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Wednesday Afternoon Iraq Parliament News Highlights 9-7-22

Wednesday Afternoon Iraq Parliament News Highlights 9-7-22

The Federal Court postpones consideration of all cases except for the dissolution of Parliament - urgent

Policy   2022-09-07 | 06:09   4,794 views   Today, Wednesday, the Federal Court decided to postpone consideration of all cases, except for the case for dissolving Parliament.  A judicial source told   Alsumaria news   The Federal Court decided to postpone consideration of all cases, except for the case for dissolving Parliament.

The substance of the lawsuit, which was submitted by the Sadrist bloc, addresses accusations of failing to elect a president of the republic and violating the constitutional deadlines for forming the new government.


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The Judiciary Is Speaking Today, Claiming The Dissolution Of Parliament And Attempts To Represent Al-Sadr In The “Roadmap” Committee

Posted On2022-09-07 By Sotaliraq      Baghdad / Tamim Al-Hassan

Today, attention returns once again to the Federal Court on the issue of dissolving Parliament after postponing the pronouncement of the decision 4 times.

On the other hand, attempts are being made to represent the Sadrists in the "road map" committee that emerged from the government palace meeting the day before yesterday.

And the coordinating framework and the forces allied with it assume the resumption of parliament sessions after the visit of the Arbaeen of Imam Hussein, without forming a government.

The differences within the Shiite bloc are slowing down the movement towards choosing a new government because of the objections of Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the Sadrist movement.

The latter is still up to now on its refusal to negotiate with the political forces, or to form committees to prepare for the next stage.

Close to the Sadrist movement confirmed in an interview yesterday with (Al-Mada) in the context of reactions to the recent "national dialogue" meeting that the leader of the movement: "refuses to sit with the corrupt or deal with committees produced by that political class."

The meeting at the Government Palace last Monday announced the formation of a committee to study the re-election and change the law and the commission.

Those close to al-Sadr added that "the leader of the Sadrist movement demanded the dissolution of parliament because this council, with its current formation, is unable to reform."

Al-Sadr had renewed, during the political summit at the Government Palace in Baghdad, which he boycotted for the second time, his famous phrase in which he refuses to submit to "Eastern or Western" agendas.

It was understood from the timing of the new "tweet" that it came in response to leaks about the presence of foreign hands trying to take the political forces gathered to boycott the movement to another direction.

Al-Sadr said in a tweet yesterday on “Twitter”: “Continue to reform, no matter what happens. I and my companions are neither Eastern nor Western. He (Ibn Al-Dua’i) will not rule over us, whoever he is.”

The leader of the current had expected his opponents to go to meet his demands to dissolve parliament after he intervened to stop the Green Zone clashes last week.

Al-Sadr's minister considered after that that the demands for the resumption of parliament sessions were "impudent", before the coordination framework retreated and its convening was postponed until after the "Forty days" (dissolving after 10 days).

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This prompted the postponement to an implicit truce between the Sadrist movement and its opponents, but it is likely to be violated while awaiting the Federal Court's decision on dissolving Parliament.

Today, the court is supposed to consider the case that has been postponed 4 times (one of which was due to the curfew last week following the events of Al-Khadra).

Last month, Nassar al-Rubaie, Secretary-General of the Sadrist bloc, filed a lawsuit against the three presidencies to dissolve the House of Representatives for its fifth session, and oblige the President of the Republic to set a date for legislative elections in accordance with the provisions of Article 64/second of the constitution.

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, had called on the Supreme Judicial Council to dissolve parliament within a period not exceeding 20 August, and assigning the President of the Republic to set a date for early elections, but the Council responded to al-Sadr's request to dissolve parliament, saying: "He does not have this authority. ».

The lawsuit included accusations of failing to elect a president of the republic and violating the constitutional timings for forming the new government.

The coordinating framework, according to one of the leaders of the parties close to the Shiite bloc, tends to the fact that the Federalist's decision will recommend Parliament to dissolve itself.

In an interview with Al-Mada, the leader close to Al-Attar said: "There is no legal basis for dissolving Parliament except what the constitution mentioned in Article 64, and therefore the court may go to recommend according to the known mechanisms for this procedure."

Article 64 of the constitution states: “First: The Council of Representatives is dissolved, by an absolute majority of its members, at the request of one-third of its members, or a request from the Prime Minister and with the approval of the President of the Republic. The Council may not be dissolved during the period of questioning the Prime Minister.

Second: The President of the Republic, upon dissolving the House of Representatives, shall call for general elections in the country within a maximum period of sixty days from the date of the dissolution.

As for the decisions of the last meeting called by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, the leader says that: “All the forces that participated in the meeting will nominate their representatives in the technical committee.”

The leader revealed "attempts and efforts by the political forces to place a representative of the Sadrist movement in the committee, which will study the mechanisms and timing of holding new elections, the method of financing the elections, and setting initial visions for a new election law and the replacement of the Commission."

The second decision of the six contents concluded by the summit meeting emphasized the formation of a "technical team from various political forces." To mature common visions and ideas about the road map for a national solution, and to bring points of view closer; In order to reach «early elections, and achieve their requirements by reviewing the electoral law, and reconsidering the commission».

In all cases, the leader of a party close to the "framework", who asked not to be named, confirms that "the political forces will proceed to hold parliament sessions after the Arbaeen visit, whether he accepts or rejects the Sadrist movement."

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And that «the upcoming parliamentary sessions will be concerned with the legislation of 25 deferred laws, and we will leave the issue of forming a government until after the understandings».

The leader reveals that the existence of different views within the «framework» about proceeding with the formation of the government without the approval of the Sadrists, is what disrupts the understandings about this procedure.   LINK

Exciting Details From Barbara Leaf's Visit To Iraq: I Gave Officials Severe Warnings

Shafaq News/ Informed political sources revealed today, Wednesday, the reason behind the visit of the Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf to Iraq and holding meetings for her with a number of Iraqi officials and leaders

The sources told Shafaq News Agency, "Lev's visit came in order to deliver international warning messages to Iraqi officials and leaders regarding the political crisis and its evolution into an armed conflict, which threatens the Iraqi situation at various levels."

She indicated that "Barbara Leaf stressed, during her meetings with Iraqi officials and leaders, to resolve the crisis quickly and prevent any escalation that might repeat the events of the Green Zone, and repeating that means the international community will intervene strongly to resolve the political dispute, and the collapse of the Iraqi regime cannot be allowed by the international actors." Especially Washington.

The informed political sources added that "the Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs, Barbara Leaf, stressed the need not to marginalize the Sadrist movement in political decisions during the next stage, and to work to achieve what he can achieve from the demands he wants through dialogue and understanding between all political parties. without marginalizing any political party.

Yesterday, US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf said that the Iraqi political scene is "on the edge of the abyss", stressing that his country will not favor one person over another in Iraq.

Barbara Leaf said in an interview with "Al-Arabiya Al-Hadath" channel, that "the stability and security of Iraq are among the priorities of the US administration," explaining that "the Iraqi political scene is on the edge of the abyss and we are following it closely."

He added, "The political conflict in Iraq can only be resolved through dialogue," noting that "the current dialogue hosted by Al-Kazemi is a correct path and the leaders should invest it."

The US Assistant Secretary of State pointed out that "the United States does not seek to impose its will on any Iraqi party, and does not favor one person over another in Iraq," stressing that "the United States or even Iran should not impose a solution."

He added, "We want to see a sovereign Iraqi state to play its pivotal role in the region," noting that "the Iraqi state plays an important and fundamental role in the region now."

He continued, "It is possible for us to sit with our Iraqi friends and hear from them, and we want Iraq to participate in the war on terrorism."

He said, "The Iraqis choose their path, not Iran or anyone else," noting that "the Iranian government and the regime in Iran are trying to interfere in Iraq and countries in the region."

He stressed that "any government of free and fair elections we will support," noting that "Iraq has $85 billion in the US Federal Fund."   LINK

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Barzani: We Do Not Mind Holding Early Elections In Iraq, Provided That A Political And Legal Ground Is Prepared For Them

Shafaq News/ The Kurdish leader, Massoud Barzani, confirmed on Wednesday that there is no objection to holding early elections in Iraq, provided that a political and legal ground is prepared for them.

This came during his meeting in Salah al-Din Resort, Barbara Leaf, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs, and her accompanying delegation, consisting of the US Ambassador to Iraq, Elena Romanowski, and the US Consul General in the Kurdistan Region, Ervin Hicks Jr.

During the meeting, the Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs conveyed President Biden's greetings to Leader Barzani, noting that President Biden views the Kurdistan Region with great importance, and that the region is one of the country's foreign policy priorities, stressing that the sovereignty and stability of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq are the basis of stability. and development in the region.

In another aspect of her speech, she stressed that her country is very concerned about the relations between the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi federal government, and expressed her appreciation for the role of Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani in addressing differences in accordance with the principles of the constitution, calling on him to play a greater role with his wisdom and influence in addressing problems and ending the political blockage. in Iraq.

In the same meeting, Leader Barzani welcomed the guest delegation and expressed his greetings and appreciation to President Biden. He also briefed on the political situation in Iraq and the reasons for the blockage, stressing that the source of problems and the political crisis in Iraq is due to Baghdad's lack of commitment to the constitution, and the absence of principles of partnership, balance and consensus. In the political process, the lack of respect for the results of elections and the democratic process.

Barzani stressed that the differences and outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad must be resolved within the framework of the constitution, and that any agreement that takes place in this framework must be on this basis and work on it clearly and seriously, and no party should try to erase the other, and the constitution must be respected.

With regard to the idea of ​​holding early elections in Iraq, Barzani stressed that "there is no objection to holding early elections provided that a political and legal ground is prepared for them, and that no party or component is marginalized and that the election results are respected."   LINK

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The Sadrist Movement Files A Lawsuit Against Nuri Al-Maliki And Requests The Issuance Of An Arrest Warrant And A Travel Ban

Shafaq News/ The Secretary-General of the Sadrist bloc, Nassar al-Rubaie, filed a lawsuit against the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, regarding the audio leaks attributed to the latter.

The lawsuit showed a request to issue an arrest warrant against Al-Maliki and prevent him from traveling.



And yesterday, Tuesday, an informed judicial source revealed to Shafak News Agency, that investigations are still in place in accordance with legal and fundamental procedures, with regard to audio leaks attributed to the owners.

And he indicated that "there are many specialized bodies participating in this investigation to reach the facts, and there is no pressure on the judicial authorities to close this file. Rather, there is a legal process that the investigation authorities are going through to announce the results in the near future."

On the nineteenth of last June, the Supreme Judicial Council announced that the Karkh Investigation Court (in Baghdad) had received a request submitted to the Public Prosecution to take legal measures regarding the audio leaks.

In his speech, according to the recordings published by journalist blogger Ali Fadel, Al-Maliki touched on topics related to Sunni Arabs that were considered sectarian, in addition to describing the "popular mobilization" as "a nation of cowards", while talking about arming clans and groups estimated at 20,000 fighters on the ground, asking him for support. Financially, logistically and legally, and he promised to provide this, in order to protect him from the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr, who wants to "slaughter everyone," according to Al-Maliki.

The former prime minister also spoke about "financial and administrative corruption" in the PMF, and about the fact that the "Badr" organization, led by Hadi al-Amiri, receives financial salaries for about 40,000 people, while it does not have that number on the ground.

After these recordings, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, asked al-Maliki to surrender himself and those who sought refuge from the corrupt to the judicial authorities.

The "Technology for Peace" team, the most famous Iraqi technical team, had confirmed the authenticity of the recordings attributed to al-Maliki, and said that they were "not fabricated", noting in a report published earlier, that "despite the repeated denials of the owners of those recordings, and his claim I fabricated it by quoting and fitting excerpts from his voice to appear in this way, but the observations we made about the audio clip prove otherwise.    LINK

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