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Transforming The Future Via The True Halls Of Power

Transforming The Future Via The True Halls Of Power

Information Briefing #166   by whitehatsauxiliaries

(Asiatic Dynastic Power Awakens. Benevolent Goals Devoid Of Parasitic Usury)

From extensive discussions today starting early morning with the Dynasty Elders, progression towards a meaningful Global reorganization is being achieved. Real people. Real leaders.

What’s coming, with key UN support, will affect all nations. Real issues. Real project needs. Real contributors, getting Real cash soon, for helping effect Real Change. People, Real people, responding when called, will help make it happen.   This will become the forward march of We the People. You – Matter!

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The last few years, out of Public sight, Elders, their wives, Attorneys and Interpreters, have been quietly progressing enormously important agendas re financing, restructuring, out of public sight.

The corridors of power. What you don’t see. 

Self help, mind power. Not an invisible Higher Power, never there when really needed, is it? That Eureka moment, to realize you’re alone. Just real people. Humble, with a respectful agenda towards our fellow man. Off radar, one agenda to put back so much.

Today was a good session. Focused consensus. Re-tracking hope, not hopium!

It’s coming. Today was a good day. Progressive and Stage One money is already stockpiled in the US! Positive steps.

It’s ready when it’s ready; and owes no one. That it’s happening, is all.

Cool nerve, calm hands now. Professionals. Important moves now. This will be the full Global deal released in stages. Huge!

Stay tuned…


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