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Tuesday Evening Update with MarkZ and Rod Steele 12-21-2021

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ 12/21/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Hi Mark, really want to see you in that gold shirt or hat!!

MZ: They continue to keep the redemption folks in the centers. They have actually asked them to stay late tonight. My contacts were asked to stay late this evening.  So a partial crew is working late into the evening…and they expect to work tomorrow. and work late all week except Christmas eve.

MZ: They still have not released bond funds yet. They were hoping for a release of funds about 3 hours ago and are still hoping for tonight. They are literally pacing tonight.

MZ: Hoping for good news overnight tonight.

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MZ: (Gets a phone call from Rod Steele) Rod , do you have any news tonight

Rod Steele: I don’t have any better news from the banking side but I did get news from the Prosperity Program side….a Pentagon source said that they have their best intentions to get notices out before Christmas. And my treasury source is still saying before Christmas too.

RS: And Iraq is still saying they are going to announce their Prime Minister on the 22nd.

MZ: That would fit with them asking bank staff to stay late and work extra hours even though they are twiddling their thumbs. My treasury source also says “Before Christmas” but, they are sure getting down to the wire, down to the skinny of it.

RS: If we could just get a notice before Christmas…or even between Christmas and New Years I would be tickled.

MZ: Actually that’s what I think we are looking at now…getting notices and maybe setting our appointments for after the holidays

RS: There are too many people and to short a time span right now.

MZ: But if we get notices –I’ll take it….It would be wonderful just to know it is done.

Member: On the last day of Christmas, the Elders gave to me, a big fat juicy RV!  $$$$$

Member:  Question: if nothing happens are the whales going to stay in place for Christmas while the people in the redemption centers go home???????

Member: Did anyone see the article where Iraq made it's last payment to Kuwait?

Member: That was good news.

Member: Iraq is also planning on paying the back pay that is due to their citizens back to October, tomorrow, the 22nd too

Member: Back pay due to the workers in the country, as they haven’t been paid until yet. This means that their currency must be revalued in order to pay them with the small category notes

Member: Dow closed up +560.54. Seems like everyday they call for the crash it shoots up.

Member: driving the market as high as possible to get as much as they can on the sell down

Member: All I can tell you is everything is in place for payout...It could be this evening or tomorrow. I think Mark will be wearing his Golden Egg shirt tomorrow. Everything is in place! YAYYYYYY!

Member: IMO  I'm going to bed a pauper and wake up a Millionaire!!!

Member: See you tomorrow morning God Bless us All Abundantly

Member: Holly tonight on Brent Johnson call at 8 pm Holly at 8:30

Brent Johnson Tuesday evening conference call at 8:00 PM EST; 605-313-5405 Access 888316# Replay 605-313-4103. Computer Link: https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/dialer

Please listen to replay for all the information

The next stream is tomorrow at 10Am est…….Unless.


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