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Wednesday Evening Update with MarkZ 2-16-2022

Wednesday Evening Update with MarkZ 02/16/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening everyone. Let’s get this done. It’s certainly past due.

Member: why does it seem like the Bond holders keep getting told tomorrow?

Member: Because they are…Tomorrow, Tomorrow…it’s only a day away…..

Member: We have to be close…..

MZ: We do….I will share what Rod Steele and Sheila had to say today.

MZ: I do not have confirmation yet from someone I personally know on the bond side yet. I am getting some pretty exciting things from someone I knows friend that says they have exchanged and received dollars on bonds. So I take that has fantastic information.

See this content in the original post

Member: Hey MarkZ! Wasn't the plan for the bond payment activity to move from East to West across the planet??

Member: 2/15/22 BIG CALL with Bruce: Bond holders with access their funds: Singapore, South Africa, somewhere in the UAE and in various other places but not US yet.

MZ: I will share first what Rod has and then what Sheila said. .

MZ: Rod got this from one of the boards I believe: RS: Iraq will officially be released from the UN and Chapter 7 on 2-22-22. If not done by then protests are planned in Iraq on March 1st.  

MZ: I am also hearing the 22 is the expected announcement. I am hearing this out of Iraq. I also heard about the planned protests on Mar 1st from 3 different sources in Iraq

RS: I do not go on the Boards LOL. I KNOW PEOPLE

Member: Im looking at 2-22-22 for our big day

Member: 2/22/2022 is a very prophetic date..check out Robin Bullock from Monday

Member: My Pastor says “Watch for 2-22-2022. Prosperity Coming!

MZ: From Sheila today : She has been hearing about bond movements all day similar to what I have been hearing. She is being told movement is imminent on Thursday….is what she was told.

MZ: I am hearing the exact same thing…..so hope its accurate. We both heard the same things from totally different banking and paymaster contacts .

Member: how long after bonds release will we get notification?

MZ: about 3 to 5 days for us to start after bonds.

Member: So what is the rate for the Zim when we exchange?

Member: This morning Mark said the rate for Zim should be $30M per 100T

Member: Estimated: Dong - low to mid $2 (up to $4.00???), Dinar - $6.00 (up to $11.00???), Zim - .30 (per million) without projects, higher rate with projects only for projects, Indo Rupiah $1.47

Mod: When you make your appointment, make sure to tell them you have zim if you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Member: Do you think we will have to sign an NDA and if we do, Do you know how long it might last????

Member: Mark says the NDA could be anywhere from 30-90 days is what he heard.

Member: ​Rv rate at anytime now . The time doesn’t have to be announced at the same time as Nesara. Mike Penny is saying it’s happening next week Nesara announcement.

Member: Nesera and the RV are two separate programs.

Member:  Mike Penny has a good feeling we all are very close next week guys

Member: RV = Real Vacation from debt

Member:  GE all. has anyone else seen about deutsche Bank going into receivership

Member: Yes…I Heard they are

Member: Duetsche bank is going down so that might be holding RV up

Member: I went WF did some banking stuff asked what the price was for VND They told me it was not listed

Member: All 5 major banks in Canada are shut down

Member: HSBC is changing most of their accounts to Citizens Bank. Account info unavailable this weekend. Everything will be fully changed over on 2/22/22

Member: Easters coming don't make us find this golden egg would love to find it tonight and add it to our baskets and save this country.

Member: is April 17th this year……

Member: it will be President day on the 21 of February

Member: Even with bonds paid- we cant exchange without the RV?

MZ: Correct. BUT, they would not pay bonds unless the RV was imminent and the trigger had already been pulled. Banks would not risk big payouts if they didn’t know the RV was on the way.

Member: Mark thank you and how in the world do you stay so positive - thank goodness we have you!

Member: Remember to not think in a negative way because that is what you are going to get.

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods…..maybe tomorrow will be our big day!!!!

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

The next stream is tomorrow at 10Am est……..unless.


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