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Zig’s Place Chat and News Thursday AM 4-1-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Thursday AM 4-1-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Xyz  The first government comment on approving the budget .. This is what will happen in the coming days

Time: 04/01/2021 09:55:40   (Baghdad: Al Furat News) The financial advisor to the prime minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said that there are projects that will be implemented in the coming days that were pending the approval of the 2021 budget law.

Saleh told {Al-Furat News} that "government expenditures constitute 50% for the operation of manpower and its effects for the operation of economic activity constitute 85%."

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The government consultant added that "economic activity depends on government expenditures," stressing that "voting on the budget has a positive effect to initiate economic activities."

He pointed out that "there are new projects that will start work in the coming days and will provide thousands of job opportunities for the unemployed."

Saleh pointed out that "there are operational programs to combat poverty and promote the ration card items, which were awaiting the vote on the budget law.

The House of Representatives voted late last night on the articles of the Budget Law for 2021, after rounds of negotiations and conflicts that lasted for three months.

The political blocs, which participated in the voting session, added two articles that were not included in the draft budget. The first obliges the Council of Ministers to send the names of those assigned to the positions of independent bodies and special ranks to Parliament, by no later than June 30, to end the management of those positions by proxy.

As for the second article added to the law, it stipulates allocating 30,000 job grades for the return of those whose contracts have been avoided by the members of the Popular Mobilization Forces.

Five articles (20, 38, 42, 43, 47) were dropped in the vote. Parliament voted on Article (11) on the Kurdistan region’s share smoothly, and this article was one of the most prominent articles that obstructed the vote on the law.

xyz  LINK

xyz   approval of the oil and gas law in the near future will have a positive impact towards resolving the existing differences between the federal government and the region https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=147911

xyz  Iraq's Parliament (House of Representatives) has approved the Federal Budget Law for 2021 on Wednesday night.

The budget is reportedly based on an oil price of $45 per barrel, and oil exports of 3.25 million barrels per day, giving a budget of 129 trillion Iraqi dinars ($89 billion) and a budget deficit of 28.7 trillion trillion Iraqi dinars ($19.79 billion).

The 2021 budget set an oil price of $45 a barrel with expected oil exports of 3.25 million barrels per day. https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/04/01/iraqi-parliament-approves-2021-budget/

Xyz   MP discloses how the Parliament passed the obstacles course of the 2021 budget

Shafaq News/ A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed on Thursday the hurdles of the Marathon journey towards the quest of the Budget.

Committee members, MP Jamal Kocher, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "the committee reduced the expenditures from 164 trillion dinars to 129 trillion dinars and cut the fiscal deficit from 71 to 28 trillion dinars."

"The committee held 45 sessions and 55 meetings with ministers, governors, and officials to discuss the investment and operational expenditures in the budget."

"The committee amended most of the budget provisions. The budget that the Parliament voted upon is different from the budget the government submitted."

"The price of the oil barrel in the budget voted upon is 45$ instead of 42$ with a fixed dollar exchange rate, as stipulated by the government's budget."

"Political disputes, electoral score-settling, and unrealistic demands halted the approval of the budget."

Yesterday, Wednesday, the Parliament approved the budget bill after three months of ebbs and flows.

The share of the Kurdistan Region in the Federal Budget was settled at 12.67%, nearly 106 trillion dinars. https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/MP-discloses-how-the-Parliament-passed-the-obstacles-course-of-the-2021-budget

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Butterfly   Masoud Barzani: Approving the financial budget is a positive step in the right direction

Thursday 01, April 2021 15:10 President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, considered the approval of the federal financial budget a positive step in the right direction and the beginning of strengthening the foundations of dialogue and peaceful coexistence.

Masoud Barzani thanked all the Kurdish parties, the negotiating delegation, the Kurdish blocs and other Iraqi blocs that worked resolutely to reach the approval of the budget and stabilize the rights of the Kurdistan region, saying in his message that the approval of the Iraqi financial budget is a positive step in the right direction. And restore the foundations of partnership between all Iraqi components

butterfly  Nechirvan Barzani: We hope that the approval of the budget will be a good start and an incentive to solve the rest of the region's problems and the federal government

Thursday 01, April 2021 14:33 The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, expressed his hope that the approval of the budget would become a good start and an incentive to solve the rest of the region's problems and the federal government.

Barzani said in a statement today: "On the occasion of the approval of the Iraqi federal budget, I congratulate the people of Iraq and intensify at the hands of the presidency and all the parliamentary blocs, indicating that the efforts of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to ease differences and achieve agreement are appreciated and thanked. For the purpose of solving problems, achieving stability, ages and a better future." Iraq needs joint cooperation and joint action, and we must all support this trend. "

He added: "most particularly by Qubad Talabani , head of the delegation of the provincial government negotiator who fought with members of the delegation of the Kurdistan region in the same long and successfully difficult talks. And more at the hands of Kurdish blocs that cooperated and Taaddt among themselves and with the government delegation to stabilize the region 's share in the Iraqi budget.

He He hopes that all parties will abide by this law. Ratification of the budget can become a good start and an incentive to solve the rest of the problems of the Kurdistan region and the federal government.

The implementation of the law will lead to the strengthening of the political process and coexistence and the consolidation of the right to citizenship for all, and open the door to fruitful dialogue for all parties to work We are all together for the sake of the stability, reconstruction and progress of the country .

butterfly  The high exchange rate of the dollar on the local stock exchange

Thursday 01, April 2021 09:55 The exchange rates of the dollar rose on the main stock exchange in Baghdad today, Thursday.

The central Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya Stock Exchanges in Baghdad recorded 146,750 dinars, compared to 100 US dollars.

While the Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 145.750 dinars when it opened on Wednesday morning.

The price increased in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad as well, as the purchase price reached 145,750 dinars per 100 dollars, and the sale was 146,750 dinars.

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EYEGUY   Ok I`m just a messenger of the following post take it or leave

EYEGUY  48 hours from Wednesday is the current plan to have this in the Gazette ( law library). 

This should be our day we have been waiting for. Then or shortly after that. That is of course unless they let it go before that time ( like sometime today or tonight )   We wait  norm

Sairoun: The budget will be sent to the Presidency of the Republic within 48 hours for the purpose of approval

The Saeron Alliance announced, on Thursday, that the budget law voted on will be sent to the Presidency of the Republic within the next 48 hours for the purpose of approval and entry into force.

The deputy, Badr Al-Ziyadi, said to / the information / that "the Presidency of Parliament directed to reprint the draft budget in accordance with the latest amendments, additions and deletions that took place in the voting session yesterday."

He added that "after its completion, it will be sent to the Presidency of the Republic within 48 hours for the purpose of approval," noting that "it will be sent to publication after approval in the Official Gazette, and then it will enter into force."

Al-Ziyadi explained that "the exchange law will take effect from the first of January at the beginning of this year."

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives voted on the budget bill.

Doug_W  EYEGUY the budget has 0 to do with rate that is the CBI

Zig   EYEGUY : How about inviting @Norm to visit here?

EYEGUY  as I said above Im a messenger take it or leave ...I will offer it he has his own website

Zig I see

EYEGUY   cant find it sorry I never go to it    Im at work ....so later

EYEGUY I`ll get it .....dont think anybody knows all ...............I know this we WAIT

Dave  Wow...CBI has some plans,,,,,,,?

Dave https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/2021/04/01/governor-of-the-central-bank-in-the-imf-meetings-iraq-is-implementing-its-reform-plans/

Dave  hmmm.....Paging butterfly........

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Dave Mubasher: Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, confirmed today, Thursday, that his country is continuing to implement its reform plans.

The Central Bank of Iraq said in a statement today, Thursday, that Governor Mustafa Ghaleb Mkhaif participated, as a representative of Iraq, in the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund.

Mkhaif stressed, during a speech at the meeting, that Iraq was implementing its reform plans towards fiscal and monetary policy.

The governor noted that the Corona pandemic was and still is one of the obstacles facing the Iraqi economy, despite the preemptive measures that either the central bank or the government worked on.

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq affirmed the country’s keenness on international and regional openness to serve Iraq’s economic and financial interests.

Nominations   https://www.mubasher.info/news/3786697/%D9%85%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%

UNEEK  EYEGUY I WENT TO NORMS website - much is password protected - I could not find an option to join - could you advise? thanks

Dave International what?

Zig Dave : Butterfly is busy with other matters today....

Zig  UNEEK : Where did you see a link to his website?

UNEEK  Zig in his last post   https://www.norm-1.com/

Zig  UNEEK : Thanks....I may try to invite them if I see contact info.

Dave  Zig ready to to cough up that 10%

Zig  Dave : Don't be silly....lol

UNEEK  ok there is an address you can contact him about his artwork most everything is password protected

Dave Zig Kurds happy....1st time

Dave  White paper chatter....Done?  CBI.......even more chatter,,,show some enthusiasm........lol

Sheila  Dave sounds great

Dave  sheila BESTEST news in a long while.......?

Sheila Dave Were the MOU's that Kadhimi was signing with Saudi Prince Salman on March 31, 2021, part of the White Papers?

Dave  sheila a pasture of MOUs........?

Dave  enhancing private investing........sounds good to me

Dave  moos...oops

Sheila  Excerpt: from SusanaC: It is my opinion the CBI like TX will wait 'till last minute. Our RV project rates are great: 3.71 [both] iranian RIAL and IQD, 0.47-2-6-12-16 dong, [and] zim 0.11-0.36/up to 0.6 [minus6zeros], IDR 1.08

Zig  Dave : Very rare occurrence to see you optimistic :Thud:

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butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896702

An economic center invites everyone to participate in the stability of the dollar exchange rate against the dinar

Thursday 01, April 2021 20:45 The Director of the Iraqi Political Economic Center, Wissam Haddamal Al-Helou, called on all concerned parties to participate in stabilizing the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar after approving the budget at a price of 145 thousand dinars.

Al-Hilu said in a statement to the center: that after the federal budget passed yesterday between supporters and opponents of the political bloc in the House of Representatives and the confusion of the simple citizen regarding the high prices in the current circumstance, we call on all parties concerned to cooperate in stabilizing the exchange rate of the dollar and controlling it through the supervision of the Iraqi Central Bank "On the official exchange rate rates established and fixed in the budget, following up on all sales outlets in the market, and not making the citizen exposed to the increase in exchange rates due to the discrepancies in the black market and the initiators of economic rumors."

He pointed out that "any statement after approving the budget, whether from certain groups for or against, will cause instability in the markets and the citizen’s lack of confidence in prices, and in the end the biggest loser is the Iraqi citizen.

Dave  SusanaC????

butterfly  He added: We are heading to the days of the blessed month of Ramadan. We call for the month of mercy to be a month of mercy, not a month of resentment for all segments of the Iraqi people, by raising the prices of foodstuffs by following up the markets periodically and with all formations and the competent authorities in all supervisory, economic and security specialties so that the citizen does not become subject to exploitation of the weak Souls raise prices .

Sheila  Dave from TNT... she seems to be as optimistic as me... lolol

Zig  sheila : Impossible

Dave  sheila SEE that art from CBI........???

Dave  butterfly?

Sheila  Dave the one you just posted above?

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896691  Labor launches social welfare salaries

Thursday 01, April 2021 19:37 Today, Thursday, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs announced the launch of social aid salaries for the month of April 2021.

Minister of Labor Adel Al-Rikabi said in a statement, that “the social assistance salaries for the month of April have been released to more than one million and 390 thousand families in Baghdad and the governorates except for the region. Kurdistan, "noting that" the total amount reaches more than (204) billion dinars. "

Al-Rikabi called on the included families to review the exchange outlets to receive social aid, indicating that" the number of families headed by men reached (974,978) families with an amount of up to More than (155) billion dinars, while the number of families headed by women reached (41,8,616) families, an amount amounting to more than (49) billion dinars. /

butterfly  After I said that to one the other day............he said he loves old broads. Gave me a good laugh. Of course you do.....money money money

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butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896679

Reuters: OPEC + reaches agreement on a gradual increase in production from May

Thursday 01, April 2021 18:27 Reuters, quoting an informed source, said: “Today, the OPEC + group has reached an agreement on a gradual increase in oil production, starting from May,” indicating that it has not yet agreed on the figures for the gradual increase in production.

Reuters had said earlier today, citing its sources, that: “OPEC + is considering increasing production by 350 thousand barrels per day in May, and the same in June, then 400 thousand barrels per day in July.”

Dave  butterfly 5 more sleeps will you be even more alluring......

butterfly  Hey here is one from the CBI

Dave  butterfly beat you alreadt

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896676

Central Bank Governor: Iraq is in the process of implementing its reform plans towards fiscal and monetary policy

Thursday 01, April 2021 17:59 The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhif, confirmed that Iraq is continuing to implement its reform plans regarding fiscal and monetary policy.

According to a statement to inform the bank, the bank 's governor of the Iraqi Central Mustafa Ghalib scary participated representatives from Iraq 's meetings spring to the International Monetary Fund said during a speech at the meeting that Iraq is the implementation of reform plans towards fiscal policy and monetary. "

He said:" The pandemic Corona was and is still one of the obstacles Facing the Iraqi economy despite the pre-emptive measures that the central bank or the government worked on. "

The governor affirmed that the country is keen on international and regional openness in a way that serves Iraq's economic and financial interests .

butterfly  Well poop Dave I shall retire then.

Dave  LIKE HEARING FROM CBI.....Awaiting translation from Kap

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896731

Washington: The meeting of the signatories to the nuclear agreement is a positive step

Thursday 01, April 2021 22:54 The US State Department welcomed the meeting of the signatories to the Iran nuclear agreement on Friday, and considered it a "positive step."

This came during a press conference by State Department spokesman Ned Price, today, Thursday.

Earlier, Price confirmed that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is discussing with European allies ways to revive the nuclear agreement through "a series of initial steps" by both sides, that is, Iran and the signatories to the agreement.

It is scheduled to hold a virtual meeting tomorrow, Friday, between officials from Iran, China, Russia, France, Germany and Britain to discuss the possible return of the United States to the agreement signed in 2015, the European Union confirmed Thursday.

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butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896729

Muhammad al-Sudani affirms that (17) million Iraqis have been affected by the high dollar and calls on the government to address the harm inflicted on them

Thursday 01, April 2021 22:36 A member of the committee to follow up the implementation of the government program and the parliamentary strategic planning, Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani, confirmed that (17) million Iraqis have been affected by the rise of the dollar, calling on the government to address the harm they suffer.

Al-Sudani enumerated in a statement the number of the poor and those near poverty that were affected after raising the dollar exchange rate, indicating that nearly (17) million Iraqis were affected by the government and parliament’s decision to adopt the exchange rate of the dollar (1450) dinars, stressing the importance of taking measures to protect them and relieve them of their shoulders and not It left them vulnerable to tensions between government measures and the game of market trade, despite the lack of confidence in the government's ability to manage this crisis.

butterfly  Al-Sudani indicated that there are approximately one million and (400) thousand families (975 thousand families headed by a man, 417 thousand families headed by a woman) below the poverty line that receive cash benefits from the social protection network, i.e. up to (5.5) million with family members (average The number of family members (4), plus one million requests for the purpose of new inclusion, that is, up to (4) million with family members, explaining that the class of low-income people who have contracts and daily wages and employees in the tenth and ninth ranks have low salaries that do not exceed 500 thousand dinars per month.

These, according to market accounts today, also have their living conditions adjacent to the poverty line, their number is approximately one million employees, that is, up to (4) million with family members, in addition to the presence of retired workers from the private sector with insured persons numbering about 273 thousand who receive a pension or wages at a rate of about 300 thousand dinars.

That is, with family members of up to (1) million citizens, with the presence of workers in the unorganized private sector in unknown numbers, they have become close toThe poverty line is estimated to number (1.5) million citizens with their families.

Al-Sudani added that the number of retirees who receive salaries is 600 thousand dinars, so the number of retirees with their families is estimated at (1) million citizens who also face difficulty in securing the high living requirements in all fields.

butterfly  Al-Sudani called for addressing the current economic crisis in light of the foregoing, and that this large number of poor and near poverty needs urgent protection measures and serious treatments, the most important of which is to ensure the distribution of the ration card items on a monthly basis without interruption, as well as increasing the cash aid for those covered by the social protection network while expanding coverage for the beneficiaries, with the necessity Reconsidering the minimum wage, as well as actively and real support for agriculture and industry to generate additional job opportunities that reduce unemployment and thus reduce the rise in poverty rates.

Dave  DANG.....a further devaluation in the iqd according to Kap?  or rather reminding how poor those Iraqi are?

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=896732

A day after the House of Representatives approved the 2021 Budget Law ... the start of paying employees of the Ministry of Electricity

Thursday 01, April 2021 22:56 The Ministry of Electricity announced the start of paying the salaries of its employees a day after the House of Representatives approved the 2021 budget law.

A statement of the ministry stated, “After the great efforts made by the Ministry of Electricity regarding securing and including dues of electricity contracts and wages, and based on Cabinet Resolution No. 114, the Ministry started Today, Thursday, it handed over instruments for the payment of contracts and wages of its employees' dues in all Ministry formations for one month.

He added, "Based on what was approved by the House of Representatives yesterday, Wednesday, by voting on the state’s general budget, the ministry began today, Thursday, immediately with procedures for securing the remaining dues payable for the year 2020, and securing dues for the current year 2021, through official correspondence and reviews with the relevant ministries and preparing central collection lists And that the dues will be disbursed regularly during the months of the current year for them. "

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He continued, "Today, Thursday, the salaries of the ministry’s employees have been secured from the permanent staff, and will be disbursed on Sunday of next week," noting that "the approval of the budget that was voted on will ensure that salaries are paid on time."

Dave  OR?????

butterfly  NOT GOOD..................https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896734

International Atomic Energy Agency: Iran increases advanced uranium enrichment equipment at the Natanz facility

Thursday 01, April 2021 23:11 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said, on Thursday, that Iran has begun enriching uranium through a fourth set of advanced centrifuges (IR-2M) in an underground facility in Natanz, in a new violation of the nuclear agreement.

The agency said in a report that it had verified that Iran had begun pumping natural uranium hexafluoride into a fourth group of 174 IR-2M centrifuges at the fuel enrichment plant, "referring to the underground Natanz plant.

UF6 is the image in which it is fed." Centrifuges with uranium for enrichment

This development comes two days after a senior American official declared that his country was ready to return simultaneously to the nuclear deal with Iran, from which it withdrew 3 years ago.

The official, who preferred not to be named, added that Washington is looking at options to return to the nuclear deal, including indirect discussions with Iran through European partners.

This development represents a shift in the American position, which was insisting, since the beginning of President Joe Biden's administration, that Iran return to its obligations under the agreement, in order for America to return to it and lift the sanctions on Tehran.

Dave  you really need to throw that monkey wrench in?

butterfly  Sorry but this one made me laugh. Poor Maliki is as corrupt as way back when I got into this investment:

Al-Maliki appreciates Moscow's position in support of the sovereignty and stability of Iraq

Thursday 01, April 2021 20:58 President of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri Al-Maliki, received in his office today the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Iraq, Maxim Maximov, on the occasion of the end of his duties as Russia's ambassador in Baghdad.

According to a statement by his office, al-Maliki expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by the ambassador during his tenure, wishing him success in his new duties.

The statement added that during the meeting, views were exchanged on issues in the region, and ways of joint cooperation between Iraq and Russia in order to achieve stability.

The head of the State of Law coalition referred to the challenges that Iraq is witnessing, including the security challenge, and the ongoing preparations for early elections, to change the reality in the country, stressing the importance of controlling the security situation and addressing the armed chaos because it is a real obstacle to holding the elections, appreciating Moscow's position in support of the sovereignty and stability of Iraq. .

For his part, the Russian ambassador renewed his country's support for Iraq and the desire to strengthen ties in all fields and expand economic and cultural cooperation between the two countries.

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896696

US Consulate in Kurdistan: We hope that the budget will achieve a more stable economy for Iraq

Thursday 01, April 2021 19:56 The US Consulate in the Kurdistan region sent, on Thursday, a letter to the governments of Baghdad and Erbil after reaching an agreement within the draft budget for 2021 on Wednesday.

In its message, the consulate congratulated the federal and regional governments for reaching an agreement on the federal budget law for the year 2021.

She added, and we also congratulate the negotiation team in the Kurdistan Regional Government led by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, hoping that the passage of this law will lead to a better consolidation of relations between Erbil and Baghdad. And to bring about a more stable economy for the country.

The House of Representatives voted in its session yesterday, Wednesday, on the fiscal budget law for 2021 with a value of 129 trillion dinars.

Dave  yeah Maliki made huge on all the defective weaponry, bomb detectors from Russia

Xyz  4-1-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 All I know is this blessing is coming. I have no doubt.


 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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