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Wednesday Evening Iraq Parliament News Highlights 12-14-22

Wednesday Evening Iraq Parliament News Highlights 12-14-22

Obelisk Clock: Government failure, if it occurred, would be dangerous and lead to a complete regime change

December 14, 2022  Baghdad/The Obelisk: The Obelisk publishes the most prominent interactions of TV dialogues, Tuesday 12/13/2022.

The representative of the design bloc, Ali Al-Mashkoor, during a televised interview:

- Adequate space must be given to the Sudanese to work freely

- Disagreements will fade between the political forces

- The cabinet came based on political agreements

- Forming an ideal government is not possible

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- The lack of success of the Sudanese will lead us to a general political failure that leads to regime change

- Engaging the Sudanese with problems related to positions that hinders the work of the government

- Evaluation The performance of officials is a good step that does not suggest an intention to exclude

- obstructing the government’s work may lead to changing the type of government in the country

- the Sudanese government is a product of the state administration coalition

- the blocs must grant freedom to the Sudanese so as not to repeat previous scenarios

- the state administration coalition is bound by the agreements that preceded the formation of the government

- there is intimidation Concerning the dispute over private grades

Member of the State of Law Coalition, Muhammad Al-Saihoud, during a televised interview:

- Iraqis look forward to the work of the government and expect more

- The government is taking rapid steps to improve services and the standard of living

- Al-Sudani listens to the blocs, but nominations for positions are chosen by a specialized committee

Member of the State of Law Coalition, Muhammad al-Shammari, during a televised interview:

- Mechanisms were put in place on the government program during its approval by the Council of Ministers

- Owning agricultural land and dealing with slums is one of the solutions offered by the government to citizens

- The issue of economic files, providing job opportunities and ending unemployment will improve the conditions of the country

- The government is serious in combating corruption and eliminating the corrupt The most prominent of its procedures is the recovery of the looted funds

– members of Parliament are awaiting the 2023 budget to study, discuss and vote on it in order to run the affairs of the country and citizens.

Spokesman for the Anti-Narcotics Directorate, Colonel Bilal Sobhi, during a televised interview:

- Drugs are more dangerous than ISIS and they started robbing society

- We offered many martyrs during the pursuit of drug dealers

- We received many reports from citizens about drug dealers

- We have cooperation with families in the rehabilitation of drug abusers

- A person becomes addicted from the first time he uses crystal

- The role of the family is important In educating their children and warning them of the dangers of drugs

- there is a lack of awareness and educational programs for citizens


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Preventing Dealing With The Decisions Of The Al-Kazemi Government During The Caretaker Period

The source of the news / Iraq Agency today   Baghdad-Iraq today:  The Cabinet decided to prevent dealing with the decisions of the previous caretaker government.

And the office of the President of the Council stated in a statement that “the Council of Ministers discussed continuing to implement Federal Court Decision No. (121 of 2022), regarding the powers of the caretaker government, and approved the recommendations of the specialized committee to (reconsider all Cabinet decisions taken from the previous government during the period of conducting daily matters). From October 8, 2021 to October 27, 2022.”

The Council approved that “the legal department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in coordination with it and the Department of Cabinet Affairs, committees and relevant authorities, undertake the implementation of the recommendations in question, and not to act on the decisions and directives indicated in their regard (representation), except after each decision is presented to the Council of Ministers to take the necessary decision.” about it.”

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Parliamentarian: Al-Sudani's Decision To Grant The Heads Of Local Governments A Period Of 6 Months For Evaluation Is Incorrect

2022-12-13 04:11  Shafaq News/ Member of the Iraqi Parliament, Hadi al-Salami, described, on Tuesday, the decision of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani, to give the heads of local governments in the governorates a 6-month period to evaluate as "incorrect".

Al-Salami said, during a press conference held today, that "most of the general managers, ministers, their deputies, and governors are accused of financial and administrative corruption cases, and it was first for the Prime Minister to rely on the financial control reports and the reports of the Prevention Department issued by the Integrity Commission before making this decision," adding that Al-Sudani "He could have relied on the integrity reports for evaluation, especially since the general managers have been in their positions for many years."

He added that the Iraqi people are not a field for experiments, and the Prime Minister's decision is incorrect and incorrect, because some of the governors have been in their positions for more than 10 years.

Al-Salami continued by saying, "Our constant demand is to change the governor of Najaf due to poor services and the spread of financial and administrative corruption in the various departments of the municipal state, investment, urban planning, governorate and reconstruction." LINK

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Parliamentary Legal: More Than 170 Suspended Laws In The House Of Representatives

022-12-13 08:15  Shafaq News/ A member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee revealed, on Tuesday, that there are more than 170 suspended laws in the parliament, while pointing to the vote on the budget law in the new legislative term of the parliament.

Committee member Omid Muhammad told Shafaq News agency, "There are more than 170 suspended laws in all parliamentary committees, and they have accumulated since the previous sessions of the House of Representatives," noting that "there are two reasons for delaying and enacting laws. The first is the large number of laws and their disruption from previous sessions, and the second reason is political events. which took place in the first legislative year of the current session.

He added, "In my opinion, work should be done to draw up a table of suspended laws and distribute them into categories (A, B, and C) to know the important and most important laws, including the civil service law and the amendment of the general amnesty."

And Muhammad stated, "After the completion of the cabinet, there is no justification for the House of Representatives not to legislate laws," stressing that "the new legislative term of the House of Representatives will witness the enactment of many important laws, including the general budget law for the year 2023."   LINK

The Office Of The Prime Minister's Adviser For Human Rights Receives Nearly 3,000 Complaints

Political | 11:02 - 12/13/2022  Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Office of the Prime Minister's Adviser for Human Rights received nearly 3,000 complaints.

The office stated, according to the official agency, that “the Prime Minister’s Adviser for Human Rights held a meeting with the head of the Public Prosecution Service to discuss mechanisms for joint cooperation and the possibility of moving complaints against human rights violators in prisons and situations regarding cases of allegations of torture that were received via e-mail to the Office of the Adviser, which amounted to Approximately (3000) complaints.”

He added, “The provision of all legal guarantees for the accused was discussed,” stressing that “all procedures and classification of complaints will be announced during the coming period.” Ended 29 / H


Parliament intends to cut its legislative recess immediately upon the arrival of the budget law[/size]

Sumerian special   14-12-2022 | 05:00 Source:  Sumerian  459 views  After the Ministry of Finance finished preparing the budget law and sending it to the government, the odds indicate that the law will reach parliament within a week, whose deputies confirm the possibility of interrupting its legislative recess as soon as the law enters the corridors of the parliament.

Parliament has no objection to cutting off its legislative recess if the budget law arrives in the coming days after the government finishes preparing it, as it is likely that the law will reach Parliament during the next week.

On the other hand, deputies believe that all previous budgets did not do justice to the central and southern governorates, especially those that produce oil.   LINK

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