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Zig’s Place Chat and News Thursday PM 3-18-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Thursday PM 3-18-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Butterfly   Mourning calls for reaching a compromise formula for the Federal Supreme Court law that satisfies everyone   Thursday 18, March 2021 18:46   Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Dr. Bashir Khalil Al-Haddad emphasized the importance of the Federal Supreme Court Law as the highest independent judicial body.

A promise in the statement of the law: guardian of the legal system in the country through the interpretation of legal texts and constitutional monitoring, and its direct link with the political process, overseeing the constitutionality of laws, as well as ratification of election results, strengthening the constants of democracy and the separation of disputes between branches of the executive authority, as well as between the two executive authorities And legislative, between provinces and regions and between state institutions.*

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Al-Haddad called on the political blocs in the House of Representatives, the national forces and the members of the Council to make more efforts and efforts to reach a compromise formula for the Federal Supreme Court law, and to reduce the intensity of the controversy about it, and satisfy all parties and components. With our respect and adherence to the constitution and democratic mechanisms in passing laws and voting on them.

butterfly   He wished for a national consensus and consensus from all the blocs to take into account the national balance and the constitutional rights of all components of the people in the texts and articles of the law to serve the supreme interest in this sensitive stage, to overcome political differences and crises, and to consolidate the foundations of security and stability in all parts of the country.  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894154

butterfly   The House of Representatives holds its session chaired by Al-Halbousi and in the presence of 204 deputies   Thursday 18, March 2021 18:59  The House of Representatives held its regular session this evening, Thursday, headed by Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi and attended by 204 deputies.  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894159

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894167

The House of Representatives votes on Article 3 and a new article of the Federal Court's proposed law

Thursday 18, March 2021 19:12 |The House of Representatives voted, in its evening session today, on Article 3 and a new article of the First Amendment Law (Order No. 30 of 2005 AD) Federal Court Law.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894165

A protest stand in Basra, calling for the completion of the Grand Faw port project, and rejecting the rail link with Iran

Thursday 18, March 2021 19:15  A number of Basra residents organized a protest stand to demand the completion of the implementation of the Faw Grand Port project.

The protesters, in their stand in Leader Abdul Karim Qasim Square in the city center, rejected the rail link project with Iran.

butterfly   The House of Representatives votes on a vote of confidence on the President of the Executive Body of the Media and Communications Authority

Thursday 18, March 2021 19:19  The House of Representatives voted on a vote of confidence on behalf of the Chief Executive of the Media and Communications Commission, Ali Al-Khuwailidi

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894183

The President of the Supreme Judicial Council calls the council to convene next Monday morning

Thursday 18, March 2021 19:44  The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Dr. Faiq Zaidan, called on the members of the Supreme Judicial Council to meet next Monday morning to implement the law amending the Federal Court Law No. 30 of 2005, which was approved by the House of Representatives on March 18, 2021.

The Media Center of the Judicial Council added, "It will take place in the meeting. Honoring the president and members of the current Federal Court for referring them to retirement. "

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butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894182

The House of Representatives raises its session to tomorrow to complete the budget law

Thursday 18, March 2021 19:42  The House of Representatives decided to adjourn its session to tomorrow Friday at one o'clock in the afternoon to complete the budget law.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894174

Parliament Presidency: the voting session on the federal budget tomorrow at noon

Thursday 18, March 2021 19:21 | The Presidency of the Council of Representatives announced that the voting session on the Federal Budget Law will take place tomorrow Friday at 1 pm.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894164

Governmental official: Most of the maintenance and rehabilitation works for the targeted energy towers in Diyala were completed

Thursday 18, March 2021 19:11  The security services have taken strict measures to protect the transmission towers in Al-Salam district in Diyala governorate to prevent their targeting again.

Hamed Al-Anbaki, director of the district, told the correspondent of the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) today that the security services have taken urgent security measures to protect the power towers in the vicinity of Al-Salam district, northeast of Baqubah, to avoid a security breach and to prevent them from being targeted again.

He added that the maintenance teams completed the largest part of the maintenance work and rehabilitated the damaged towers after they were exposed yesterday to an act of sabotage that led to power cuts in most areas of Diyala. Stressing that targeting the energy towers in the district is the first of its kind and a dangerous indicator. Indicating that the Mersad - Diyala power line will return to service in the coming hours

Sheila  butterfly Passing Iraq's Federal Court Law and Finance Agreements with Kurds = Linchpin to RV/revaluations/reset???

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894179

The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers: The Iraqi government is continuing to resolve the issue of the displaced and to consolidate civil peace

Thursday 18, March 2021 19:55  The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Hamid Naeem Al-Ghazi, affirmed that the Iraqi government pays special attention to the issue of the displaced due to the humanitarian aspects it entails, as well as that resolving it will contribute to strengthening civil peace. As it is included in the ministerial curriculum of the government, it is determined to close all camps and return of all displaced people to their areas of residence voluntarily.

During the conference on displaced women in liberated areas, he said, "The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in coordination with the main effort of the Ministry of Immigration and Displacement, is working to support the tasks of stabilization in liberated areas, restoring infrastructure and providing basic services in order to create an environment conducive to decent living, with the support of Governmental, represented by the work of the service and security ministries and the National Security Adviser, as well as joint cooperation with donor countries, the United Nations Development Program, and local and international organizations, and the Iraqi government continues to provide financial allocations to support the Reconstruction Fund.

butterfly  He pointed out that "the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, and through the Department of Empowering Iraqi Women, has prepared the national plan for UN Security Council Resolution (1325) under the title Women, Peace and Security, in order to enhance the vital role of women, in cooperation with various governmental institutions and support agencies as well as the UN agencies.

 It also set the general framework for building an effective strategy and more joint coordination, to serve women's issues in Iraq and increase their representation in various sectors while creating a safe environment for women free from gender-based violence, especially in displacement and return societies, the integration of survivors into society and the protection of girls.

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With regard to government measures that concern female survivors, the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers stated, "The Women Survivors Law prepared by the Iraqi government, voted by the House of Representatives, and approved by the President of the Republic, will receive the attention of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, by following up the implementation of its paragraphs with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs." , Which will create a special department based in Nineveh Governorate to follow up the provision of facilities for granting compensation for survivors.

butterfly  He thanked the Iraqi government and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to all official governmental institutions and their clear contribution in managing the process of enabling the displaced to return, and donor countries and international and local organizations participating in this great societal endeavor to achieve growth, stability and community peace.

During the conference, Minister of Immigration and Displacement Evan Faeq Gabbro stressed that the issue of displaced women is an urgent need to achieve balance, harmony, understanding and joint cooperation with government agencies at various levels and sectors, as the displacement crisis is being prepared by the Ministry as a national and comprehensive crisis, and that the prominent role is in coordination with all relevant authorities.

Formal and informal, local and international organizations, it is important to avoid duplication and to avoid conflicts in working towards this file; This is done through post-return programs to achieve the desired goals with the least possible amount of time, effort and expense.

butterfly  And she announced that the Ministry is currently planning a project to end the displacement file on a voluntary basis with the cooperation of local governments and international organizations, and to initiate the creation of project frameworks and programs that serve the returnees from displacement, and that the Ministry looks forward to working with all partners side by side to encourage the displaced to return voluntarily, and to give priority To women-headed families, expressing their hope that the international community and organizations will continue to do their utmost to cooperate with the Ministry's staff in voluntary return programs and projects to empower displaced women and returnees, offering their thanks to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, for its role in coordinating work with official institutions and all local organizations And international chock.

Representatives of the Iraqi Women's Empowerment Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the National Security Adviser, the Ministries of Interior, Justice, Planning, Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Youth and Sports, as well as the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, UN Women, the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Population Fund, the World Bank and the United States Agency for Development presented International, reports on what has been accomplished in the previous period regarding the file of the displaced, and future plans, which were included in the recommendations of the conference; For the purpose of approving it and working to implement it with the relevant authorities.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894186

Al-Halbousi calls on the Finance Committee to add a paragraph in the budget to redress the families of the victims of the "Mosul phrase" and consider them as martyrs

Thursday 18, March 2021 20:12   Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi called on the Finance Committee to add a paragraph in the general budget to redress the families of the victims of the "Mosul term" and consider them as martyrs.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894190

The Supreme Health and Safety Committee decides to reopen mosques, Hussainiyas and places of worship

Thursday 18, March 2021 20:26  The Supreme Committee for National Health and Safety (Combating the Coronavirus Pandemic) decided to reopen mosques, Hussainiyat and places of worship.

The committee stated in a statement: It was decided to reopen mosques, Hussainiyat, and places of worship in the capital, Baghdad, and the governorates, and to adhere to health conditions in terms of spacing, wearing masks, and using fumigating materials and sterilizers to ensure the safety of citizens from the Corona virus pandemic, and health teams follow them.

The imams and preachers of mosques and Hussainiyat demanded that awareness and guidance campaigns be carried out, urging citizens to adhere to the application of all preventive health measures.

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butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894194

/ NINA / Publishes the First Amendment to the Federal Court Law  Thursday 18, March 2021 21:06  The Iraqi National News Agency, / NINA / First Amendment Law (Order No. 30 of 2005 AD) publishes the Federal Court Law, which the House of Representatives voted on in its evening session today, Thursday.

Sheila  @butterfly VERY GOOD NEWS

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894195

A joint parliamentary meeting to complete the requirements of the federal budget legislation legislation for the fiscal year 2021

Thursday 18, March 2021 21:07   The Presidency of the House of Representatives held a joint meeting today, Thursday, with the Finance Committee and heads of the blocks, to complete the requirements of the legislation of the Federal Budget Law for the fiscal year 2021.

butterfly  sheila step by step..........turtle steps lol

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894181

Oil prices are falling to $ 66  Thursday 18, March 2021 19:45  Oil prices continued today, Thursday, to record losses, due to the rise of the dollar and the further rise in crude and fuel stocks in the United States, in addition to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.   Brent crude fell 2.16 percent to $ 66.53 a barrel.

US crude fell 2.32 percent to $ 63.10 a barrel, after falling 0.3 percent in the previous session. Both contracts have lost more than four percent over the last five sessions.

And government data showed on Wednesday that US crude stocks rose for the fourth week in a row after refineries in the southern United States were forced to close due to severe winter weather.

butterfly The slowdown in some coronavirus vaccination campaigns and the possibility of further restrictions to control the pandemic have limited expectations for a recovery in fuel consumption.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894180

Referral of the large Hilla sewer project to British and Iraqi companies

Thursday 18, March 2021 19:57   The local government in Babylon announced today, Thursday, that the large Hilla sewage project will be transferred to British and Iraqi companies, with a value exceeding 300 billion dinars.

The governor of Babylon, Hassan Mandil Agency, said, "The first phase of the large Hilla sewage project was transferred today, Thursday, to a grouping of British and Iraqi companies accredited internationally, and will include digging and laying heavy water pipelines from a number of neighborhoods towards the great Hilla.

He added that the value of the project in its first phase exceeded The 300 billion dinars, referring to the referral of a project that took place through ministerial investment.

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894199

An Iraqi academic with a televised statement: The national media played a distinguished role by pushing for the passage of the amended Federal Court Law 2005, which is considered a success for the civil movement

Thursday 18, March 2021 21:27  Media and academic Kazem Al-Miqdadi confirmed the success of the national media by pressing for a vote to approve the amended Federal Court Law 2005, which is considered a success for the civil movement.

In a televised statement followed by the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / the national media, he called for a role in educating citizens and searching for new faces in the upcoming elections, as he succeeded in the Federal Court law

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Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894199

An Iraqi academic with a televised statement: The national media played a distinguished role by pushing for the passage of the amended Federal Court Law 2005, which is considered a success for the civil movement

Thursday 18, March 2021 21:27  Media and academic Kazem Al-Miqdadi confirmed the success of the national media by pressing for a vote to approve the amended Federal Court Law 2005, which is considered a success for the civil movement.

In a televised statement followed by the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / the national media, he called for a role in educating citizens and searching for new faces in the upcoming elections, as he succeeded in the Federal Court law.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894204

Video: The vote on the First Amendment to the Federal Court Law

Thursday 18, March 2021 22:21   National Agency publishes Iraqi News / Nina /, recording Vidyoya to vote on the side of the First Amendment Law (Order No. 30 of 2005) , the Federal Supreme Court Act, in the House of Representatives session on Thursday evening ./anthy5

butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894200

The Christian Component Bloc reveals to / Nina / the new article in the amendment of the Federal Court Law and warns against sectarian division in the membership of judges

Thursday 18, March 2021 21:52   The Rafidain Parliamentary Bloc, representing the Christian component, revealed the text of the new article added in the First Amendment Law (Order No. 30 of 2005), the Federal Court Law.

The head of the bloc, Representative Yonadam Kanna, stated in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / that "the new paragraph added included a text that preserves in the composition of the Federal Court the representation of the components of Iraqi society in order to achieve constitutional balance."

He explained that "the quorum for the court to convene will be unanimous, and voting on decisions will be according to the subject matter of the cases and lawsuits, including two-thirds and the simple majority."

He added that "the number of members of the Federal Court is 9 judges, and they vote on its decisions, as is the composition of the court now," noting that "according to the new amendment, judges of the Federal Court will be referred to retirement according to the legal age and years of service, which is 12 years for a member of the Federal Court."

butterfly    The head of the Rafidain bloc warned that "there is a trend for sectarian sharing and quotas in the membership of the Federal Court, for 5 judges to be Shiites and 4 judges from Sunnis, which is something that we have been and still completely reject."

The House of Representatives voted, in its evening session today, on Article 3 and a new article of the First Amendment Law (Order No. 30 of 2005 AD) the Federal Court Law, then it voted in general on the First Amendment Law to the Federal Supreme Court Law.

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Dave  They vote on having a reading?.....require 3 readings before the vote and then passage of the law?

Dave  not sure if they passed the composition of the Judges......seems like the haggling continues?

Dave Articles indicated amendments been published........thought it required 2 weeks before finalized and published in Gazette before being ratified?

NORV   You still open here? lol   :Boat:

Dave Used to argue about the Constitutionality of the HCL 140.......required the Supreme Courts decision on this.........Ironically where is the Supreme Court today.........? sounds like they still dont quite have such a Court??????

Dave NORV Plenty of hopium exists.....

Dave Texas SOON~!

Dave had to move their exchange booth from Reno to Texas........location yet to be announced

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894206  

 Legislating the new law of the Federal Court will take place in the next parliamentary session

Thursday 18, March 2021 22:34   Minority representatives confirmed that the new legislation of the Federal Court will remain in the custody of the next parliamentary session.

Deputy Yonadam Kanna said in a joint press conference with representatives of minorities, that "the representatives of the components of the Sabeans, Yazidis and Christians were boycotting the three previous sessions, because the legislation of the new law was in haste and included some matters that will affect the unity of the community fabric and other problems raised with the same speed."

He added, "The amendment of the law and not the entire legislation came to form the Federal Court and hold the elections on time, because one of the obstacles in holding early elections is the failure to legislate the Federal Court law, and we are all keen on holding elections," indicating that "the legislation of the law will remain until the next session, which will be."

 The authority also directed the transfer of the constitutional amendment to the new parliamentary session, because this session was marred by a kind of defamation and boycott of previous elections, weak participation, fraudulent practices, and so on.

Kanna praised the solidarity of civil forces, civil society, organizations, federations and unions that stood with the amendment of the law and not the new legislation, and also thanked the deputies in sol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       idarity with minorities and boycotted the sessions for not achieving a two-thirds majority.

butterfly   Dave Texas again?

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894213

Cougar, in a televised statement: The delegation of Kurdistan will not leave Baghdad until after the dispute over the general budget is resolved

Thursday 18, March 2021 23:00  Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, confirmed in a televised statement tonight that the delegation of the Kurdistan region is in Baghdad and is serious about resolving the dispute with Baghdad over the general budget and will not leave except by resolving it.

butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894203

Approval of a formal request to include 3 proposals in the general budget

Thursday 18, March 2021 22:13  The Presidency of the House of Representatives approved an official request submitted by the Al-Sadiqoun Parliamentary Bloc to include the three proposals submitted by the leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais Khazali, to be included in the General Budget Law 2021.

The Presidency directed the Finance Committee to study the proposals, which included increasing and fixing clear and explicit terms for the ration card while monitoring sufficient amounts to ensure its continued access to citizens, as well as raising the price of agricultural crops from grains and supporting the peasants and the agricultural sector in a way that contributes to providing job opportunities and achieving self-sufficiency. On the reduction of the value of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, due to the high prices of consumer goods

Dave  butterfly thanx ...you answered my questions with that

Dave   Ramadan soon.......October elections nor far out........

butterfly  Dave My question is, are they saying the same bs as they have for many many years now?

butterfly    Approval of a formal request to include 3 proposals in the general budget  Thursday 18, March 2021

PM Dave  EXACTLY>>>>>>>!!!

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butterfly   The Presidency of the House of Representatives approved an official request submitted by the Al-Sadiqoun Parliamentary Bloc to include the three proposals submitted by the leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais Khazali, to be included in the General Budget Law 2021.

The Presidency directed the Finance Committee to study the proposals, which included increasing and fixing clear and explicit terms for the ration card while monitoring sufficient amounts to ensure its continued access to citizens, as well as raising the price of agricultural crops from grains and supporting the peasants and the agricultural sector in a way that contributes to providing job opportunities and achieving self-sufficiency. On the reduction of the value of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, due to the high prices of consumer goods

Dave  Next Session!!!!!

butterfly  Dave SAME BS. They must think people have short memories. Lordy the BS that is being used has got to have a very deadly stink to it by now.

Dave   Abadi back in news,,,,,asking where are the protestors demands!

butterfly  A deflection from solving problems. We must deflect, We must Deflect.

Dave  Corona a good excuse though......

butterfly  The corona has hit many many countries and it has disturbed things that these countries wanted to do, but it will have be put on hold. I believe Germany just had another shut down.

Dave   butterfly I mean CV curbing those demontrations in Iraq

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894223

The Prime Minister directs the Electoral Commission to resolve the issue of foreign elections

Thursday 18, March 2021 23:49   The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, directed the Independent High Electoral Commission to assume full responsibility regarding taking the appropriate decision to settle the issue of holding or not holding elections abroad, or making them take place in a number of countries that are more concentrated with Iraqi expatriates.

18 Mar 21, 04:00 PM butterfly  Dave Not so, they are still out there and are being killed. I have not posted anything regarding them, if you want I can.

18 Mar 21, 04:00 PM Dave believe you.... NEED a COUP.....Maliki will remain the leader of SLC....

18 Mar 21, 04:02 PM butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894222

The Prime Minister directs an exceptional effort to provide electricity

Thursday 18, March 2021 23:50  Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi directed the Ministry of Electricity to make an exceptional effort to provide electricity to the citizens as the summer season approaches, and to bypass the bureaucratic procedures and efforts that have obstructed many important projects.

He also directed all ministries to provide support to the Ministry of Electricity for the success of the tasks assigned to it.

butterfly  Nothing will change as long as Maliki can throw his money around. People will do anything to get paid big bucks.

Dave all that oil still cant generate their own electricity....

Dave thought we had hope with all the techocrats from last election

Dave butterfly maliki is not the only one.....

butterfly  Oh I know.

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Dave 3rd most corrupt nation in the world....forbes magazine

butterfly  Yuppers and people are holding onto the hope that this corrupt country is going to do things for them.

Dave butterfly possibly because people do not read your posts?

butterfly  Dave I post and let people decide, but when you have been told lies for a very long time, you believe the lies and not the truth.

Dave News post directly from ministers in Iraq.....or what those GURUs state........UMMMM?

butterfly Dave YUP and they pay to listen to lies.

Dave  wow over 350 species of rabbits......lots a different rabbit holes

Dave whimpy people when the truth hurts?????

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894185

Twenty protesters and security forces injured in clashes in Hilla

Thursday 18, March 2021 20:06  Nine policemen and one ten demonstrators were injured today, Thursday, in clashes that erupted between demonstrators and a riot police force that tried to disperse the demonstrations.

A source in Babel police said, "Twenty people, between a security man and protesters, were injured today, Thursday, after clashes took place between them near Al-Thawra Bridge in central Hilla to disperse the demonstrations.

He added that the wounded were taken to Al-Hilla Surgical Hospital for treatment."

Sheila  Questions? All the dinar sites keep stating there will be 800 numbers to call. Doesn't every bank already have 800 numbers to call for bank services, including Foreign Currency Exchange? And then one site is saying "Safe Link" website for all of us to make appointments? Yet they state SafeLink server are based in China? What is truth? What is fiction?

Sheila PeteV doing good. reading, filtering, wondering what the heck? when will this ever happen? you know, the usual stuff... lolol lolol

Zig sheila : So...ya think @Jeff will be right and we will all be rich by sometime next week??....lol....if not what will the excuse be this time??....lol

PeteV  dont know @sheila i 'll beleive it when i see it

Zig There are no special 800 numbers...BS

Sheila  Zig Well, @butterfly did post articles today about Federal Court Laws and other Financial Agreements finally coming to votes... that helps move this forward. So yes, by next week we could all either be rich or wealthy... depending on what you're holding and rates.

I J B  Zig who knows........... No one! March will pass and most likely he will be wrong and make up an excuse like all the other gurus

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PeteV i plan to be trilianaire   or something like that

Sheila PeteV that's nice

Zig I J B : I know...someday we hopefully will profit from this...but you are right: Nobody knows....

PeteV i'll invite u for drinks at my new palce in lake tahoe

I J B  PeteV so you bought a million dollars worth of dinars?

PeteV  noper just a lot of diff curencies

I J B  so how are you going to be a trillionaire then

PeteV  a lot of currencies

Zig  sheila : Look I have seen and heard it all a million times...People like @Jeff are a dime a dozen in this investment IMO....they know no more that anyone else and just throw guesses around.....

PeteV   yuoopper

Zig  PeteV : Hi....Interesting that you were in Iraq...if you still know anyone there it would be great to have them in here.....

Spectra  i think ill be a zillionare if i use monopoly money i can be.oh' wait a minute i already am a zillionaire .I have my Zimbabwe zims..

PeteV i wish they moved the unit out a long time ago

PeteV cool @Spectra

Spectra you can be too

PeteV already am

Spectra Then no need for Iraq dinars then..

PeteV i bought them as a bak up

Spectra  so your already a millionaire correct!

Spectra or billionare

I J B   PeteV where in Iraq were you

PeteV more or less---probably

PeteV  2003 - 2011

I J B  where not when

PeteV baghdad n traveled a little n beteween

I J B  PeteV what were you doing there for 8yrs

PeteV admin support to a govt unit (US)

PeteV Have u folks bought any silver or gold?? there seems to be a big push on it

18 Mar 21, 07:00 PM Zig  butterfly is becoming a celebrity....lol....

 Dinar Recaps! https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog

Zig Of course I hope that @Jeff will turn out to be right...lol...I wanna be rich!!!!

Zig Money can't buy you happiness but you can sure be miserable in comfort....lol....I read that somewhere....

Zig Okay...later....

Spectra If more people were solving their own problems instead of forcing unproved advice on their neighbors, the world would be far more comfortable." "The Sixty-Four Dollar Question," 1949

Spectra  Trying to force our ideas upon an unregenerate humanity is a thankless task, but the reformation of ourselves pays large dividends. Anyone who has time enough to involve himself in the affairs of others has time enough to discipline his own  temperment.

Spectra Manly P. Hall   March 18, 1901-August 29, 1990

Sparky ... perceived value versus real value ... Bitcoin for example, or IQD ...

Sparky  ...The Dutch based there money on Tullips ...

Sparky  ... I preferred to speculate on oil ...

Sparky  ... https://www.history.com/news/tulip-mania-financial-crash-holland ...

Sparky  ... but, I do love Tulips ...


 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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