Dinar Recaps

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Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 5-18-2022

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 05/18/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: We could use a “golden Burger” today

Member: Instead of “Where’s the beef”  try “Where’s the RV”

MZ: On the RV front, bond folks are still not seeing any movement. No updates from CMKX.

MZ: my military people are still looking for somewhere around the 24th or 25th of next week for something big…..I wish I had more for you.

See this content in the original post

Member: I heard rials are pinned to dinar.

MZ: Not pinned but the rate will be close to the dinar as they share a lot of joint oilfields. So the rate will be similar to the rates in Kuwait and Iraq. I am hearing the Iran rial rate could be close to $3.30-ish.

Member: I wonder if we know the new rate before we go to redemption center?

Member: Did this happen? On Tues 17th of May 2022 a Constitutional Convention of 34 states was held in Washington DC where the US Republic was restored and is now functioning under the original 1776 Constitution.

MZ:  I can find absolutely nothing to confirm that this happened….even with all of my DC contacts. So I am going to wait and see if it really did indeed happen. I heard the rumor it was 38 states….guess we will see.

Member: I also hear 38 states were present.

MZ: I pray you are correct.

MZ: Article :” Neglect of Iraq’s population’s most basic needs have gone on far too long: says UNAMI head”  This is the United Nations…This is today.

MZ: We did get some back and forth on the Food Security bill today from many different sides…..appears to be some smoke there. They are saying it still is a bit of a challenge to get it completed.

Member: Iraq is putting out so much disinformation they are confusing themselves.

Member: so Iraq is the only thing holding this and the world up?!?

Member: Iraq is a piece…..I think we need to have a gold backed currency before they let the RV go….imo

Member: I think bad guys need to be arrested so they don’t get rich again after the RV

Member: And I think the markets need to crash to get a new financial system….

Member: US markets got crushed today huh Mark!!!!!!

Member: DOW down 1164 today

Mod:  DOW JONES DROPS DOWN TO: 31,490.07 : 1,164.52 (- 3.57%)NASDAQ CLOSED DOWN: 11,418.15 : (- 566.37%) S&P 500 INDEX DOWN: 3,923.68 : 165.17 ( - 4.04%)

Member: I heard if you have Zim –you have to go to a military base to excfhange….is this true?

MZ: No. It is not true that you will only be able to redeem zim at a military base. If there is a military base close to you-could that be your redemption center?? Yes.. Military  are the largest percentage of currency holders….so yes military bases will be used…so I am told.

Member: I would feel safe exchanging at a military base for sure….lots of security there.

Member: [Forwarded from Wolverine :]Hi guysI just received news that the UST will have news tomorrow and I’m praying that it’s good news.

Member: I’ve always thought the RV would happen overnight Monday, Tuesday morning. pst. as all banks would have 3 working days to work.

Member: On Dinar Recaps today in Holly comments , it was mentioned that a bank teller told someone it woulld be June before we exchange. Any truth to this?

Member: I thought it said June for the General public……we in tier 4b go before the general public.

Member: David Mahoney had a chat with someone in US who went to his bank which is Wells Fargo and spoke with the manager which he told him beginning of June

MZ: I still think the month of May will be our “Golden” month.

Member: This waiting is almost as fun as watching the grass grow!

Member:  My non believing wife said she will kiss my naked butt on our town green on concert night if the RV comes true.

MZ: You will totally need to post that tic tok video. lol

Member: God grant me patience…..but, please hurry.

Member: Have a blessed evening Mark Z, Mods, & members

Member: sweetest of dreams everyone. see you as early as utube allows


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

The next stream is tomorrow at 10Am est……..unless.


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