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TNT, Sierra, PIR and more Monday 4-27-2020


Tishwash:  Al-Alaq: Iraq suffers from abnormal loan repayment rates

The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, revealed today, Monday, that the rate of default in the repayment of loans to banks exceeds 20%, considering them one of the "anomalous" rates in the world.

Al-Alaq said in a statement to the newspaper "Al-Sabah", that "Iraq suffers from the existence of the phenomenon of defaulting on loan repayments, which leads to the reservation of banks on the lending process in general."

He added, "The default rate in loans exceeds 20%, and this is a record and anomalous rate compared to Iraq and the rest of the world, where the default rate does not exceed 1 or 2%."

Al-Alaq explained, "When Iraq reaches this level, it makes banks and the lending authorities hesitate a lot and ask for more guarantees."

He pointed out that "the solution to this problem lies in the existence of thinking by specialists, and that the government respond in one way or another to find a treatment for this." The matter is, because it is one of the general phenomena that make banks reluctant to provide loans. "  link

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Tishwash:  The date for the vote session on Al-Kazemi’s government

Deputy from the Kurdistan Patriotic Union bloc on Monday suggested that an extraordinary session of the parliament be held next week.

Deputy Dylan Ghaffour said, according to her party's media, that "the interactions in the Shiite house over the formation of the Al-Kazemi government did not reach a final agreement."

Ghaffour added, "The share of the Kurds in Al-Kazimi's government has not been determined yet."



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I got a new WELLS FARGO ACCNT last week, I asked the teller if I need to make an appointment for a currency EXCHANGE....

Dude jumped and got his wealth managers business card and his, then handed me both. He said PLEASE CALL US and we would love to help with your EXCHANGE.

Hum....interesting, why hand me a wealth managers business card and his.

I NEVER TOLD HIM how much I am exchanging.

Part 2. I asked if this BRANCH RECENTLY RECEIVED MORE LIQUIDITY OF CURRENCY. He looked at me and said, this month was the most fiat he has ever seen in the vault.



"New Q: Two Lights in Church Tower" by Sierra (NZ) - 4.27.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 4:59 AM EDT on April 27, 2020

A previous Q drop showed a picture of two unlit candles in a clock tower. The latest Q drop features an image of TWO LIGHTS in a church tower...


Q drop number 3988 from 26th April features a picture of two lights in the tower of the Old North Church in Boston.

Below the picture is a tweet from Maria Bartiromo from Fox News. Maria is a vocal supporter of President Trump and the Alliance.

Here is Maria Bartiromo's tweet...

'Breaking News: Sources tell me Gen Flynn will be completely exonerated this week. It was a total fraud. A set up. More tomorrow.'

Lisa Mei Crowley describes this Q drop...


'Paul Revere was told to light two lanterns to warn of British invasion by sea. With Gen Flynn's return to Twitter and impending exoneration, is this "the shot heard around the world"?'

Until his recent tweet on 25th April, General Flynn had not tweeted since 19th September 2017. Instead he frequently changed his banner pictures to send messages to World Patriots, usually images of sea or sky. His current banner picture shows a bright sun....


General Flynn held the highest security clearance in the government before he was framed by the Deep State and dismissed from his position, after an exemplary 30 year career. What is the highest security clearance? Q. Hmmmm.

It has been said that General Flynn 'knows where all the bodies are buried'. This could be both figuratively, and literally. He was right at the heart of the swamp where the dirtiest of Deep State satanists operated. Imagine the stories he will be able to tell after he is exonerated...

Q said all along that General Flynn would be freed. Future proves the past. I think we can expect the speedy unsealing of indictments and an explosive few weeks ahead.

Meanwhile, with the children rescued from the tunnels, and President Trump closing the borders to 'immigration' (drug and human trafficking) the satanists are now well and truly cornered. GITMO and military tribunals await.

The criteria of a safe exchange for the RV/GCR is being met. GESARA is already softly underway in many countries of the world. The financial rescue packages to people will morph into a Universal Basic Income. Slavery no more.

There is a great deal to be optimistic about, World Patriots. Enjoy the show!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


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And We Know

AWK News 4.27.20: Gen. Flynn Exonerated!? [DS] PAIN coming.

Apr 27, 2020


Patriot Intel Report

PIR 04 27 20

We are looking for a sudden, drastic economic change….and how it comes about may be a surprise to everyone….expect the unexpected.

Also Q did a drop….General Flynn to be exonerated this week???  He was wrongly attacked and now theose that framed him  have been exposed….it’s coming out this week…….


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