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IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 2-18-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 2-18-20

Sandyf   @Baxter MONETARY POLICY CHANGES..?? Take the time and read this.... you too Sandy F

Nothing I haven't seen regularly over the years and very little to do with the IMF Articles of Agreement.

The Officers Mess on the station I did my RAF training was a Rothschild mansion. It was built on the cheap for Alfred de Rothschils to keep him out of the public eye.

It was inherited by Lionel de Rothschild who didn't want it and sold it to the RAF, our intake had a bit of a tour and lunch there a couple of years ago. The station is closing shortly and it will probably become some foreign billionaire residence.

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Kaperoni   Young_SC I never said Iraq was going to LOP. I said, what they CBI is describing (and the gurus want to happen - delete zeros) is a LOP. There is zero percent chance the CBI can RV the dinar at 1 to $1.

Zero. What they can do is build a market economy/private sector and create laws and encourage billions of dollars in private investment to come and rebuild Iraq. And as a result the CBI could get off the peg and float the dinar allowing it to appreciate in value (as the IMF described in 2013).

And at the same time, reducing the money supply from trillions to billions gradually as the dinar appreciates. That is what I hope for and wish happens. I do not want to see a LOP. And yes, if Iraq LOP's it will be because they failed to build the private sector they have been trying to transition to and diversify revenue.

KRnMS   Hello KRnMS   For the fils and low denoms to be of any use an ri/rv will be necessary and it could be overnight   It's just a matter of accounting and unity of goi and chi

Chattels   Halton House. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS880US880&q=Alfred+de+Rothschild+mansion+england+RAF&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwrPjvmNvnAhVmU98KHd7aCA0QsAR6BAgJEAE&biw=1366&bih=625#imgrc=oftGSRRJ0BIi6M

Patty   chattels Your Home?

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Member of the Parliamentary Law Committee Hussein Al-Aqabi stressed the difficulty of holding an extraordinary session to vote on the new government.

He said to the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ): The problem in the extraordinary session is the lack of many representatives in addition to the lack of administrative matters necessary to hold it, in addition to that there is not yet an official request to do so.

Al-Aqabi added that: According to the constitutional article 58, the special session must be held with a specific agenda if the cabinet cabinet vote or other matter necessitated the call for it.

On the completion of the ministerial cabinet, Al-Aqabi said that: There is a Kurdish party (the Democratic Party) that is still reluctant and required active participation of the components in it. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=812982

chattels  Patty I am located near Charleston, S.C. Is that what you are asking ?

Patty   chattels Well, no. Halton House seems like it could be a perfect home for you.:)

chattels   Patty Oh, I understand now. Halton House is the Rothchild residence occupied by the RAF that sandyf was talking about I think.

chattels   Patty There is a bit more upkeep and maintenance than I am accustomed to.

Patty   chattels And, the electrical bill. :)

chattels   Effective parties in Parliament are trying to block the holding of the voting session

Editing Date: 2/18/2020 13:25 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86867

chattels   "determining the voting session for the next government cannot be predicted, even if Allawi has ended his mission by identifying the personalities to whom the ministerial seats will be assigned.

Perhaps it will be announced at any moment because of the presence of influential parties in the House of Representatives trying to disrupt the meeting due to its attempt to impose certain names to pass in Allawi's cabin."  Noting that "those parties are no longer hidden from anyone."

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chattels   Nassif: Allawi will send the names of the nominated ministers tomorrow, Wednesday, and the representatives request [72] hours to study them

Editing Date: 2/18/2020 13:17 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86865

chattels   " ........ which means that the voting session will take place early next week at the very least."

chattels   "........ there are attempts by influential parties in Parliament to disrupt the holding of the voting session"

chattels   A new condition for Barzani's party to pass the Allawi government

Editorial date:: 2/18/2020 9:56 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86849

chattels   It appears that Barzani / The Kurds are now making a " regional " argument for representation in the cabinet as opposed to a political party.

chattels   Other officials reveal the date of the government’s presentation and confirm pressures that delay its announcement

Editor's Date:: 2/18/2020 10:37 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86857

chattels   " .......... political maneuvers and pressures may delay the submission of the government formation to the end of next week."

chattels   ' .......... the special session that is held to vote on the government formation," noting that "this session is held either at the request of the President of the Republic or the current Prime Minister or from 50 deputies."

chattels" ............... ruled out that "the session will take place during the current week, indicating that political maneuvers, pressures and deliberations in selecting personalities may delay the submission of the government formation to the end of next week."

chattels   "Now, it's time to unite under a new vision, a plan that addresses Iraqis' needs," said protester Mohammad al-Ajeel.

"What's happening is huge, but it's new for us. We can't expect everything to happen overnight," said Ajeel, a businessman living between Iraq and the UAE.

"It may need years." https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/180220202

chattels   This protester is not specifically speaking about a change in value of the dinar, but it is a general sentiment about change in Iraq which may be applicable to all things.

chattels   Foreign currency markets in Baghdad recorded, today, Tuesday, the stability of the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar for the second week in a row.

The selling and buying prices of the dollar for the banking companies came as follows:

The selling price of one dollar is 1210 dinars, or 121 thousand and 100 dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price of the dollar is 1200 dinars, or 120 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.


chattels   http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86858

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Doug_W   Silver:$18.07

Patty   chattels Their written language is so beautiful - Calligraphy. Thank you for the translations.

chattels   Patty Evolution of early Arabic calligraphy (9th–11th century). The Basmala is taken as an example, from Kufic Qur’ān manuscripts. (1) Early 9th century script used no dots or diacritic marks;[9] (2) and (3) in the 9th–10th century during the Abbasid dynasty, Abu al-Aswad's system used red dots with each arrangement or position indicating a different short vowel.

Later, a second system of black dots was used to differentiate between letters like fā’ and qāf;[10][10] (4) in the 11th century (al-Farāhīdī's system) dots were changed into shapes resembling the letters to transcribe the corresponding long vowels. This system is the one used today.[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_alphabet

Patty   chattels WOW Do you also speak Arabic?

chattels   Controversial new law could make Iraq's early elections late

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/02/iraq-elections-law-parliament.html#ixzz6EJen1Etf

chattels   Patty I do not speak or read Arabic.

Patty Doug_W    gold 1594.

crazy crypto   I believe when change comes its about all faucets in Iraq and that would def include monetary reform with their currency and purchasing power

crazy crypto   for the citizens its kind of like taking your rich friend out for lunch him knowing you are poor and him asking you if u can pay for his meal..Iraq is a very wealthy country with little to no value for their citizens

crazy crypto   the wealth needs to be properly distributed to the people not corrupt iranian politicians any longer



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