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X22, Bob Kudla, PIR and Charles Ward Thursday 8-2020

The Insurance Policy Is Now Set For The Transition Off Of The [CB] Petrodollar System: Bob Kudla

X22 Report Spotlight:  Aug 20, 2020

Bob Kudla breaks down the economy, he explains how gold and silver and other precious rise and fall.

Bob explains how the payroll tax cut holiday is going to benefit people and businesses, the tax cut puts more currency back into the people’s pocket.

Oil is a game changer, the US is now becoming energy independent and the same time keeping the oil price stable for the US population.

Trump is looking to drill in Alaska to accomplish this.

Step by step Trump is putting all the pieces together to transition the country off of the petrodollar system.


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Patriot Intel Report

PIR 08 20 20

Big news is that the Iraq delegation and the PM is in Washington DC meeting with Trump and others today!


Nicholas 'Hoddesdon' Veniamin has a load of Questions for Charlie Ward

August 19, 2020:

About minute 7:00  Nicholas: Is it true the White house is following you?

Charles Ward : The White house has been following us for some time now. They have also re-tweeted some of our videos which is a real honor…..The head of security keeps us informed on what we can and can’t say.

We also have contact with 2 advisors to the White House. We are very blessed and very humbled and puts a onus(?) on me to be truthful . The minute we go outside the parameters we are allowed to…..they will stop placing trust in us. It comes with a responsibility to be trustworthy and honorable and to delivery the message in the correct spirit and the correct text. .

Nicholas: I hear that Donald Trump listens to you and I think it would be awesome if he were to wear a silver tie on the 25th of August as an acknowlegement. They love coding

Q&A starts about minute 12:00

Listen to full video for more on the RV’s, GCR, The Currency Exchange, The Iraqi Dinar, The 800 Numbers, THE QFS, The Gold Standard, The USPS, hidden technologies, and much more……


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