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We Kick Off 2021 With a Massive Debt and the Biggest Deficit in History

The Atlantis Report

We Kick Off 2021 with a Massive Debt and The Biggest Deficit in History

Premiered 3 hours ago

We Start 2021 with a Massive Debt and The Biggest Deficit in History As expected, The US government kicked off fiscal 2021 with the biggest deficit in history.

The Federal Reserve has increased the money supply by an astounding amount. The national debt is not just growing; it is exploding.

Over the past two weeks, we have seen $900 Billion for the stimulus package, and now another $760 Billion for defense magically created out of thin air.

It ranks as the second-largest stimulus bill in history, only behind the CARES Act passed earlier this year.

The money supply continues to expand at record pace.It grew by 37.08% year-on-year. Where does all this cash come from? It comes from The printing presses of The Fed.

 America is broke, the most indebted nation on Earth. A debt slave nation with debt enslaved people by design. All this new debt- just over the past two weeks, is massively dollar negative and stock market positive. Expect NEW record highs in the market.

The US government is increasingly relying on the Federal Reserve to prop up the Treasury market and absorb the trillions of dollars in bonds it’s issuing in order to fund its massive budget deficits.

The Fed now holds a record 16.5% of US debt. And it’s going to have to buy trillions of dollars of additional Treasuries in 2021 to keep pace with government borrowing.

Once you’ve let a Ponzi scheme in asset prices develop, you have to keep propping it up. When it collapses, it will feed back into the financial system.

The more you inflate the bubble, the worse it will be when asset prices do collapse. The poor things just can’t win. The Fed has to keep interest rates at these artificially low levels to continue the borrowing binge necessary to keep the economy propped up.

But what happens when the inevitable inflation gets too hot? Eventually, the dollar has to give way.

For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com


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