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X22 Reports and Bix Weir Monday Night 2-24-2020

Who Has The Economic Magic Wand? Wait For It, Watch India - Episode 2105a

X22 Report: Feb 24, 2020

The stock market decline over 1000 points, this is the push to bring the economy to its knees, this plan will not work.

We need to remember who has the magic wand, watch the next move.

This is not something we haven't seen before, we saw the market take a dive a couple of time during Trump's presidency, then it recovered.

India is going to become a very important player in the next economic system.


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Drip, Drip, Pieces Of The Puzzle Come Together, The Best Is Yet To Come - Episode 2105b

X22 Report: Feb 24, 2020

The [DS]/MSM are not being exposed every single day, they have no cover story and many are lashing out.

All the exits are blocked, there is no place to hide.

JS indicted, HW convicted, it's coming.

All of the pieces are being put into place, the setup is almost complete, the show is about to take a turn and the best is yet to come.


Bix Weir

ALERT! Gold & Silver Artificially Slammed by Steve Mnuchin!!

RoadToRoota:  Feb 24, 2020

As the DOW was finally "allowed to fall" today, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin clicked his mouse to sell $3B of Gold Futures in order to "Control The Price of Gold" once again!!

It's so obvious these days!


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