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Vee, Ben Fulford, Lynette Zang and more Monday Afternoon 3-16-2020

Thank you Vee

"Hot News!" by Vee - 3.16.20

Entry Submitted by Vee at 10:52 AM EDT on March 16, 2020

I'm at the county court building at the law library .. I just heard and talked with head librarian ..

ALL courts will be shout down stating tomorrow. except for emergency reasons. here is the link


Many years ago when I first started my journey in understanding the law - legal system .. I had read that when the judiciary cease to function that the States will become under Marshall Law.. we are under a quasi soft one now. Many years ago I thought that the only reason that the judiciary would cease would be because of economics reasons.. not able to pay the Judges et al.

Is this the reason ?? the change form the Fiat to the asset ? Remember a week ago I told you how the clerks were scanning every thing inventory everything.

Everyone check out your States … this is a huge big deal.

Midwestman ,, chill.. 'Take it Easy" it's about to drop.. the Meastro is conducting.

Remember Remember The Fifth of November


this also was post on the entry door to the county court building


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Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  ...Trump said "I think we are going to have a tremendous bounce when this is over." ...that recoil affect.  That boomerang effect.  That slingshot effect.  IMO I really think Trump talked to the markets and he said just pull back and hold on. Once this coronavirus thing is over and done with and the democrats are done exaggerating and the media finally finished their nonsense let's get back to work. In fact IMO...what if we reward a few counties? ...what if we allow a few countries to go ahead and raise the value of their currencies starting with Iraq?  Wow!  ...we have 330 million Americans in the United States.  How many of them you think now have dinar?  Man we are going to rock the world!  

Jeff   Article "Legal Expert:  After the failure of the seven committee...constitutionally Salih takes over the Prime Minister with his full powers"   The president will act as the prime minister.  So they have a stable government.  Good.  That's all we need.  So they do have an acting prime minister...

Jeff   The Trump administration is in charge of everything right now IMO.  He picked this to happen shortly before the US elections.  He can use this as a tool to promote himself on a strong economy for re-election...


It’s getting biblical folks as Pope vanishes, Mecca shuts down for the first time in history

March 16, 2020   By Benjamin Fulford

The events that are now unfolding have gone beyond black swan and become biblical in their proportions.

In the Islamic world, Mecca has shut down for the first time in history.


Among the Christians, the pope has vanished and Queen Elizabeth has gone into hiding (see the very revealing letter to the editor following this report that may explain the real reason she is hiding).

Meanwhile, the Jews are being liberated for the first time in 5,780 years as they oust Satan-worshipping Benjamin Netanyahu from power.


The trigger for these events was a refusal by the Chinese people, on February 16th, 2020, to pay any further tribute to the ancient Satanic bloodline families. This happened when Chinese leaders told the United States Corporation they would not ship any more physical stuff unless they are paid with things that actually exist in the real world. In other words, they broke the ancient Satanic money magic illusion.

The so-called pandemic that ensued was a combination of a biological and electromagnetic warfare retaliatory attack on China. Although the attack apparently caused mass casualties in Wuhan, it failed to intimidate or bow the Chinese people.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian publicly asked:

“When did patient zero begin in the U.S.? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the U.S. army that brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! The U.S. owes us an explanation!”

For a government spokesperson to say such things is tantamount to a declaration of war (See the late-breaking news below for the answer by the U.S. white hats).

What people are now witnessing is a desperate battle by the ancient ruling Satanic bloodlines to scare people back into submission with pandemic fear porn. For example, when I looked at the first 40 stories on the international news Reddit feed, 35 of them were about the so-called pandemic.

One Pentagon source observed:

“The extremely long list of celebrities and first ladies (Spain, Canada) all coming out to announce that they allegedly have Covid-19. So many in fact it’s absolutely ludicrous, considering that they never frequent the subway or mingle with the unwashed and the deplorable. The list included over 157 people, which doesn’t compute with the true statistics of non-celebrities diagnosed with it.”

Let’s stop for a minute to think rationally about this so-called pandemic. Every year about 15 million people die from respiratory ailments. Even conservative estimates say the flu kills over 300,000 people annually. And yet here we have extreme hysteria over a few thousand deaths of people whose average age is 80-years old.



What is really going on is a global slave revolt against ancient Satanic bloodline ruling families who are now being systematically hunted down by special forces, according to multiple sources.

Already, many of the ancient bloodline families are trying to negotiate surrender terms, P3 and WDS sources say. “Old black nobility families are ready to surrender,” confirms Vincenzo Mazzara of the P3. The Rothschilds and other families hiding in Switzerland and New Zealand are also negotiating surrender, WDS sources say.

We are also hearing tales from the Gnostic Illuminati and the P3 Freemasons of a war that has been raging for thousands of years. They say planet Earth was placed under quarantine thousands of years ago after a powerful entity………

The rest of post is for subscribed members only until midnight Thursday where it will be available to all…..


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Lynette Zang

The Historic Panic Elevates - The Importance of Getting into Position Now

Streamed live 3 hours ago 


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