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X22 Report, Pimpy and more Thursday Night 12-24-2020

Thursday Night X22 Report

Congress Responds To The People, Judy Shelton Sends A Message -- Ep 2362a

The UK came to an agreement with the EU, the BREXIT was made, but is it in the best interest of the people, not if the EU is saying its a good deal.

 Trump is showing the people the truth about congress ,they don’t care about the people they rejected the increase in stimulus.

JS sent a message on the day the Fed was created.


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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  This devaluation goes against what the IMF said.  The IMF said very clearly that the CBI would add value to their currency before the end of this fiscal year.  You've got two weeks.  How long do you think they're going to keep this rate like that?  ...the CBI is very overzealous to make a point to the citizens of Iraq - bring your dog gone dinars in!  Your mattress dinars.  

Jeff    CBI's website...1460 dinar equals 1 U.S. dollar...This was planned by design.  Here's the two reasons. 1.  ...to squeeze more of the 3 zero notes out of the citizens...  2.  ...a lot of the dinar actually does go to corruption - into Iran.  By them devaluing the dinar it reduces its spread and it puts a huge financial impact on Iran...they had this planned...everything is looking amazing...

Pimpy   There's a lot of activity once again in the news regarding the Iraqi dinar.  Some very interesting things.  Some very curious things...we've got an idea of what they're doing but what is the real play?  Article: "Mass demonstrations in front of the Financial Ministry building in Baghdad to condemn the devaluation of the dinar". We knew this was coming.  


Iraqi Dinar News 12/23/20 - This is why you don't announce ahead of time

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Dec 23, 2020


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