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"Wednesday News" Posted by Samson 1-15-2020


Samson:  Foreign currency rates, gold and oil
15th January, 2020

Publishes the prices of foreign currencies, gold and oil globally, on Wednesday, according to the Iraqi Economic and Political Center

Dollar buying and selling prices, banking companies
The selling price of the dollar = 122,000
The purchase price of the dollar = 121,000

EUR World price: 100 euros = 111.35 dollars
A pound World price: 100 pounds = 129.30
Turkish lira World price: 100 dollars = 588.17 TL

The price of an ounce of gold worldwide is $ 1551.35

The price of a barrel of Brent crude oil = 64.36 dollars
The price of a barrel of US crude oil = 58.11 dollars   LINK

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Samson:  Learn about the American character who secretly arrived at Baghdad International Airport and Ain Al-Asad base

17:07 - 13/01/2020

A parliamentary source inside the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee revealed, on Monday, the American character who arrived in the capital, Baghdad, through its international airport and Ain al-Assad base in Anbar province, in secret.

The source said in a statement to the "information", that "American Vice President Michael Pence arrived last Friday to Baghdad International Airport secretly and was transferred to Ain al-Assad base in Anbar Governorate via Apache planes," pointing out that "Pence was transported with heavy guard by the American aviation and a squadron of Apache aircraft.”

He added that "Pence's visit came to know the extent of the damage left by the Iranian strike in the runway of the base of Ain al-Assad, which removed it from service and the size of the losses in the American military barracks," noting that "Pence did not meet with the resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdel-Mahdi and moved with great secrecy for his fear of targeting."

It is noteworthy that last Friday, Baghdad International Airport witnessed an intense flight of the American planes, after the arrival of an unidentified figure from the Trump government.    LINK


Samson:  What if you know about the first phase agreement between the United States and China?

16:49 - 01/14/2020

Chinese media have revealed some details of the "stage 1" trade agreement to be signed soon between China and the United States, which stops the escalation of trade disputes between the two largest economies in the world.

The "South China Morning Post" newspaper, citing informed sources, said that the first part of the trade deal involves China buying US goods worth $ 200 billion over two years.

The deal states that the Chinese side will buy 75 billion dollars in US industrial products, 50 billion dollars in energy resources, and 40 billion dollars in agricultural products, and China will have to spend another 35-40 billion on services in the same period.

The first-stage agreement is expected to be signed this week. Where he is supposed to travel to Washington, Liu He, Chinese Deputy Prime Minister and head of the negotiating team in the trade talks between the United States and China.

According to previous statements by US President Donald Trump, negotiations for the second phase will begin as soon as the first phase agreement is signed. LINK


Samson:  US Treasury Secretary: The US-China trade agreement is fully enforceable and documents announced today
15th January, 2020

US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin said that the first stage of the trade agreement between the United States and China will be fully enforceable, including a pledge by China to refrain from manipulating its currency

Mnuchin told Fox Business Tuesday that documents of the trade agreement will be announced on Wednesday, when US President Donald Trump will sign the agreement with Chinese Vice Prime Minister Liu He at a ceremony at the White House

He said that China pledges to purchase additional US goods and services worth 200 billion dollars over the next two years under the agreement, adding that American companies and farmers may reap more gains once dealing with structural reforms in the stage two agreement   LINK

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Samson:  Oil rises after 5 days' losses ahead of the signing of the US-China trade agreement
15th January, 2020

Oil prices rose after a five-day decline as the United States and China prepared to sign a tentative trade agreement and easing tensions in the Middle East

Brent futures rose 29 cents, or 0.5%, to settle the settlement price at $ 64.49 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude closed up 15 cents, or 0.3%, to $ 58.23

The contract price for the closest benefit to West Texas Intermediate is thus lower than the price for the second closest benefit for the first time since November 19

Analysts pointed out that oil found technical support after West Texas dropped to a five-week low of $57.75, which was followed by a bounce from the 200-day moving average

"Oil prices are temporarily recovering after the sellers' fatigue resolves as investors await the next trade developments and whether we will see a strong improvement in global demand after the one-stage trade agreement," Edward Moya, chief market analyst at Oanda in New York, said in a report   LINK


Samson:  Saleh: The China agreement does not mortgage oil and can be canceled at any time Iraq wants

13:36 - 01/15/2020
The chief adviser to the Iraqi government for financial and economic affairs, and one of the negotiators in the Iraqi-Chinese agreements, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said on Wednesday that the China agreement does not mortgage Iraqi oil for many years as it is rumored, while it is possible to cancel it at any time Iraq wants.

"The agreement between China and Iraq is technical, and we are surprised by the chaos of the current analyzes of economists and politicians alike. We know that an agreement with a country like China is a strong competitor to the United States in Iraq, which raises Controversy also, but this does not mean that it is politicized.

Saleh added, “The agreement includes allocating export revenues of 100,000 barrels of total Iraqi exports China’s daily turnover of around 850,000 barrels for reconstruction projects, which is the start of Chinese companies entering the reconstruction of dilapidated infrastructure.”

He continued, "All oil revenues go to the operational budget, while this is an opportunity to allocate a portion of the revenues well to reconstruction and construction." He stressed that "the issue of mortgaging Iraqi oil for many years, as some warn and heard about the past two days, is incorrect, there is a clause in the agreement that enables Cancel it any time you want, it is an aid agreement from China as a friendly country to Iraq.

He considered that "there are no fears of any US economic or other sanctions, in light of the application of this agreement, because the American side has nothing to do with this file, and we have not heard that there are American objections or warnings about the agreement or its application," noting that "there is an intention in The future, if Chinese projects succeed, is to allocate 300,000 barrels of oil a day for reconstruction projects, instead of the current 100,000 barrels.   LINK


Samson:  Governor of Karbala: The Chinese agreement will have positive effects on us and future generations

13:02 - 01/15/2020

The Holy Governor of Karbala, Nassif Al-Khattabi, affirmed on Wednesday that the China-Iraq agreement will have positive effects now and for future generations, while he indicated that the agreement will provide a valuable opportunity for Iraq at the great strategic level.

Al-Khattabi said in statements followed by / information /, that "the strategic agreement between Iraq China has positive effects on the strategic level now and for our future generations, and will enable the provinces to provide services in all their sectors to the citizens."

He added that "Iraq was subjected to wars and setbacks in the administrative and service work not only 15 years ago, but also experienced major setbacks during the era of dictatorial rule and then al-Qaeda and others."

The Governor of Karbala explained: “Now there is a valuable and important opportunity at the great strategic level by implementing the agreement between Iraq and China to establish the China- Iraq Fund, which will provide capabilities on large infrastructure, not just the usual infrastructure, but to the issue of large investment projects.”    LINK


Government advisor: 2020 budget is ready in finance and will include China agreement

15th January, 2020

Advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, announced that the current 2020 budget is ready in the Ministry of Finance.

Saleh said that the budget was approved by the Cabinet before the resignation of the government, but the student council re - engineered again and consider some paragraphs of spending and then be transferred to the Ministry of Finance in preparation to be sent to the parliament."

He stressed that "currently the budget ready for the financial" and called "the parliament to Requesting it to be informed of what paves the way for its legislation.”

Saleh pointed out that the budget “will include listing the most prominent projects that will be implemented by China for the purpose of passing it in Parliament.”    LINK

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