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Tuesday Night X22 Reports 3-10-2020

Wait Time Is Over, Trump Makes His Move On The Economy, Watch The News - Episode 2118a

X22 Report:  Mar 10, 2020

Wait time is over, Trump is now pushing his economic policies forward, timing is everything.

Trump is now proposing, stimulus, tax cuts, this is all part of the plan, watch the news the economy is about to take off.

Right on schedule Trump attacks the Fed again, calling out the Fed, that the Fed is a follower not a leader, boom!!


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Silent Running Tactics Engaged, Protective Measures Are In Place - Episode 2118b

X22 Report:  Mar 10, 2020

The [DS]/MSM are giving their event everything it has, they only have a short period of time, then the event dies out.

Trump and the patriots know this. Trump is taking advantage of this, while the MSM/[DS] push fear, Trump is preparing the country and getting ready to expose it all

When all is said and done, Trump will become stronger than before, the [DS] failed in it's mission.

Trump called out the [DS] letting them know it will be over soon, protective measures in place, silent running tactics engaged.


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