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Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday PM 4-3-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday PM 4-3-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Zig  EYEGUY : Dinar Recaps copies parts of this chat a lot especially news posted by @butterfly

butterfly  I wished I could find the printed version of the 2021 budget.

EYEGUY  word takes time to get around ....

Dave  Parliament waits to send the budget law to the Presidency of the Republic

Dave  The information / Baghdad ..Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Bashir Al-Haddad, confirmed, on Saturday, that the 2021 Budget Law will not be sent to the Presidency of the Republic now.

“After approving the budget, the Parliamentary Affairs Department will check the articles of the law and match its texts to the final version before sending them to the Presidency of the Republic,” Haddad said in a statement.

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He favored “sending the law to the President of the Republic during this week for approval and publishing it in the Official Gazette, to enter into force after issuing instructions for implementing the budget by the Ministry of Finance.” Ended / 25 h   https://almaalomah.org/2021/04/03/528315/

Zig  Recaps also posts all the Guru stuff...lol

butterfly  This may not interest many but I find it very fascinating:................https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=897004

After a century of staying in it, royal mummies in the Egyptian Museum were prepared for editing before the start of the procession

Saturday 03, April 2021 20:40 The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization is preparing to receive the parade of royal mummies, which set off from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square this evening after a century of staying in it in a majestic procession, the world's eyes turn to it.

In this regard, the official page of the Museum of Egyptian Civilization, via Facebook, published pictures of preparing mummies and boxes in the Tahrir Museum in preparation for the procession, before putting them in the cars equipped to transport them on the trip, which were decorated with the flag of Egypt. Shortly before the great procession. "

The huge procession includes / 22 / a mummy of the ancient kings of Egypt, including King Seknen Ra Taa, who will be the first king to leave the Egyptian Museum according to the sequence of events. And the war continued after him, his two sons Kames and Ahmose the first.

The Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi had arrived earlier at the National Museum of Civilization in Fustat to receive the golden procession of the kings and queens of ancient Egypt. ”

President El-Sisi expressed his aspiration to receive the kings and queens of Egypt after their trip from the Egyptian Museum to Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.

EYEGUY  Kazemi calls me with updates LOL

butterfly  Dave that will take time so I guess I can stop looking. Lol

Dave   Delegations from Kurdistan visit Baghdad to discuss these files?

Dave The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, on Saturday, recent visits by Kurdish delegations to Baghdad to discuss several files.

The deputy of the committee, Sherwan Mirza, said, “The Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government will discuss the mechanisms for the delivery of oil imports with the Ministry of Oil and officials in the federal government.”

He added, “The Ministry of Finance and the Office of Financial Supervision in the Kurdistan Regional Government will also settle financial dues with the Ministry of Finance and the Office of Financial Supervision in the federal government.”

Mirza continued, “Technical delegations will visit Baghdad to discuss these issues and settle them between the two sides because the budget law will be implemented retroactively and it needs to know the size of the financial dues for each government during the past months of this year.” Ended 29 / A 43


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Dave  maybe some hang ups with this budget?

EYEGUY  dont Jinx it ....but you know Iraq

EYEGUY  later

Dave  EYEGUY soory.....

Dave  thats why they have 10 days to amend budget before getting it published and make it law....?

Dave  butterfly Same games every budget year eh?

butterfly  Dave yup

Dave  Sad that CV dashed those demonstrators plans......nodda since Abadi resigned

Dave  even sadder that Zig keeps his 10% from the sound of it all

Dave  Dang scared everyone away........

Zig    Dave : You have a knack for doing that

Butterfly  Saudi Arabia declares its support and full support for Jordan / Expanded

Saturday 03, April 2021 23:01 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced its full support for Jordan.

A statement by the royal court stated that: Based on what links the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the sisterly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in terms of close, solid bonds that consist of brotherhood, belief and one destiny, and an extension of their common history and that their security is indivisible,

the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia affirms its complete stand by the brotherly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and its support With all its capabilities, all that His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein and His Royal Highness Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, Crown Prince, of decisions and measures taken to maintain security and stability and defuse every attempt to influence them. We ask the Almighty to grant the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan its security and stability under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II and his trustworthy Crown Prince. /

butterfly  US State Department: The Jordanian monarch is a principal partner of the United States and we fully support him

Saturday 03, April 2021 23:17 The US State Department announced that Jordan's King Abdullah is a principal partner of the United States, and we fully support him.

The Jordan News Agency had announced earlier in the day that Sharif Hassan bin Zaid, Basem Awad Allah and others had been arrested for security reasons.

Geo  World Benevolence Group:

Making it easy for anyone who is interested in the latest info on RV/GCR, Nesara/Gesara, QFS, Currency, Bonds, Trump or spiritual info etc. 100's of the latest links and articles compiled in one newsletter. Sign up for our free daily newsletter at: www.worldbenevolencegroup.ca.

Check your spam filter for any Bravenet authorization notifications. Also a Zoom meeting link every Saturday and Wednesday at 2:00pm EST In the newsletter. Ask your questions...Q&A???If you have still have trouble getting the newsletter, send your name and email to geo@worldbenevolencegroup.ca and we can add you

World Benevolence Group, [30.03.21 01:26]  [ File : RV-GCR Documents Summary-Generic Mar29-2021.docx ]

RV-GCR Documents Summary-Generic Updated Mar29-2021 https://t.me/W_B_G/801

World Benevolence Group, [30.03.21 02:43]

Any questions will be covered on the next Zoom call on Wednesday April 7th. @2:00 pm EST. A Zoom link will appear here on Wednesday.

RV-GCR Documents Summary-Generic Updated Mar29-2021. The downloadable link above is the total step by step process from start to finish, plus supporting documents that allows the user a relatively worry free experience while exchanging your currency or redeeming your bonds during the RV/GCR future event.

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butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Kurdistan/Kurdistan-s-President-congratulated-all-Christians-on-Easter-Day Kurdistan’s President congratulated all Christians on Easter Day 2021-04-03 15:14

Shafaq News / Kurdistan’s President, Nechirvan Barzani, on Saturday congratulated all Christians in Kurdistan and the world on Easter Day.

Barzani said in a tweet "I congratulate all Christians in the Kurdistan Region and the world on the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ."

He added, "Since last year, Easter celebrations have been limited due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, but this holiday is an occasion to remember the resurrection, and it bears a tiding for the coming days."

Dave  Iraq signs a memorandum of understanding with Switzerland and discusses the fate of its money in its banks   April 3, 2021 Walter

Minister of Foreign Affairs Fouad Hussein discussed, on Saturday, with his Swiss counterpart Ignazio Cassis the fate of Iraqi funds frozen in Swiss banks.

In a joint press conference with the Swiss Minister in Baghdad, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said, “We touched on bilateral relations in the fields, and we touched on Iraqi funds frozen in Swiss banks and signed a memorandum of understanding with Switzerland.”

butterfly  Baghdad, April 3, 2021, SPA -- Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi received today a phone call from French President Emmanuel Macron.

According to an Iraqi government's statement, the bilateral relations between the two countries were discussed, during the phone conversation, in all fields, especially the political, economic and cultural, and means to enhance and promote them.   They also discussed various regional and international issues of common interest.

Dave  butterfly would that mean foreign investment?

Butterfly   I don't know but I have noticed they are trying to connect with all of the countries surrounding them. Perhaps they see the light and that they have a lot to offer. Switzerland has froze their moola so that is one of the reasons they are connecting.

Dave  lots of frozen moola

butterfly Dave yupper

butterfly  apparently you are reading the articles Dave

butterfly  Here we go again with that dang "draft"........


 .ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani issued a statement on Wednesday evening after the Iraqi Parliament approved a draft federal budget bill for the fiscal year 2021.

"With the support of the majority of Kurdish parliamentary blocs, the Federal Parliament approved today the Budget Law, and we hope that this will pave the way for a recovery from the era of difficult economic challenges in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region," Barzani wrote.

He conveyed his “sincere thanks to the negotiating team in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) for persevering in their hard work for many months. I also thank the Kurdish blocs in the Federal Parliament for their strenuous efforts.”

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“This law was a compromise and was necessary for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region,” Barzani said, explaining, “We did not achieve everything we sought, but this law is in line with the main principles of the constitution that we did not give up upon, as the rights and duties of both sides have been recognized. We encourage the progress that has been made, and we are pleased with what has been achieved."

butterfly  The leader added that, if every article of the budget law is applied, that its full application of the "would do justice to both governments" regarding the financial disputes since 2004, as it "will strengthen a new mechanism between the two supervisory offices" and "enhance confidence and cooperation, two of the essential principles that most of our work is focused on achieving.”

“I spoke today with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and thanked him for his support, also stressing the need to fulfill these obligations and send financial dues as soon as possible,” said Barzani.

“I also reminded him that Iraq and its people can achieve great things by working with and through Kurdistan,” Barzani continued.

He said that he also spoke with the autonomous region's Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani. “I commended him and the negotiating team for their hard work."

"Today, the budget law has restored a glimmer of hope about the relationship with the federal government, and although the law cannot decide on the long list of problems or end the injustice of the past, I hope that it will contribute to achieving more confidence among the citizens of the Kurdistan Region."

Dave  butterfly usually just use searching4 dinar nowadays

butterfly  Well with the possible changes in the "draft" that may be the reason it has not hit the Gazette as eyeguy posted earlier.

Dave  butterfly 10 -14 days before Gazette to make any changes....

butterfly  Geo I have a friend that is on the "committee" regarding what you are posting.

Dave The leader added that, if every article of the budget law is applied, that its full application of the "would do justice to both governments" regarding the financial disputes since 2004, as it "will strengthen a new mechanism between the two supervisory offices" and "enhance confidence and cooperation, two of the essential principles that most of our work is focused on achieving.”

Dave  since 2004....hmmm

Geo I don't own a mask and never wear one anywhere. :)

Zig  Geo : Where do you live if I may ask?....and welcome to the chat!!

Dave   guessing Ohio...........?

Geo  East of Toronto Canada

Zig Oh no!!...another Canadian in here???.....LOL....Just kidding....

Geo  We have a cabal Prime minister

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EYEGUY  https://www.tampabay.com/news/breaking-news/2021/04/03/old-tampa-bay-phosphate-plant-leak-grows-more-dire-prompting-highway-closure/

Zig  FYI: This confuses new members and readers at times....lol...When someone refers to "Z" they are talking about @xyz who also goes by the name @Z and in her posts often refers to herself as such in the third person....like when she writes "Poor Z" she is referring to herself.... :Headscratch:

sandyf  @butterfly Hi sandyf how are you?

Thanks Butterfly, getting old but keeping well. Not been affected too much here, only about 25K cases and less than 100 deaths. With the weather the way it is can get out and about even if only in the garden. In the latter half of last year the government run a domestic travel promotion with 40% discount on hotels,food and flights so saw some of Thailand never seen before. It run out after Christman but hoping for another shortly. Hope things ok with you.

Zig   xyz : I have not gotten the vaccine yet...am a little scared hearing about the side effects some people get....

xyz  Zig not that bad though ... Tylenol takes care. Don't be a baby :Chicken:

xyz  4-3-2021 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan We are coming to a real possible window in April...obviously I'm not saying this is it, glory hallelujah you can count on $3.27 on Friday at 3 o'clock. No it's none of that nonsense.

But there are some things that need to be looked at carefully just in case this does come to fruition in this particular time frame...things have got to be done prior to the RV in order to take advantage of the taxes that are going to be imposed on this particular transaction we're looking at... [Note: Consult your tax and financial experts at the appropriate time to set a strategy that's right your family's particular circumstances.]

Xyz  Zig know over 20 people dead cause of covid. One or 2 days side effect is not a reason to be scared

Zig  xyz : Yeah...I guess you are right....thanks....awful that so many have died....

Cian   https://almasalah.com/ar/news/207574/البنك-المركزي-العراق-لن-يواجه-الانهيار-الاقتصادي--ورفع-سعر-الصرف-ساهم-بزيادة-الاحتياطي-ومنع-تهريب-العملة

2021/04/03 21:55 Readings 79 Section: Iraq

► Central Bank: Iraq will not face economic collapse .. And raising the exchange rate contributed to increasing reserves and preventing currency smuggling

Baghdad / Obelisk: The Central Bank clarified, on Saturday, April 3, 2021, that Iraq will not face an economic collapse, indicating that the increase in the dollar exchange rate increased the bank’s reserves.

The general manager of accounting at the bank, Ihssan Shamran, told local media that the previous period witnessed confusion due to the statements of some politicians and MPs about the return of the exchange rate or not, which contributed to a decrease in the demand for dollars from the bank until the daily sale reached 15 million dollars instead of 200 million.

Shamran went on to say that the process of raising the dollar contributed to not smuggling hard currency and becoming a tool to protect farmers, agriculture and the national product in general, indicating that

this measure provided protection at the borders from imported goods without the use of guards and weapons, at a time when criminal smuggling operations needed evidence and other steps.

The Director General of Accounting at the Central Bank ruled out that the Iraqi economy will witness a collapse because it is considered an oil country, and what is available in it makes it the owner of the last barrel of oil in the world, citing examples that passed over the country, including the events of ISIS in 2014 and the repercussions of the pandemic in 2019.

He added that the Iraqi economic situation will not collapse with the existence of what he described as the wall and arsenal of the country (the central bank),not only by relying on the amount of hard currency reserves,

but also because it is a reservoir for the economic and monetary behavioral assessment   not only by relying on the amount of hard currency reserves, but also because it is a reservoir for the economic and monetary behavioral assessment of the country on, as he put it.   Follow the obelisk

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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