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Tuesday Night X22 Reports 4-7-2020

Trump Is Saving The Best For Last, The Economic Bazooka - Episode 2142a

X22 Report:   Apr 7, 2020

Trump and the patriots are now push the economy into overdrive, everything is setup for after the event.

The stimulus money is now going to people and small businesses, another round will be going out shortly.

The patriots are saving the best for last, the bazooka.


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Public Will Learn, Rule Of Law Returns, Bigger Than You Can Imagine - Episode 2142b

X22 Report:   Apr 7, 2020

The [DS] event is in it's final leg, the push to change the narrative has begun, during this process, the MSM/[DS], corrupt politicians and many others are being exposed, all part of the plan.

During this time Trump has been pushing a mission behind the scenes.

The Rule of Law is now returning, the public will learn the truth, this is bigger than anyone could imagine.


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