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Weekend News With MarkZ "Last Weekend Broke??" 10-1-2022

Weekend News with MarkZ 10/01/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to a new month, and a new fiscal year here in the US .

Member: Mark, I am sorry you missed your September RV.

Member: Mark- Did you take your golden hat with you to Puerto Rico?

MZ: Yes I did – And I hope this is the week I get to wear it.

Member: Watching for a crash of that fiat dollar soon …

MZ: Well, there are some big happenings in the world. Overnight it was pretty quiet. Until this morning….

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MZ: This morning Charlie Ward gave me a call to verify some of the intel he was hearing as well….his was coming from QFS contacts. They are all looking for notifications on Monday or Tuesday…with great activity over the weekend.

MZ: I am hearing the exact same thing. I am praying this is going to be accurate. There are a lot of things coming in the real world news that definitely points to a massive event very early in the week or over the weekend.

MZ: Just remember if there telling us a date…it could come sooner. Redemption centers are working a short day…tightening things up….at least my contacts were…..they will be on call the rest of the weekend, but don’t think they will have anything to do until the first of the week.

MZ: I have not heard anything on CMKX deliveries but, getting that call today from a source who has very different connections than I do …was very encouraging this morning . it was a surprise to see Charlie pop up on the cell phone. But, he is getting the same news I am from totally different sources….totally different sides of this completely. Which is exciting.

Member: Feeling Humble and Grateful that Charlie just mentioned me on his Insiders Club Live Show! He confirmed my question, "Did the rv begin on the 24th?" His answer was yes!

Member: Charlie confirmed the USTN went Live last night!

Member: BOE buying UK gov bonds? I don’t understand it really but how come we haven’t crashed yet?

Member: I wonder what happens if we exchange and have $$ in our bank and then all the world's banks all crash? they are crashing now…….

Member: We hope the QFS which is supposedly running side by side with the swift system will then kick in ……crash the old and start with the new…..

Member: Did you know the FBI cleaned out peoples safety deposit boxes?

MZ: Yes . This is making the news again because they have refused to give back over 86 million dollars in seized cash and jewels from people’s PRIVATE safety deposit boxes. Think about that one.

MZ: “ Beijing orders state banks to get ready for massive dollar dump”  This one is important.  Its been on Rueters, RT and Andy Schectman spoke about this…..we are talking about many, many, many billions perhaps trillions of US dollars that are about to come right back to the US as they dump the actual physical cash and bonds…and everything denominated in US dollars

MZ: Andy warned us what happens when all of these dollars come rushing home.We are starting to see problems in Europe….The US dollar is to strong…The US dollar is obliterating the rest of the world. Will the US Treasury devalue the US dollar to try to save Europe?  The US dollar has already destroyed countries around the world like Sri Lanka, Peru and Venezuela….The US dollar is a juggernaut destroying smaller economies….our politicians and bankers did not care and slept just fine.

MZ: But now that juggernaut is destroying Europe. It is destroying the euro, the pound and suddenly they are concerned….I am wondering if the emergency Fed meeting on Monday about devaluing the dollar so it doesn’t wreck the rest of the world as quickly??? This will be an interesting week to watch play out.   

Member: The fed mtg on Monday has me perplexed. What exactly can they do. Raising or lowering rates both have awfully bad consequences

MZ: We know the end game…we are going to get our commodity backed currencies

Member: What do ya'll think are the chances of this going by Monday? I think high

Member:  Piecing together what MarkZ and Godlewski are saying, I think it’s highly likely that RV will be EARLY this week - like by Sunday midnight - - MAYBE. Always maybe - “my finger is not on the trigger”

Member: I’m ready for it to happen ….whenever it’s ready to happen

Member: Ready for red October!!

Member: When people ask me how I came into money I’m gonna tell them that I found it in a rabbit hole

Member: I had a dream we RV and I got an email to exchange.

MZ: That’s not going to just be a dream…but real…..and real soon.

Member: I do not understand why Iraq and Vietnam ect…they would pay out so much money to exchange old money? It sounds to good to be true??

MZ: These currencies were artificially decreased in value. So the value was there and then it was decreased. Think of it as “restoring” the value that should be there.

Member: That is why we were told first there will be a “reinstatement” back to where they used to be ….then an RV or revaluation close to parity for all currencies.

Member: Please send prayers for Florida and S. Carolina……This hurricane was devastating

Member: ​I guess we will ALL have some work to do after the RV helping rebuild these Homes and Businesses that were destroyed...

Member: Florida has a great number of currency holders……could they have been targeted to slow down the RV ?

MZ: Florida does have a huge number of currency holders. I personally don’t think it was targeted….just mother nature.

Member:  I hear RV happen before Nesara…I hear that  if we start tomorrow they will have until the 7th for nesara....

Member: It seems the 8th of every month has been a key event. Hoping we don’t make it that far but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the day

Member: I’ve got a feeling, that tonight’s going to be a good night! And great weekend! Looking forward to a great new world!!!

Member: when the rubber meets the road we are on our way to RV

Member: Thanks Mark and mods….everyone have a wonderful weekend……I believe this is our last weekend “broke”!!

Member: Stay positive and have a wonderful weekend everyone.

The CBD Guru’s join the stream at the end….please listen to the replay for all of their information.

For SNL fans. THERE WILL BE A SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE CALL THIS WEEK with Blondie, Snake, Bernie, and Bob Lock answering questions on TRUSTs and RV. Sat 9pm EST... https://t.me/+TESefeLIf1k2ZTJh

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

 MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

The next stream is Monday at 10Am est……..unless.


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