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Weekend News With MarkZ 10-22-2022

Weekend News with MarkZ 10/22/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Saturday to all.....Let's get this party started. Enjoy your weekend!

Member: welcome, everybody, to our last broke weekend

Member: From your lips to God’s ears.

Member: Any RV News?

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Member: ​Last night, Mark told us that bond holders whom his contacts know say they've received full liquidity.

Member:  he did not say he knew anybody personally who has been paid but he has heard many many rumors

Mark also said that the government should be seated at the start of the week. For us, that's Monday; for Iraq, it's Sunday.

Member: I heard that the RV could be delayed until after the elections due to countries wanting to delay it for political reasons.

Member: Mark Are you redemption Center folks working this weekend?

MZ: They are on call but not at work.

Member: I heard the RC people are on a 55 minute call????

Member: Tomorrow is my birthday…is there a chance for a miracle ?

MZ: : There is always a chance….Lets hope it happens.

Member: Anyone know what happened to Nick Fleming?

MZ: Rumor is he signed an NDA. I know we get leaned on (It’s happened to me)  by 3 letter agencies or banking people to shut up for a certain amount of time when they feel we are close. We usually give them the benefit of the doubt and play along. It hasn’t worked out yet…. so at this point unless They put money in my pocket with the RV… I will not shut up yet. There are certain things I will not say that may put someone in a compromising position though.

MZ: Other than redemption centers on call….its pretty quiet on the RV front. We are still hearing rumors that some bond folks have full liquidity on Chinese Historic bonds…..but, I can’t find any one I know personally with money in their pockets yet. But, they are hearing the same things from the areas where bonds are being processed…..so I guess there is a kernel of truth somewhere in there feeding those rumors. So im looking and my bond people are also looking for confirmations.

Member: I hear Tier 3 bonds going today according to ATL fed

Member: Mark the bond holders you are hearing are getting paid are these bond holders in the US ? Or around the world

Member: The midterms are soon. Looks like we are having an election and then the RV!

MZ: I am hearing that as well. I’m getting this from well-connected folks that think you may be correct. I still hope its sooner than that.

MZ: But what if we RV now with full blown Nesara….There wouldn’t be elections for 6 more months. I’m ready for Nesara and the reset to happen now.

Member: Even if mid terms happen , won’t all governments be removed per Nesara/Gesara?

Member: That’s what we hope will happen.

MZ: That is a good point. Even if mid terms happen…after Nesara…..they are all gone.

Member: Charlie Ward says the QFS on line now?

Member: Hi. Just got off Charlie W podcast. He said that there are 4 QFS portals and that BRICs portal was turned on yesterday. US (Western hemisphere) was "supposed" to go but did not

Mod:  THE QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM EXPLAINED AND UPDATED IN DETAIL by Survive the News (soundcloud.com)   https://soundcloud.com/survivethenews/the-quantum-financial-system-explained-and-updated-in-detail

Member: is Iraq seating the new government today?

MZ: We are still waiting for news on that. My last update was they were hopeful to get it sat on Saturday ..if not then it would be Monday.

Member: isn’t Iraq still in the “2 week window”  and on time?

MZ: Yes technically they are still in the 2 week window that  they stated they would have the government seated by……window ends next Thursday I believe.

Member: morning Mark. The Stock Market reports it is going into a BLACKOUT PERIOD

Member: So When we go to the redemption center, is there going to be a locked in rate of payout for whatever foreign currency you have, and do we all get the same rate.

Mod: We should all get the same rate

Member: Awesome things are coming. Be ready!

Member:  I think it's going to catch us off guard. I am so ready

Member: Lord, please don't let politics make it possible for millions to freeze this winter. This cannot keep going on like this.

Member: MarkZ and all mods....thank you thank you thank you.

CBD Gurus join the stream at the end….please listen to replay for all their information

FRIDAY’S PODCAST WITH MR. C:  https://rumble.com/v1p1sxt-coffee-with-markz-and-mr-cottrell-10212022.html

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

 MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

The next stream is Monday at 10Am est……..unless.


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