Dinar Recaps

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Wednesday Evening News With MarkZ 1-5-2022

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 01/05/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Hoping for very positive news this evening.

Member:  please tell me bond holders were paid out?

MZ: I have had some mixed conversations on that today. I spoke with one contact in Europe and the rest were here in the US. 

MZ: The European contact said it was now to late in their business day and that money will be released one level or tier ahead of them in expectation of the full release of ALL HISTORIC BOND FUNDS .  Not just some, but all funds are to be released before tomorrow. Huge fingers being crossed on that one.

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MZ: The bond folks I spoke with in the US are hopeful they will get bond funds released tonight before the end of their banking day…..they are still hours behind us on the west coast.

MZ: So if I get VERIFIABLE news I will come back and tell you. If it’s not verifiable I will talk it about in the morning. .

MZ: On the currency side I am hearing our turn is anywhere from late this week to the 15th….

MZ: I contacted 3 different Iraqi contacts , and they are expecting between the 9th and the 15th.

MZ: I’m not saying it can’t happen sooner…..just what they expect right now. I am not ruling out this week at all.

Member: I called my bank today and they did speak about the new currency.

Member: Received emails from Wells Fargo about a "new" account with them. I actually received 3 emails from them and one from my Security Company about a new account.

Member: Story on Recaps this morning from a Canadian and new rainbow bills in their ATM there……interesting

Member: Is it true the dinar is currently at $6?

MZ: I am not seeing it at $6. My banking folks are seeing it fluctuate right now from $3.81 as high as $14…..but we do not know what the final rate will be. No final rate is locked in yet….

Member: wow Nasdaq down a whopping -522.54 today and the Dow down -392.54

Member: Nasdaq down 3.34% and the S&P down 1.9% That’s Huge!!!

Member: But no crash…sigh

MZ: But Markets today were a complete and total nosedive.

Member: I know not to hold anyone to any timeline. All event driven and events take time, time we can’t always predict. But, seeing the market tank sure tells me we’re moving forward

MZ: What is not being reported in the news is “Global financial crash fears deepen as furious protesters demand “Return our money”!” This is going on in China- as we speak for the last couple of days!They are protesting…they are outside the offices of the Evergrande group, and noone is showing it on the mainstream news!

Member: We need the markets to crash massively so people realize we need a new system . The sheeple are still napping.

Member: How do I know if I’m 4B or 5 on Nesara? Anyone know?


Member: Can you explain what each tier is ? I'm new at this .

Member: 1-3 are large orgs or those who have had legal settlements a long time ago but never got paid. 4A are the whales, people who have had a lot of curr from years ago. 4B is all of us. 5 is the public.

Member: Important message from higher ups…please tell gurus to be quiet. Stop talking any Intel. This is going viral on Telegram

MZ: Can I tell you how many times I have heard this one?  If they call me personally and say let’s get you to the bank …then I will be quiet.

Member: They will not release this until everyone is quiet...trust me!!!!!

Member: imo….The PTB don’t give a rats A** about us little people…..nothing we can do or say will delay or stop the RV…nothing we can do or say will make them release it either….its huge and worldwide and we are just a few fleas sitting on its back…..they don’t’ care what we do.

Member: Hi. Need clarification please. Does Nesara have to be announced first before RV T4B get notifications??


MZ: Yes I am expecting them at the same time…..both triggers go at the same time. WE will RV, THE EBS kicks in for us all to hear all about it.

Member: Disclosure, arrests, No income taxes, flat tax, new election for our new republic….lots to look forward to….and of course we exchange our currencies. I cannot wait.

Member: Great time to be alive and witness these historic events!

Member: Markz. Thank you for everything you have been doing for years

Member: See you all for coffee in the AM

Please listen to replay for all the information

The next stream is tomorrow at 10Am est……..


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