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Wednesday Evening Iraq Parliament News Highlights 10-5-22

Wednesday Evening Iraq Parliament News Highlights 10-5-22

Blackshart Surrounds The Security Council: Differences Dominate Over The Language Of Dialogue In Iraq

Shafaq News/ Today, Tuesday, the United Nations representative in Iraq, Jenin Blaskharat, told the UN Security Council that differences prevail over the language of dialogue in the country, noting that the southern governorates are witnessing armed skirmishes and the political class is unable to resolve the crisis.

In her briefing to the Security Council on the situation in Iraq and the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Plasschaert said that "over the past twelve months, discord and the political influence game has taken priority over a sense of common duty, and actors along the political spectrum have left the country." In a long-term stalemate, the Iraqis were held hostage to an unpredictable and intolerable situation, turning into armed clashes."

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"There is no justification for violence. With the still very real risk of further strife and bloodshed, we can only reiterate the importance of keeping any protest away from violence. All parties must act responsibly in times of heightened tension."

"For the dialogue to come to fruition, it is very important that all parties participate in it. There are solutions. But only if there is a willingness to reach compromises. In the end, it all comes down to political will. All leaders must take responsibility," she added. She said, "The disappointment of the people has reached the sky. Many Iraqis have lost confidence in the ability of the political class in Iraq to work for the benefit of the country and its people. Continuing failure to address this loss of confidence will only exacerbate Iraq's problems."

She pointed out that "the political system and the system of governance in Iraq ignore the needs of the Iraqi people. The rampant corruption represents a major root cause of dysfunction in Iraq. No leader can claim that he is protected from it. Keeping the system "as is" will rebound with negative results." LINK

Blackshart Left The Security Council With "One Conclusion"

 Shafaq News/ The representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jenin Hennis-Plasschaert, said on Tuesday that the time has come for all Iraqi parties to sit at the dialogue table.

"After today's session in the UN Security Council, there is only one conclusion: it is time for all parties to sit down at the dialogue table, collectively commit to tangible solutions and move the country back from the brink," Plasschaert said in a tweet seen by Shafak News.

Earlier today, Tuesday, Blaskharat briefed the UN Security Council on the situation in Iraq and the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), in which she stressed that differences prevail over the language of dialogue in the country, noting that the southern governorates are witnessing armed skirmishes and the political class is not able to resolve the crisis.

"The disappointment of the people has reached sky-high. Many Iraqis have lost faith in the ability of Iraq's political class to work for the benefit of the country and its people. Continuing failure to address this loss of confidence will only exacerbate Iraq's problems," said Blackshart.

She pointed out that "the political system and the system of governance in Iraq ignore the needs of the Iraqi people. The rampant corruption represents a major root cause of dysfunction in Iraq. No leader can claim that he is protected from it. Keeping the system "as is" will rebound with negative results." LINK

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The Representative Of Iraq Calls On The Security Council To Support "Sovereignty" And Talks About "Forming The Government"

Shafaq News/ Iraq's representative to the United Nations, Muhammad Hussein Bahr al-Ulum, requested on Tuesday the United Nations Security Council to support Iraq's sovereignty and condemn external attacks, stressing that the Iranian bombing of the city of Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region, left victims and terrified the population.

The representative of Iraq said in a speech during the UN Security Council session on developments in Iraq, that "the Iranian bombing led to the martyrdom of Iraqis and terrorized the population, and we call upon the Security Council to support Iraq's sovereignty and condemn any external aggression from any side."

Yesterday, Monday, the Iranian bombardment was renewed, for the eighth consecutive day, targeting the Seidkan district in the independent Soran administration, Erbil. On September 26, the Counter-Terrorism Service in the Kurdistan Region announced that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard launched a missile attack on the region in four stages, which left "13 martyrs and 58 wounded."

With regard to the internal political situation, Iraq's representative to the United Nations said that "the stalemate in the political process delayed the formation of the new government," adding that "the Iraqi political forces entered into a constructive and serious dialogue to reach understandings."

"Efforts are going on to form a new government that meets the people's basic aspirations," he noted.

He said, "These days pass the third anniversary of the peaceful demonstrations of October 2019 led by the youth of Iraq calling for reform and fighting corruption," explaining that "the security forces dealt with high professionalism in maintaining peaceful demonstrations and avoiding clashes."

Bahr Al-Uloum pointed out that "Iraq is committed to the international community in combating terrorism, and we look forward to receiving the UN Under-Secretary for Combating Terrorism in the near future."

He added, "Iraq calls on the United Nations to strengthen its field presence and the international community to restore its nationals in al-Hol camp and hand over those wanted to Iraq. Iraq reiterates its call not to use its territory to settle scores and calls on the Security Council to seriously consider this matter."   LINK

The Federal Court Ruled That The Authority Of The Electoral Commission In The Kurdistan Region Was Unconstitutional

The Federal Court ruled that the authority of the Electoral Commission in the Kurdistan Region was unconstitutional   LINK

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L-Hakim: Side Conflicts Will Not Bring Anything New Except To Disrupt And Harm The Interests Of Citizens

Iraq  13:07 - 10-5-2022  Today, Wednesday, the leader of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, called for a concession to Iraq and the supreme national interest, while stressing that side conflicts will not bring anything new except obstruction.

Al-Hakim said, in a statement, "developments in political affairs in Iraq, mechanisms for completing the constitutional benefits, forming a national service government, and ways to strengthen relations between Iraq and France, files that were the focus of discussion during our meeting with the French ambassador in Baghdad, His Excellency Eric Chevalier."

He added: "We renewed our call to end the current political crisis through dialogue and compromise with Iraq and the supreme national interest, and indicated that side conflicts will not bring anything new except to disrupt and harm the interests of citizens."

He stressed, "the importance of investing in the promising opportunities offered by Iraq in reconstruction," noting "Iraq's firm desire to open up to everyone in order to achieve its interests and preserve its sovereignty."

And he continued: "We listened to France's position, which respects the will of the Iraqis in choosing their representatives and stands at the same distance from everyone, as the ambassador expressed his admiration for the Iraqi national cohesion, which was manifested in the fortieth visit of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)."     https://kirkuktv.net/AR/Details/9436

Saleh Muhammad Al-Iraqi Sets Three Pages To Publish Instructions To The Sadrists: Boycott Everything Else

Shafaq News/ The so-called "Sadr Minister" Saleh Muhammad al-Iraqi identified, on Wednesday, three pages, which he said have the right to publish directions and instructions for followers of the movement.

According to a statement by al-Iraqi, the pages are, Muqtada al-Sadr’s Twitter page, the page of al-Sadr’s office, in addition to the leader’s minister and Musleh Muhammad al-Iraqi, where he indicated to be careful in that only.

Al-Iraqi added that "everything other than it either does not represent the movement as an official page, but rather expresses its own and personal orientations, or they are harmful pages and incitement to violence and strife. Sadr’s reputation and degenerate style in its publications and hostile many countries and regions with great regret, we draw your attention, even if the owners of these pages claim to belong to us, they should close those public or even personal pages, under the direct direction of His Eminence.    LINK

Al-Mandalawi Chairs A Meeting To Discuss The Latest Security Situation In The Country

Political | 12:54 - 05/10/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, chaired, today, Wednesday, a meeting of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee to discuss the latest security situation in the country.

The media office of the First Deputy stated in a statement that Mawazine News received a copy of it, that "Al-Mandlawi chaired a meeting of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, in the presence of the Minister of Interior and the advanced cadre in the ministry, to discuss a number of important files, including the security situation throughout the country."

The statement added that "the meeting also discussed the recent events of Nasiriyah and the follow-up of the ministry's disbursement of funds allocated in the Food Security Law." Ended 29 / 99


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After The Decline Of October's Momentum, An Expected Mobilization Demands The Speedy Formation Of The Government, And The Framework Gives The Kurds A Specific Deadline For Settlement

October 5, 2022   Baghdad / Obelisk: The coordination framework gave the Kurdish component 10 days to agree on a single candidate for the presidency, coinciding with expected demonstrations calling for the speedy formation of the government.

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, still rejects all dialogue proposals, but he has not thrown himself out of the political process once and for all.

A member of the coordination framework, Abbas Al-Amiri, said that after the last meeting of the political forces, the framework gave the Kurdish component ten days to agree on one candidate for the presidency.

He added that the process of opening up to the Sadrist movement is not currently included in the adoptions of the coordination framework.

Thus, the Kurdish parties (the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) will either agree on one candidate, or each of them will go with his candidate and put him in the national space under the dome of Parliament and vote on it.

In both cases, when naming the next president of the republic, the framework candidate, Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani, will be tasked with forming the cabinet in the next government.

But the framework is trying to use the street card again by organizing a demonstration to pressure the political parties to expedite the formation of the new government with full powers.

According to the statement of the Preparatory Committee for the Mass Movement, the demonstration aims to end chaos and lawlessness, hold the spoilers accountable, complete the next year’s budget, reduce the cost of living and the risks of the upcoming economic crisis, and expedite the election of the president of the republic and assign the candidate to head the government.

Observers warn of the return of tensions again to the street between the current framework, especially after the framework's success in resuming the work of Parliament and is currently seeking to move towards forming a government.

Iraq is experiencing the longest crisis of its kind, as differences between the political forces have prevented the formation of a new government since the last elections that took place on October 10, 2021.

While the crisis is moving away from the demonstration arenas after the failure of October 2022, most roads have opened in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

In a tweet by Auf Rahwmy, the Sadrist movement could have cooperated with the Tishreen demonstrators for change.

The obelisk monitored hundreds of tweets acknowledging the failure of the October 2022 demonstrations.

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Hussein Daoud wrote: The demonstrations calmed down due to the failure, sabotage and chaos of October.

And Batoul Al-Ali wrote: I live in London and people hope for superpowers, money 2024! Faeq Da'boul is one of the main reasons for the failure of the October Revolution.

The researcher, Adnan Abu Zeid, said in a controversial article published by the Obelisk and reported by several agencies that the October 2022 million was called “Coaster’s Qibta,” instead of a million uprising, and when we predicted this in advance, we were accused of being in charge of the authority.

He added: Those who call themselves the leaders of Tishreen, or its thinkers, tweet and consider their safe and luxurious headquarters, and they are represented on satellite channels all the time, without going to the Al-Watis Square.

Abu Zeid considered that the demonstrators rushed to the square, without a method, and they believed that crossing the Jumhuriya Bridge checkpoint and invading the Green Zone would bring down the regime, and this is shortsightedness and a lack of awareness of the mechanisms of change.

Three years have passed since October, and the organizers of the promised Charin have not been able to organize their ranks or work mechanisms.

He concluded by saying: There are those who call for a new coming October, despite the accumulated failure, as if it were a football league. The revolution is a revolution in its moment. Either it succeeds or fails.

The blogger Ali Hussein said that the instigators of the demonstration, most of them tweeted in their palaces and in the capitals of neighboring countries and Europe, while the field commanders withdrew and left the demonstrators, indicating that these actions are treason.

Hussein Abu Maamel Al-Saadi wrote on Twitter, in the colloquial dialect, that the toughest enemies of Tishreen are people who are outside, looting money and looking at how they are.

Prepared by Muhammad Al-Khafaji    https://almasalah.com/archives/21244

Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi Talks About 3 'Dangerous' Concepts In Plasschaert's Speech

Baghdad - people       The former official in charge of forming the Iraqi government, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, spoke, on Wednesday, about three concepts that he described as dangerous, which the UN envoy, Jenin Plasschaert, addressed in her briefing to the UN Security Council yesterday.  

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  Allawi said in a comment followed by "Nass" (October 5, 2022): "The first: the political system and the government sector work for the interest of the political class and not to serve the people, but against the interest of the people, and political disputes affected the citizens because it is not possible to predict their end."

  He added, "The second: the political class is unable to resolve the crisis, and any Iraqi leader can drag the country into a bloody conflict."

  He continued, "The third: that the regime remains as it is will lead to bad results as soon as differences prevail over the language of dialogue and the southern provinces are witnessing armed skirmishes."

  He pointed out that "what the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations mentioned is the reality itself, and requires a responsible attitude to alleviate the state of tension from every honest Iraqi citizen who wants the best for his country, whether he is a social symbol or a political class or outside it, as we are on the edge of the abyss."  

  He continued, "I repeat my previous statement, our situation now is like Lebanon's situation on the eve of the civil war in 1974, where Iraq is now like Lebanon at that time. There is a state of social tension, confrontations, deaths and the absence of a horizon for understanding. Unfortunately, the main orientation of the conflicting parties is to believe that they are on the right and they are the victors, and the wills must be broken.

The other parties, then a war that lasted sixteen years in Lebanon and claimed the lives of more than (120,000) people, destroyed many cities, especially the center of Beirut, and its repercussions were the collapse of the lira, the collapse of the Lebanese economy, which we are witnessing now, and the disappearance of all deposits of depositors in banks.

  Allawi said, "To protect our country from destruction and collapse, all conflicting parties must seek wisdom and reason, and make all efforts to withdraw the fuse of strife, because otherwise the country will slide into abyss."      https://www.nasnews.com/view.php?cat=95127

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