough oil in tanks and under the ground to keep global oil markets adequately supplied," the agency said.

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butterfly   https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/CBI-sales-slip-by-31

 CBI sales slip by +31%   2021-03-17 04:34   Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq sales of hard currency drastically declined today, Wednesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent reported that CBI sales at the Foreign Exchange Auctions registered a 31.71% decline in its sales to settle at 32827 million dollars, compared to 48067 million dollars yesterday. The weighed average rate of the dinar to the U.S. dollar amounted to 1460.

Our correspondent explained that all the sales went to boost funds abroad in the form of transfers and credits, with 6 banks meeting those requests.

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Oil-prices-of-OPEC-Members-4    

Oil prices of OPEC Members

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/British-fighter-jets-flew-over-Israel-to-strike-ISIS-sites-in-Erbil  

British fighter jets flew over Israel to strike ISIS sites in Erbil

2021-03-17 11:52   Shafaq News/ British jet fighters of the Royal Air Force (RAF) have flown over Israel on their way to strike caves used by the Islamic State in Iraq, the Israeli Channel 12 news reports.

The strike occurred sometime during the March 10-12 period. The RAF says in a statement today that Typhoon FGR4 fighter jets used Storm Shadow missiles against IS targets south-west of Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region.

Channel 12 reports that the jets took off from Cyprus, and says the fighters could be observed flying over Israel on several recent occasions on flight-tracking sites.

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.National  Security Council on transmission towers attacks: a threat of National Securitycom/en/Iraq-News/National-Security-Council-on-transmission-towers-attacks-a-threat-of-National-Security  

butterfly  2021-03-17 10:08  Shafaq News/ Upon its convention chaired by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces PM Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, the Ministerial Council of National Security deemed the recent attacks on power transmission towers as "a threat to the Iraqi national security".

A statement of al-Kadhimi's office said that the meeting discussed the recent developments in the security file in the country and the measures considered to enhance the qualifications of the security forces amidst the enormous security challenges they are facing.

Al-Kadhimi commended the security forces efforts to confront the terrorist and criminal gangs and impose security and stability, emphasizing his full support for the Army, Police, and all security forces personnel.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces stressed the importance of societal security, aborting the attempts to inflict private and public properties, avoiding live ammunition during demonstrations dispersal, and providing the proper equipment for the security forces to fulfill their duties.

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The Prime Minister directed the security commanders to attend the field during demonstrations to protect the demonstrators and the private and public properties.

The meeting discussed the recent attacks on services projects and power transmission towers by "criminal groups that pose a threat to the country's national security". Al-Kadhimi instructed taking all the proper measures to pursue the perpetrators and abort further attacks.

The Council ratified Iraq's enrollment to the Joint Counter-Terrorism taskforce in the Middle East and North Africa.

butterfly   https://www.shafA  Parliamentary proposal to vote on the Federal Court and the budget bills in the same ballotaq.com/en/Iraq-News/A-Parliamentary-proposal-to-vote-on-the-Federal-Court-and-the-budget-bills-in-the-same-ballot

2021-03-17 07:36   Shafaq News / A parliamentary source reported today that there is a political proposal to vote on the Federal Court and the budget bills in the same ballot tomorrow.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "the Shiite blocs will not object voting on the region’s share of the budget as stated in the government text, if the Kurdish blocs give up on the unanimous voting in the Federal Court bill."

Discussions are still ongoing in the Parliament to agree on the remaining articles to pass the bill.

The Iraqi Parliament is only one step short of achieving consensus over the Federal Supreme Court bill after resolving the differences over two out of three unsettled provisions.

In the same context, a Parliamentary source told Shafaq News Agency that the political blocs in the Council of Representatives reached an agreement upon articles 2 and 3, indicating that negotiations are still underway over the 21st article related to the voting procedure (by majority, two thirds, or consensus).

The source said that if the ongoing negotiations hit an impasse, the parliament will pass the two agreed on articles and table the 21st article to another session.

However, the Presidium of the Parliament adjourned the session dedicated for voting on the bill until today at 0700 pm, after failing to secure the required quorum in the session scheduled earlier today at 1100 am.

The meeting of the Presidium with the heads of the parliamentary bloc, held at noon, came to nought after the discussions over the remaining three provisions broke down.

A Parliamentary source revealed that many MPs boycotted the session for enlisting the voting on the bill on its agenda, with the differences still unsettled.

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butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893987

Niyazioglu calls on parliament to legislate a law creating new provinces

Wednesday 17, March 2021 20:06  Former House of Representatives rapporteur Niyazi Mimaroglu called on parliament to legislate a law creating new governorates.

He asked, via the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ): Is it reasonable that, since 1976, a governorate has not been established in Iraq despite the population and urban growth in order for these districts to control their services and matters? Note in all countries, new governorates begin every ten years. Is it possible to link the fate of eight or nine residents who spend it in a governorate center? Is it possible to make the area of ​​his province a fifth of Iraq, one sixth, one eighth, or one-tenth of Iraq ?

Sheila  Are we going to be tough enough to handle all this wealth from exchanging? -- "Tuff Enuff" by The Fabulous Thunderbirds -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcXT1clXc04

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894009

Al-Sayyadi: The current parliament is the worst in the world  Wednesday 17, March 2021 22:12  Independent MP Kazem Al-Sayyadi described the current parliament as the worst in the world.

He said in a televised statement that: Parliament does not have a real vision for passing laws, and the Federal Court Act fell victim to an agreement with the Kurds.

Al-Sayyadi added that: Al-Halbousi met with the Kurdish representatives before the session to pass the Federal Court’s law, indicating that its postponement was a parliamentary play.

He continued: Lifting the budget from the parliament’s agenda is a violation of the law, and the signatures of members of parliament are ... formal and showmanship.

Al-Sayyadi indicated that: Passing the budget is subject to consensuses related to the prime minister’s presidency and election results.

He noted that: The leaders of Kurdistan are seeking to mortgage the Federal Court’s Kurdish case law.

Al-Sayyadi indicated that: Yesterday's session witnessed quarrels and skirmishes between Nabil Al-Tarfi and Youssef Al-Kalabi, and parliament should not turn into a boxing ring.

butterfly   He stated that: Political consensus prevented the passage of the Federal Court Act, indicating that the Kurds and Halbousi agree not to pass it until a compromise formula is reached, and the parliament presidency bears the responsibility for not being approved.

Al-Sayyadi indicated that there was an Emirati intervention in the Iraqi intelligence service and Parliamentary Security, calling for a session to be held in the presence of the Commander-in-Chief regarding the intelligence incident.   Al-Sayyadi promised to transfer 300 intelligence officers to the ports ... settling scores.

He accused the UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia with the conspiracy, indicating that they possess mercenaries in Iraq.

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butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893972

butterfly  Humam Al-Shamaa stresses the importance of covering the deficit before investment, regardless of the price of a barrel of oil

Wednesday 17, March 2021 18:49 | The advisor to the Speaker of Parliament for Economic Affairs, Hammam Al-Shamaa, stressed the importance of covering the deficit before investment, regardless of the price of a barrel of oil and its rise during the coming period.

He told the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA /: Whatever the price of a barrel of oil rises, those concerned must cover the large deficit before planning investment projects.

Al-Shamaa added that: The large deficit is charged with its internal or external benefits, so it must be covered and completed, or even to lower levels.

Regarding the budget, he explained that: Compatibility will be the master of the situation for approval in the coming days.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893978

The Minister of Oil discusses with the delegation of Total International to accelerate the implementation of the schedule of the joint cooperation program

Wednesday 17, March 2021 18:54    Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar Ismail confirmed the ministry’s keenness to speed up the implementation of the joint cooperation agreement to invest associated free gas and solar energy in different regions of Iraq with the French company Total.

During his meeting with the company’s delegation, which included both Laurent Vivera and Donia Chalabi, he praised the cooperation of the International Company’s management with the Ministry in implementing these strategic and development projects.

He explained that: This meeting comes to follow up the memorandum of the initial agreement and joint cooperation to implement a number of associated gas investment projects in Artawi, Anbar and Diyala, and solar energy investment projects in a number of central and southern governorates of Iraq.

During the meeting, the proposed commercial contract models to organize joint work and cooperation were reviewed, in addition to discussing support and financing "Total" for projects to upgrade the infrastructure of the oil sector.

The minister expressed his hope for the implementation of agreements and contracts aimed at optimal investment of the national wealth, the realization of the ministry's plans in gas investment and the advancement of the refining sector and the infrastructure.

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butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893999

A local economic institution reveals the value of operating and investment expenditures for the governorates

Wednesday 17, March 2021 21:09  The Future Iraq Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations revealed the value of operating and investment expenditures for the governorates for the past year.

The foundation's president, Engineer Manar Al-Obaidi, said: The value of operating expenses for the governorates for the year 2020 amounted to ten trillion dinars, representing 14% of total operating expenses.

He added: Baghdad governorate occupied the largest percentage of expenditures, as the governorate accounted for 27%, followed by Basra Governorate by 9.8%, then Dhi Qar Governorate by 9.6%, as for the lowest governorates, Salah al-Din Governorate was 1%, Mosul Governorate by 1%, and Anbar Governorate by 1%. 1.87% and  added: The value of investment expenditures on the provinces amounted to 1.1 trillion dinars, representing 37% of total investment expenditures, which amounted to 3.2 trillion dinars.

Al-Obeidi continued: The share of Basra Governorate was the largest by 26%, followed by Dhi Qar Governorate by 15.75%, then Anbar Governorate by 12.27%, while the lowest governorates were Nineveh Governorate by 0.85%, Maysan Governorate by 1.3%, then Diwaniyah Governorate by 1%. 98% .

Spectra   BIDEN GAURANTEES HOME DOWN payments with banks for illegals .Nice they get homes without effort Americans get NOTHING....  Intrest free too...

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894010

Thabet Al-Abbasi to / Nina /: Tomorrow's session will witness the vote on the Federal Court and Budget Law

Wednesday 17, March 2021 22:31  The head of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Thabet Al-Abbasi, confirmed that: Tomorrow's session will witness the vote on the Federal Court and Budget Law.

He told the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) that: The consultations and discussions on the Federal Court law have reached their final stages.

Regarding the budget, Al-Abbasi clarified that delaying it is not in the interest of anyone, and everyone knows that, and it will also be passed in tomorrow's session.

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butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894014

MP Hassan Fadam: "There is no veto against Sharia experts in the Federal Court, and they are not among its judges 

Wednesday 17, March 2021 22:51  Member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Hassan Fadam, announced that the Federal Court consists of 9 chief and deputy judges and 7 judges.

Fadam said in a televised statement: "There is no veto against Sharia experts in the Federal Court, and they are not among the court's judges."

He continued: "Sharia experts have no right to consider decisions of the Federal Court, adding that political parties are not allowed to nominate judges and experts in jurisprudence and law."

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894017

Kurdish deputy to / Nina /: Presenting the budget to vote after Nowruz  Wednesday 17, March 2021 23:26  Member of Parliament for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Piston Adel, preferred to present the budget for a vote after Nowruz.

He told the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) that: Tomorrow’s session will be limited to passing the Federal Court’s law if the final agreement is reached on the disputed paragraphs.

Adel added that: The budget will be presented at the most after Nowruz. Indicating that: There is no agreement so far between the region and the center regarding it.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894011

In the document .. changes in the Ministry of Finance  Wednesday 17, March 2021 22:41  The Minister of Finance, Ali Abdul Amir Allawi, issued an order to transfer a general manager and assign another to his place.

A document indicated: The transfer of Muthanna Adeeb, Director General of the Banking Services Company at the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Immigration and Displacement, and assigning the financial advisor Abdul Hassan Jamal to the position in addition to his position.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894022

In the presence of Al-Kazemi .. The President of the Republic meets with the delegation of the region and the Kurdish blocs on the budget

Wednesday 17, March 2021 23:34  Contract President Barham Saleh meeting, on Wednesday evening, with the negotiating team for the Kurdistan Regional Government and the heads of Kurdish blocs in the House of Representatives in the presence of Prime Minister Mustafa Kazemi. "

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Said the MP for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Ryazan bloc Sheikh Dler according to the National Union: The President of the site The Republic, Barham Ahmed Salih, held a meeting with the negotiating delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government headed by Qubad Talabani and the heads of the Kurdish blocs in the House of Representatives, in the presence of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

She added: The meeting discussed what is related to the Kurdistan region’s share of the federal budget for the year 2021, and the latest proposals to be submitted by the parliamentary blocs on the Kurdistan region’s share.

She explained: The parliamentary blocs still stress the need to vote on the budget in tomorrow’s session, Thursday, in conjunction with the vote on the draft Federal Court bill, in which there are still disagreements about some of its articles .

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894027

The head of the Arab Department is an agency at the Foreign Ministry discussing with the Chargé d'Affairs of the Saudi Embassy the relations between the two countries and means of developing them

Thursday 18, March 2021 00:01  The head of the Arab Department discussed an agency in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Plenipotentiary Osama Mahdi Ghanem, with the Chargé d'Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bandar Al-Hamidi, the relations between the two brotherly countries and ways to develop them.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said today that Ghanem met the Chargé d'Affairs of the Saudi embassy at the ministry’s headquarters, and during the meeting they discussed relations between the two brotherly countries and ways to develop them, and emphasized the importance of expanding and strengthening the horizons of bilateral cooperation in a way that serves the interests of the two countries and two brotherly peoples in various fields, especially political, security and commercial.  

The statement indicated that during the meeting, coordination in the field of mutual support and support within the framework of multilateral diplomacy, especially for positions and jobs in international organizations, was discussed


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