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Zig’s Place Chat and News Tuesday PM 5-18-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Tuesday PM 5-18-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

butterfly  Parliamentary law by / NINA /: Presenting requests to lift the immunity of those wanted by the judiciary requires a vote by the House of Representatives

Tuesday 18, May 2021 16:17......The Parliamentary Legal Committee disclosed the fate of the requests to lift the immunity of the deputies registered legal cases against them.

  A member of the committee, MP Hassan Fadam, stated in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / that "granting a member of the House of Representatives legal immunity is valid if he is sworn in to occupy the parliamentary seat during the mandate of the legislative session."

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He added, "The mechanism for lifting the immunity of a deputy in accordance with the bylaw of the House of Representatives and the law of the House of Representatives is through an official request from the judicial authorities to the Presidency of the House of Representatives, where the request is submitted to vote before Parliament in a regular session and the immunity of the deputy is lifted so that it goes to the judicial authorities.

Noting that "the parliament has the power to present requests to lift immunity during the sessions of the ongoing legislative season and vote on them or not."

He explained, "There are some exceptions related to requests to lift immunity during the legislative holiday of the House of Representatives, whereby the Speaker of Parliament has the authority to send the letter of lifting the immunity of the representative concerned to the judiciary to record his testimony."

butterfly   Parliamentary circles recently discussed efforts to lift the immunity of some parliamentarians wanted for corruption investigations by the Diwaniya Order 29 Committee on Combating Corruption, while the Presidency of the House of Representatives received, at the beginning of last April, an official request from the Supreme Judicial Council to consider lifting MP Karim's immunity.

Aftan, based on the provisions of Article 63 / Second / B of the Constitution, against the background of his involvement in financial and administrative corruption charges and bribes related to the signing of the Ministry of Electricity's contracts for electricity generation, transmission and distribution stations.

Jenni Butterfly ☆ I looked same thing,I think they have either taken it down or has been infected by the bad guy's

Jenni   I'm getting a weird feeling today

Dave   Lifting Immunity........and naming those corruptors.......Platform for upcoming elections? Like that chatter Thanx butterfly

Dave   Abadi tried that....no traction......

butterfly   LOL I have to laugh. My friend told me that something big is about to happen. Really? Just like the trigger several Tuesdays ago?

Dave  butterfly 500 or more Tuesdays fer me

butterfly  There is a group that is going around the country taking back the "country". OMG not that again. As I've said...........she is a staunch R and they are all western men going on big beautiful fully equidded buses............Oh good grief, people need to get on with their lives OR move to another country since they don't like this one.

Butterfly   Zig I really press her on what the * she is even talking about........lordy what a mistake.

Zig   butterfly : But you manage to stay friends....lol

Dave  Folks really happy in Norway/Finland/Iceland.....who would wanna live there?

Dave never know/realize how good they actually got it

butterfly Dave I totally agree. We make our own misery. Unfortunately people don't see the good that they actually have. The greed ones always want more AND they want it their way.

Butterfly   Al-Sadr launches a scathing attack against America and the Zionist entity, and renews his support for the Palestinian resistance and the steadfastness of Gaza City

Tuesday 18, May 2021 18:22 ...........The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, launched a scathing attack on the American states and the Zionist entity, reiterating his support for the Palestinian resistance and the steadfastness of Gaza City.

Al-Sadr said in a tweet on his Twitter account, "Many expected that the Palestinian revolution had ceased to exist. Therefore, America hastened to sell (Jerusalem) to terrorist Zionists ... and some others rushed to normalize with the Zionist enemy, thinking that the revolution was over.

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He added, however, that the reckless behavior of the Israelis ... (And the Prophet of God, Israel) is innocent of them until the Day of Judgment ... that has kindled the flame of the revolution. And this time, it is not only stones and it is not limited to (Gaza), but will include the neighborhoods of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Ramallah and all the occupied lands.

Rather, it will include all those who believe in the Palestinian cause, not only among the Arabs, as it has included advocacy even in Indonesia, and it will prevail .. Thanks to the Indonesian people, and I hope other peoples will support.

Praise be to God who made the Zionist enemy confused and idle and far from all religious, social, international and legal norms .. That this spark would be the beginning of its end and the beginning of stability in the entire region.

He continued, Sabra, Gaza, steadfastness .. the night must pass, and the occupation must be defeated .. God supports you, and we are with you, and we feel your suffering in the midst of the enemies' assertion against you and the arrival of American weapons into the hands of Zionist terrorism. But your faith is stronger than every weapon.

Dave  butterfly Blame England....they created all of this in1948?

butterfly      The Presidents of the Republic and the Council of Ministers affirm the need to strengthen the authority of the state and to create appropriate conditions for holding elections

Tuesday 18, May 2021 19:38..............The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, received Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and stressed the need to protect stability in the country, preserve the security of citizens, and strengthen state authority.

They also emphasized the necessity to create appropriate conditions for holding elections and to take maximum measures to prevent violations of them .

butterfly   The Presidents of the Republic and the Council of Ministers affirm the need to protect and consolidate stability in the country, strengthen the authority of the state, and create conditions for elections / expanded

Tuesday 18, May 2021 19:50 ...............The Presidents of the Republic, Barham Salih and the Council of Ministers, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, stressed the need to protect and consolidate stability in the country, strengthen the authority of the state, and create appropriate conditions for holding elections.

A presidential statement stated: “The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, received today, Tuesday, at the Peace Palace in Baghdad, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and during the meeting stressed the need to protect and consolidate stability in the country, preserve the security and safety of citizens, and strengthen the authority of the state and security agencies in the application of the law and the protection of peace.

And societal security, pursuing terrorist remnants that seek to destabilize security and stability in some areas, and providing all support to the security forces in all their formations to achieve this goal.

The two parties also discussed the upcoming elections, and stressed their importance and the need to create appropriate conditions for their conduct, and support all the requirements necessary for its success and take maximum measures to prevent electoral violations, and everything that would affect the will of the voters in choosing their representatives, in order for the outcomes of the electoral process to be truly expressive of the will. Free citizens and their choices.

butterfly  They also discussed developments in the situation in the Palestinian territories and the inhuman aggression and attacks against the Palestinian people.

They affirmed Iraq's steadfast and supportive position for the Palestinian cause, and embracing the support of the Palestinian people at all levels and in international forums, in order to achieve their aspirations and obtain their full legitimate rights, and to stop the attacks in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the rest of the Palestinian territories, and the necessity for serious joint work at the Arab, regional and international levels, in order to immediately stop what unarmed civilians are exposed to, protect their legitimate rights, and stop attacks and provocations.

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Dave   Resembles the Kurdish region?

butterfly  Iraq is trying but not stable yet..........BUT they are trying.

butterfly  Geez I need a new keyboard or focus on one thing at a time. LOL.....too many things I am trying to do at once.

Dave  butterfly Focus????

butterfly  I have to step away AGAIN..........geez louise is there not people out there that care for others?

Zig   NORV :Hey @Kap That is @Kaperoni

Zig   @Jenni: Find "Restored Republic?".....what is that all about anyway??

Zig  I put that pool in especially for @NORV to "FLOAT" in.....lol

BobbyC   And by the way, Iraq will not float the currency once it's introduced to the market lol

Zig  BobbyC : Hope you have a chance to chat with @NORV sometime....I suppose if we just discussed Guru Intel we would have 100 in here chatting.....LOL

BobbyC   Kap's more in line with reality thatn anyone mentioned on Recaps or elesewhere. I just happen to have a different way of thinking on the Float/Peg issue

Zig BobbyC : So you will like chatting with @Kap

BobbyC   Most ME oil producing countries Peg to the USD because it's a petro dollor based revenue

BobbyC  Now once the mature economy wise, they are allowed to depeg and do whatever they desire

Zig  Although @Kap emailed me today and said he would be busy doing other things for a while so not sure when he will have time to chat....

BobbyC   Well now we're back to what sells in dinar land. Facts don't sell lol

Zig  BobbyC : Just hope we make a little from this "someday"

BobbyC   That';s my hope. If they can take the current currency international, power to em. Taking this currency international makes zero sense.

Zig  All most people want to read is that the IQD will be $3 tomorrow.....lol

Zig   I wish it would be 3 cents....lol

BobbyC   $3? I want Bruce's rate     I want anything below 1166

Zig   I was serious when I said I would take 3 cents....and then I would disappear.....lol

BobbyC  lol I'd either be right behind ya, or way ahead of ya

Zig  Now please do not think I feel that the Dinar is a scam....It is a currency speculation with no guarantee of profiting IMO...you may disagree....

Supreme leader dinard  Zig I think it's a one in a million chance it actually profits lol

Butterfly  Health warns: The third wave is the next challenge for the country

Tuesday 18, May 2021 21:33.........The Ministry of Health and Environment has warned of a third epidemic wave of Corona virus in the country.

The Director General of the Ministry's Public Health Department, Riyadh Abdel-Amir Al-Halfi, said in a press statement today, Tuesday: "The infection rates have begun to be waived and we expect to continue in the next two weeks, but the third wave is the next challenge, and the matter in preventing it depends on the average number of recipients of anti-virus vaccines."

He pointed out that "the Ministry of Health has contracted large quantities of the Pfizer vaccine, and the American company’s supply to Iraq will double in July by 10 times what we currently receive, and perhaps there will be a shortage of vaccines in the month of June."

He continued, "Our arrival to vaccinate 14 million people, as it represents 60% of those targeted in the people, and we aspire to vaccinate 24 million," stressing that "no dangerous side effects were recorded among the recipients of the vaccine."

butterfly  Dutch Disease and Iraq's Foreign Exchange Rate......18th May 2021 .........The Dutch Disease and Iraq's Foreign Exchange Rate

Economists who studied the reasons for the low per capita growth of GDP in developing countries that rely on revenues from abundant natural resources, (called 'resource curse'), found it was actually caused not by high exchange rates, but by wrongly conceived economic policies over a long period of time.

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We will visit this point again at the end of the paper. Meanwhile, and until recently, monetary economists in Iraq explained the fall in the Dinar exchange rate against the Dollar (a change within the expected norm) as a passing event caused by falling oil prices, and trepidation in the markets in the wake of COVID-19.

This explanation whilst went some way toward dampening the need for currency devaluation for a while, it didn't help the Iraqi Government to raise the cash it needed to meet its obligations. Recently, the Government had to reduce the Dinar exchange rate against the Dollar considerably to increase the Dinars it receives from the Central Bank in exchange for the Dollar it receives mainly from oil exports. Full report here: http://iraqieconomists.net/en/2021/05/16/the-dutch-disease-and-iraqs-foreign-exchange-rate-by-dr-zeki-fattah/

butterfly  Private Sector Development: Iraq's Long-lost Solution.......18th May 2021........Private Sector Development: Iraq's Long-lost Solution

Six years passed since the Iraqi government launched its Private Sector Development Strategy 2014-2030, aiming to reform regulatory frames and market conditions towards private sector-led growth. Several international partners (including UNDP, World Bank, GIZ, and USAID) also attempted to help realize some goals of the strategy.

Along with the strategy, Iraqi leaders have always been advised to diversify the rentier economy to cope with their challenges of unemployment (at 13 per cent) and poverty (at 31.7 per cent), but things are not moving forward.

The economy is still heavily state-dominated and crude oil-dependent, whereby oil revenues constitute more than 98 per cent of exports, 63 - 67 per cent of GDP, and up to 93 per cent of Federal Budget revenues.

What has hindered the private sector development (PSD) strategy remains as a set of institutional challenges. Although most of the challenges are technical, they can be addressed once a reformist political leadership is in charge.

This article is an attempt to find out how the institutional challenges hindered the PSD strategy, assuming that institutions enforcing laws and regulating the private sector matter for economic growth. It also suggests some policy recommendations that could help to tackle the challenges given the current potentials and political constraints. Full report here: http://iraqieconomists.net/en/2021/05/16/private-sector-development-iraqs-long-lost-solution-by-mohammed-hussein/

butterfly   KRG Invests in Major Wheat Industry Project........18th May 2021........As part of its efforts to transform the Kurdistan Region into a competitive producer, the Kurdistan Regional Government has invested in strategic projects to strengthen and expand the region's agricultural sector and food industry.

One of these landmark projects is the Wheat Marketing Project, which Prime Minister Masrour Barzani launched on Nov. 1, 2020 as the first step toward a self-sufficient and sustainable economy.

This major industrial project will begin to meet half of the Kurdistan Region's domestic demand for flour and other food products, including all of the Erbil Governorate's flour demand. The sophisticated network of factories, silos, and packaging plants will create an estimated 3,500 new sustainable jobs, including opportunities in automation and technological advanced laboratories.

Six months after being launched, the project is now 70 percent completed. It has also already provided jobs for more than 450 people, who are mostly local.

The Kurdistan Regional Government will continue to support the Kurdistan Region's farmers and ensure they are provided every opportunity to thrive in a competitive market.

The project covers 1200 dunam and it includes the construction of:

40 silos each can take 5000-ton grain, 16 silos have already been built and can receive grain;

2 flour factories, with the capacity to process 1000 tons of grain per day each;

A post-harvest factory for cleaning, sorting, and packaging wheat for farmers;

A bulgur and couscous factory;

A macaroni factory;

A fodder factory;

A biscuit and instant cereal factory;

2 testing and quality control laboratories. (Source: KRG)

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butterfly  IBBC Webinar: Iraq Agritech.......18th May 2021....The modernisation of Iraqi agriculture is a priority for the current Government of Iraq. IBBC is holding what intends to be an interesting panel of world leading experts on the subject, to showcase, explain, inspire and encourage Iraq to accelerate its investment in Agritech.

Join us on 1st June at 2.30pm to listen to and question the panel. Please feel free to invite any of your colleagues and contacts who may like to attend this free event, and send us their emails for invitations. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PDeOkFJ1TI6epXJrT7BlCA

butterfly  Representative economy: The Minister of Finance is still insisting on fighting citizens through the price of the dollar   15:16 – 05/18/2021   Representative economy - The Minister of Finance is still insisting on fighting citizens through the price of the dollarInformation / Special …

A member of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, Mazen Al-Faily, warned, on Tuesday, of the Ministry of Finance continuing its policy of restricting citizens and fighting them over their livelihoods, through the dollar exchange paper.

“The Minister of Finance, Ali Allawi, is still insisting on raising the price of the dollar and restricting citizens, especially those with limited income, despite the rise in oil prices and growing oil revenues,” Al-Faili said in a statement to the agency.

He added, “The only affected by the ill-considered increase in the price of the dollar are the poor and the low-income segment,” noting that “the continued rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar will be more lethal for citizens in the coming days.”

The economist, Wissam Al-Tamimi, said yesterday, Monday, that international oil prices will rise from the current price by a few dollars, indicating that the current and future rise must be matched by a reduction in the dollar exchange rate in the local markets.    almaalomah.org

Sheila  USE YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT: Nicks Intel Blog Update & Podbean, May 18, 2021 -- Our military intel contact said things are moving behind the scenes to start T4B still this week — disclosure of Deep State crimes happening today Tue 18 May and 1000s more arrests happening today globally to weaken the cabal before shotgun start is initiated; NDAs are keeping CMKX & other T3 adjudicated settlements & PP recipients quiet; more later. -- https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/05/18/05-18-2021-update/ -- and -- https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-g3tui-103d7e9

BobbyC  :jejeje:

sandyf  @BobbyC Dave CBI also states....Delete 3 zeros AND INCREASE Purchasing power of the IQD. BINGO!!! I think Frank once said they will; revalue then re denominate. What an idiot. With a re denomination will come a stronger IQD. Remember the IQD is not like other currencies when it comes to a re denomination. Why?

Because it's not used in international trade agreements. - This is the fundamental error that many people have made.

The CBI did not say anything about increasing the purchasing power of the IQD, they said increase the purchasing power of the dinar. Two different things, the "Dinar" is the monetary unit and the IQD is the currency that represents the monetary unit.

In a redenomination a new currency will represent the monetary unit and the IQD will no longer be the national currency, or recognised outside Iraq. Both currencies will be used in country for a period of time and then the superseded currency will only be redeemed at banks.

BobbyC  Apples and Apples. With a re denomination comes a new note valued currency. So while it may be a Dinar, it's in Iraq so that makes it an Iraqi Dinar. Both currencies can indeed be used but not at the value of what everyone wants. That would be monetary suicide for the CBI

BobbyC  What I've always asked someone/anyone to show me is where do we think the current denominations will co-exist with the supposed LD's when and if released. At 1 to 1, or what some say face value

BobbyC  They can and will co-exist if the current denominations are accpted at todays value

sandyf  For anyone actually interested in how a redenomination is implemented, it is all laid out in this document that was issued by Zambia when they did it in 2012. https://www.boz.zm/17-2012.pdf

BobbyC   Just at a glance, the name doesn't change, nor does the value. Another words it's a neutral event for Iraq, and us. Our problem is the currency dealer mark ups


 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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