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Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday AM 3-6-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday AM 3-6-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Butterfly   ISIS’s tunnel found, completely destroyed in Makhmur

butterfly   2021-03-06 06:16   Shafaq News / The Military Intelligence Directorate announced on Saturday that it had seized explosive devices inside a tunnel in Makhmur district, near Erbil governorate.  The directorate said in a statement today that, based on intelligence, joint forces struck intensively a tunnel in Makhmur district used by ISIS members and seized 18 explosive devices.

During the Operation, the engineering team destroyed the tunnel and dismantled the explosive devices.


butterfly  ISIS terrorist arrested in Al-Anbar 2021-03-06 09:21

Shafaq News/ A source from Al-Anbar police department announced on Saturday arresting an ISIS terrorist plotting a terrorist attack in the governorate.

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The source informed Shafaq News Agency that security forces in Al-Anbar arrested a dangerous ISIS terrorist who was planning numerous attacks against security and civilian targets.

The source added, "the detainee had participated in many operations when ISIS was in control of the majority of Al-Anbar."   https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/ISIS-terrorist-arrested-in-Al-Anbar

Sheila  One man's opinion: Dinar Investor (Jeff) - (3/4) 2021, HUGE: SUSPENDED LAWS -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3E4wMb4VIE

Sheila   Video: Pope Francis meets Iraq Shiite al-Sistani, March 6, 2021 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBrSlq9203w

butterfly  Official: Pope Francis Owing Safe, Secure Iraq Visit to Martyrs Soleimani, Al-Muhandis 


butterfly   Iraq declares 6 March "National Day of Tolerance and Coexistence"


butterfly  The announcement by Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi came following the historic encounter in Najaf between Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani and Pope Francis on Saturday morning and the interreligious meeting in the ancient city of Ur later in the day.

Cardinal Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot has been present with Pope Francis for all the events of his Apostolic Journey to Iraq.

The president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue has expressed his joy over the events so far, especially in accompanying Pope Francis for his courtesy visit to the Grand Ayatollah Al-Sistani on Saturday.

In a brief interview with Vatican News, the Cardinal said Pope Francis was able “to discover the great hospitality” offered by Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Husayni Al-Sistani during the historic visit to his private home on Saturday.

During the encounter, they were able to share perspectives and draw attention to the importance of friendship, mutual respect and dialogue, so that all people, no matter their ethnic, cultural or religious tradition, may live together in brotherhood and peace.

butterfly   Pope Francis holds historic meeting with Shiite cleric in Iraq, visits birthplace of Abraham    "He has come to help us get to a better day," Iraqi President Barham Salih told NBC News.


butterfly   Several videos

Sheila   Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights, March 5, 2021 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pyzUfp1C8I

Sheila   Video: SpaceX deploys new Starlink batch in amazing views from space, March 4, 2021 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFGbropOmtA

butterfly   Iraq’ oil exports to the United States increased in fourth week of February


butterfly   2021-03-06 00:37  Shafaq News / The Energy Information Administration (EIA) Data showed, on Saturday, that Iraq’s export oil to the United States increased to 68 thousand bpd after recording zero in the previous week.

EIA stated in a report, "The United States oil exports recorded 5,174 thousand bpd in fourth week of February."

The top three source countries of U.S. import oil are Canada (3.648 million bpd), Mexico (602 thousand bpd), Saudi Arabia (368 thousand bpd) and Columbia (285 thousand bpd)."

It indicated that "US imports of crude oil from Nigeria 89 thousand bpd and Ecuador 114 thousand bpd."

Iraq is the second–largest crude oil producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) after Saudi Arabia, and it holds the world’s fifth–largest proved crude oil reserves. Most of Iraq’s major known fields–all of which are located onshore–are producing or are in development.

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butterfly   Oil prices of OPEC Members


butterfly  2021-03-06 04:43   Shafaq News/ Basra Light climb on Saturday, ahead to reach about 70$ recording the highest price among OPEC members.

As for other OPEC prices,

OPEC Members


Oil price/barrel

UAE  Murban  67.42

Iraq  Basra Light  69.75

Iraq  Basra Heavy  64.75

KSA  Arab Extra Light  66.64

Algeria  Saharan Blend  68.40

Nigeria  Bonny Light  67.69

As for the international prices, WTI climbs to 66.29$ while Brent Crude rose to 69.54

butterfly  Erbil prepares for a huge mass


butterfly  2021-03-06 09:48    Shafaq News/ The reporter of Shafaq News Agency stated on Saturday that the preparations to host the Pope in Erbil are still ongoing.

Our reporter said that the Franso Hariri football stadium in Erbil is ready to host a mass by Pope Francis. Nearly 10 thousand people will attend the mass.

The organizers completed setting marks on the stadiums according to social distancing procedures.

butterfly  Rouhani demands releasing Iranian funds withheld in Iraq


butterfly  2021-03-06 11:20  Shafaq News/ The president of Iran, Hasan Rouhani, demanded on Saturday the Iraqi government give back the Iranian funds retained by Baghdad due to U.S. sanctions.

A statement of the Iranian Presidency revealed that president Rouhani said in a phone call with Iraqi PM Mustafa Al-Kadhimi that Iran has millions of dollars unlawfully frozen in Iraqi Banks. However, it received only empty promises from the Iraqi authorities, demanding the immediate release of all the Iranian resources and funds in Iraq.

Rouhani said that the presence of U.S. forces in the region, including Iraq, destabilizes the country, "the sooner the parliamentary decision of the exit of U.S. forces from Iraq is put into action, the sooner peace and security will fall upon Iraq and the region."

A statement issued by Al-Kadhimi's office said that both parties discussed the nature of relationships between the two countries on many levels. He then praised the growth and development of their relation for interest of both the Iranian and Iraqi people.

Rouhani congratulated Iraq on the Pope's visit and praised the efforts which made this historic visit a great success.

According to a statement issued by the Iraqi government, both parties agreed to call upon all actors in the region to enhance tranquility and use wisdom and rationality to solve conflicts.

Both parties also expressed their shared opinion considering dialogue to be the only and most efficient way to solve conflicts in the region.

The Iranian president condemned all the activities which trouble the peace of Iraq since they also do not serve the interests of both countries

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butterfly  The federal budget to be passed next week, Parliamentary source


butterfly  2021-03-06 10:12  Shafaq News/ A source in the Iraqi parliament said on Saturday that the federal budget law for 2021 might be on the agenda of next Thursday's session, hinting at a near resolution to the disputes revolving around this issue.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the Federal budget might find its way finally to the Council's agenda with the near resolution of the Federal Budget law, as four out of Six controversial paragraphs in the latter were settled.

The Iraqi parliament held a session earlier today, Saturday, to discuss the tabled articles in the Federal Court Law.

A parliamentary source told Shafaq News Agency that the presidency of the parliament held a meeting with the heads of parliamentary blocs and the legal Committee to discuss the six remaining articles in the Federal Court Law.

The source added the parliament didn't vote on six articles on last Thursday's session.

Parliament sources told Shafaq News Agency that parliamentary blocs agreed on passing the federal budget law in return for voting on the Federal Court Law.

butterfly  MP warns of voiding the Federal Court law of Substance


butterfly  2021-03-06 10:48   Shafaq News/ MP Bachir Al-Haddad warned on Saturday from emptying the federal court law of all its legal and political content due to political conflicts.

Al-Haddad highlighted in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency the importance of the federal court law and the urgency to solve the Controversy around the remaining six articles of the 24-items law.

He stated, "this law is so important since it's directly related to the political operation and democratic election."

Al-Haddad proceeded, "we don't want the political conflicts to interfere and empty the federal court law of its legal content."

"Political blocs and national forces must work hand in hand to continue the discussions and look into the possible adjustments to pass the remaining articles during the next sessions, and for the agreement on this law to be a start to many others such as the oil and gas law."

The Iraqi parliament already voted on 18 articles of the federal court law last week and tabled the voting on the remaining six articles to the next session.

Professor Dinard  I find a lot of people complaining about high oil prices but were for cancelling pipeline and fracking. Folks sure do have a strange way of thinking sometimes

Sheila  Professor Dinard lemmings?

Professor Dinard  sheila lots of em out here. It's as though they forget that everytime you cancel oil production gas prices go up and people with biden bumper stickers get mad at the pumps

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Sheila  Professor Dinard well, then financial idiots?

Professor Dinard   sheila I think it stems from the illusion that news outlets have peoples best interest at heart and feel comfy with siding with them

Professor Dinard   If you think about it's almost as though oil companies want their pipelines cancelled so prices go up as supply goes down

IJB   When oil becomes to expensive to heat your homes, people will be burning wood and anything else to keep warm.

Sheila  Professor Dinard basic economics of supply and demand. well, that was something I was taught in high school.

Professor Dinard  IJB  I was wondering what would become of gas prices when theres 50% electric vehicles on the road.

Sheila   Professor Dinard don't think the oil companies care. either way they make profits.

Professor Dinard  That 50% will turn to 100% real quick lol

Professor Dinard  sheila it's a limited commodity. Might as well stretch it out longer for higher prices. Why sell it all for 50 a barrel when you can sell it all for 64 a barrel

IJB   50% electric vehicles not going to happen. People don't want them. You can only drive a few hundred miles at a time. Trucking and rail transportation will cease.

Sheila   Professor Dinard you think oil is limited commodity? heard that in the 70's we would run out of oil in 20 years. We are 30 plus years and they are still pumping millions daily.

Professor Dinard   IJB   they're getting better and better with the tech. Only a matter of time

Professor Dinard  sheila not completely limited but it does take longer for nature to make than we pump it out. Idk how much or how long itll last. Could last another 1000 years of oil for all I know

Professor Dinard  If I was an oil company I'd say we'd be running out every 10 years too lol

Sparky   Texas just froze ... wow ...

Professor Dinard  Same with renewable energy companies saying earth will die every 10 years

Professor Dinard  Sparky yea. They have a *** power grid lol

Sparky  ... their own ! hahahahaha ...

Sparky  ... bet they tie into the real grid soon ...

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Professor Dinard  Sparky yea I was wondering why they lost power for so many people. I know a nuclear reactor had to shut down cause a safety sensor froze and they shut it down out of caution

Sparky   Professor Dinard ... gas lines froze ...

Professor Dinard   Ahhhhhhhhhhh natty gas dont like the cold eh?

Sparky   ... they weren't weatherized ... so the greedy would get a federal bailout if they have a problem ..

Professor Dinard   Sparky yea govt spending is pretty evil.

Sparky   ... gas dosn't care ... fittings do ...

Sparky  Professor Dinard ... yup ...

Professor Dinard  Sparky they probably never figured a winter this bad.

Professor Dinard  Alaska pipelines dont have problems

Professor Dinard  Saved a few bucks

Sparky  Professor Dinard ... they are weatherized ...

Professor Dinard  Sparky yea I know they went cheap in texas to save a few bucks. Homes out here aren't half as insulated as they are in massacusass

Sparky  ... the Federal Government bails out Texas three times a year !

Professor Dinard  Sparky they bail out california probably like 20 times a year lol

Sparky  ... I'd give them and Florida to Mexico, if they'd take 'em ... free ...

Professor Dinard  Sparky lol you dont value freedoms very much do you?

Sparky  ... I'd throw in Kentucky too ...

Sparky  ... freedom yes, ... free loaders ... NO ...

Professor Dinard  Sparky how do they free load and other states do not?

Professor Dinard  The whole left side of politics is based on free loading lol

Sparky  ... check out Federal grant money, and where it goes ...

Sparky ... Moscow Mitch is a Russian agent ... and his wife, a Chinese informant and theif ...

Professor Dinard  Sparky texas is 34th on federal aid dependency list

Sparky  ... think aluminum ... and the Russian mob boss ...

Sparky  Professor Dinard ... the Russian mob resides in Kentucky ... with Moscow Mitch ...

Professor Dinard

Sparky cartels live in california....with gavin newsom and kamala harris and pelosi and feinstein and swalwell

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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