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Zig’s Place Chat and News Early Wed Afternoon 3-31-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Early Wed Afternoon 3-31-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

EYEGUY:  just got this in my mail box: Today while on the call the parliament came back together and finished and signed the budget to go into law.

This is what we have been waiting for. Now we are on the path to the finish line.  We look for the RV announcement tonight – tomorrow or very soon thereafter but, we are now almost done.

Have your plan in place when you go to the bank  -What do I say – what rate do I ask for  - What rate of interest do I ask for  - How do I set up the account so I can only spend the interest on the money  - How do I discipline myself not to spend any of the principles of my money  -  Stuff like that

Start getting ready they are doing things now not just talking about it.  As soon as I get the word I will put it on my website – norm-1.com and the password of dinar  See you soon   Norm

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PeteV   BREAKING NEWS IRAQ NEWS LIVE UPDATES! | IQD Iraqi Dinar Currency Exchange RV---- https://youtu.be/7zAu4VCyn3k    

PeteV  hi folks  supposedly they passed the budget according https://youtu.be/7zAu4VCyn3k

butterfly  PeteV I have been on this laptop waiting for it to be signed. So far I have seen nothing.

Butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896545

Signing of five joint agreements and memoranda of understanding between the Iraqi and Saudi sides / expanded Wednesday 31, March 2021 22:00 The Iraqi delegation headed by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazimi, today, Wednesday, during his official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, signed a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding with the Saudi side, whose delegation was headed by the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Muhammad bin Salman.

An agreement to prevent double taxation was signed between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it was signed on the Iraqi side by Minister of Finance Ali Allawi, while it was signed on the Saudi side by the Saudi Minister of Finance.

The Minister of Finance, Ali Allawi, signed the Saudi Export Financing Agreement, and on the Saudi side, the CEO in charge of the Saudi Fund for Development signed it.

A joint agreement was also signed for cooperation in the field of development planning for economic diversification and private sector development, and it was signed on the Iraqi side by Minister of Planning, Mr. Khaled Battal.

A memorandum for joint cooperation between the National Library and Archives of the Republic of Iraq and the King Abdul Aziz House in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were also signed, signed on the Iraqi side by the Minister of Construction and Housing, Mrs. Nazleen Muhammad Woso, and signed on the Saudi side by the Secretary General of the King Abdulaziz House.

A memorandum of understanding was also signed between the Iraqi Media Network and the Saudi Radio and Television Authority, signed on the Iraqi side by the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers Hamid Al-Ghazi, while it was signed on the Saudi side by the Saudi Minister of Information / Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Radio and Television Corpo

Sheila  butterfly Read article above that Kazemi is in Saudi signing MOU with Prince Salman. Might this be Victory Tour? Might this be Iraq finally getting a seat at the adults table again?

butterfly  sheila There have been articles about getting with a lot of those countries but I am focused on signing the bill/law for the budget.

Sheila  butterfly Parliament doing what they were told to do... and ... Kazemi off in another country?

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Zig   sheila : Sweating it out until Apr. 7th

:Scared: ...lol...Nah nah nah nah nah.....:Tongue:

butterfly  sheila yup saw that also  Zig what is april 7?

Zig  butterfly : The day after I may have to pay @sheila if it RVs....LOL....expires on the 6th

Sheila  Zig in for a penny, in for a pound... sweat away... LoL LoL

butterfly  Zig oh well I won't make comments on the RV.

Sheila  Zig yup, 11:59:59pm April 6, 2021... we shall see!

butterfly  IF...........IF it does I will have to go to a bigger city because this little town......would go bankrupt.

Sheila   butterfly the Town or You... would go bankrupt?

Zig  butterfly : You could own your town....lol

butterfly  I could buy this town and own all of it.

Sheila  butterfly that would be something

Zig  I just said that...pay attention

butterfly  BUT I will move before I deal with this podunk town.

Sheila  butterfly You could be like Kim Basinger bought that town in Georgia!

Zig  I learned a new word: Podunk....lol....."a hypothetical small town regarded as typically dull or insignificant."

butterfly  At my age I don't want to deal with idiots.  BINGO Zig

Sheila  butterfly If you bought it, you could make it whatever you want it to be. you go girl

butterfly Most would be moving out with all the restrictions I would put on them which our so-called Mayor has not done one thing.

Sheila  butterfly move away, then buy all the land and houses you can to help those that still live there. maybe even quietly underwrite a Microbank for small businesses?

Butterfly  The members of the council are elected, try to make changes and soon quit because they found they have NO control on getting things done.

butterfly  The House of Representatives re-voting on (Article 1, Paragraph B) of the Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 22:27 The House of Representatives re-voted on (Article 1, Paragraph B) of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

butterfly 10:31PM in Iraq. If they don't hurry up, they will go into Thursday.

Sheila  butterfly regardless, maybe we should be looking at FOREX now?

butterfly  Go for it sheila I'm trying to do things in between posting.

Zig  sheila : Please don't hold your breath

Sheila  Zig never hold my breath... that would be counterproductive. lolol

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EYEGUY  just got this in my mail box Today   while on the call the parliament came back together and finished and signed the budget to go into law.  This is what we have been waiting for. Now we are on the path to the finish line.   We look for the RV announcement tonight – tomorrow or very soon thereafter but, we are now almost done.

Have your plan in place when you go to the bank

What do I say – what rate do I ask for

What rate of interest do I ask for

How do I set up the account so I can only spend the interest on the money

How do I discipline myself not to spend any of the principles of my money

Stuff like that

Start getting ready they are doing things now not just talking about it.

As soon as I get the word I will put it on my website – norm-1.com and the password of dinar

See you soon  Norm

Zig  : OMYGD: Ya mean I may have to pay @sheila??? But I don't wanna!!!!!  :Sob: LOL

Butterfly  The House of Representatives votes to add a new article in place of Article 41 of the Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 22:40 The House of Representatives voted to add a new article instead of Article 41 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

EYEGUY  I hope so

Zig  EYEGUY : Who is this Norm??

EYEGUY  so butterfly what ya thinkin

butterfly  EYEGUY I have not seen anything about what this Norm sent to you.

EYEGUY  a friend of many years

Zig  EYEGUY : Okay...thanks

butterfly  Just me............I will believe it when I see it in print. Period...........just me.

EYEGUY  he has been keeping an EYE on this I hope it is true

butterfly  The House of Representatives votes to add a new article in place of Article 41 of the Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 22:40 The House of Representatives voted to add a new article instead of Article 41 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

EYEGUY  Zig I really cant say anymore his info has been in line with what has been going on the last couple of days ....we will see

EYEGUY  If I knew I would tell no secrets here

Sheila  butterfly FOREX making it too hard to get to currency... So I went to www.xe.com instead. https://xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=USD&To=IQD

Zig  Peeps are getting excited :Happier:

Dave  Zig ummm...over what?

Zig  Here comes killjoy @Dave to ruin it....LOL

Dave  you mean Trouble?

Zig  Read EYEGUY post above....from his buddy "Norm"

Sheila  @PeteV thanks to you for that link to live chat on youtube... smooth talking voice

PeteV  just info sheila

Zig  Beware of SMOOTH TALKERS....LOL

Dave  Who be NORM?

Zig  Dave : A friend of EYEGUY

Dave  familiar with AB Norm.....

Zig  LOL....Yes, Igor

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butterfly  I checked with other news outlets and nada, zilch, nothing about the Iraq budget being confirmed.

EYEGUY  hope it is not hype

butterfly One more hour to say it was done on Wednesday, if not............well you know the rest of the story.

Dave  Interesting Maliki wants to raise the Rate Again......

Dave  Shabs may recollect...

Linzysb  Dave Raise it

Dave  yep...Shabs would not...

Linzysb  ready for the celebration

Dave  Linzysb BC locked down .....again.....

EYEGUY  remeber it is April Fools tomorrow here .....so April Fools there YIKES hjope not

Dave  no where to go celebrate

Linzysb Dave They want to lock Ontario down again for Easter

EYEGUY  Linz to bad we cant be locked in together

Dave  shut down until the 19th

Linzysb Dave we will find a way :Wine:

EYEGUY Dave so when this happens you cant go to the banks    Oy Vey

Linzysb  EYEGUY We can make appointments

Zig You peeps in Canada don't fool around with this virus....

Dave  Zig UM you guys are doing better than us now......

butterfly  So let me ask this again as over the years the gurus push the RV regarding the signature of the budget for those years AND nothing has happened all those years in relation to their Budget Law. So what makes everything think that it is going to happen this time?

Linzysb  butterfly positive thinking

butterfly  I just want the dang Budget signed so the citizens can get a break in Iraq.

EYEGUY  Nothing butterfly nothing other than wishful thinkin

Dave  butterfly the Budget......1 but many factors i believe....a start.......

Zig  butterfly : Thanks for bursting my bubble

Butterfly  I am glad to said that and not me because as far as I've been able to tell throughout all these years, the budget has nothing to do with the RV of the dinar. The CBI already said.........it ain't gonna happen.

EYEGUY  a big fat spliff

Butterfly  The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers is coordinating the efforts to launch the national laboratory service project for the families of the martyrs

Wednesday 31, March 2021 23:06 The Martyrs and Victims of Terrorism Foundation announced the launch of the (National Laboratory Service) project, in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Popular Mobilization Forces.

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A statement by the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers today, the project includes a 50% reduction of the services provided at the national laboratory building, as well as other services that will be available in the coming period for the families of the martyrs and the wounded who hold the identity of the institution.

And the director of public relations and marketing at the national laboratory, Ali Arafat , That this project supports the families of the martyrs and the wounded with terrorism, and represents a gesture of loyalty and a step of pride for the great sacrifices they made in defending Iraq, its territorial integrity and capabilities. " In addition, the Assistant Director-General of the Victims of Terrorism Service welcomed the new joint project, expressing his gratitude for this fair step to the sacrificed segment. For the sake of elevation, supremacy and Iraq. ”

He indicated a desire to develop the project; To include the provinces, and he mentioned that there are endeavors; To launch a new project, in cooperation with the Martyrs Foundation, whose health services will be more comprehensive.

EYEGUY  📌 KTFA ............. NOTICE !!! IT IS KAZEMI THE PM ............... AND !!! ............. MUSTAFA THE CBI GOV ........... THAT TALKING TOGETHER TODAY .................... SOUND FAMILIAR… FROM LAST NIGHT CC?... RASSSSSSSSSSSSSPBERRIES !!!!!!!...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL… WHAT ELSE DID I SAY AT ...............THE END .............OF YOUR CC LAST NIGHT ?...FRANK26……. When they stop talking the its ready to go.. Sparcky374….. YES SPARCKY....FRANK26……… No more meetings then watch out.. Diadal…… YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...FRANK26 …  

Hey Frank, so when are the waters going to break.....lol Terry… TERRY ..........THEY ALREADY DID….. THE END OF THESE MEETINGS BRINGS THE MOP.. AND THE ............. MOF… SMILE ....... LOVE YOU ALL…TAKE CARE… I GO TO BE WITH DAD ,.............. HE IS 88 TODAY ..............AMEN!!!...FRANK26 📌


Butterfly  Qubad Talabani: We will be happy if the budget law has been fully voted on

Wednesday 31, March 2021 21:30 Vice President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Qubad Talabani, said that we will be happy if the budget law is fully voted on.

He called on Talabani in a press statement in the parliament building , according to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan , "to wait until the vote on the draft full budget law.

He continued:" I have been voting on Article 11 , the special province of Kurdistan , but we have to wait until the vote on the whole law , and then we can talk /

Dave  .....and Maliki wants a RV toooo

Linzysb  Well time to pack in the bookwork until tomorrow. Bbl

Dave  See ya at the BANK!

butterfly  The text of the new article added in place of Article 41 of the Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 23:23 The House of Representatives voted to add a new article instead of Article 41 of the Budget Law, requiring the Ministries of Finance and Agriculture and the governorates and relevant authorities to commit to transferring the ownership of the lands donated by people to educational and health institutions on agricultural lands for the purpose of establishing schools and health institutions, and the approval of the governor is approved Upon establishing the project with the donor's approval. / Completed 5

butterfly  The House of Representatives voted on the reasons for the necessity of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021./ The House of Representatives voted to dissolve the House on 7/10/2021, provided that the elections take place on 10/10/2021./ The House of Representatives decided to adjourn its session to 4/10/2021./5

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butterfly  The House of Representatives votes to dissolve itself three days before the elections

Wednesday 31, March 2021 23:20  The House of Representatives votes on the Federal Budget Law for the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021 as a whole

Wednesday 31, March 2021 23:19 The House of Representatives voted on the Federal Budget Law for the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021 as a whole. /

butterfly  OK...........................are you ready for it...................hang on a lot of people are not going to be happy:  House of Representatives raises its session to the tenth of April

Wednesday 31, March 2021 23:20 The House of Representatives decided to adjourn its session to 4/10/2021./5

butterfly  Al-Sadr hopes that the balance will be beyond the reach of the corrupt

Wednesday 31, March 2021 23:31 The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada, expressed his wishes that the budget would be beyond the reach of the corrupt, after it was approved.

Al-Sadr said in a tweet to him, "After approving the budget within the dome of the parliament, we hope that this budget will be far from the reach of the corrupt, and that there will be seriousness in implementing its provisions, especially the lagging service projects and so on. Otherwise, the people will be disappointed again ... and I have been warned." /is over.

butterfly  Why so quiet in here? Where is all the cheers?

Dave  UMM......2 days before Ramadan.......

Dave alot to agree on "FULLY."....lol

Dave butterfly Seems Zig may feel 10% HAPPIER......

Zig  I'm camped out in my bank's parking lot  Why?....What happened??..

Sheila  https://xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=USD&To=IQD

Sheila  will keep checking www.xe.com for any rate changes

Dave No idea either....missed that boat entirely....

Dave  sheila yeah did that 10-11 yrs ago to....

butterfly Same here Dave

Dave  if they gave me something to chew on...

Dave big fat NODDA.....

butterfly OK what the     does this one mean?

butterfly Barham Salih: We congratulate the vote on the budget, and we salute the hard work between the government and parliament

Wednesday 31, March 2021 23:38 President of the Republic Barham Salih blessed the vote on the budget, praising the hard work between the government and parliament, and expressing his hope that it meets the aspirations of our people for better living conditions.

He said  in a tweet: "We have now implementation entitlement to guarantee the interests of citizens and the reconstruction of the country, and to take maximum measures to assign limited income classes, and provide employment opportunities for our youth and the fight against corruption.

butterfly  expressing his hope that it meets the aspirations of our people for better living conditions..............................if true, that is what I've been looking for.

Dave  Congrats before the Vote........

butterfly Dave LOL

butterfly  Same old Same old...........what is truth and what is hope.

Dave  like in the coming days........

Dave  every budget same stuff with the guru hype......

butterfly  They have a Constitution and a Federal Court............now is the time to get rid of the corruption and the BS.

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PeteV  https://esta.krd/en/54113/?swcfpc=1  --- SULAIMANI (ESTA) — Iraqi Council of Representatives on Wednesday voted to approve the country’s federal budget bill for fiscal year 2021, months after disputes between parties over several issues. A majority of lawmakers approved 52 out of 58 articles of the draft federal budget law on Wednesday night. The Iraqi parliament postponed voting on article 41 and removed articles 20, 38, 42, 43 and 47 in the budget bill.

butterfly  PeteV Did you see where I posted all the Articles............ I can't remember if it was 114 or 144......anyway they have a lot of articles in their Constitution.

PeteV By John Lee.  The Iraqi cabinet has approved the draft budget for 2021. https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2020/12/22/iraqs-cabinet-approves-dr​aft-budget/

PeteV  butterfly yupper

butterfly  What throws me is when everyone keeps saying "draft" budget.

Dave  PeteV consider that the other items not voted on yet contingent on those other ones?

Dave  butterfly exactly....

Dave  several readings then the vote?

butterfly  I don't know, their language is different from ours, but hopefully the citizens can get some help and the workers can finally get paid.

RodTahoe my interpretation is they vote on individual articles of the draft budget and then they vote for the entire budget. so good news so far but don't think it is totally passed yet, imo........

butterfly Agree RodTahoe

Dave  me three

PeteV agree

Sheila Samson: The House of Representatives votes on Article 2 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021

03/31/2021 17:37:59  The House of Representatives voted on Article 2 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021 LINK

The House of Representatives votes on Article 3 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021 LINK    Parliament votes on Article 4 of the General Budget Law LINK

Parliament votes on Article 5 of the General Budget Law LINK

Parliament votes on Articles 6 and 7 of the General Budget Law LINK

Parliament votes on Article 8 of the Budget Law LINK

Parliament votes on Article 9 of the General Budget Law LINK

Parliament votes on Article 10 of the Budget Law LINK

Parliament votes on Article 12 of the Budget Law LINK

Parliament votes on Article 13 of the Budget Law LINK

Parliament votes on Article 14 of the Budget Law LINK

Parliament votes on Article 15 of the budget law on the revenues of the Media and Communications Authority LINK

Parliament votes on Article 16 of the budget for wages for collecting water, electricity and services LINK

PeteV  still good info

PeteV finally

RodTahoe yest thanks for sharing, good info.

Dave  Kurds seem happy......thats a first!

RodTahoe article 11 is not on the list, that is the one the kurds did not agree with, so that may still be pending...

Dave fully implemented requires Kurds agreement

RodTahoe so wondering now if the next session, April 10 will be the vote.....wait and see i guess.

Dave  Ramadan on the 12th......

Dave then off on weeks of holidays......

Dave ...then Eid.....

RodTahoe they still conduct business just under different rules and such, but yes could stall the process....if there is a process......lol

Dave  same process fer over a decade...

Dave Like it when SADR gets pissed......

Dave he controls the masses bur respects CV...oh well....

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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