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Wednesday Night X22 Reports 8-19-2020

The [CB]/[DS] Are Boxed In With Economy, People See The Truth - Episode 2254a

X22 Report:  Aug 19, 2020

The economy continues to improve, everything the [CB]/MSM have tried has failed, they are no longer in control of the economy.

More and more sectors of the economy are reporting a V shape recovery.

The [CB] is panic mode, they had everything set to move to China, Trump is rebuilding everything the globalists stripped away.


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Silent Majority Wielded It’s Power, Purple Messages, [KC] Pleads Guilty - Episode 2254b

X22 Report:  Aug 19, 2020

This was not a recession or depression where credit froze up and the market crashed, this was artificial. The economy is now recovering and we are seeing a V recovery.

The [DS]/MSM are panicking like never before, Mueller arrest nobody that had to do with Russian collusion, but Barr already got a guilty plea on manipulating the FISA warrants, FISA is the start.

The patent for the USPS blockchain was filed 1 year 7 months ago.

The [DS]/MSM are now pushing their agenda, messages are sent, purple is the color, playbook known.


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