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TNT, X22 Reports, Pimpy and more Monday Night 12-21-2020


Tishwash:  The Iraqi Council of Ministers approves the 2021 budget

The Iraqi Council of Ministers approved on Monday the country's financial budget for the next year 2021 in preparation for sending it to Parliament for a vote.

The approval came after an emergency session of the Council of Ministers that lasted for three consecutive days.

A statement issued by the office of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, received by Shafaq News, stated that the Cabinet voted on the federal budget for the fiscal year 2021, in the extraordinary session held today, Monday, headed by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

The statement gave no further details about the budget's content. 

According to the draft budget that the Shafaq News Agency reviewed a few days ago, the budget is worth 91 trillion, 790 billion, 155 million and 429 dinars, with a deficit of more than 58 trillion.

The budget estimated, according to the draft, the price of a barrel of oil on the basis of the price of 42 dollars a barrel, and an export rate of 3 million and 250 thousand barrels per day, including 250 thousand barrels exported from the Kurdistan region.

The budget also estimated the exchange rate of the dinar at 1450 per dollar, according to what was announced by the Central Bank, while the region’s share of it was determined at about 12 percent.


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Monday Night X22 Reports

 [CB] Attacks Those Countries That Are Not Going Along With Their Plan-- Ep 2359a

Congress finally passed the stimulus bill. They are telling all Americans how they really feel. After months they are now giving $600 to each person, where is the rest of the funds going.The [CB] is now pushing forward with their Great Reset plan. Those countries that are not going along with their agenda are being punished. 



Pence Waits For The Right Moment To Strike, Military Planning, Think Constitution – Ep. 2359b

The [DS]/MSM are now trapped by the constitution, the law of the land. The election results are not adding up, if we take all registered voters there are 13 million voters than registered voters. Trump has been sending this message to the people. Pence has been waiting in the wings for the right moment to strike. The clock is ticking down.



Iraqi Dinar News 12/21/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Dec 21, 2020


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Outlook 2021: Jim Rickards on Gold and the Fed

Stansberry Research:  Dec 21, 2020


LIVE! See the Great Conjunction (Christmas Star) of 2020

Once every 20 years, the two largest planets in our solar system—Jupiter and Saturn—appear to meet in Earth’s skies. This “Great Conjunction” happens next on December 21, 2020, but this time, Jupiter and Saturn will be closer than they’ve been in nearly 400 years.

December 21 also happens to be the night of the winter solstice, and the peak of the Ursid meteor shower. For most Great Conjunctions, Jupiter and Saturn are separated by about 1 degree, which is the width of two full moons in the sky. This year, they will be separated by just one-tenth of a degree, which is one-fifth the size of the full moon.

A Great Conjunction happens every 20 years, but the last time Jupiter and Saturn were this close was the year 1623. Join Lowell Observatory at 5pm MST on Monday, December 21, 2020, to celebrate the Great Conjunction with an evening of telescope viewing and commentary from Lowell's own astronomers and educators.


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