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Zig’s Place Chat and News Late Friday PM 4-9-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Late Friday PM 4-9-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Cian   2021/04/09 10:15 Readings 337 Section: File and Analysis

Is Iraq Heading To Fully Float The Local Currency?

Baghdad / Obelisk: Iraq will be forced to float the entire local currency, if the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar leads to results that lead to the deterioration of the economy and the inability of the state to cover the expenses.

The Central Bank has reduced the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar by 24% with the end of 2020.  The dollar exchange rate reached 1470 dinars to the public, and 1460 dinars for banks operating in the country, compared to 1182 dinars before the reduction.

The economist Osama Al-Tamimi believes, according to Al-Jazeera Net, that the flotation is supposed to lead to stimulating domestic production and reducing dependence on imports, but the corrupt will face this mechanism by raising the prices of local commodities.  He pointed out that it is difficult to move towards a comprehensive float, because of what it needs from the presence of a state that has the force of law, "and this is not available now.

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He stressed that the devaluation enabled the government to overcome a major crisis that Iraq could face, through which it was able to provide salaries, manage state affairs, and limit money smuggled abroad, as the dinar achieved a weak economic margin for smugglers.

The floating policy is not of real benefit in the economy of Iraq, which is a rentier economy, which relies heavily on oil revenues, says the economist Manar Al-Obaidi.

Al-Obaidi points out that the full floating policy requires diversifying the economy to create a state of balance in supply and demand, but this is difficult in Iraq because there is only one player in this equation, which is the Central Bank of Iraq.   https://almasalah.com/ar/news/207644/هل-يتجه-العراق-الى-تعويم-العملة-المحلية-بالكامل      

Cian   In turn, industrial development and investment consultant Amer Al-Jawahiri ruled out a full float until 2022, because of its political and social repercussions that are difficult for the Iraqi economic and political reality to bear now.

Al-Jawahiri added that the full float will have negative repercussions on the purchasing power of the Iraqi consumer, especially the middle and poor groups.   Obelisk follow-up – agencies

NORV   2022 float!

Dave  read up^.

NORV    :Boat: :Boat: :Boat:

Dave  cian.....full float???? managed or free float????

Dave  Kap?

Dave  translation?

NORV  Is Iraq heading to fully float the local currency?

Baghdad / Obelisk: Iraq will be forced to float the entire local currency, if the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar leads to results that lead to the deterioration of the economy and the inability of the state to cover the expenses.

And the Central Bank of Iraq reduced the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar by 24% by the end of 2020.

The dollar exchange rate reached 1470 dinars to the public, and 1460 dinars for banks operating in the country, compared to 1182 dinars before the reduction.

The economist Osama Al-Tamimi believes, according to Al-Jazeera Net, that the flotation is supposed to lead to stimulating domestic production and reducing dependence on imports, but the corrupt will face this mechanism by raising the prices of local commodities.

He pointed out that it is difficult to move towards a comprehensive float, because of what it needs from the presence of a state that has the force of law, "and this is not available now.

He stressed that the devaluation enabled the government to overcome a major crisis that Iraq could face, through which it was able to provide salaries, manage state affairs, and limit money smuggled abroad, as the dinar achieved a weak economic margin for smugglers.

The floating policy is not of real benefit in the economy of Iraq, which is a rentier economy, which relies heavily on oil revenues, says the economist Manar Al-Obaidi.

Al-Obaidi points out that the policy of full floatation requires diversifying the economy to create a state of balance in supply and demand, but this is difficult in Iraq because there is only one player in this equation, which is the Central Bank of Iraq.

In turn, industrial development and investment consultant Amer Al-Jawahiri ruled out a full float until 2022, because of its political and social repercussions that are difficult for the Iraqi economic and

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NORV  In turn, industrial development and investment consultant Amer Al-Jawahiri ruled out a full float until 2022,

NORV  lmbo    float baby


Dave  free or managed?

NORV  Dave what does it say Dave?

Dave   which float

Dave  full

NORV  Al-Obaidi points out that the policy of full floatation requires diversifying the economy to create a state of balance in supply and demand, but this is difficult in Iraq because there is only one player in this equation, which is the Central Bank of Iraq.

In turn, industrial development and investment consultant Amer Al-Jawahiri ruled out a full float until 2022, because of its political and social repercussions that are difficult for the Iraqi economic and

NORV   2022!   whooohooo

Dave  free float or managed

NORV  go economy

NORV  go investment

NORV    go float!

NORV  Dave you dont have to ask me. it;s clear!

Dave https://pocketsense.com/types-of-floating-exchange-rates-13659066.html

Sparky ... yeehaah ... ' industrial development and investment consultant Amer Al-Jawahiri ruled out a full float until 2022 "

NORV  float baby float   :Float:

Sparky  ... that's soooooooooon enough for me ...

Dave Free Float  -  The free float exchange rate system is one that has no intervention from the government. The demand and supply forces interact and then the rate of exchange is determined. Under this mechanism, there is a high risk of volatility. One currency may appreciate or depreciate steeply, and the exchange rate is similarly affected. This mechanism is called the “free float” or the “clean float.”

Zig  We're gonna be rich in 2022!!!... Cash: .... :Happier:

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Dave Managed Float   This method is a variation on the free float mechanism. All countries have trade links with one another, and international currencies fluctuate daily. Many countries of the world use the float system to determine the rates of exchange. Here, the government and central banks of the country intervene and help to set the exchange rates. These authorities try to smooth out the fluctuations and volatility of the currencies. This system is called the “managed float” or the “dirty float.”

Brought to you by Sapling

Balance of Payment Crisis

Floating exchange rates lessen the chances of a balance of payments crisis. In a balance of payments crisis, the value of a currency declines dramatically. The currency is no longer capable of purchasing the same amount of goods and services as it did before. A floating exchange rate ensures that such a drastic situation does not arise. Countries have central banks that try to control the rates of exchange, but often the central banks’ intervention is not much help. Market forces determine the exchange rates.

Monetary Deficits

Floating exchange rates help countries in correcting their monetary deficits. When a country has more outflows of currency than inflows, it is bound to face a deficit. The value of currencies of such nations will depreciate in relation to currencies of other nations. When such a country tries to export its goods, it is not able to command a fair price for them. When the country imports from other countries, it has to pay more in relation. A floating rate of exchange provides an automatic adjustment factor. The fluctuations in the exchange rates offset the country’s monetary imbalances.

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Sparky  NORV ... awesome post !

Zig   @Kaperoni will turn out to be right.... : OMYGD:

Sparky  Zig :Wheel barrow:

Dave  Sparky free float   :Wheel barrow: at nominal rate

Zig  @Kap Be sure to send @xyz a FLOAT ALERT.....LOL

Dave arrrg help.....not sure what full float means.......free or managed?

Dave  managed float not require only a 2-3 percent rate change every 90 days as per rules of the IMF?

Dave  Free Float    The free float exchange rate system is one that has no intervention from the government. The demand and supply forces interact and then the rate of exchange is determined. Under this mechanism, there is a high risk of volatility.

I J B    Dave the currency will float after the RV with all the other currencies in the world.

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Dave  free or managed 2 types of floats

Sparky  Dave ... full float sounds dirty to me ... but, I'll try to get my mind out of the gutter ...

Dave Sparky yes dirty,,,,,,,managed float at nominal rate would take us a decade or more to see a dime

Sparky :$$$:

Dave or free float let foreign investors decide its value on the market.....volatility.....yes

Sparky Dave ... yessir ... yeehah ... get along now little camels ...

Sparky  ... party on ! ... J Geils once again ... https://youtu.be/oBiSJ8jCTjA ...

cian  https://www.aljazeera.net/ebusiness/2021/4/5/هل-يلجأ-العراق-إلى-تعويم-كامل-عملته-عام

4 reasons for Iraq from float full work .. Learn

The decision to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar raised concerns that this paves to float full local currency

The dollar exchange rate was 1470 dinars to the public and 1460 dinars for banks, compared with 1182 dinars before the reduction (Reuters)

5/4/2021   The Central Bank's decision to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar by 24% with the end of 2020 with a better management of payments and for the economic crisis of the country, to raise fears that this paves to float the whole local currency.

The dollar's exchange rate was 1470 dinars to the public and 1460 dinars for banks operating in the country, compared to 1182 dinars before reducing.

The Iraqi economy suffers from a contraction of 11% in 2020, exacerbating the economic weaknesses for a long time, according to the International Monetary Fund in a recent report.

Iraq is 92% of its income on oil revenues; The last time the dinar was reduced in December 2015 when the dollar was raised to 1182 dinars for 1166 dinars in the past.

As the economic difficulties witnessed by the world as a result of Corona pandemic and the emergence of new strains, some believe that the use of Iraq to floats is an acceptable option.

Without benefit

The floating policy is not a real benefit in the economy of Iraq, which is a legitimate economy, depends on oil revenues significantly, says Economic expert Manar al-Obeidi.

Diversification of the economy

Obeidi points out that the full float policy requires diversification of the economy to create a state of balance in supply and demand, this is difficult in Iraq for only one player in this equation, the Central Bank of Iraq.

cian  He confirmed that the reduction of the dinar had recently led to the high level of inflation to 4%, due to reflection of exchange rate differences and imports costs, on the final consumer.   The annual inflation rate in December 2020, rose 3.2% on an annual basis, affected by changing the dollar exchange rate.

Obeidi predicted the continued rise of consumer prices for subsequent months and believes that "the future of the dinar is expected to maintain its price within the 1500 limits for more than a year, and if the economic situation is improved, it is possible to raise the value of the dinar."

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Float orbit

In turn, Industrial Development and Investment Consultant Amer Jawahirah ruled up a full float until 2022, because of its political and social repercussions that are difficult for Iraq's economic and political reality.

Jeweler added that the full float would have negative implications for the purchasing power of the Iraqi consumer, especially middle and poor groups.

Once if the country has resorted to floating, Jeweler sees it once again, and not hot, especially that the central bank is giving foreign currencies for those wishing, and therefore is the only one who is able to maintain the value of the dinar.

In February, Iraqi Central Bank reserves from foreign currency exceeded $55 billion, according to him.

The reality of financial and administrative corruption is the difficulty of applying full floating and achieving its objectives, leading to failure and even further deepening the crisis for the economic scene.

The force of law

The economic expert Osama Al-Tamimi believes that floating is supposed to stimulate GDP and reduce reliance on import, "but corrupt will face this mechanism to raise domestic commodity prices."

He pointed out that it is difficult to trend to a comprehensive float, for what he needs from a state that has the force of law, "This is not now available."

cian  He stressed that the currency reduction was enabled by the government to overcome a major crisis that could have been exposed to Iraq and was able to provide salaries, and manage state matters, and scaled smuggled funds abroad, where the dinar became a weak economic margin of smugglers.

Sparky  cian ... I mentioned this scenario to Sandy last year ...

I J B   RV   :$$$:  :$$$: :$$$: :$$$:

Sparky  ^ possible

I J B    GO RV   :$$$: :$$$: :$$$:

Sparky  ... de-valuation , then float to actual value, as perceived by the world ...

Dave He pointed out that it is difficult to trend to a comprehensive float, for what he needs from a state that has the force of law, "This is not now available."

butterfly  I find this very interesting in that long article/post: Diversification of the economy

Obeidi points out that the full float policy requires diversification of the economy to create a state of balance in supply and demand, this is difficult in Iraq for only one player in this equation, the Central Bank of Iraq.

Sparky  Dave ... 'till 2022 ...

Sparky ... CH 7 removal, and payment of 2.4 B to Kuwait ...

Sparky  ... 104 agreement with the kurds, and we be rollin ' ...

Sparky ... maybe a lead solution for Maliki ...

Sparky  ... one pop upside ...

Dave  Sparky depends what the Govt gets accomplished,,,,,,zilch so far ....

Sparky  ... " the appearence of " is now in charge of CBI ... imo ...

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Dave   CBI sets fiscal policy

Sparky  ... former VP Governor, PM advisor Saleh ...

Dave former

Sparky  ... CBI does what Saleh tells them to do ... imo ...

Dave  Sparky have no intel on that

Sparky ... he has more pull now ...

Sparky  ... :Crystal ball:

Dave things need to happen,,,,,,,peeps getting grumpy from being poor

Dave  know knowing the could have much more

Dave   knowing they could be richer

Sparky  Dave ... things could come together quickly, when they decide that they can make more $ in the next phase ...

Dave  phase?

Sparky ... the only thing holding Iraq back, is Iraq ...

Sparky  ... and they best hurry, before the world goes green ...

Dave Sparky Immunity fer the corrupters remain

Dave  supposed to fix that after Abadi resigned     Demonstrators demands not yet met  Corruption number1 on their list

Sheila  Interesting rumtel via one man's opinion via article and podbean: April 8, 2021, Nick Fleming... https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/04/08/04-08-2021-update/ ... https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-yd3qk-1002c08

Sparky  sheila ... in the first five words, he mentions Bruce ... which immediately cancels out everything else he has to say ...   ... Our military intel contact is confirming Mr. Fleming’s sources, Bruce’s sources, and other sources saying that though the RV release process is way behind the original World Court ruling payout start deadline of last Thu 1 April, and though Zurich banks were closed for Easter last Mon 5 April (all funds are being released through Zurich for global T3-4A/B payouts and exchanges) CURRENTLY the World Court has ordered all RV parties that all payouts & exchanges begin before or on next Mon 12 April–we will see if the RV teams and the banks can keep to that schedule.

He confirmed that the RV teams under Trump and the military are behind one week, as the World Court ruled on Wed 24 March that T4B exchanges start at the same time as all payouts by last Thu 1 April–that was delayed FOR REASONS DESCRIBED ABOVE AND BELOW.

He reminded everyone that (1) the RV / GCR release is a MILITARY OPERATION IN THE WAR TO DEFEAT THE DEEP STATE, (2) it is GLOBAL and THEREFORE COMPLICATED, and (3) TIMING HAS BEEN FLUID as the military strategic plans have had to shift to decisively defeat the Deep State globally TO MAKE IT SAFE ENOUGH FOR RV/GCR FUNDS TO BE SPENT WITHOUT INTERFERENCE FROM DEEP STATE CABAL HALF-WITS.


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Sheila   Sparky as I stated, it's rumtel. you do yours, I'll do mine. offered as rumors, intel. it's out there and that is your filter. others might not agree. free will.

Sparky  sheila ... thanks for sharing ..... " deep state cabal half-wits " ... hmmm ...... interesting propaganda ..

Sparky  ... sooooooon we be at the tier 50000 bank ...... prolly by this time next week, we be rich ! ... :Hotdog:

Sparky sheila ... just funnin' with ya ...sheila ... does he know Trump is no longer president ?


Sparky   sheila ... my military contact sayz he is full of shiite ...... but, anywho ... Dire Straights ... Money for nothing, Chicks for free ... https://youtu.be/_zOjRlVpAOQ ...

Sparky  ... that ain't workin" ...... would that be Eric Clapton ?

PeteV Hey Folks, how r we doing?

PeteV : Hi...Busy day in here...kind of nutty....lol

Sparky Zig ... one and some patience makes us rich ! ... learned that in math class ...

Sparky  PeteV ... what's shakin dude ?

PeteV not was looking to see if any new info the RV was out? Sparky

Sparky  PeteV ... actually yes, Butterfly put up some good stuff ...

PeteV  i'll go look, thanks Sparky

Sandyf   The latest edition of the Iraq gazette. Issue (4623) was issued from the Iraqi newspaper Al-Waqi’a issued on 3/29/2021 https://www.moj.gov.iq/view.5533/

Dave  sandyf in Gazette whoopow!

Sparky  Dave ... you are only coming thru in waves ...

Sparky  ... comfortably numb ...

sheila  sandyf Are we expecting something spectacular for Saturday's Issue?

Dave  https://twitter.com/IraqiGovt/status/1380506028182282242

Dave   ought to this that........HMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!  that should set ya on your arse!   CBI......

Dave  sandyf interesting ...YES?????

Sparky  sandyf ... do you recollect my prediction ...

Dave  Please read that post........thought a lil whoopow in order!   BEST NEWS YET!!!

9 Apr 21, 07:32 PM Sparky   ... it's the only way it could happen, actually ...

9 Apr 21, 07:32 PM Dave  FROM CBI......

Sparky  ... let it float ...

Dave from where...

Sparky  ... 1170 .. 1250 ...

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Dave   million dollar question

Sparky  ... until it bottoms out ...

Dave  NO LDS in that

Sparky ... not until it floats to a realistic valuation ...... Saudi rate ... 23 cents ... +

Dave  UAE Bahrain Kuwait?????

Sparky  ... once and until the PTB let it float, we won't know ...

Dave dont know squat...

Sparky ... I would guess it would go to $5 or more in due time ...

Dave  Sparky cant at a managed float

Sparky  Dave ... dirty ...... fast and loose float ...

Dave  volatile....

Sheila 3.70 up to 8 -- maybe? then settle at 4 something.

Dave CBI had stated,,,no free float.......shabs

Sparky  sheila ... possibly ...

Sparky  Dave ... Shab's said could sustain $16 per ...

Sparky ... 2011 CBI Governor, along with the appearance of ... Muhammed Seleh ...

Dave  will find out soon.....news seems GOOD

Dave  see that CBI post? butterfly ?

Sheila  Sparky my one banker friend says it could go up to 16$ but to exchange when it hits 8-10 fast. cause when it hits 16, it will drop like rock back to 3.71 or 4 something, like in one day.

butterfly  Dave no

Dave  DO check please

Sparky ... as they have the friggin oil ...... to back it up ...

Dave  https://twitter.com/IraqiGovt/status/1380506028182282242


Sheila Dave gotta love twitter

Dave  word from CBI....though

Sparky  ... they know, we know, it's up to them to drop the good news ...

Dave unless translation is FAUX

butterfly I am on the moj website in english but it has no search engine for the 5533 article. grrrrr

Sparky  sheila ... I read back in Shab's day, He said that it could sustain at $16 per dinar ...

Sparky  butterfly ... do you have any such recollection ?

butterfly  It clearly says they changed the rate for budget and international business we are Good SHOW THE RATE GO IRAQ .............. one of the tweets. GIVE THE PROOF IS ALL I ASK...............

sheila Sparky yes, I remember that and that's what banker friend was referencing in their recent conversations. but they said exchange at 8-10 and don't be greedy.

Dave butterfly from CBI....HMMM  no date or rate

butterfly Sparky As it has been proven over and over, people can speak words and, to me, they mean nothing without proof.

Sparky  butterfly ... agreed ...

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Dave butterfly CBI has never been that revealing

butterfly I can say I have the body of Dolly Pardon, and people would believe it UNTIL they say.....nah ain't so.

Dave some hopium.....maybe

butterfly Dave yes hopium WITHOUT PROOF. Remember you are conversing with a Realist.

Sparky  butterfly ... oh, ok, maybe we'll meet up after the RV?

Dave \ butterfly true that show me...

butterfly Give me the damn proof is all I ask................give me proof, not just words that mean nothing.

Dave not good news though...i liked that

butterfly I will call my contact and see what he has heard about this. If he tells me anything I will get back with ya.

Sparky butterfly ... pretty sure I remember Shab's was positive on IQD ...

butterfly  Sparky yes he was......even with the corruption.

Dave we be rich.............maybe?

Dave  CBI speaks I pay attention.....they speak very little

Sparky butterfly ... until Maliki got him gone when he wanted to transition to a lucrative country ...

Sparky ... HCL , 140 , etc ...

Dave  That budget was loaded

butterfly heard it two guys a nurse that it is Friday

Sparky  ... security, and a fully seated government ... if I recall correctly ...

Dave white paper written into the Budget I heard  or understood....??????

Sparky ... interior defense as well ...

butterfly  He heard from two people that deal with Iraq and they said Friday. Well I just looked and it is 4:00 AM in Iraq.

Sheila  butterfly all hope is appreciated

Dave sheila NEWS never been this positive...just news though

Sparky  ... Shab's said it would take a fully seated government, with interior security ... as I recall ...... maybe that means USA withdrall ...

Dave Sparky Believe Ministers all seated

Sparky ... complete as per Sastani ...get the f out of our country, then we'll move ?4

Sparky  ... you know Iran does control every move Iraq makes, right ?... it's a Kurd / Shiite / Sunni thing ...that's why Suadi bought all the weapons from Trump ...... Suadi will take out Iran at the earlist moment, and Israel will continue to level Iran ...... Abdinishad should have never threatened the Israeli's ...... anybody paying attention ?... wonder why the Iranian scientist go missing ?

Dave  wore out again......latez

Sparky Dave ...what do you know bro, about what is really going on ?... China encrouching on the South Sea ...fishing it out ......   https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/the-secret-reason-israels-military-1-the-best-the-planet-25637 ...

Sparky  Dave ... take two aspirins, I'll call you in the morning ..... it's not all about Iraq ...... they can move, when they say they can move ... especially slow with USA interests ...... they like American money, and that's about it ...... definitely not in my travel plans ...

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butterfly Saturday . April 10, 2021 https://www.arabnews.com/node/1780686/middle-east But despite approval of the budget, which should be referred to parliament for final approval, disputes between the central government and semi-autonomous Kurdish region are still unresolved, a government senior economic adviser said.

“Differences between Baghdad and Kurdish delegates are still persisting over Kurdish oil exports and the region’s debts. It’s too complicated for now to reach an agreement,” said a senior government adviser.

butterfly  Hit by squeezed revenues, Iraq’s central bank on Saturday increased the sale price of US dollars to banks and currency exchanges to 1,460 dinars, from 1,182 dinars, seeking to close the gap of widened 2021 budget inflation after a collapse in global oil prices, a major source of Iraq’s financial resources.

The finance ministry supplies the central bank with dollars based on a price of 1,450 dinars against the dollar, Central Bank chief Mustafa Ghalib said in a statement.

butterfly Iraq has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves and depends on oil revenues to fund 95 percent of its national budget.   ($1 = 1.45 Iraqi dinars)

Sparky  butterfly ... hahaha yesterdays newz ... they never change ...... I could have read that article 10 years ago ...

Sheila butterfly We keep hearing dinar rate... anything about dong, zim, rupiah,,, or any other currencies that are supposed to be in this currency basket?

Sparky  ... as you know ...

butterfly sheila I don't believe the basket scenario. Never have.

Sparky  butterfly ... I appreciate you, and you know what I mean ...

butterfly This is what he also heard all day. Took the wives of the big dogs in Iraq, dump them in the water until the big dogs caved in, then the wives were returned. Rumor, don't know if it is true but he heard that all day long.

Sparky butterfly ... nice guys ...

butterfly Here is another article that all should read. If true, about damn time the citizens stepped up and made demands on their government.

butterfly    https://www.arabnews.com/node/1779796/business-economy

butterfly  2021-04-09 12:13   Shafaq News/ The Economist shed light today on the recent government's decree to ease restrictions upon entry to Iraq for nationals from 36 countries.

The London-based newspaper said that PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi scrapped visa requirements for visitors from 36 countries, including America, China, and those in the European Union. "They will be granted a two-month entry permit on arrival," the economist said.

The newspaper quoted Iraqi officials saying that the new move aims to transform Iraq from "an area of co-operation, not confrontation", cut red tape, encourage investment, and kick-start reconstruction.

"It’s the single most effective decision to open Iraq to the world," says a frequent German visitor.

The Economist said the prime minister hopes it will also let Iraq depend less on Iran. His advisers dream of attracting expats and even tourists.

However, "Iraqi consular staff say they have not been officially notified of the changes and that foreigners should still apply for visas," it added.

Iraq announced on March 21 that it waived visa entries for arrivals of 37 countries. The new decisions allow arrivals from countries like US, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Switzerland to enter the Iraqi territory and stay for two months for only 75 dollars fees.

Sheila Sparky right now planning to go west. thinking Reno, Tahoe, Vegas. Lots of entertainment. Gots to have me a swimming pool. Commercial Chef kitchen. Firepit for kicking back at night. Sipping scotch rocks or cold beer.

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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