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Late Tuesday Night Fleming RV Update 12-1-2020

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Wednesday Fleming RV Update

Fleming: Our military intel contact said that the “conspiracy stuff” is part of the war that has held back the RV, so it is difficult to separate out RV facts from facts of the war going on the ground.

He said In fact the ground-level warfare with the Deep State has been the primary CAUSE of DELAYS in trying to get the RV out.

So he said try not to create an artificial boundary between RV/GCR news and the war going on on the ground, because they are tied at the hip.

However he will try not to go into unnecessary details on the ground level war issues (it’s not “conspiracy” by the way it is “reality” he said), and he will try to low-key the war related details.(edited)

He is confirming Mr. Fleming's sources and Bruce’s sources saying that the green light was given yesterday Mon 30 Nov to push out the RV this week; it is a process of steps underway right now of releasing the bond liquidity to be downstreamed down to T3-4A paymasters and groups and then at approx the same time to allow our T4B exchanges to be started;

See this content in the original post

He confirmed that the UST was discussing and reviewing this process today Tue 1 Dec;

He confirmed that the start is still expected this week, though the exact timing is technically not known except to the POTUS & decision-makers; he confirmed that as of the RV team meetings today Tue 1 Dec at 11am & 11pm, POTUS and the RV teams are still focused on our exchanges being started & FINISHED BEFORE CHRISTMAS IN 24 DAYS;

The bond liquidity people (final end buyers) in Hong Kong got the green light today Tue 1 Dec at 10am PST (=1am Wed 2 Dec HK time) to start the process that leads to releasing the significant tranches of liquidity in bond exchange closings; the security teams today Tue 1 Dec were putting together security protocols to make sure the liquidity is secure and does not end up in Deep State (CIA or other rogue corporate) accounts;

He said that the gold-backed USN will be the currency in which our redemptions will be paid out for us in T4B and the T3-4A groups

He is confirming that UST & POTUS & the RV teams are waiting to start T3-4A and us in T4B, waiting for the bond liquidity to start being released in Hong Kong; they are waiting because the liquidity release to T3-4A paymasters and for our T4B exchanges can only start after the bond liquidity is released;
[1:07 AM]

So the UST and other RV teams are waiting for POTUS to release the security codes to start the RV shotgun start AFTER the bond liquidity is released; POTUS is waiting for Hong Kong bond buyers to signal they are ready, so it is a chain of release to get the RV shotgun release started securely and the bond liquidity is prioritized because it provides the liquidity that will be downstreamed from upper levels to lower levels of the shotgun release;

 POTUS is still making decisions based on the GESARA / NESARA progress in establishing the restored Republic and ONLY PARTLY based on election-related logistics; POTUS has till Mon 21 Dec to finish executing the new restored Republic legally and organizationally—he and his teams started the process 2 months ago and they must finish by Mon 21 Dec;

He confirmed again that POTUS election-related decisions are STILL NOT expected to delay the RV release.

Therefore, his info is that POTUS and his legal team will get the RV out and our T4B exchanges started and FINISHED before Christmas; he said in order for election tensions NOT to interfere with Trump getting the RV released before Christmas, the stop-gap measures of SCOTUS ruling against states certifying fraudulent vote counts and the 6 Jan 2021 House of Representatives vote (according to the Constitution Article 2 and the 12th Amendment) will ensure that Trump will be re-elected (as he was on Election Day Tue eve 3 Nov before the fraudulent vote switching happened overnight that night)

And he said therefore, Trump WILL BE ABLE to see through the post-RV, post-exchanges requirements to make sure our RV exchange proceeds are NOT TAXED at 50%-70% which is what Biden has already publicly declared his and Harris’s tax plan would include;(edited)

He confirmed that the good news is that the process started today when HK got a green light to proceed with the shotgun start preparation process; if all goes to plan he confirmed Bruce’s banking sources that we in T4B could be started in the next 48 hours;

He also confirmed that the other piece of good news is that the Chinese and Iraq have said that they will release the RV liquidity for exchanges to start in their countries without the USA very soon and before Christmas; he confirmed Mr. Fleming’s sources that this would pull POTUS & the USA along and they would have to release it in this country too;

He said that everyone is very happy behind the scenes that the start of the shotgun release was given the green light for Hong Kong to start the process today Tue 1 Dec (Wed 2 Dec in HK);

He said if all goes to plan this will be a very good week for us AND IN ANY CASE WE WILL HAVE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS TOO; he said prayers are appreciated, because one need only look at election events and legal battles, and at informational warfare going on before our eyes, etc, and one can get an idea of the war in which the Deep State has continued to try to delay the RV, but since Spec Op arrests have increased behind the scenes, his info is this should be successfully pushed through now; he said that’s the best he can offer right now.

See this content in the original post