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Zig’s Place Chat and News Monday AM 4-5-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Monday AM 4-5-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Butterfly   A slight decrease in the dollar exchange rate on the local stock exchange

Monday 05, April 2021 13:11 The exchange rate of the dollar fell on the main stock exchange in Baghdad today, Moday.

The central Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya Stock Exchanges in Baghdad recorded 146,800 dinars, compared to 100 US dollars.

Al-Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 147,000 at its opening Sunday morning.

While the selling and buying prices have stabilized in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad, as the selling price reached 147,250 dinars, and the purchase price of 146,250 dinars per 100 US dollars. "

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butterfly  Al-Rafidain Bank raises small business loans to 25 million dinars

Monday 05, April 2021 11:58 Al-Rafidain Bank announced raising the amount of small-business loans for citizens to 25 million dinars.

The bank’s media office said in a statement that: "It has been decided to increase the amounts of granting small projects loans to 25 million dinars."

The bank called on citizens, owners of shops and other professions of all kinds, to take advantage of this loan and apply for it in the bank’s branches throughout Baghdad and the provinces, stressing that the loan repayment period is 5 years.

butterfly Oil Prices Fall After Previous Gains Supported by "OPEC +" Decision

Monday 05, April 2021 11:39 Oil prices fell today, Monday, canceling strong gains achieved in the previous session, which were supported by the decision of "OPEC +" to gradually reduce some of its restrictions on production between May and July of this year.

Brent crude futures fell, by this morning, by 1.46% to $ 63.91 a barrel, while West Texas Intermediate crude fell 1.42% to $ 60.92 a barrel.

The contracts of both contracts were settled by more than two dollars a barrel last Thursday, as investors considered that the decision of "OPEC +" confirmation of a recovery led by demand, and optimism increased due to US President Joe Biden's plan to spend on infrastructure, and allocate two trillion dollars for that.

And the countries of the "OPEC +" agreed:

Analysts at "Goldman Sachs" bank said that the decision indicates a caution on the part of "OPEC +", as it seeks to avoid a surplus in supplies in the market. The bank expects a strong recovery in oil demand this summer, which requires an additional two million barrels per day of "OPEC +" production, from July to October next.

butterfly  Mahmoud Othman to / NINA /: Joint financial and technical committees from Baghdad and the region to implement the budget agreement

Monday 05, April 2021 09:07 Independent Kurdish politician Mahmoud Othman announced that joint financial and technical committees from Baghdad and the region will soon start direct talks to implement the budget agreement related to the region’s share.

He said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA /: “The implementation of the budget agreement regarding the region’s share depends on the success of the direct discussions of the technical and financial committees between Baghdad and the region, which will begin soon.” Agreeing on it in the budget, and this matter is auspicious. "

Othman indicated that there are some political blocs that are not satisfied with the region's share of the budget and are waiting for the agreement between Baghdad and the region to falter to take a new position.

He added: "According to the agreement in the budget, the sums that will be sent from the region to the center are more than the sums that will be sent from Baghdad to the region, and this matter is a complicated matter and therefore we do not know the formula in which the agreement between them will be implemented according to it, and therefore we are waiting for the meeting of the new committees."

butterfly  https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/04/05/uae-announces-3bn-investment-in-iraq/ UAE announces $3bn Investment in Iraq5th April 2021 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced a $3-billion investment in Iraq, with the aims of strengthening economic and investment relations, creating new opportunities for cooperation and partnership and advancing developmental growth to support the Iraqi people.

The initiative was announced following Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's official visit to the UAE on Sunday, during which he met with His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

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In a statement, the Iraqi Government said it also appreciated the UAE's initiative to rebuild Al-Hadba Minaret, the Al-Nuri Mosque as well as a number of churches in Ninewa province.

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Gold-prices-slip-as-strong-U-S-jobs-data-lifts-yields-stocks Gold prices slip as strong U.S. jobs data lifts yields, stocks 2021-04-05 03:29

Shafaq News/ Gold prices eased on Monday as U.S. Treasury yields rose and global stocks gained after better-than-expected jobs data in the United States fuelled optimism over a swift economic recovery.

Spot gold was down 0.3% at $1,723.16 per ounce, as of 0553 GMT. Gold futures were flat at $1,761.20 per ounce.

"Strong payroll data has boosted the dollar and the yields and is weighing on gold prices. I think gold's primary trend is bearish," said DailyFX strategist Margaret Yang.

"Global economic growth is definitely taking a positive turn, however, it is uneven. Growth in the U.S. is particularly strong, but parts of EU are having a challenging time with the third wave of virus."

The U.S. economy created the most jobs in seven months in March as more Americans got vaccinated and the government doled out additional pandemic relief money.

That lifted global stock prices to a more than one-month high on Monday, while benchmark U.S. Treasury yields held near a 14-month peak.

The dollar, however, was steady against its rivals ahead of U.S. services sector data.

U.S. President Joe Biden's announcement of a long-awaited $2 trillion-plus job plan last week has raised some concerns over inflation.

Some investors view gold as a hedge against inflation, but higher Treasury yields, which translate into a higher opportunity cost for holding bullion, have challenged that status.

"It is becoming clear to me that gold's sensitivity is not to future inflation expectations, but rather, to moves in U.S. bond yields, notably the 10-year tenor," said OANDA senior market analyst Jeffrey Halley in a note.

Elsewhere, silver fell 1.1% to $24.70 per ounce and palladium was down 0.8% at $2,645.98.

butterfly   Platinum dipped 0.1% to $1,208 per ounce after hitting its highest since March 18 in the session at $1,218.

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Iraq-ranks-the-first-as-the-most-country-importing-Turkish-products Iraq ranks the first as the most country importing Turkish products 2021-04-05 02:09

Shafaq News / Iraq topped the neighboring countries in importing from Turkey.

The Turkish Ministry of Trade and the Turkish Exporters Council stated that “Turkey's total exports in the first quarter of 2021 reached 50 billion dollars,” noting that “the exports to neighboring countries recorded 4 billion, 327 million and 858 thousand dollars in the period between January and March 2021.” .

According to Ministry’s data, "Iraq tops the list of the neighboring countries in importing goods by 1,875,111 thousand dollars, Bulgaria ranked second with 766,300 thousand dollars, then Greece with 589,026 thousand dollars, Iran with 481 million dollars, and Syria with 324,536 thousand dollars and Georgia with 291,884 thousand dollars. "

The Ministry of Trade indicated that chemical materials and products are the top exported goods, followed by grains, pulses, oilseeds, then furniture, paper.

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Makhoul-dam-construction-to-begin-on-May-1-Minister-says Makhoul dam construction to begin on May 1, Minister says 2021-04-05 07:43

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources pushed forward "Makhoul Dam", with the construction scheduled to take place early next month.

The Minister of Water Resources, Eng. Rachid Mahdi al-Hamdani, said that the construction of the dam lying between Kirkuk and Saladin will begin on May 1, after the Ministry of Planning ratified the project documents submitted by his Ministry.

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In spite of the boost that the Makhoul dam could provide to Iraq's water security, controversy emerged around the strategic dam. The construction of the dam mandates depopulating three administrative units in Kirkuk and Saladin amid fears of scarce living resources in the units relying primarily upon agriculture and livestock.

butterfly  Enough to keepyou busy until I return from doctor's appointment. Have a great morning.

Sheila  Zig deadline is getting closer... lolol

sheila  Zig no worries, just RV already

Zig  sheila : Yeah...I was really looking forward to having to pay you and I am not kidding!!....lol

Sheila  Zig not over ... yet

Sheila  Earthquake in California, April 5, 2021... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n56__zlcAFE

Dave   Representative economy: The next stage will be the stage of approving the partnership law between the private and public sectors

Dave  Economy News _ Baghdad  The Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee stated, on Sunday, that the next stage after approving the budget will be the stage of approving economic laws that support the Iraqi economy and contribute to providing quality local products that match the importer.

Committee member Nada Shaker Jawdat said in an interview with Al-Sabah newspaper, followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “one of the most important laws that efforts must be poured into at this stage is the partnership between the private and public sectors, and other important laws that are in the interest of correcting the economic situation. ».

She added that “the human potential is able to change the Iraqi economic reality to its best with the support of legislation, including the partnership law between the private and public sectors, which contributes to the industrial development of the country and supports it economically and provides a large cash block at home.”

Jawdat pointed out that “strengthening and correcting the local industry and relying on it is the best solution to avoid the high prices of imported products, which constitutes a successful action plan for ministries to evaluate their factories in two ways. Either offering it for investment or evaluating it and working to operate it with local competencies and expertise, in addition to relying on pushing development and benefiting from the manufacturing plans adopted by factories in neighboring or international countries in manufacturing products with Iraqi expertise.


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Dave  "Next Stage}

Parliament welcomes Al-Kazemi’s tour to Saudi Arabia and the Emirates: Iraq will return to its leadership role

Dave  Report: Alsumaria News The  visit of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to the Emirates and before it to Saudi Arabia received a great parliamentary welcome, while a parliamentarian described those visits as necessary and important to return Iraq to its Arab incubator and its pivotal role, the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee confirmed that the legislative authority It will start with parliamentary visits to many Arab countries that have concluded agreements in order to sponsor these agreements and implement them in a way that serves the supreme interests of all, while another deputy indicated that the House of Representatives is ready to legislate any laws that the government needs and are in the interest of Iraq and the implementation of agreements concluded with Arab countries.


Dave ready to legislate any laws that the government needs and are in the interest of Iraq and the implementation of agreements concluded with Arab countries.........

Doug_W  https://www.alsumaria.tv/news/%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A9/378246/%D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%AD%D9%8A%D8%A8-%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%8A-

Dave hmmmm......

Dave https://www.alsumaria.tv/news/.......Hope they have no affiliation with CNN........

Zig Dave : "Hope they have no affiliation with CNN".....Why?

Dave  Zig have found recent news encouraging though

Zig  Dave : Encouraging....I suppose

Dave hopium that your down 10% by Wednesday!

Zig  Never happen....lol

Dave  hopium AINT a bad thing!

Dave Dreams give us purpose

Zig  Dave : In moderation....like you and ice cream....lol

Dave UBER Rich Wednesday...oh oh....Moderation down the toilet

Dave prolly kill myself test driving a super car...reflexes not like before

Dave will possibly start to get slightly excited if i see the Budget posted in Gazette

Dave lots tied up in that........

Zig Dave : Unfortunately nothing about this excites me any longer :Yawn:

Dave  Zig passing the Budget........first time they passed anything other than traffic laws

Dave  not 100% sure of that going down though.....

Dave a lil hopium if it does

Dave Hcl 140 seems it may be tied up within the articles somehow.....????

Dave  Oil proceeds from the disputed territories a big issue for the Kurds........

Zig  Dave : I am quite sure they have passed other things quite often

Dave  Zig NODDA germain to our investment

Dave  Yes Vets can now use meds

Dave Private Banking Laws....Federal Courts HCL art 140 benchmarks fer me

Dave  we still await the Constitutionality of Kurdish Claims......Federal Court judges yet to decide?

Dave  have been counting up all the displaced folks from Kurdistan.....

Dave  BUTTERFLY.........good news lately......?

Dave  whats that hold up on that 2.4 billion owed to kuwait......Do that in a heart beat.......Figure that could force CBI's hand to do something that they are not quite ready for.....????

Dave  https://sanctionsmap.eu/#/main

Dave  ttps://sanctionsmap.eu/#/main/details/19/?search=%7B%22value%22:%22%22,%22searchType%22:%7B%7D%7D


 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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